Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 534 Intense Trial, Browder Appears

The news reported by the Daily Prophet really caught the attention of everyone who saw it.

For a year, newspapers have often reported Sirius' crimes at length, almost treating him as the biggest villain in the world.

To some extent, Voldemort's ferocity is too far away from ordinary wizards, so far that they are afraid to hear his name.

And Sirius has become a typical image of the villain in the minds of ordinary wizards.

Because his actions are possible for ordinary wizards.

But in this latest installment, Sirius Black's image is suddenly neutral, if not quite the other way around.

However, the hero who was originally killed by Sirius suddenly "resurrected" and became a new villain between the lines.

This makes many people unable to understand...how is this flipped? Is this going to whitewash Sirius? Could it be that all the previous reports and judgments were misjudgments?

If it is really a misjudgment, then the Ministry of Magic will be embarrassed. The villain who hasn't been caught for a year is actually innocent.

Therefore, after sighing, almost everyone noticed the time when the two were tried together in the newspaper.

Minister Thicknesse conducted the trial hearing in person, and the Wizengamot was in full attendance.

Almost every wizard who reads the newspaper is interested in this hearing, and wants to attend and learn what happened in it? What is the secret.

If it weren't for the qualifications required for the hearing, everyone might want to hear what's going on!


"Minister, do you really want to make it so big? I think it would be good to have an internal trial!"

This point was brought up to Thicknesse during internal discussions among Ministry officials before the hearing began.

After all, judging from the various evidences submitted by Principal Dumbledore, Sirius may really be wronged.

If so, then someone from their Ministry of Magic has failed their duty. Shouldn't they cover up the situation now?

Many people in the Ministry of Magic have the same idea as this official. They didn't understand why Minister Thinknes came to publicize this matter with such great fanfare.

Thinknes listened carefully to the official's words, then looked around and looked at everyone, "Come, come, let me see who thinks the same as him! Let me see how many people think like this."

Thicknesse was smiling when he said this. But seeing his smile, many people panicked for no reason. Originally, I wanted to raise my hand successfully, but I didn't dare to raise it at all.

However, there are still quite a few hard-headed people. After remembering the appearance of these people, Shinkenis smiled and said, "I like you people to tell the truth. But since you all dare to speak your mind to me, then Why do you feel that our Ministry of Magic is afraid to let all the people know about cases that may have been misjudged? Do you think I am that kind of person?"

The faces of the people who raised their hands were all pale, and Dalian said that he didn't mean that.

"I know!" Minister Shinkenis smiled even brighter, "No one who has that intention dared to raise his hand."

Minister Thickness stood up and looked around everyone again, "I repeat, everyone, please listen clearly. Our Ministry of Magic should maintain the principle of fairness and openness, and have the concept of not being afraid of inspections in everything. Wrong things will happen. It’s actually quite normal, after all, we are human beings! Mistakes are not unforgivable. What you really shouldn’t do is knowing your mistakes and making mistakes and not correcting your mistakes…”

"This hearing will be counted one by one. As long as there is no urgent work to be done, everyone must go to listen. And the people who raised their hands just now, after listening to it, everyone will write to me a report of no less than eight inches. Give me your impressions of the sheepskin ruler! The writing is not allowed to be too big! The meeting is adjourned!"

The faces of all the people who raised their hands up just now turned into bitter gourds... what? Want to write a review? It's better to kill me.

Now Lady Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, looks at Minister Pierce Thicknesse as he walks away,

I sighed in my heart.

When Shinkenis first became the director, she was a little disdainful! After all, at that time, Shinkenis acted like a guy who didn't want to do a corpse meal. He often didn't do things and asked his subordinates to share the work he should do.

Ms. Burns really despises such people.

But I don't know when, his image has undergone a 180-degree change, and the whole person has changed from a decadent appearance of muddling along to a synonym for forging ahead.

Later, he made a series of actions, which really made Ms. Burns very admired. But it also made Ms. Burns see his goal...

It is the highest position in the British Ministry of Magic.

To say that the culprit who caused the Ministry of Magic as a whole to be procrastinated at that time was naturally Minister Fudge.

This is how he is the leader, so what can the people below do.

Being with the light is the choice of most people, but the existence like Ms. Burns who is still strict with self-discipline is a minority.

