Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 186 Docking-tailed mice, Alzheimer's?

In the Gryffindor common room, the new arrivals were celebrated late.

Probably using this as an excuse to have a party.

It was because it was so noisy that it attracted Professor McGonagall, so they stopped.

The little lovers who were snuggling and hugging each other were scared away.

Harry also appreciated the majesty of the dean, and hurried back to the dormitory.

Maybe it was because it was too noisy outside, so when I returned to the dormitory, the five boys quickly fell asleep.

Just before they slept for long, a very shrill cry suddenly sounded.

Harry was immediately startled.

Because the voice just now was so miserable, if he hadn't seen the ghosts in Hogwarts, Harry thought that there might be ghosts shouting.

Harry got up and hurried to see who was what happened.

But when Harry turned on the light and put on his glasses, he found that the four roommates were also looking for where the sound was coming from.

The cry just now was not from the five of them.

Who is that?

Harry got out of bed too, but the first thing he saw was the silver velvet Severn lying on the ground.

Harry remembered that he fell asleep holding it, why is it on the ground... still asleep?

Harry picked it up and made up his mind about what he had done all of a sudden and knocked it to the ground.

Very likely!

"So it shouldn't be called by you, right?" Harry turned the silver velvet toward him, and it woke up.

It yawned sleepily, looked at Harry, and then went back to sleep.

Harry put it on the bed, let it go back to sleep, then went to the others to see what they found.

Although it was in Gryffindor, the boys were not stupid and quickly found the source of the voice.

In addition to the five boys, there were three other pets in the dormitory.

One is Harry's velvet, which now doesn't seem to be what it is called.

The second is Neville's toad, but why can't the toad make such a shrill voice?

The third is Ron's mouse.


Ron shouted and ran to the cage with Scabbers.

Then I saw Scabbers shivering inside.

Ron wanted to take a sigh of relief when he found that Scabbers was fine.

But he just let this sigh of relief, but he sucked it back.

Because there are bloodstains in the cage and half a mouse tail.

Upon closer inspection, the mouse Banban's tail is indeed missing half.

This made Ron cry out in a panic.

The others heard Ron's cry, and naturally they all gathered.

"Ah! What's the matter? What broke the mouse's tail?" Seamus hadn't seen the situation.

No one else has seen it either...what else bites a mouse tail?

There were only five people in the dormitory, a puffball and a toad, none of them seemed like a murderer who would break a mouse's tail.

Dean thought for a while, "Ron, could it be you, the mouse, who bit his own tail off?"

Ron was very angry when he heard the words, "Does Scabbers look like a neuropathy?"

"It's not like that, but it's very possible!" Dean thought, the more likely it was. "Ron, your mouse is very old, right? People may become confused when they get old, and of course mice are also possible!"

This sounds like nonsense at first, but Ron thought about it, but sadly thought it was really possible.

After all, Scabbers had been at the Weasleys for over ten years, almost older than Ron.

But can mice live that long?

Even if it is really a longevity mouse, it is more likely to suddenly suffer from Alzheimer's disease, right?

The more Ron thought about it, the more likely it was, and his mood became even lower.

The first day at Hogwarts is not over yet! My pet mouse is about to be determined to be Alzheimer's, which child can bear this?

If it was a day earlier, it is possible to change a pet!

But now that the cause has been discovered, Simon Dianaway went back to bed after comforting Ron.

Harry also comforted Ron, "Ron, put Scabbers down first, and go to the professor after class tomorrow, shall we?"

Ron nodded and that was all he could do.

But Banban, a mouse who is about to be said to be Alzheimer's, doesn't think so.

Who bit my tail off?

Scabbers isn't actually a real mouse, he's an Animagus, a wizard who can turn into an animal.

He is called Peter Pettigrew, and because he can turn into a mouse, he is also called "Wormtail".

He went to Voldemort in private, then betrayed Harry Potter's parents, and as a secrecy, told Voldemort the location of Harry's house.

But I didn't expect that Voldemort was really defeated by Harry Potter as in the prophecy.

So when he was hunted down by Sirius, who found out he was a betrayal, he faked his escape and then became the Weasleys' pet mouse for more than ten years.

Just now he vaguely remembered that he was sleeping... Then there was a huge pain, and the tail exposed outside the cage was bitten off.

Then he naturally wanted to see who bit his tail off, but then his tail hit him.

After working as a mouse for more than ten years, Wormtail has long since become a bird of fear and ran directly to the other side of the cage.

Although Animagus is very convenient, if he is killed in his transformed form, the wizard himself will also die.

Rats are too small, and too many things are natural enemies.

But even so, now it is said to be "senile dementia", and Wormtail can't admit it.

What if he was humanely destroyed because of Alzheimer's?

Wormtail knew that Ron, though he didn't hate him, still hated him because he had been at the Weasleys for so long.

But if he was really given a chance to get a new pet, Ron would definitely not let it go.

If so, what's up with Wormtail?

But there was no other place where he could hide so easily.

If he really went to the wild, didn't those female mice rush over to take him back to the hole when they saw his strong physique?

Wormtail shuddered at the thought of that sort of thing.

Although he was transformed into a mouse with Animagus, he did not want to mate with a female mouse.

So now all he needs to do is show that he doesn't have Alzheimer's.

So, Wormtail started jumping up and down in the cage.

"Ron, look! What's up with Scabbers now?"

Harry pointed to the cage, "Banbans seems to have a lot of energy all of a sudden! Maybe it really isn't Alzheimer's? It's just our guess, isn't it?"

Harry did his best to keep Ron happy.

But Ron looked at Scabbers who were jumping up and down, but he was even more depressed.

"No, Harry, I'm sure something happened to Scabbers!"

Ron said in a low voice, "I haven't seen Banban so energetic in years! So he must be mentally ill! If he is so active, he will die faster."

Wormtail:  …


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