Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 365 Full of ambition, a figure

Full of ambition, it is probably talking about Browder's current state.

The smile on his face now can't go away at all, and the corners of his mouth are raised, like a weasel who has stolen a chick. Anyone who looks at him can see that he is very happy.

But Marcos and Eddie felt very strange when facing Browder like this... Didn't he just say that Qiu was not feeling well, so he didn't even go to Hogsmeade today?

If so, why is Browder still so happy?

Really strange!

But Browder will not tell them the real situation... In the morning, Qiu told Browder not to let him tell them about them... Qiu's pouting at that time was so cute, As a result, Browder lost control of himself and pounced on him again.

For future happiness, Browder will naturally not go against Qiu's decision.

It's just that even if Browder didn't say anything, someone still guessed the real situation... Qiu's friend Marietta sneaked up to Browder when there was no one else in the auditorium, giggling She then asked Browder, did Qiu give herself to Browder as a birthday present?

Browder nearly choked on the pumpkin juice and coughed for a while before recovering. But Browder, who was relieved, still didn't answer her, but talked about him from left to right, but this made Marietta even more sure! Her guess was correct.

"It doesn't matter! I saw Qiu's state this morning, and I have experience, of course I can see her changes!" Marietta said with a smile.

According to Marietta, Qiu was able to make up her mind because of her, so Browder would like to thank her.

Marietta was going to applaud for love with her boyfriend who had been dating for two months last month, so Marietta, who was a little nervous, asked Qiu if there was anything to pay attention to when applauding.

But Qiu blushed and said that she had no experience.

It made Marietta incredible at the time. Because in her opinion, Browder and Qiu have been dating for several years, even engaged in marriage, so how could it be that they have no experience.

But after repeated confirmations, Marietta also had to confirm that such a situation really existed.

So she guessed... Could it be Browder?

Of course, Qiu felt a burst of anger... Qiu also felt Browder's hardness at that time, and of course knew that Browder would not be bad.

On the contrary, it is very skillful... Although I don't know where Braud learned this skill, every time I just dawdled, it made Qiu feel like an immortal...

So Qiu was laughed at by Marietta at the time, and she said that she would give herself to Browder when it was Browder's birthday this time.

Now, it looks like it's actually come true!

From the beginning to the end, Browder said that what he wants to do most now is to thank Marietta... If it weren't for her aggressiveness, it would be impossible for Qiu, who can't save face, to take the initiative like this.

Thinking about Qiu's sudden change of charm when he asked Browder to agree to a birthday party, Browder realized that Qiu had a plan earlier... Afterwards, the plan did not change quickly, so Qiu made up his mind earlier.

Having tasted the beauty of autumn, Browder is very satisfied.

But Marietta also made a request to Browder... Can't just because I got Qiu,

Abandon her like a shoe! You have to be nice to her as always!

In Marietta's view, the love between Browder and Qiu is all she expected of love... If Browder changes his heart in the future, then she may never believe in love again!

Browder agreed with a smile, and promised to treat Qiu better.

This point, Browder has not changed in this life.

"By the way, Marietta! Although my birthday party will not be held today, I will have dinner with my friends tonight, so you can bring your boyfriend too!" Browder said with a smile to the hero invite.

"Of course I'll go! But I don't have any boyfriends now!" Marietta stretched, "After that bastard got me, he was fascinated by another girl..."

Although her tone is very indifferent, but when you think about it, it's really pitiful!

Browder didn't even know what expression to use.

That's why Marietta has higher demands on Browder, otherwise what will happen if Browder also abandons Qiu!

"Then do it yourself! One less pair of chopsticks will allow everyone to eat more!" Browder's tone remained the same, and his smile did not change.

"Okay! I will definitely go!" Marietta nodded for sure.

Seeing Marietta leave, Browder let out a soft breath... Marietta guessed it herself, so it can't be regarded as his leaking the secret, right?

Browder felt that he was hiding well.

As it turned out, however, not everyone was misled by Browder's arguably "shabby" claims.

Hermione and Luna didn't believe Broud's statement that Qiu was in poor health... because they felt that if Qiu was really sick, Braud would definitely be around her all the time.

How could it be so full of laughter now?

But with the experience of the two of them, it's not enough to think about what happened to Qiu... Browder has been harassed and questioned by them too many times, so let them wait for Qiu to recover and ask her in person!

Then Browder fled.

Hermione and Luna didn't expect that Browder would run away. After being stunned for a while, Qiqi laughed.


Although the fourth attack occurred and public opinion was in an uproar, in the end, under Dumbledore's turnaround, after several twists and turns, the ban that made Hogwarts now closed was finally lifted.

This made everyone who seemed to have this big stone on their heads that could kill everyone at any time, relieved when they saw the big stone was removed.

It's just that after the big rock was removed, sharp scissors appeared at a higher place that could fall at any time.

You need to be careful at all times, or you will get hurt.

But since I can still live a normal life smoothly, what should I do in daily life, and what I should do now.

For example, the second round of Quidditch: Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw vs Slytherin.

As if afraid that the game would be stopped, the two games were compressed and arranged to be played quickly within two days of the weekend.

However, compared to the previous first round when there were many spectators watching each game from the outside, this time there were very few outsiders who actually came to watch the game.

Many feared the attack would happen again in the stadium.

But the reality is that now Dumbledore is sitting in Hogwarts all the time, no matter how arrogant Voldemort is, it is impossible!

