Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 204 The Prologue of Darkness

"Ms. Rita Skeeter, I know you can't see the hellhounds, but I can tell you that they've been hit by my Cruciatus and are rolling around on the ground, please record them carefully as my great deeds, you This is how Voldemort, the first wizard who subdued the Cerberus, was written." "Voldemort looked at the incapacitated Cerberus proudly, and the flames spewed by the fire dragon instantly burned it to ashes. The moment when the black and blue flames surrounded the Cerberus, just outlined Outline the complete Cerberus.

The death of the Cerberus made all the werewolves at the scene burst into a frantic cry, and they were born with fear of the Cerberus. The death of their old enemy made them admire Voldemort's power even more, and Mutu knelt down directly on the ground and kissed the ground to show respect for Voldemort.

Satan narrowed his eyes, and his most powerful helper, the Hellhound, was buried in Voldemort's hands in an instant, which made him start to face his opponent. He took a few steps back, the death scythe in his hand. The fiery flames spread from his body to the entire scythe.

Augustus is not in a hurry to launch an attack, he already has a full grasp of defeating Satan, and now he wants to turn what is in front of him into a gorgeous performance, so that he can change from a wizard who subdues vampires to one who defeats Satan, the king of hell. Wizard, this kind of glory is enough to shock the entire magic world.

Rita Skeeter stared intently at what was happening in front of her. She was trembling all over. She even began to wonder if she was in a dream. Although she was prepared for the danger of this trip, the development of far exceeded her expectations. Voldemort was right and her reporting would witness the dawn of a great age, even one of darkness and terror. The green shorthand quill beside her quickly recorded the next scene like a leaf in a gust of wind.

The giant sickle in Satan's hand swung, from slow to fast, and finally turned into a giant flame vortex soaring into the sky. The heat wave burned everyone's cheeks, and the thick smoke covered the stars in the sky. The Death Eaters and werewolves all retreated in the face of such a terrifying scene, and even the vampires present tried their best to turn into bats and fly away.

Mutu held Rita Skeeter and the cameraman in his arms and fled quickly. If he continued to stay here, it would only turn into a pile of coke. Voldemort stood calmly in front of the vortex of flames, and bursts of howl of the dead came from the flames. This sound came from the evil spirits who were trapped in hell. Their hatred for the living was the source of the power of this flame.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid I'd be terrified at the moment. The evil spirits continue to deduce the tragic situation before death in front of Voldemort. Augustus's wheel-writing eye has the ability to see through everything. He is not confused by these appearances. He understands the real threat. Not these demons. It was the looming scythe in the vortex of flames. At this moment, it was like a giant meat grinder that could cut all the lives involved in it into powder.

The flame vortex is actually an illusion created by Satan. Because it is not completely resurrected, he cannot use such a trick at all. He can only use the illusion to hide his attack. The corner of Augustus's mouth was slightly raised. He looked at the people who were running away, and laughed secretly in his heart. Apart from Satan, he was the only one present who knew that these flames were fake.

Seeing that Voldemort was unmoved, Satan was a little stunned. He didn't know whether Voldemort saw through his tricks or whether he was really not afraid of death? Just as he hesitated, the blue and black dragon in the air roared straight towards Satan all his life, Satan sneered in his heart that I was a demon born of fire, how could I be afraid of fire?

But this time he was wrong. Maybe he who was fully resurrected could not be afraid of the power of the flame of destruction, but at this moment, he who was not fully resurrected could not resist the burning of the flame of destruction at all. The originally crimson flame storm was instantly swallowed by the flames of destruction. Rita Skeeter, who was in Mutu's arms, saw this scene and immediately pulled the photographer and jumped out of Mutu's arms. This is a scene that must not be missed.

The crowd that had fled in all directions also stopped, and looked back at Satan in the middle of the castle. At this moment, he was surrounded by blue flames, and the death scythe in his hand instantly turned into a pool of molten iron flowing into the ground, and his body Burning in an inch, "No, no, I don't want to go back. Hurry up and give me your body." Satan in despair let out a painful howl. His arms were burnt to ashes, then his feet, his body, and finally his head disappeared into the flames.

Everyone present witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and everyone was overwhelmed by Voldemort's powerful mana. The Death Eaters cheered loudly: "Long live the Dark Lord!" The vampires are all pale, and even Satan can't resist Voldemort. Is the destruction of the blood family tonight?

The blue flame gradually dissipated, and the spell drawn with Count Dracula's blood on the ground did not disappear, but remained bright red. The blood on the ground began to flow back, and returned to Count Dracula's body through the hollow eye socket. Slowly Slowly his hand moved, and when the last drop of blood entered his body, Count Dracula opened his eyes, and the eyes that had been destroyed by Voldemort appeared on his face.

"I will finally give your blood clan a chance to choose, surrender or perish. Voldemort's lips opened and closed, and the tone of his voice made people shudder.

Count Dracula turned his head to look at his clan, all of them were seriously injured, and then looked at the ancient castle that the blood clan had worked so hard to manage for generations, and the Black Forest had all been wiped out in the tragic battle. He turned his head to look at Voldemort with a smile on his face. Count Dracula threw the Treasure 690 sword in his hand to Voldemort's feet, and then his knees softened and knelt on the ground. At the same time, all the vampires also knelt down together. on the ground.

"Hahahaha" Voldemort let out a smug laughter, this scene was accurately recorded on the photographer's photos, this will be a history that can never be changed.

"Long live the Dark Lord!" All the Death Eaters fell into madness. Voldemort, who was once regarded as the master in their hearts, is now not only the master, but a god, a vampire who subdued the werewolf, killed the hellhounds, and defeated hell. The god of the king Satan.

Voldemort stepped forward slowly, put his hand on Count Dracula's shoulder, leaned down and whispered in his ear: "I know you need blood, especially delicious wizard blood, surrender to me, and you will With a steady supply of supplies, the door of the magical world will open to you, and the blood of the 'mudblood' will be plundered by you. After that, he smiled and reached out and patted Count Dracula's pale face.

"Ms Rita Skeeter, it's a pleasure for you to witness this great moment with me, and I'm so sorry for your fright. 35 Voldemort turned and gave Rita Skeeter a very gentlemanly salute.

"No, no, it's nothing. Rita Skeeter is very excited at this moment. The information she has collected is enough to stir up the entire magical world for a hundred years? Maybe a thousand years.

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