Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 113 Harry's Melancholy

Chapter 113 Harry's Melancholy

However, the effect of the refresher did not seem to be very effective for her. Steam kept coming from under her bright red hair, and her whole head seemed to be on fire.

Everyone was a little dissatisfied that Harry didn't have time to see her.

But Harry has been really busy lately, although more often, he doesn't have to.

Oliver Wood's thirst for victory in Quidditch will never diminish over time, it will only grow stronger over time. He held regular Quidditch training, and the cage training went well, but the high-intensity training almost overwhelmed everyone. Fortunately, the hostility to Slytherin and the resentment of not losing to Nimbus 2001 are supporting them.

The pea-sized raindrops slammed on the high wall of the castle, and it has been raining for several days. In the wind and rain, I was wet, and with a muddy Harry Potter, I just finished Quidditch training.

He is not in a good mood, and the progress of the Eagle Eye Technique is very slow. Even during this time, he has been hurrying to practice all the time. But the time is still too short, too short.

Casting a spell in the air, especially without a wand, is very difficult to cast a spell in the sky. The number of times he succeeded was very limited, and the duration of the spell was negligibly short.

Fortunately, the teammates' cage tactical training has achieved remarkable results. Because of this, even though Harry doesn't need to be with his teammates every time he trains, he still participates in every training session of the team on time, rain or shine.

He was walking to the dormitory, and in the empty corridor, he saw someone with the same preoccupation as him. No, it's not someone, but a ghost who has the same worries as him.

The ghost of Gryffindor, Nick, who was "almost headless", was looking sadly at the raindrops that were pattering outside the window. At this time, his mood was like these rainwater, pattering on its heart, and it whispered in its mouth. Mumbled, "...it's only half an inch away, but it doesn't meet their requirements, just a little bit, if..."

Melancholy people Harry sees a lot, sad ghosts, not many, Harry greeted, "Hello, Nick."

"...Hello, Harry." Nick, who was almost headless, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Harry, in this weather and time. Don't talk about people, ghosts can't see, Harry suddenly appeared, and even ghosts can be startled.

Nearly headless Nick turned around and saw Harry, who collected a transparent ghost-specific letter, hid it in his jacket pocket, and asked, "You seem to have something on your mind? Potter."


Some nuisances about the game. You look worried too. ' Harry first revealed what was on his mind, then asked Nick.

Nick, who was almost headless, raised a hand, put it down weakly, and said a little discouraged, "Me too, although I don't have to participate... But I think I can apply... But they said I didn't meet the requirements. condition."

Its tone was a little unconcerned, but there was an uncomfortable expression on its face.

"You come and judge." It was finally still angry, and took the envelope out of its pocket, "A ghost who was slashed forty-four times by a blunt axe around his neck, is he eligible to participate in the headless hunter? team?"

"Um—yes," Harry agreed, of course.

Nick, who was almost headless, waved the letter in his hand excitedly, and said angrily, "Who said no, I hope this is neat and tidy more than anyone else, and I hope my head is completely broken. This will save me from Suffering, not to be laughed at, but they actually..."

Nick, who was almost headless, came out with conviction, "Our headless hunter team only accepts hunters whose head and body are completely separated. You need to know that if you don't do this, members will not be able to participate in headball and horseback head. Hunters team event. Therefore, I regret to inform you that your conditions do not meet our standards. Greetings, Mr. Patrick Deborah"

Nearly headless Nick angrily tucked the letter back into his clothes, "There is only a tiny bit of skin and tendons attached to my neck, and everyone else will think it's the same as losing my head. But this can't be done. In the eyes of Mr. Bo Mo, this is not enough, it does not meet the standard."

Nearly headless Nick vented, took a few deep breaths, and although no air would come out of his body, he did control his emotions, "So, Potter, what's going on with your game? How? Can I help?"

"Thank you for your kindness." Harry scratched his head, "I don't think there's any way, unless you know where to get seven free Nimbus 2001s so my teammates can fight Sly... ."

"Meow——" Harry was talking when a sharp and piercing cry suddenly sounded at his feet, which made him shiver.

He looked sideways and saw two terrifying yellow eyes like lightbulbs, a bony ugly grey cat. It's called Mrs. Norris, and is the pet of Filch, the academy janitor, who has been helping the pesky Filch in endless battles with students.

"You have to go first, Harry." Nick looked around and said eagerly, "Filch is in a bad mood, he has a cold, and he met a few third graders and smeared frog brains in the basement classroom. On the ceiling. He spent the whole morning washing the ceiling, and now he is full of anger. If he comes out and sees you in mud and water, he will go crazy with anger."

"You're right, I should go," Harry said, looking at the escape route. But he was still a step too late.

There seems to be a mysterious connection between Filch and the nasty cat. The cat was there, the cat was calling, and before Harry could move, he had suddenly appeared behind a tapestry.

He was gasping for breath, frantically trying to catch anyone who violated the school rules. He wore a plaid scarf around his head, and his face was flushed, and he didn't know which was due to the cold and which was due to anger.

"Dirty," he screamed loudly, pointing at Harry. I don't know if I'm talking about Harry himself, or the mud and rain on Harry's Quidditch uniform, or both.

His eyes bulged as amazingly as Mrs. Norris, and the flesh on his flushed face was shaking, "Dirty, dirty, dirty everywhere. It's a mess everywhere, I'm fed up with this damn thing. ." He turned and motioned for Harry to follow him, his flesh trembling with angry steps.

Harry waved goodbye to Nick, who was almost headless, with a depressed face, and followed far behind the annoying Filch, leaving a trail of muddy footprints along the way.

It was Harry's first visit to Filch's office, but it was abhorrent to the unfortunate students who had been there. The room was dark and dirty, airtight, with only a tattered oil lamp hanging from the low ceiling, and the air was always filled with a faint fishy smell.

(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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