Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 191 Basilisk begging for mercy

Chapter 191 Basilisk begging for mercy

"Ah!" Hermione opened her mouth wide and was startled, not knowing how to express her expression.

This was a situation she hadn't expected at all, what about the good monsters, and what about the good demons. After being cursed by George a few times, he asked for mercy. What about the ferocity of the monster, the nature of the monster, and the integrity of the monster?

For a moment, she didn't know whether to persuade George to kill this monster or to persuade George to leave the shame of this monster world.

"The basilisk's magic defense is too high, and it is difficult for external attacks to cause damage. The huge body also ensures that it will not be easily injured by vital attacks, so it should be restricted from the beginning."

"And to really kill the basilisk, you can only attack from the inside. It likes to open its mouth. You can attack from its mouth to the upper jaw, which is close to its brain. You can also attack its internal organs directly from its mouth. ."

"But these have to be quick and accurate, you only have one chance. Once the basilisk gets hurt and shuts up, it's hard to find obvious flaws."

George didn't care about the basilisk's begging for mercy, and continued to point at the shame of the monster world with his wand, giving Harry and Hermione a little knowledge podium.

George continued, "Don't think it's easy for me to deal with it, it's because I restrained its movements from the beginning. This basilisk weighs more than ten tons, which is heavier than the largest African elephant."

"Its speed is not comparable to that of a clumsy elephant, plus the snakeskin's defense far exceeds that of dragon scales. This basilisk, which has survived for more than a thousand years, is enough to face the most powerful wild dragon head-on."

"Are monsters always monsters?" Hermione said all thinking, "As long as they are targeted, they are extremely weak."

She probably understood what George meant. No matter how powerful a beast is, as long as it is completely targeted for its weakness, it is like a beast encountering a regular army with modern weapons.

No matter how majestic and powerful it is in the food chain, in the face of specially prepared weapons and traps, in the end, it is just a beast that meets a good hunter, and it appears so fragile.

George was very satisfied with Hermione's intelligence. He nodded and continued.

"If it is a basilisk that is controlled by a wizard and follows the wizard, its lethality will be very amazing. The wizard can completely make up for the weakness of the basilisk, and the silent technique can make the basilisk not afraid of roosters, and the wizard can dispel all targets against the basilisk. The trap, so that the basilisk does not have to fear the cold and traps."

"This ten-ton, invulnerable, indestructible monster once moved.

In ancient times, it was enough to destroy an army head-on. "

George shook his head slightly, and said with some regret, "Unfortunately, that era has passed, and now it can at most fight against ordinary tanks, and it will lose more and win less, and the only advantage is that its mobility will be better. "

He paused, then continued, "Even so, the basilisk is still one of the most dangerous creatures in existence in the wizarding world. It is always the highest star on the Ministry of Magic's list of dangerous creatures, even as an adult. The wizards are also very good at it."

George sighed, "Wizards are behind the times after all."

The wizard who was once a demigod has been left far behind by modern technology because his progress is too slow. This basilisk, which has survived for more than a thousand years, can leave a name in ancient myths and legends.

But if it is today, it is very difficult to even fight a tank. An ordinary wizard who can't even deal with a basilisk is no more lethal than a fully armed adult man.

George looked up and down the basilisk, thinking about how to get rid of the basilisk, while trying to keep the valuable parts of it.

This kind of look at the prey immediately made the basilisk anxious, it opened its mouth wide, and kept hissing, and the sound contained desolation.

"It seems to be begging for mercy." Hermione said in an uncertain tone. She didn't understand snake language, but looking at the basilisk shaking her head in front of her, she only felt that its cry contained pleading and desolation.

Harry's face was like a dye house, the color kept changing, he translated for the Basilisk, "It said, I was imprisoned for a thousand years, and I was driven out of my hometown. Now, You actually broke into my territory and continued to imprison me to the end of the world"

"Please, get around me, I don't dare anymore. I don't want to go back to that boundless darkness, it's too dark, too cold, too scary, I'm afraid."

Harry just had a really bad headache, and although he could talk to snakes, he didn't really communicate much with them. And most snakes are actually not smart. They are too old to have anything in their minds except to eat meat and sleep.

The basilisk in front of him has lived for more than a thousand years, and its intelligence is even close to that of a human being. At this time, the basilisk begged so hard that he even had the illusion that he was facing a human being.

The boundless darkness and boundless cold in the Basilisk's mouth made him still fresh in his memory. He recalled his own experience, just being locked up and locked in a cabinet made him unlovable. And the basilisk has been imprisoned for a thousand years, it is very terrible, how lonely.

For a while, he actually had a little sympathy for the monster in front of him, the murderer in front of him. It was this trace of sympathy that made him unable to help translate for the Basilisk.

"This basilisk is quite literary. It really is a thousand-year-old basilisk, and its intelligence is close to that of an adult." George couldn't help being pleading for this basilisk, which caused goose bumps all over.

"Do you want to let it go?" Hermione's tone revealed unwillingness.

The basilisk attacked the teachers and students in the school, and although it didn't really kill them, the fear was real, how could the monster be let go just because it begged for mercy.

George took out a black gemstone from his body, and the gemstone was shining like a dream. He said something in his mouth, and a black light beam shot from the gem to the head of the basilisk. The head of the basilisk immediately collapsed on the ice, and the two yellow lamps also closed.

George was silent for a while, and then said, "Although Harry can control the basilisk, this thousand-year-old monster is still too dangerous."

Harry immediately waved his hands in a panic, "I can't control this terrible guy, it just imagines you surrendering, I can't control it."

Although he has a trace of sympathy because of the experience of the basilisk. But it is only a trace, just like the stray cats and dogs seen on the road, there will always be a trace of sympathy. But he is still a stray creature, but he will not bring stray cats and dogs back to raise them.

What's more, this is not a stray cat or dog, but a terrifying basilisk that can kill. He never thought to control this basilisk.

To be continued.

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