Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 527: Snape's Choice

Crookshanks' sudden stop made Harry, who was a half-dragon transformed into a little confused, hesitate... It's just that he was a little confused, but he didn't lose his mind.

Harry had actually discovered that Crookshanks was walking around with a big black dog a long time ago. Now that it is confirmed that the big black dog is the Animagus state of Sirius, Crookshanks did not behave like this. Nothing can be expected.

Harry stared at Crookshanks, his paw slowly approaching her.

What if he killed the cat too?

The cat and Blake were in the same company. If it's trying to protect Black and die, it's none of Harry's business... If Black is going to save it, it just means he cares more about Crookshanks than Harry's parents...

Now is a great time. Now is the time to avenge his mom and dad.

He's going to kill Blake. He has to kill Black. This is his chance...

But it was a long few seconds, with Harry standing still, Black staring up at him, Crookshanks crouching on his chest.

Ron's harsh breathing came from near the bed.

And Hermione was very quiet.

Harry, who just wants to avenge his parents, will not hesitate for too long because of Crookshanks' obstruction.

Harry grabbed Crookshanks by the back of the neck with one paw, lifted her and threw her at Hermione, before going on to kill Sirius.

Harry's wand was disarmed by Sirius at the beginning, so he became a half-dragon, knocked off Sirius' wand at once, and regained the upper hand.

It's just that if Harry wanted to kill Sirius now, all he had to rely on was his two dragon claws.

So, Harry hesitated again.

So, before Harry could do anything, the time delayed by Crookshanks just now had an impact...Professor Lupine suddenly appeared at the door, knocked Harry into the air with a knock-up spell, and continued to cast a spell on him. Cast a full body binding spell.

And I don't know what kind of magic spell Lupine used on Harry. After chanting the spell again and again, Harry's half-dragon form gradually disappeared.

Hermione and Ron were already dazzled...

First Sirius appeared, then Harry's sudden strange change of state, and then Professor Lupine controlled Harry, all of which shocked them...

But the most shocking thing is that after Professor Lupine stopped Harry's murder, he actually... After asking Sirius a few questions, he helped Sirius stand up, and the two even hugged each other !

Anger, burning from Hermione's heart!

Looking at Harry now restrained, and Ron with his femur bitten off, Hermione couldn't control herself anymore.

"You betrayed us!" screamed Hermione.

Lupine let go of Black and turned to Hermione

And Hermione had stood up from the floor at this moment, pointing at Lupine, her eyes widened, "You...you..."

Hermione was too angry to speak.

"Hermione—" Lupine tried to be as gentle as possible.

"You and him!" Hermione gasped.

"Hermione, calm down." Lupine tried to reassure Hermione. Of course, the main thing was to appease the wand in Hermione's hand. Hermione's spell was not disarmed by anyone.

"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione continued to scream, "I've been covering up for you..."

"Hermione, please listen to me!" cried Lupine, "I can explain—"

Harry felt himself shaking, not from fear, but from a new wave of rage.

"I trust you," Harry yelled at Lupine, his voice shaking uncontrollably, "and you've been his friend all along!"

"You're wrong," said Lupine. "I haven't been Black's friend for at least twelve years, but I am now...let me explain..."

"No!" screamed Hermione, "Harry, don't trust him. He's been helping Black into the castle, and he wants you dead...he's a werewolf!"

There was a silence.

Now all eyes turned to Lupine,

Lupine was calm despite being quite pale, "This doesn't match your usual level, Hermione, I'm afraid it's only a third of your usual level. I haven't been helping Black into the castle all the time, and I sure don't want Harry to die ..."

Lupine had a strange shudder on his face, "But I don't deny that I'm a werewolf."

It took Lupine an obvious effort to turn to Hermione and say, "How long have you known?"

"It's been a long time," Hermione said in a low voice, "after I finished the thesis assigned by Professor Snape..."

"He'll be happy," said Lupine dryly. "He's laying out the paper in the hope that one of you will understand what my symptoms mean. You've looked at the moon chart and you know I always get sick at the full moon." ? Or you know that Boggarts turn into silver balls when they see me... the moon?"

"Both things," said Hermione quietly. But her wand was still pointed at Sirius. In Hermione's subconscious, the main enemy was still Sirius, not Lupine.

Lupine forced a laugh. "As far as I know, you're the smartest witch of your age, Hermione."

"I'm not," whispered Hermione. "If I had been a little wiser, I would have told everyone you were a werewolf!"

"But they already know," said Lupine. "At least the teachers know."

"Dumbledore hired you knowing you were a werewolf?" Ron gasped. "Is he crazy?"

"Some teachers think so," said Lupine. "He had to do a lot of work to convince some teachers that I could be trusted—"

"But he was wrong!" Harry exclaimed, "you've been helping him into the castle!"

He pointed to Sirius. And Sirius had already walked to the edge of the bed and collapsed on it, covering his face with a trembling hand. Crookshanks jumped up beside him and fell into his lap, whining with satisfaction.

"I haven't been helping Sirius," said Lupine. "I'll explain if you give me the chance. See—"

Lupine waved his wand, and the Full Body Binding Charm on Harry disappeared.

Then, Lupine slipped his own wand back into his belt, and accepted Hermione's wand pointing casually, "You have wands, we don't. Now will you listen to me?"

Harry and Hermione didn't know what to make of it.

Is this a trick?

"If you hadn't been helping him," he said, casting an angry glance at Black, "how did you know he was here?"

"Map," said Lupine, "the Marauder's Map. I was in the office looking at—"

Harry still accidentally let Snape find the Marauder's Map during this month, and then the Marauder's Map came into Lupine's hands.

"Do you know how to use it?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Of course it will," said Lupine, with an impatient wave of his hand. "I helped draw it. I'm Moonface — that's what my friends called me at school."

