Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 155 Doing Business with Ghosts

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Chapter 155 Doing Business with Ghosts

"Humph! I will also go to Zìjǐ to find Zìjǐ's phoenix." How could Hermione be willing to lag behind, she said unceremoniously, "Although I believe that even if I really fight against Voldemort, my contribution will not be lost to you guys. , but I am also willing to tame the phoenix that belongs to me completely."

In terms of strength, Hermione would not lose to Harry and Ron. Since both Harry and Ron were able to give up the ownership of Phoenix, how could she take advantage of her friends so easily.

For a moment, Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other's eyes. I couldn't help laughing, what a strong friend.

George looked at the stubborn trio, and said helplessly, "I didn't think about it carefully. Your relationship is really good, and even the temperament is just as stubborn. In this case, I will only provide you with news about Phoenix. already."

He added, "It's not that I'm stingy, the phoenix in the magic world is rare and mysterious. If it's a dragon, I can give you a few. Unfortunately, the news of the phoenix, I have been buying it and there is no trace. If it weren't for the recent relationship. The ghost has done a business, and I have no confidence to find the news of Phoenix."

"What business did you do with the ghost?" Harry asked curiously.

"It was the death anniversary dinner of Nick who was almost headless last time. I found that there are quite a lot of ghosts in the country. Recently, there are some things that they can use. Just hire them and help me find some news." George explained. , this is the main thing he is busy with during this time.

"Oh!" Harry nodded vaguely. Although they also attended the death anniversary party together, their age and experience were not enough for them to understand the meaning of the huge number of ghosts.

George continued, "I only learned about the last death anniversary dinner because of your relationship. I have gained a lot. If you have any information you want to inquire about, I can help you with it."

"I don't have anything to ask." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione, wondering if they had anything to ask.

The two also shook their heads.

"Then I'd better let them inquire about Phoenix as soon as possible, and let's think of what to say in the future." George didn't care, and it would be the same when they had a need in the future.

Leaving the Ravenclaw dormitory and returning to the Gryffindor lounge. Harry leaned back in the soft armchair, still in a trance, as if he wanted to sleep like that.

In the morning, Hermione and Ron were still playing magic chess here, and they quarreled over magic chess. And when he just went out for a walk, he encountered a series of things.

First met a group of seemingly loyal Hufflepuffs who kept talking bad about him behind his back, then met Justin and the almost headless Nick attacked by a basilisk, and finally was framed by Peeves.

When he came out of the principal's office, he was determined to solve the basilisk problem completely, and he went to George with Ron and Hermione.

But in the end, he found out that what happened in the academy was all Dumbledore's bait. He was plotting bigger plans to fight Voldemort and defeat Voldemort's henchmen.

Too many things happened in this day, and these intricate things were intricately connected, leaving him helpless.

Even if he plucked up the courage and made up his mind to avoid the students being attacked, he didn't want to see such a situation. But he had to admit what George said, if the murderer can't be caught, killing the basilisk will only make the attack more unpredictable.

"The adult world is so complicated." Harry slumped weakly on the chair, unable to help but feel a little discouraged.

A seemingly simple attack, a seemingly simple position to protect students. In the adult world, it becomes a means of mutual game, one of them wants to spread panic by attacking, targeting Dumbledore, the headmaster of the academy. And Dumbledore also used the safety of the students as bait to induce the murderer to reveal more flaws in order to investigate and discover the murderer's trail.

This is really complicated and annoying realistic logic, but he can't interfere with the confrontation between the two sides. He can only hope that Dumbledore will solve the problem as soon as possible and let the students out of danger. Just because he is incapable of protecting his classmates in the face of the murderer's more means, when zìjǐ has no ability to protect, he can only see his classmates being used as bait.

"Then are we going to investigate Malfoy with Relapse Potion?" Ron also leaned back in a chair, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. In this weather, it's too cold to go out for a while.

Hermione was stunned for a moment and touched the nǎodài, "Let's continue, George only said that the basilisk can't be solved easily, but he didn't let us continue to investigate. If we can find anything, we can also go to Dumbledore and tell Dumbledore. The sooner the problem is solved, the sooner everyone will be safe.”

Listening to Hermione's words, Harry also gained some energy and said, "Then continue, although we can't dominate the overall situation, we are not doing nothing."

In the days that followed, the atmosphere in the academy became more and more tense. The attack this time was different from the previous one. It was not a single student, except for Justin and Nick, who was almost headless with a ghost, and the attack happened during the day.

This made the students even more terrified. They found that even avoiding going alone in groups and not traveling at night ultimately didn't protect them. They are like naked prey, appearing in front of the sharp-toothed monsters, they can't protect zìjǐ, the teacher can't protect them, and the academy can't protect them.

The only good thing is that the holidays are here, and they can finally leave this horrible academy. They scrambled to book the train leaving Hogwarts, hoping to return to a safe home earlier and have a peaceful Christmas.

I just hope that the school can solve the monsters in the academy during the holidays. Otherwise, they have to consider whether they can continue to stay in school in the new school year.

George also left school. He only has the opportunity to leave school twice a year. After all, he is not like Harry and the others, he just needs to go to school with peace of mind.

Family affairs, business affairs, including major news events in the world of ordinary people, he needs to make some plans, and he needs to deal with it during this time.

He also had a rough guess as to why the three of Harry stayed at the school. Had to tell them to pay attention to safety, let them take the big cock with them. The Academy has Dumbledore's plan at this time, and as long as they remain vigilant, it will not be very dangerous.

Harry seemed very happy that the students had left the school, and couldn't help saying, "At least you don't have to be hidden every time you're in the corridor, and you don't have to hear the gossip and chatter behind their backs."

(To be continued.)

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