Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 127: Not a Secret Secret

Chapter 127 The Secret That Is Not a Secret

George's thoughts jumped a little faster. Just now, he said that Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were acting, and they were still very bad. The news shocked the trio, and suddenly jumped to Malfoy again.

"What is Malfoy talking about, the Chamber of Secrets is opened, the heir's enemy, the next victim is" Harry had a good memory of his old enemy, although he didn't understand what George meant, he answered honestly.

"Wait, I remember where I heard about the Chamber of Secrets, I remember someone told me that the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts was probably what Bill was talking about." Ron scratched his head and thought hard.

When it came to Malfoy and the Chamber of Secrets, he seemed to think of something. He remembered that someone had told him, but it had been so long, he probably didn't care at the time, and finally he didn't remember it.

"Don't worry too much." George comforted Ron and continued, "So you see, the secret room is not a secret, Malfoy knows it, and Ron remembers someone saying it."

"So Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, they know all about it." Hermione said with certainty, and they're all here. If she can't hear George, then it's not Hermione Granger.

Harry also recalled that there was something in Malfoy's words in the corridor, "Malfoy knows the Chamber of Secrets, and even knows who the Chamber of Secrets is for." He was never able to say that dirty word.

"He's long, feng, wen, and learned, and ww⊕w.cfw∷x.ne≦t are targeting wizards from ordinary families." Hermione also remembered, at that time Malfoy said that the next victim It's you, Mudblood.

Harry and Ron immediately turned their eyes to Hermione, worried that this was the target of the murderer.

"Hermione should not act alone recently, Harry and Ron, the three of you have to stay together recently." George reminded them to protect Hermione, "We also need to find out this matter as soon as possible and solve him as soon as possible."

"We will definitely protect Hermione." Harry and Ron patted their chests and said with certainty.

Friends are in danger, and nothing inspires their fighting spirit more than this. They have fallen into the endless fighting spirit of God blocking and killing God, and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha, and sparks are shining in their eyes.

Hermione watched Harry and Ron's performance, her heart warmed, and she was very moved, but she still refused to admit defeat and said, "I'm not sure who will protect who." She would not lose to Harry and Ron.

The clock struck midnight.

"It's twelve o'clock,

Everyone, go to rest. If you have anything, we will talk about it tomorrow. "

George urged everyone to go back to rest first, even if their fighting spirit and desire for protection were inspiring them a hundredfold. But it was already late at night, no matter what, I still had to wait until I had a good rest.

Although there is an important task, those who should be in class still have to continue the class.

For the next few days, everything seemed to be business as usual. It was only in their spare time in private that Harry, Hermione, Ron, and George focused more on the rumors related to the secret room.

Knowing that Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall had acted in Lockhart's office, but did not know who they were acting for, Harry temporarily lost the voice he heard and told them his thoughts.

"They have long known about the secret room and petrification, and even made arrangements. We should investigate the secret room as soon as possible to avoid the occurrence of victims again." Both Harry and Ron thought so.

Find out what happened in the secret room as soon as possible to avoid the victim appearing again. This is important because the murderer's target is likely to include Hermione as well, since she's from the world of ordinary people.

The academy has also been very lively these days, and the students are talking about the attack on Norris.

Filch's actions also serve as a daily reminder that this is not the past.

He often walked around where Mrs Norris had been killed, perhaps trying to catch the attacker. But it's more likely that he wanted to become like Mrs. Norris, petrified by the murderer, so that he could go and accompany his only companion.

Harry also saw him use a strong stain remover, desperately scrubbing the killer's writing on the wall, but he was only doing it in vain. The words were engraved on the wall with an enchantment, the stain remover had no effect at all, and it always shimmered on the stone wall.

Harry didn't understand why the professors at the Academy, and Dumbledore, didn't want to deal with the handwriting, who were they acting for? It made him a little uneasy.

Ginny Weasley was also very upset about what happened to Mrs Norris, which Ron said was because she loved cats so much.

"You don't know Mrs. Norris, so don't worry about it." Ron persuaded Ginny, "It's a very annoying cat, and everyone is happier recently without it."

Ginny was unmoved, her lips trembling slightly.

"Hogwarts won't let the murderer go. They will catch the murderer soon and drive him out." Ron comforted Ginny, "In fact, we have some clues."

Ginny's face turned paler, and she hurriedly fled.

Ron was stunned for a moment, but didn't catch up. He wanted to accompany Hermione.

Compared with Ginny's timidity, Hermione is much stronger and braver, as a "mudblood" who may be attacked. She didn't care about the sneaky murderer.

As always, she went to class, read books, did homework, and practiced spells, and she was not even very curious about the secret room.

The only difference from the past is that no matter where you go. Harry and Ron, always had someone to accompany her, most of the time it was the two of them.

It wasn't very convenient, but Harry, Ron, and George didn't allow Hermione to go alone.

This made Hermione a little different, but she couldn't refuse the kindness of her friend.

But today, things have changed.

"The secret room is not secret." George brought them the latest news.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat all attentively waiting for George to tell them a story.

"Hogwarts was founded around AD 993 by four of the greatest and most outstanding witches and wizards of the time. They named the four houses after themselves, the Witch, Roy Narravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff. Wizard, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor."

"They built the castle together to hide from the Muggles. They worked together to recruit young people with magical potential and bring them into the castle to cultivate."

George popularized this history with them.

"Why do they avoid the eyes of Muggles? Do wizards need to be afraid of Muggles?" Hermione asked, raising her hand, she already knew this history, and immediately raised a doubt when she read this history.

(To be continued.)

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