"Did you draw???" Harry asked with question marks all over his face.

"That's not important! What's important is that when I was looking at this map today, I saw you walking out of the castle."

"I watched you walk across the grounds into Hagrid's hut. Ten minutes later, you left Hagrid and walked back towards the castle. But you had other companions."

"What do you mean? There is one more person among us?" Harry frowned, "No, we don't!"

"I couldn't believe my eyes," said Lupine, still pacing, ignoring Harry's interruption. "I thought the map was broken. How could he be with you?"

"Nobody's with us!" Harry emphasized.

"Then I saw another dot, moving quickly towards you, that dot identified as Sirius Black... I saw him collide with you, and I watched him pull two of you into the massacre Go inside the willow—”

"I'm alone!" said Ron exasperatedly.

"No, Ron," Lupine said, looking at Ron with empty eyes, "it's two."

"You said can I see your mouse?" He asked flatly.

"What?" Ron looked at Lupine in surprise, "What does Scabbers have to do with this?"

"Whatever it is," said Lupine. "May I have a look at the mouse?"

Ron hesitated, then reached into his robes.

Scabbers appeared, shaking desperately in Ron's hand. Ron had to grab the long, bald tail to keep it from escaping.

And Crookshanks stood up on Black's lap, crying softly.

Lupine moved closer to Ron. He looked at Banban intently and seemed to be holding his breath.

Lupine's expression made Ron a little scared, and he held Scabbers closer to him, "What could my mouse have to do with it?"

"He's not a mouse," said Black suddenly hoarsely.

"What do you mean? Of course it's a mouse!"

"No, it's not," said Lupine quietly. "He's a wizard."

"He's an Animagus," Black said with a perverted smile, "and his name is Peter Pettigrew."

Very incredible!

That's what Harry was thinking about now.

Peter Pettigrew? What a joke! He was a friend of Mom and Dad, and he had already been killed by Sirius Black.

But then Lupine and Sirius told Harry an incredible story.

A completely reversed situation appeared in front of Harry.

The traitor who betrayed his mother was not Sirius, but Peter Pettigrew!

He cut off one of his own fingers, blew up a street and blamed Sirius, then feigned death, and spent twelve years as a mouse in the Weasleys' house!

What an incredible story? If someone had told the story to Harry some other time, he could have spit at that person.

But this situation can now be proved!

As long as Ron's mouse can be released from the Animagus transformation!

Harry's heart was beating harder.

But another situation happened suddenly, which interrupted the trial!

Snape suddenly tore off Harry's invisibility cloak and appeared in the Shrieking Shack!

He didn't hear a word about Peter Pettigrew, all he knew was that he was going to catch Sirius!

Plus a damn werewolf.

Snape even subdued Lupine and Sirius in a single encounter.

Snake-like bands erupted from the end of Snape's wand and wrapped themselves around Lupine's mouth, wrists and ankles. Lupine lost his balance and fell to the floor, unable to move.

Black roared and rushed at Snape, but Snape's wand controlled Black and threw him to the ground. And when Black regained his composure, Snape's wand was pointed between his eyes.

"Tell me why," Snape said hoarsely, "tell me why, and I swear I'll... make your death a little easier!"

Blake didn't move at all.

At this moment, Harry couldn't tell whose face was more hateful.

Harry stood there, not knowing what to do or who to trust.

He looked at Ron and Hermione.

Ron was as confused as he was, just trying to hold on to the struggling Scabbers.

However, Hermione took a hesitant step towards Snape, and said breathlessly, "Professor Snape, there's nothing wrong with listening to what they have to say, is there?"

"Miss Granger, you are already in danger of being suspended from school," Snape spat. "It's outrageous for you, Potter and Ron, to hang out with proven murderers and werewolves. Keep silent. Even if it's just once in your life."

But Hermione wanted to talk anyway.

"Shut up, you idiot!" snapped Snape, suddenly frantic. "Stop talking about things you don't understand!"

A few sparks came from the end of Snape's wand, which was still pointed at Black's face. Hermione fell silent.

Everyone could see that Professor Snape was now dazzled by hatred.

Unlike Ron and Hermione, Harry also knew that Professor Snape's hatred came not only from himself, but also from Harry's mother.

But there was a crazy gleam in Snape's eyes that Harry had never seen before.

Black was still thinking about telling Dumbledore about the damn rat if he ever saw him.

But Snape didn't have that plan... he planned to have the dementor come over and kiss Sirius right after he got out of the Shrieking Shack.

This sentence made Harry realize that no matter what, this situation cannot happen...until the truth is revealed!

So, when Snape was about to leave with Sirius and Lupine, Harry strode across the room without thinking, blocking the door.

In a moment, Harry made up his mind. Before Snape could take a step towards him, he raised his wand.

"Disarm!" Harry yelled.

But he wasn't the only one who called that.

There was a loud explosion that shook the door on its hinges; Snape was lifted off the ground, slammed into the wall, and slid back to the floor, a stream of blood oozing from under his hair. He was knocked unconscious.

On the bed frame beside him, a dusty veil fell down and covered Snape's body.

Harry looked back to see that both Ron and Hermione had managed to disarm Snape at exactly the same moment. Snape's wand arced high and landed next to Crookshanks on the bed.

They thought the same as Harry... Sirius couldn't just die.


Hehe... Poor Snape!

Browder, who was floating outside the Shrieking Shack, smiled unkindly.

But in this way, Snape's mind dazzled by hatred should have cleared up a little, right?

Then follow the plan!

Through the crack in the window, Broud cast a few spells on Snape.

Full Body Binding Curse...

recover quickly...

slow healing...

Done and called it a day!

What happens next depends on Professor Snape's choice!

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