Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 550: An Unbreakable Record

That frivolous fellow was taken aback by the presence of old Tom.

How is this going? Could it be that his subordinates lied to him?

When he felt that other people looked at him with disdain, he asked his subordinates angrily what was going on.

But his men couldn't tell.

Because the knife was stabbed by this subordinate himself, so he was very sure that he succeeded.

And the other party did appear to be cursed.

And since the other party can still appear on the stage, does that mean the curse has been lifted?

The frivolous guy cursed at his subordinates while saying it was impossible.

Because that cursed dagger was inherited from his ancestors, he knew the power of it best, and it was impossible for that kind of thing to happen.

How could that curse from God be lifted?

The other bosses wouldn't believe this frivolous guy's words, thinking that even if he really did it, then his men's guess should be right.

His cursed knife of unknown origin had been ineffective.

So the laughter was not hidden.

This made the frivolous guy even angrier. A group of damn old guys, if I have a chance in the future, I will kill you all!


In the center of the arena, after shaking hands with each other, the players of the two teams began to take their positions... Harry flew to a high place to look down on the whole field, and Old Tom naturally went to his own goal to prepare.

In the stands, except for Percy and Ginny, the Ron family had already taken their seats, and even the two eldest sons who were working in other countries had returned. Everyone was on the lowest level of the high stands, cheering Harry on.

This level of stands is reserved exclusively for Ministry of Magic staff and their families, and they don't even have to pay for it.

Of course, this kind of benefit must be prepared! Otherwise, how to improve the treatment of the Ministry of Magic? If there are more benefits like this, more people will want to work in the Ministry of Magic.

In fact, on this point, the Muggle governments of the East and the West are really different.

In Western countries, the smartest young people are basically starting their own businesses, and they are reluctant to work for others no matter whether they are successful or not.

As for the rabbit... More than half of the smart people in the whole country have gone to be officials. One counts as one, and the top of the heart has seven orifices... It is really blackened, it is impossible to be stupid at all, it is really bad.

Perhaps, this is the difference between whether the class is completely solidified or not. Well, let's go too far.

Here in the stands, Ron, who had just sat down, was still thinking about how to get to a higher place.

He really wanted to follow Ginny and Hermione to a higher-level box... But Ginny and Hermione said in unison that it was a girl-only box and he would not be accepted as a boy.

And wanted to go to the box of Draco's house, but found that his parents were there, so he had to stay away.

And Browder...

Ron looked up at the big box on the top floor upstairs, the box where Minister Thicknesse was, and Browder was sitting behind Minister Thicknesse... How could Ron rub it! Ron was about to cry.

Ron looked left and right, but still couldn't find any solution... At most, he found that a house elf dared to sit on the same seat. Although it is helping the owner to occupy a seat, it is already very strange.

Forget it, it's none of my business!

Ron no longer looked at the past, and could only lament how miserable he was!

But at this time, with the order of the director of the Department of Magical Sports, Bagman, the final final of the 422nd World Cup officially kicked off.

All the spectators started screaming, cheering and cheering for their respective teams.

After the game started, the one who moved the most was Victor Krum, who began to move around the entire arena.

After studying the previous games, the Bulgarian team found that it was basically impossible for them to beat the British team in Quaffle scoring, so their victory could only be pinned on Victor Krum.

Bulgaria could win only if he catches the Snitch before Britain overtakes Bulgaria by 150 points.

So the pressure on Viktor Klum was very high.

And Krum's pressure is getting bigger and bigger... Because Harry Potter is following him at a position behind him, no matter what evasive actions Krum makes, Krum can't do anything. Get rid of him.

Krum is of course very qualified to be a Seeker, and even he is born with a sixth sense that the coach needs Harry to train.

But this sixth sense has a blind spot.

After research by the coach of the British team, it was found that the right rear position where Harry is now is a blind spot for Krum.

Krum would be slower to react to things that happened in this direction.

And Krum also knew his own weakness, so Harry in this place put more and more pressure on him.

It's like you know there's a bow and arrow aimed at you behind you, but you can't turn or move.

Even later, in order to get Harry out of this position, Krum temporarily stopped looking for the golden snitch.

And when Krum struggled with Harry in the high place.

The progress of the following game was completely unexpected.

Because the British team did not keep anyone in the half, only Old John was a goalkeeper, and the other chasers and batsmen of the British team were attacking in the Bulgarian half.

And now less than five minutes after the start of the game, the score has reached 50:0.

The reason for this score can be roughly described as follows.

At the beginning of the game, the British team first grabbed the Quaffle, and then all rushed into the Bulgarian team's half, scoring directly in a smooth attack.

Then there is the Bulgarian team's attack... The British team still rushed into the Bulgarian team's half.

Leave an old John in goal.

The Chasers of the Bulgarian team have never seen this situation... Could it be that the British team was found on the outside to make the British team waterproof?

At that moment, they were still very happy!

