Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 117 Dangerous pony, true courage

Qiu started to take care of Rourou like this.

Although it is a bit troublesome because I always have to take off the hat and hide the Ravenclaw crown, but after all, as long as the little unicorn can only drink milk for more than a month, there will be no need to do this three times a day in the future. Breastfeeding, so Browder is patient.

And Browder actually enjoys spending time alone with Qiu in a special space.

And because Browder told Qiu the secret of the inner space of his hat, after having a shared secret, the relationship between Qiu and Browder became even hotter... Otherwise, why would he dare to talk to Browder in public like before? Lauder really kissed?

Maybe Qiuhou will think back then that he was really crazy at the time.

But at that time, the truth was revealed.

correct! Browder also asked Qiu why he gave the foal a name like "Rou Rou"?

Where did it come from the image, gender, appearance?

Qiu's answer is simple.

"None of them!" Qiu then laughed happily, "because there were several toy ponies in the toys I played with since I was a child, and one of the golden pony was called Rou Rou. Although I think now that Rou Rou is Fei Rou Horses not unicorns."

Toy? Pegasus? unicorn?


Browder suddenly felt that the name Rourou was very good, better than the name Baoli.

Shaking his head and throwing all the thoughts out of his head...he didn't want to be Hermes.



After Qiu feeds the little unicorn Rourou, it is also a little troublesome.

For example, during Quidditch training, you need to take a leave of absence suddenly.

The captain didn't even know what to do with Qiu who only said he was going to the bathroom.

This really doesn't lie.

I can only be thankful that the Seekers in the Ravenclaw team have little interaction with other players.

Not like Gryffindor, where the team revolves around the Seeker.

Qiu is also very embarrassed to delay training, so after returning, he will hurry up to train... If you are not careful, it is easy to exhaust yourself.

Every time like this, Qiu would rest in Browder's arms in the stands until his strength returned.

"Enough is enough for you guys!" Marcos wanted to ignore Browder and Qiu's always showing affection, but he couldn't.

"No!" Browder replied in seconds.

Marcos originally had a lot to say, but after listening to Browder's cheeky answer, there was only "uh uh uh uh..." in his throat.

Being shown, causing discomfort.

"Marcos, if you envy me, go after other girls!" Browder pointed his head at the person next to him. "Every time Katie is here, you never thought of confessing to her?"

The voice was not small, not only Marcos, but also Katie on the other side heard it.

But the genders of the two of them really seem to have changed.

Marcos was shy, but Katie didn't care.

"Browder, you guy..." Marcos grabbed Browder's collar with one hand, but when he saw Katie's look, he unconsciously let go.

"I... still need to prepare." Marcos was even more shy.

"Prepare for what?" Katie looked at Marcos, "If you can summon the courage, I can try to give you a chance."

Katie seems to have a good impression of Marcos, which has been cultivated from the first day of school.

And although Marcos sometimes behaves stupidly, he is not unwise, especially in Potions class, he is the only one in the same grade who dares to question the old Bat's teaching steps.

Isn't that very courageous?

"I just have to prepare for courage!" Marcos was very serious at this time,

"Browder said something before, and I think it's right! The courage you muster up for a while is not real courage, but impulsive. The courage to take all the responsibilities for a long time is the real courage."

"Katie, I don't want our relationship to be based on two people's impulses," Marcos said.

"Oh~~~" Browder looked at Marcos with a serious face and Katie, who was finally shy, and interrupted, "Marcos, you are a little handsome today!"

Marcos glared at Browder, the guy who would demolish him, and his face turned red.

And then... Katie ran away.

"What are you looking at, chase!" Qiu Du was attracted by the words of the two of them, "Don't you have the courage to chase now?"

Marcos suddenly realized, and quickly chased after him.

These two guys finally pierced the window paper.

Browder and Qiu looked at each other, then laughed together.

"Okay, Browder, I've had enough rest to go to training! Wait for me to come back!" Qiu said with a smile, and then rode on a broom and flew away.

Browder looked at her, then remembered what Marcos had just said.

The courage I mentioned before should also continue!


When I was in school, everyone must have experienced the activity of selecting class cadres.

Especially when a new group such as the first year of junior high school, the first year of high school, and the first year of college was formed and no one was familiar with each other, the head teacher sometimes asked each student to attack to recommend himself, or to speak on the stage, or to show himself.

In fact, the students are not stupid. They know that as long as they dare to take office at this time, the head teacher will definitely have a better impression of themselves, and the class cadres are very likely to be directly appointed.

But many students still won't be on stage.

On the one hand, I feel ashamed to speak in front of so many unknown faces.

On the other hand, before you become a class cadre, you will think first. If you really become a class cadre, you will definitely have a lot of things to do... It's super troublesome and delays your time.

But no matter how you think about it, if you don't even have the courage to show your abilities on stage, how can you show that you are capable?

Do you know it yourself?

And the follow-up work of the class cadres, which is very tiring just thinking about it, is naturally the work that everyone will continue to carry out after showing themselves bravely.

That's a job that courageous people should take on.

After all, courage is not an impulse, but a long-lasting action.

Now Browder naturally has to pay for his brave actions.

It's the act of killing the basilisk.

Don't look at killing the basilisk in the secret room, almost no one else knows, but the consequences are what Browder needs to bear.

A powerful predator like the Basilisk is naturally the top of the Forbidden Forest food chain.

And the disappearance of the basilisk will naturally make the next-level intermediate predators lose their restraints.

right! This is the eight-eyed spider!

Originally, although the eight-eyed spiders were very powerful, they were born without eyelids and could not close their eyes, so they would die when they saw their eyes, and the basilisks that liked to eat spiders were their natural enemies, restricting their growth in numbers.

But the basilisk is dead now, and the number of the eight-eyed spiders in the future... can't be counted.

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