Ona spent the next month studying the contents of the druid, which also mentioned the transformation technique, but Ona has not yet been able to fully grasp it. The biggest benefit of this book is that it can quickly improve Agudo's experience, and finally solved the magical plant that can create tree holes in Agudo's skills-it turned out to be a tree called cave ficus, which can form a natural tree. Hole, and may eventually form a space channel, the channel between the trees can be connected, currently extremely rare.

The wizard’s Floo powder is officially made from the leaves of this cave tree with many accessories. The various fireplaces that Ona saw are not connected, but with the help of the Dongrong’s unique ability, before using the Floo powder , These fireplaces will be pre-arranged with paint made with the juice of the Dongrong tree to achieve the same effect.

Ona instantly understood-if you want to activate Agudo's passiveness, all you need is to find Dongrong first. The currently known Dongrong must be under the control of the Ministry of Magic. Through the equal partnership contract, Ona can directly contact Yintong, and she promised to pay attention to the existence of Dongrong in the Forbidden Forest-there is a high probability.

Seeing that time is fast, Halloween is about to come. Halloween in 1992 is November 1st. This Saturday, Harry returned to the castle drenched and covered in mud.

Ona was studying with three girls in the lounge—the other one was naturally Ginny. With Hermione's tutoring, Ginny's current grades are firmly in the forefront-on par with Ravenclaw's Luna Lovegood.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Ona was thankful that he had made the right choice. During this period of time, the weather was really bad, and Ona chose to go to the responsive house for exercise.

"What? Nick, who was almost headless, invited you to his death party?" Ron and Ona listened to Harry's transmission, and Ron took the lead to complain.

"Yeah, I promised as soon as my head got hot." Harry also regretted it a bit.

"Before that," Ona glanced at Harry, "I suggest you take a shower and change your clothes."

When Harry left, Ron said a little angrily, "Why would anyone celebrate the day of their death? It sounds weird to me." Ona ignored him-he wouldn't go anyway, but Ginny did. A little moved.

It was still pouring rain outside the window, and it was as dark as ink.

When Harry came back, the chaos caused by Fred and George's salamander had just passed, and eventually Ron brothers and sisters would accompany Harry to the party-I don't know where Ginny had the courage.

On Halloween, the three of Ona separated from the three of Harry. Harry and Ron reluctantly glanced at the costumes in the auditorium. Ona promised to bring them some food.

The party was very interesting. Professor Dumbledore invited the Skeleton Dance Company, and he danced very well unexpectedly.

Ona remembers that Filch's original cat-that is, Mrs. Loris, will be petrified. However, now that Voldemort's diary has been systematically transformed into a book of gods, this plot will not happen.

But the basilisk still attracted the three of Harry to the door of the bathroom on the second floor, but nothing happened this time. Ona and Hermione brought them food separately, but they finally did not starve to death.

Back in the common room, Ron brothers and sisters described the scene, but Harry was worried, and Ginny noticed his strangeness—in fact, she felt that Ron and Harry were hiding something from her.

"I heard that voice again, but I didn't notice anything unusual." Harry finally waited until he returned to the dormitory to tell Ona.

Ron said he had listened carefully, but he just didn't hear anything-even though it was quiet at the time.

"What did it say." Ona asked.

"Tear...kill...hungry...for a long time...or something." Harry recalled.

"Perhaps it is in a place you can't see-like a wall." Ona shrugged. "Snakes can make holes, don't they?"

"But we chased it for a long time..." Harry said.

"What if it is a ready-made channel?" Ona smiled, "Like a pipe."

"Genius!" Ron admired, "This will make sense!"

"That snake is in the pipe? What if it got out of the faucet..." Harry said with a pale face.

"Somewhat brainy." Ona looked at Ron, who was also scared of goosebumps, and said, "Do you think snakes that can move at the speed you say can get out of those small holes?"

Harry and Ron breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately they were frightened again: "You mean, it's huge?"

"If it's the main drain, it might be several times larger than the anaconda you saw..." Ona shrugged and said calmly.

"What?" Harry's hair was about to stand up, but Ron had no idea.

"Anyway, we can't be sure of what right now. By the way, let me remind you, do you remember Dobby the Elf?" Ona didn't leave the word secret room on the wall like Ginny in the original book, but he always has a way. Expose Lucius's conspiracy to Harry little by little.

"You mean, this is the horrible thing Dobby said?" Harry's eyes widened. "But only I can hear it, so is it aimed at me?"

"No, maybe there are things we don't know." Ona smiled, "but I may have a clue."

"What?" Harry asked curiously.

"First of all, this matter may have something to do with Slytherin, because he is the first recorded Snake Voice." Ona analyzed. "Secondly, based on the existing situation, there is now a snake cruising in the school's pipeline."

Harry and Ron nodded in agreement.

"Third, this snake may have been at Hogwarts for a long time, because assuming it is a Slytherin layout, then how long is Hogwarts, and how long it may be here-at least not much difference." Considering that, he needs to be careful not to say anything suspicious. Although Harry and Ron can't find out, it doesn't mean that Dumbledore can't find out. "Finally, this snake must have only recently woken up, so there should be records before—maybe clues can be found in the school history."

"Then we'll find the information tomorrow!" Harry said.

"In fact, besides looking for school history records, we have a more direct method." Ona smiled.

"What?" Ron asked impatiently.

"Where did you go tonight?" Ona asked knowingly.

"The five hundredth anniversary of Nick's almost headless death..." Harry replied subconsciously, but he reacted immediately-"You mean, those ghosts?"

"Well, asking them may have an answer, especially Professor Bins." Ona had a teachable expression.

"But tomorrow is Sunday, no class." Ron said vaguely. No one knew where Professor Binns was on the weekend.

"Then look for other ghosts, maybe they have faced the snake directly-don't forget, they often pass through walls." Ona felt that there would be very interesting results.

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