But when they flew to the goal of the British team, they saw Old John stretched out his finger to them easily, and made a contemptuous "come here" gesture.

It was a hand gesture that Old John used to make in major league games, but it was the first time in the World Cup.

The Bulgarian Chasers were immediately annoyed.

Even if you're a good goalkeeper, but you don't have other teammates to help you now, we'll see what you do.

So they also used a seemingly subtle attack.

Then... the Quaffle was snatched away by Old John before they knew it.

Then without waiting for their reaction, a "Old John Super Long Pass" appeared with a wave of his arm, and the Quaffle was thrown from the front of the goal to the goal of the Bulgarian team.

England's Seeker had been waiting here, and... scored.

This operation confused everyone.

Is this... isn't the level gap a little too big?

Originally, when the British team pressed the whole line for the second time, a group of spectators began to scold them for taking black money and playing fake matches... But looking at it now, this was a real reaction that did not take the opponent seriously.



With the British team scoring three more goals very realistically, the audience stopped shouting for cheers... because it didn't make much sense.

This gap is about the same as that of a baby versus an adult.

The gap has reached this point, the Bulgarian team and their fans can only hope that the Golden Snitch will come out soon.

If the Golden Snitch came out too slowly, then Bulgaria would have no guarantee of turning over.

However, no matter how anxious the Bulgarian team is, it is not as urgent as the British team's continuous scoring.

Another five minutes later, the score gap between the two teams had reached 100 points.

This is a very scary number.

And the most frightening thing is that the Bulgarian team also made so many forced attacks, but they really didn't score a single goal.

Compared with the amazing goalkeeping skills in the previous game, Old John has improved again now.

In the box, Hermione and Ginny were both weird.

This kind of unreliable game style, why does it look more and more like Browder?

Qiu smiled and said nothing.

In the stands, Ron also heard George and Fred discussing, "I didn't expect that besides Browder, there would be such a crazy goalkeeper. Even in the final of the World Cup... the other players followed suit." He's crazy."

Ron is also a fan of the British team... Although he hasn't watched a game before, this does not prevent him from being a cloud fan while reading the newspaper.

It's just that Old John was really domineering in defense before, but it really didn't reach this level.

This defensive power is no worse than that of Browder's iron wall.

Thinking of this, Ron suddenly smiled.

Because Ron found that he seemed to subconsciously put Browder on the goalkeeper of the World Cup champion team.

It should be because I have watched too many Browder games in the past few years, and I have gotten used to his invincibility!

That is really invincible!

Flying high in the air, Harry was also chanting this sentence.

The current Old John really reminded Harry of Browder. If it wasn't for the different flamboyant style, Browder would really think that Browder was dressed as Old John.

Old John's progress is too fast, right?

But Harry didn't have the extra thought to deal with those situations now.

Because he now needs to give his full attention to Victor Krum.

This is really a great opponent!


Such a one-sided game can be regarded as bewildering all the audience.

But when someone started shouting Old John's name, more and more people shouted too...even the audience who used to be Bulgaria fans.

no way! The arena is so cruel, fans can easily be snatched away by people with higher skills.

This game is really destined to be recorded in history.

Even, there is no possibility of it happening again...


However, apart from the fact that the Bulgarian team wanted to admit defeat on the field, some people's faces became more and more livid.

It's the big guys who drive the perimeter.

No matter how they predict, it is impossible to predict the occurrence of this situation.

Did the goalkeeper get pissed off? No, even with dragon's blood, it's impossible to be so fierce!

Seeing that every attack of the Bulgarian team was easily blocked by him, and even the players of the Bulgarian team had less and less desire to attack. These big guys didn't know what to do.

All of you fucking attack me, score a goal, even if you score a goal!

Those who opened the periphery naturally knew that the odds of different scores were different.

As long as they score one goal, they can reduce their losses dozens of times.

While most of the bosses were still cursing angrily, the tall, gloomy man who spoke first had already found all his finances.

He was going to ask how much the bets were on zero points for Bulgaria!

This investigation not only made his financial heart tremble, but even himself couldn't bear it.

Some of the previous odd amounts were okay, obviously someone bought them casually.

But it has been different since yesterday evening. Although they are all peripheral, there are several markets that can be bought.

And from yesterday evening to early this morning, the 1,100 Gold Galleons were bought one after another, and a total of 20,000 Gold Galleons had been bet to buy the Bulgarian team with zero points.

That is to say, regardless of other bets, the gloomy, thin and tall man will have to take out a million Galleons for this part alone... let alone that he can't come up with so many Galleons, it's true. He can take it out, but he doesn't want to take it!

However, just thinking about reneging on the debt, a cold air suddenly appeared behind him.

This is what his sixth sense told him could happen if he failed to pay his bills.

So the tall and thin man became even more gloomy.

Someone is on me!

But thinking about it this way, the tall and thin man thought of other people... It couldn't be just for him, could it?

So, the tall and thin man spoke very gloomyly, asking them all to check.

There may be an accident here!

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