Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 144: The Brave Loyalty Curse and Betrayal

Hearing the question from the proprietress Rose Mota, Fudge nodded with a wry smile and drank the butter beer in the glass, obviously not wanting to discuss this topic too much.

"The rumors are indeed not exaggerated, I have never been to the scene, and I will never know the miracle of the magic at that time. I have taught magic for most of my life, and I have never seen such pure, vast and destructive magic, even Dumbledore. Lido, it is absolutely impossible to create such a terrifying miracle at such an age. The achievements after Augustus are definitely not under Dumbledore's Dark Lord." With such a rigorous person as Professor McGonagall, his words naturally did not contain the slightest moisture. Rosmerta looked at Mag in shock, her eyes full of reverie, and she seemed to be interested in Augustus in her mouth.

"This young man has long been out of the jurisdiction of our Ministry of Magic. Apart from the influence of the Black family, he has already become a leader of the younger generation by defeating the remaining Dark Lord twice in the past, and the future magic world, It must be a one-day situation, and no one can compete with him. His achievements are simply unpredictable.

Let's talk about Sirius in front of us, this is the problem that needs to be faced most at present. Fudge sighed slightly and turned the conversation directly to Sirius. The last time he was in Diagon Alley 17, he had already experienced Augustus' strength, talent, and... domineering.

"You know, I still can't quite believe that," said Ms. Rosmerta thoughtfully, "of all the people who have fallen into the baddies, Sirius Black is the last person I expected to do. I mean, I remember when he was a kid at Hogwarts, and if you told me at that time what he was going to be like, I'd say you drank too much." "

"You don't know half of the truth, Rosmerta," said Fudge stiffly, "and few people know the worst thing he's ever done.

"The worst?" Ms. Rosmerta said, her voice full of curiosity. "You mean worse than killing so many poor people?"

"Of course," said Fudge.

"I can't believe it. What could be worse than that?"

"You said you remembered his time at Hogwarts, Rose Merta," murmured Professor McGonagall, "do you remember who his best friend was?"

"Of course I remember," said Ms. Rosmerta, with a small smile, "the two are inseparable, aren't they? I've seen them here a lot. Oh, they always make me laugh. A good pair, little one. Sirius Black and James Potter!"

Augustus noticed a strange movement in a certain corner of the screen and shook his head slightly. It seemed that Potter still knew the "truth", but the sudden truth seemed a bit cruel to him.

"Is it because Sirius later formed a gang with You-Know-Who?" asked Rosmerta in a low voice.

"It's worse than that, my dear..." Fudge went on in a low voice, lowering his voice. "Many people don't know that the Potters understand that the You-Know-Who is after them. Dumbledore, of course, never stopped. Weary against You-Know-Who, he had many capable spies. One of the spies told Dumbledore about it, and Dumbledore told James and Lily right away. He advised them to hide. Dumbledore was right Their best chance, they say, is the curse of daring loyalty."

"How does that work?" asked Ms. Rosemerta, clearly interested.

Professor Flitwick cleared his throat and said: "A very complex spell involving the use of magic to hide a secret in the soul of a living person. The secret is hidden in the chosen person, or the keeper, and never will Might have discovered the secret. Unless, of course, the keeper deliberately leaked it. As long as the keeper refused to speak, the man-of-you-can searched the village where the Potters lived for years, and I would never see them, even if he was in the glass outside their living room. I can't find my nose flat on the window!"

"Crimson Loyalty Spell, a very interesting spell, by signing something similar to a soul contract to keep secrets, you can make the hiding place no longer able to be found, it is close to the category of mysticism, I really don't know who invented the spell, indeed Amazing.

Augustus showed a faint smile, the warm sun of the winter snowy day shot into the tavern, wisps of light and mist filled his body.

Luna, who was leaning beside him, looked at him in a daze, the girl didn't know whether it was because of her incompetence or what the reason was, and her beautiful eyes looked a little confused.

There was silence in the box, obviously no one wanted to talk about what Sirius had done to his best friend, Augustus noticed that Harry under the cloak seemed to move forward a little eagerly, too, there was no one like him. I want to know the truth more.

"The Faithful Charm, in the dark ages of the Dark Lord's reign, there is absolutely no better way to hide. It's a pity that Harry's father chose the wrong person and was betrayed by his best friend." Hagrid said dully.

"So Sirius is the Potters' secret keeper?" Ms. Rosmota asked without hesitation.

"Of course," said Professor McGonagall, "James Potter told Dumbledore that Sirius would rather die than tell where they were, and that Sirius was going to hide himself. . . That's it, Dumbledore. Lido was still worried. I remember he offered himself to be the Potters' secret keeper.

Harry clenched his hands slightly, it seemed that his father did not let Dumbledore be their secrecy, otherwise he would not be under the fence now, and he would not even need to be careful in Hogsmeade. Looking at the happy and complete life of the Ron family makes me envious. All of this, just because his father chose the best friend, the one who was least likely to betray them. It's ridiculous that he has a godfather who he never met but who wants to kill him.

"Dumbledore thinks there must be someone close to the Potters who has been telling You-Know-Who about their whereabouts," said Professor McGonagall gloomily, "indeed, he suspected for quite a long time that there was someone on our side of The traitor, told a lot of information to the mysterious man.

"But James insisted on using Sirius?"

"Yes," said Fudge solemnly, "but less than a week after casting the Faithful Charm..."

"Little 663 Sirius betrayed them?" Rosmerta asked.

"He did betray them. Sirius is tired of two-faced characters. Ready to publicly announce his support for You-Know-Who seems to intend to do so right as Potter dies. But, as we all know. Tet lost his hand. He lost his mana, was extremely weak and had to flee. This left Sirius Black in a dilemma. Just as his traitor was exposed, his master fell. He had no choice but to Can run and escape.

"Traitor!" Hagrid finally said angrily, his voice so loud that the whole box fell silent.

After listening to their conversation, Augustus couldn't help laughing sarcastically. I really don't know, why did Sirius choose to betray the family and help his friends in the end, just because of the unscrupulous suspicions and crimes imposed on him by these people? Or to be sent to Azkaban and Dementors have been intimate for twelve years?

It's really ridiculous!

Just when Augustus felt ridiculous, the door of the box seemed to be blown open by a gust of "wind", and Professor McGonagall came over and closed the door cautiously. However, Augustus no longer had the desire to continue listening. Harry just ran away in despair, and Luna was already drunk in his arms.

Looking at the blushing, beautiful little Luna, Augustus felt a little helpless. The little girl only drank two glasses of butter beer before she got drunk.

Picking up Luna, Augustus instantly disappeared into the three sweepers, ignoring the astonished gazes of the others in the bar.

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