Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 558 Discussing the Completed 3-Way Tournament

The remaining few days of the summer vacation also ended under the flood of various news.

The Death Eaters who raided the Quidditch world are not caught, but various tabloids are constantly speculating about possible candidates.

In some tabloids, Lucius was of course the number one suspect, but soon many people said that they saw Lucius Malfoy in the high-level stands at the beginning of the World Cup final, which ones could not be One of the Death Eaters.

This is a little bit strange. Lucius didn't show up in the opening scene. But it's not that Lucius bought someone to give him a false testimony, but someone really said so.

Perhaps this is why when someone saw Lucius coming out of the box with his wife and children after the attack, they automatically imagined that he was in it from the beginning, and it was logical for others to think so.

It can only be considered that this is a normal distortion of information during transmission. Brain supplements sometimes not only harm people, but also let bad people go!


Soon, all the students in the world, whether they are Muggles or wizards, will end their holidays and start classes.

It must be howling constantly, right? For example, Browder, under Qiu's urging, started to make up homework again.

Browder's procrastination doesn't seem to be getting better. Obviously, I have the ability to finish it early without copying others, but I will save it until the last time to do it. But just before the holiday was completely over, Browder got two pieces of news from the Ministry of Magic.

One good and one bad!

Among them, the news that Browder got first was the good news!

All the content of the Triwizard Tournament has been negotiated, and it is determined that in the new semester, it will take a whole year to fully prepare for the three challenges of this competition representing friendship between the three ancient European wizarding schools. content.

The content includes determining that the venue of the competition is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in England. The way of the competition is in accordance with the tradition, using the powerful magic item Goblet of Fire to automatically select the strongest students from the three wizarding and magic schools.

In view of the information provided by the British side, it is said that the suspension of the Triwizard Tournament in the past was due to the high intensity of the competition and too many deaths. The intensity of the restarted Triwizard Tournament this time will be slightly lower than the previous one. Some.

It's really just a little bit, just changing the flow a little bit and improving the efficiency of rescuing contestants.

In fact, in Browder's opinion, it would be better not to make any changes at all!

At least not changing can be said to respect tradition, and now it can only be used as a joke when it is mentioned later.

Among them, the longest-discussed method is to first screen the number of students who can put their names in the Goblet of Fire.

This time the final decision is not simply divided according to age!

Although the magic power officially completed the process of rapid growth and leveled off when the little wizard was seventeen years old, it didn't mean that this time was very accurate.

One or two years in advance and one or two years behind are actually very common.

And because of the Hogwarts Dueling Club, the overall level of the students is much higher than the previous ones.

After training, there are more and more cases where the combat effectiveness of the junior wizards is stronger than that of some junior wizards who are about to graduate in the sixth and seventh grades.

Therefore, the method of judging grades is not reliable at all, but simply based on combat power is not enough. The Triwizard Tournament is not completely a test of combat power. There are also intelligence and humanity, and the comprehensiveness of the spell... all one-size-fits-all solutions It's all stupid.

Later, Mrs. Maxim, the principal of Beauxbaton, thought of a good way.

Rely on the recommendation of the professor!

Needless to say Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, students who fail to meet the standard will not be brought to Hogwarts by the two headmasters in the next semester. So it doesn't matter what the conditions are to them.

As for Hogwarts, if you want to put your name into the Goblet of Fire, you need a professor's recommendation.

Although there is no limit to the number of places recommended by professors,

But no professor would recommend it to all the students in the school at one go, right?

As long as the professor still wants his own reputation, they will be cautious about each quota, so as not to choose an unreliable so-and-so or so-and-so to embarrass Hogwarts.

In this way, no one will be able to fish in troubled waters!

After discussion, Mrs. Maxim's method was agreed by all the staff of the Ministry of Magic who participated in the discussion.

They thought it would be safe to do so.

But what about the real situation?

It should be beyond their imagination!

Plus there's bad news.

As soon as Browder heard the bad news, he burst out laughing.

Then Browder wrote a letter and owled it to Harry.

This bad news isn't too bad for Browder, but for Harry... Hahahaha, let's tease him first!

The expression on Harry's face when he heard the news must be very interesting.


Harry got up very early again, and spontaneously got up to cook.