This is what it means to make a nest of raging bears.

Ms. Bones was really very happy when Thicknesse kicked Fudge out of the position of minister and sat up by himself, which brought about a huge change in the atmosphere of the Ministry of Magic.

And what's even better is that after the success of the previous minister, Thinknes did not relax because of this, and once again restored the rusty old car of the Ministry of Magic to a bright and dignified appearance.

Even if some parts have been rusted from the inside, just replace them with new ones.

Now that it has been repaired, the time has come to test whether this classic car can still be driven again.

This time with Sirius and Pettigrew is what fills up the classic car.

As the person holding the keys to the classic car, Minister Thicknesses' performance is particularly important.

Even if the classic car really started to drive, it would be a joke if Minister Thicknesse's driving skills were not good enough to drive him into a ditch all at once.


At one o'clock in the afternoon the next day, after everyone had eaten, the trial hearing officially began.

All the Wizengamot, almost all the officials of the Ministry of Magic, and a large number of ordinary wizards who had obtained the qualification to observe, walked into the largest courtroom in the Ministry of Magic.

Outside the courtroom, in a room, Harry and Professor McGonagall were sitting here waiting for the outcome of the trial.

Harry asked for leave and asked Headmaster Dumbledore to bring him to the trial.

Hermione and Ginny also wanted to ask for leave, but Professor McGonagall refused.

Harry was Sirius' godson with justification, and Hermione and Ginny had no reason to.

It's just that although Harry's leave at Hogwarts was successful, Harry was notified not to attend after he arrived at the Ministry of Magic.

It is worth mentioning that, in fact, Lena also came with them, but as soon as the trial began, Lena was brought into the courtroom as a witness.

So now he can only sit in this little room with Professor McGonagall and wait

However, this kind of waiting is not completely tormented, and someone will still bring out some situations at the trial scene from time to time to tell Harry.

Mr. Weasley is now in charge of the security of the hearing, so he can take advantage of the patrol time and tell them the situation.

Judging from the current situation, the atmosphere of the trial is almost overwhelmingly favorable to Sirius. Because the fact that Peter Pettigrew is still alive has already made many people suspicious of him.

Not to mention the large amount of evidence that Dumbledore later put forward as Sirius' side, it made everyone more and more convinced that he was really wronged.

And Peter Pettigrew... no one to speak for him, all the questions can only be answered by himself with that mouse-like high-pitched voice.

Because many of the questions Minister Thinknes asked him were very sharp, so he could only use lies to cover up many established evidences.

But lies need to be covered up with other lies.

And when the number of lies is large enough, many statements conflict with each other, and it is self-defeating.

The good news brought by Mr. Weasley made Harry very excited.

If Peter Pettigrew is found guilty, then Sirius will be able to get away without guilt.

It's just that the excitement didn't last long, and the next message from Mr. Weasley silenced Harry.

Because Peter Pettigrew, after being left speechless by many questions, took a trick that was commonly used by all the Death Eaters who were tried more than ten years ago.

It was crying that he was controlled by Voldemort with the Imperius Curse.

If not, how could he, a wizard who was born in Gryffindor and had fought against Voldemort many times at that time, suddenly rebelled and betrayed his best friends, the Potters?

After such sophistry, Peter Pettigrew knelt on the ground and confessed almost instantly, saying that it was because of this that he harbored a sense of guilt that he became a mouse and kept punishing himself.

The words of Peter Pettigrew... seem to be a little bit possible. So that got everyone in the hearing talking.

In addition to the buzzing sound of discussion in the entire courtroom, it was Sirius who kept shouting "he's lying".

After hearing this, Harry felt a very headache... This trick is really bad!

Even if Sirius is really proved innocent, if Peter Pettigrew cannot be found guilty, then it doesn't make much sense!

But then, when Mr. Weasley came here again, he brought Harry a surprisingly good news.

Browder pops up and says he can tell if Pettigrew really has the Imperius Curse on him!

Harry froze for a moment, then both eyes lit up.

Browder is back? That's great, I know he's definitely fine! A few days ago, the small newspaper said that both he and Qiu had been killed, which was indeed false news.

And based on how well Harry knew Browder, since Browder said he could distinguish the Imperius Curse, then he must be able to distinguish the Imperius Curse!

There is really hope!

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