Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 185 Harry Potter and Voldemort

After a few seconds, the air was suddenly filled with the sound of cloaks dying. Between the tombs, and behind the cedar trees, in every shadowy place there were apparitions of wizards. They all wore hoods and covered their faces. They came one by one... slowly and cautiously, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

Voldemort stood there in silence, waiting.

A Death Eater fell to his knees, climbed up to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robe. "Master...Master..." he whispered.

The other Death Eaters climbed up to Voldemort, kissed his robes, then stepped aside, stood up, and formed a silent circle around him. But there are still some gaps in the circle, as if waiting for others to join. Yet Voldemort seemed to no longer expect anyone to come. He looked around at the faces wearing masks of "680". Although there was no wind, there seemed to be a faint rustling sound in the circle, as if the circle was shivering.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," said Voldemort calmly, "thirteen years... it's been thirteen years since our last meeting. But you are still answering my call like yesterday...that is, we are still united. Under the Dark Mark! Is it?"

There was a little commotion in the circle around him, but they didn't dare to show it.

The pale moonlight shone on this gloomy cemetery, and Augustus leaned against a tree not far away, watching Voldemort's unforgettable re-education to his subordinates. His invisibility is so mysterious that no one has discovered his existence, not even Voldemort.

Voldemort chastised a Death Eater as an example of killing a chicken and a monkey, and eventually forgave the rest and attached the severed arm to his servant Wormtail. After all, he still needs these people. At Lucius' "request", Voldemort briefly described what had happened over the years and how he had recovered his body. As he spoke, the Death Eaters shivered and begged his forgiveness.

When Voldemort said that his most loyal servant sneaked into Hogwarts for him and completed his plan, "With his efforts, our little friend will come here tonight..." A circle of people's eyes met Throwing at Potter. "Yes," Voldemort smiled cruelly, "Harry Potter is coming to my rebirth party. We might even call him my special guest. The boy you all think is my nemesis..."

Voldemort stepped forward slowly, turned to Harry, raised his wand, "Gouged out!

The incomparable pain suddenly woke Harry from his deep sleep. He felt that all the bones in his body were burning. His head must be split along the scar. ...hope to pass out...die...

Gouging out the bone, it was nothing compared to Yue Du, Augustus shook his head disdainfully, but that was enough for Potter to endure.

The torture ended abruptly. Potter hung limply on the ropes that bound him to Voldemort's father's gravestone, looking up at the glowing red eyes through a layer of mist. The laughter of Death Eaters echoed in the night sky.

"I think you've seen how stupid it is to think this boy is better than me," said Voldemort with a sneer, "but I'm going to get rid of everyone's misunderstandings. Harry Potter escaped me completely. It was a fluke. Now I'm going to kill him to prove my strength, right here, right here, in front of you, there's no Dumbledore here to protect him, no one to sacrifice for him. I'll give He has a chance, and he can fight me so you don't wonder who's stronger. You wait a minute, Nagini." He whispered, and the serpent swam across the grass to where the Death Eaters were standing.

At Voldemort's orders, Wormtail untied Harry's leash, returned his wand to him, and returned to the Death Eater circle without looking at him.

Potter numbly held the wand in his hand, trembling uncontrollably all over his body. He thought about running away, but there were Death Eaters all around him. What can he do, can he really beat Voldemort... the one who killed his parents...

"Have you learned to duel, Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked softly, his red eyes shining in the darkness. "Let's bow to each other, Harry," said Voldemort, bowing, "come on, courtesy. It is to be obeyed... Dumbledore must have wanted you to behave with grace... Bow down to death, Harry..."

The Death Eaters laughed again...Harry didn't bend down, he didn't want Voldemort to play with him before he killed him. But with the flick of Voldemort's wand, Harry felt his spine bend, as if a large invisible hand was pressing his back ruthlessly forward. The Death Eaters laughed even harder.

Potter knew that he was probably finished, Dumbledore was not here, no one was here... There is only him, only him... He is not Voldemort's opponent, but he does not want to die in such a humiliating way, he wants to pay to his Like his father, he bravely faced Voldemort.

This thought transcended fear and reason, Potter clenched the wand in his hand tightly, stood up abruptly, and shouted "Except your weapons!"

At the same time, Voldemort also shouted: "Avada Sue!"

A green light shot from Voldemort's wand, while a red light spurted from Harry's wand. The two rays of light met in the air, and a thin beam of light instantly connected the two magic wands, neither red nor green, but dazzling gold. Their wands began to vibrate desperately, and their hands seemed to be firmly stuck, unable to let go.

Then completely caught off guard, both Potter and Voldemort rose into the air, and the golden wire connecting Harry and Voldemort suddenly split, but the two magic 2.8 rods were still tightly connected, and thousands of lights appeared above Potter and Voldemort. arc. The arcs of light intertwine around them, and finally form a dome of gold, a cage of light.

Augustus squinted at this magical scene. It seemed that he still didn't fully understand the magic system of this world. At least he didn't understand the principle of the flashback spell in front of him.

Maybe it was the twin wands, or maybe Potter had Voldemort's soul fragment? Augustus shook his head, and didn't want to think about it too much.

"Why-? How could this be-!!!" Voldemort roared loudly in his heart, "Shouldn't this be just a simple flashback spell? How could... how could this be...

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