Unless it's completely insane!

The two consecutive days of Quidditch matches made everyone feel good about snoring. There were really a lot of shining players in the game, and there was something that many people could talk about for a long time.

The result of Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff, is Gryffindor 200: Hufflepuff 120 As a result, Gryffindor wins!

The whole game was really exciting. Although the Hufflepuff team lost, they showed the most correct way against a team like Gryffindor...their Seeker didn't even look for the Snitch himself, and just stared at Harry, Sabotage every action he has to make.

Playing slow and fast, trying to drag the rhythm of the Gryffindor team into their rhythm.

The Hufflepuff team did indeed succeed! They beat the Gryffindor team to a 50:120 spurt.

However, they relaxed a little at this time, allowing Harry, who had been waiting for an opportunity, to break through their encirclement net, catch the Golden Snitch, and secure the victory.

As for Ravenclaw against Slytherin, it is even more dizzying!

Throughout the game, three-quarters of the Quaffle's offense was controlled by them.

Various means of attack emerge in endlessly.

But it turns out...

These chasers still failed to get even ten points from the goalkeeper Browder.

Ravenclaw 200: Slytherin 0, and finally Ravenclaw wins!

The opponent team scored zero goals in two consecutive games... Everyone has a deeper insight into the horror of the Ravenclaw team's "Spear and Shield"!

The Gryffindor team is also restless, but compared to Slytherin and Hufflepuff, they still have a good chance of winning against Ravenclaw!

As long as Harry can catch the Snitch first... Now, even Wood doesn't think they can get points from Browder, so let's focus on Harry!

Last year, Harry lost to Cho once.

This year, Harry was determined not to lose to her again.

When Browder heard the news, he smiled and asked Harry to come on! But Qiu has become more and more powerful recently, and Harry also needs to be careful!


Although the ban on closing Hogwarts was lifted, it was an extraordinary time, so the curfew time for everyone to return to the dormitory was brought forward to nine o'clock.

Although many people clamored, "Who can sleep at nine o'clock!"

But the group of professors headed by Professor McGonagall will not be merciless... In the view of the professors, letting these students go now is not only not helping them, but also harming them.

Who knows when the heir of Slytherin will come out with a big snake to harm people again!

As a result, bed inspections and the prohibition of night tours have become much stricter.

But Browder still goes his own way... If he can't leave the gate openly, then I'll teleport it myself!

So with a whoosh, Browder wearing the invisibility cloak appeared outside the Room of Requirement.

But at this moment, Browder was stunned for a moment! Because he found a figure leaning against the wall here.

The figure is wearing the Invisibility Cloak, which is the Deathly Hallows.

It's Harry!

But Harry is not only wearing the invisibility cloak, but also turned on double invisibility, so apart from Braud, even if Dumbledore came, he would not be able to notice him at all.

Browder thought for a while and said aloud, "Harry, what are you doing here?"

Harry was a little tired and stayed in the corner, wondering if his impulsive situation was right this time... Then a voice called out his name.

Harry shuddered, and then saw Browder's head appear in mid-air.

If Harry in the past could really be frightened by such a volleying head, but Harry, who is often frightened like this recently, is used to it.

"Browder!" Harry showed his head in surprise and joy, "I'm here to look for you, I just discovered something!"

Because he discovered something different just now, Harry couldn't find the right person to talk to... But Harry remembered that the twins said that Browder would go to the Response Room to study every night, so Harry brought it to him before Misleading the map, he came to the door of the Response Room and waited for Browder.

Fortunately, Browder really came.

Browder looked at Harry's anxious expression and nodded, "It looks like Harry is really anxious, so let's talk after we go in!"

After walking back and forth three times in front of this wall, a door slowly emerged and opened!

Walking into the reading room that Browder wanted, Harry was frightened by the endless bookshelves in the room.

But Browder is obviously used to it!

Invoking a book and opening it straight to the last page read, Browder had time to look at Harry.

"Tell me! Harry, what did you find? You must tell me! The bed check will happen again tonight!" Browder asked.

Harry's heart beat fast, he swallowed and said, "Browder! I found that Ginny suddenly became very abnormal... Before the curfew, I saw her staring at a book with very dull eyes Book, she didn't respond when I called her, until I pushed her, she seemed to come back to her senses... But she didn't remember that I pushed her just now."

"Browder, I remember that I read a book with a similar description..." Harry turned into tears as he spoke, "So is Ginny under the Imperius Curse?"

"By Eric Redondo that guy!"

In Harry's mind, the only person who would use the Imperius Curse on Ginny recently was Eric Redondo who was being investigated by Ginny.

If so, he had killed Ginny.

Because it was Redondo who they decided to ask Ginny to investigate.

Although Harry voted against it at that time, it did not make Harry feel less guilty.

And Harry didn't dare to tell Ron about this... If Ron knew, he would definitely go to that Redondo immediately and desperately!

Hearing what Harry said, Browder didn't have any big reaction.

Because Browder had already had a similar guess.

If Ginny was cast by someone else, then someone cast the Imperius Curse... Even if I can feel everything, I will never be able to control myself.

Very sad!

And if Ginny is under the control of the Imperius Curse, there are some hidden things that only the murderer can know!

For example, Braud and the twins found the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets two years ago.

For example, they also found the Room of Requirement!

That's why the action against Browder will start.

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