But Harry didn't go back to his uncle's house, he was still living in the Burrow of the Weasleys, and felt that every day here was very happy.

It's just that he feels very sorry for simply borrowing and living here, so he will do what he can to help here.

Such as making breakfast, such as dealing with the goblins in the garden, such as using dragon power to scare the ghouls living on the ceiling to make it quieter.

Although Mrs. Weasley had repeatedly told him not to participate in this kind of thing, Harry continued to do it unshakably.

For this reason, Mrs. Weasley always used Harry's diligence to teach Ron, George and Fred.

But the three of them didn't react, and instead teased Harry—isn't it normal for a son-in-law to help his mother-in-law's family?

Every time the subject came up, Harry and Ginny would blush together, and then Ginny would run away, and Harry would drag them to a duel.

But Ron and the three of them would not fight Harry foolishly.

On the one hand, they are now singled out and no one is really a match for Harry. The three of them can barely maintain it together. On the other hand, it is also because Harry is very precious.

A lot of pounding sounds came from outside the Burrow, and Ron and the others ran away quickly.

Then, dozens of owls flew in from the Burrow windows.

These owls all have letters to deliver to Harry.

no way! Who made the already famous Harry even more famous now?

What started out as a boy who survived a catastrophe has now become a highly skilled star player in the World Cup.

Although the former is well-known, few people will send letters to Harry.

As for the latter, his fame has spread throughout the wizarding world.

Most of these owls are sent to him by fans living near the UK, and more letters from abroad will be delivered by the owls of the Ministry of Magic after they are signed by the Ministry of Magic first.

Among these letters, there were indeed quite a few courtship letters from female fans, and the words in them made Harry blush when he read them. So as long as there was a letter with a lip print on the cover of the envelope, Harry handed it over to Ginny to deal with.

There were also letters from various clubs in the major leagues, all of whom wanted Harry to be a Seeker for their teams.

It doesn't matter if you don't graduate, just find the time to go to a game or two.

Everyone in the Weasley family who read these letters was jealous, including Charlie Weasley, who came home halfway.

However, there are far fewer owls that flock to the Burrow every day. In the two days just after the World Cup finals, the number of owls was a bit scary!

Harry still remembered Mrs. Weasley making soup in the kitchen that day, and then a lot of owls rushed in.

And one of the owls didn't know where it hit, its body didn't fly steadily, and it fell directly into the pot of broth.

If Mrs. Weasley hadn't figured it out in time to get it out, the consequence... a famous dish might have come out.

So, despite the fact that there were a dozen or so owls today, Harry was quite used to it.

In the end, a very beautiful owl caught Harry's attention.

This owl has very sharp eyes and very soft feathers. It can be seen that it has been treated very well. It doesn't even eat the raw meat that Harry handed it.

When Harry took the letter it had seized, he understood why.

This is a letter from Browder, and he has seen the Lestrange coat of arms on it many times.

It's just that although Harry has never seen this owl before, it should be a new owl raised by the Browder family... Harry is not surprised at all that the Browder family's owl can be so magnanimous.

But when he opened the envelope and read the contents of the letter clearly, Harry was suddenly a little confused.

Merlin's beard! What bad news!

Harry's expression aroused George's curiosity. Snatching the letter from Harry, who was a little dazed, easily, George and Fred read it together.

Not surprisingly, the two of them were also stunned!

How is it possible, is this going to kill our hope?

Ron was stunned when he saw the twins, and became even more curious about the new content.

Looking closer, Ron found that Browder had just said one thing.

Next term, the Quidditch Cup will be suspended due to certain factors.

Harry and the twins are members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. It would be strange not to be stunned when they saw the news.

They originally wanted to take advantage of Harry's great glory as the Seeker of the World Cup champion team, suppress all the enemies in the new semester, and win the Quidditch Cup that they haven't won for so many years, but they suddenly learned that The situation shattered their dreams!

Browder...shouldn't lie!

All three of Harry and the twins had a headache.

"It's actually very simple to verify whether it's true or not!" Ron didn't feel that much, but thought of a way, "Just ask Dad! He's been so busy recently, he must know something, right?" Harry III Everyone thought this was a good idea, so the twins immediately prepared to write a letter to Mr. Weasley who was still at work.

Harry, on the other hand, had to write back to Browder to ask what was going on.

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