Harry Potter Blood Hunter

Chapter 107 Basilisk attack, curse the doll

"Break to pieces!" ×2

Two destructive white lights shot out from the tops of Browder's two wands and quickly ran towards the Basilisk.

Browder didn't do it himself just now, just continued to incite his magic power to maximize the power of these two moves.

Not only that. Although reluctantly, Browder is still controlling these two spells, ensuring that he will not be evaded by the basilisk.

But contrary to Browder's expectations, this thousand-year-old basilisk didn't look like it was trying to avoid it at all, but just used the food to be spit out to induce vomiting faster.

And when the two smashed bones were about to hit the basilisk, the basilisk, which had a height of at least six meters in its upright front half, finally spit out a small group of food first, and one of the smashed bones was in the middle.

Although this clump of food is called a "little clump", it is compared to the bloated part of the basilisk. Really count the volume, the size of a bedroom is still there.

The power of shattering bones was completely blocked by this mass of food.

The two canceled, and Browder just saw some broken hard shells and a few spider pincers falling... Sure enough, the basilisk likes to eat spiders, and I don't know how many spiders this group is.

As for the other smashing body, it really hit the forehead of the basilisk.

Originally, Browder was aiming at the eyes, but he was finally avoided by the basilisk.

This body-shattering effect... The basilisk has almost nothing to do, except that the scarlet crested hair has been beaten a little, and it is a little messy, not as deterrent as before.

As a human being, it is a trick to be beaten bald.

You know it! If you are bald, you will be stronger!

A whole mass of food reached his throat, and was immediately sprayed out by the basilisk multiple times like a cannonball.

Browder was already standing on Anna's shoulders directing her next move.

These foods are mainly burned by spraying flames, and those that cannot be burned will be thrown away by Browder with a spell.

Anyway, just don't let Anna touch these foods.

The reason is simple, because most snakes, their venom is their digestive juice.

And the basilisk is even more, completely super poisonous.

If Anna was poisoned, Browder didn't have as many phoenix tears to detoxify her.

These foods contaminated with the basilisk's digestive juices will eventually be burned.

However, Browder, who had good eyesight, still saw some very special "food" when he defended the counterattack.

Like a troll's thigh... There are trolls in the Forbidden Forest?

For example, a centaur whose lower body has been completely corroded... It seems that the state of the soul is not completely dead.

Another example... Heh, there is actually a unicorn. The parts of the tail that Browder was more concerned about were corroded and gone.

I don't know if the basilisk eating unicorns will be cursed by the blood of unicorns?

After all the food was sprayed, the basilisk, who had regained a slender figure, rushed towards Anna at the first time, and it seemed that he was going to entangle her.

The power of the snake disk is very large.

So Browder instructed Anna to repay him the way he did.

With a sweep of the dragon's tail, the basilisk that had just approached Anna was swept away before she could open its mouth.

Following this power, the basilisk's tail was drawn towards Anna again, but it was avoided by Browder in advance.

While Browder was directing Anna, he was still firing a spell.

But no matter what spell Browder casts, it will bounce off the basilisk's dark green scales.

The previous smashing of bones and bones was the best one.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being called the most powerful basilisk? Magic resistance is too high! It's just bullying that I'm only a first grader!

For Dumbledore, I don't know if the basilisk would dare to bear all the spells he fired.

So how much influence does shedding have on the basilisk, so that such a powerful basilisk can be easily pierced by the phoenix, and then be cut by Harry Potter like a hero with an unskilled sword kill?

Originally, the attack of the puffy velvet army planned by Browder was impossible to exert any power in this situation!

Browder had a headache.

After the wheel of fortune finally turned to [Immunity to Death], Browder mustered up the courage to come here to fight the basilisk that was too powerful for him.

But now... this basilisk is also much stronger than he expected.

"Curse the doll!"

After consuming a bottle of [Blood Essence], Browder used the ancestral power of the [Talking Doll] that had not been used for a long time.

No way, who called this cursed doll a girl-style doll? People with a personality like Browder are too embarrassed to use them too much.

The person who has seen the Cursed Doll and is still alive is Regulus... I really hope he forgets about it completely.

The power of the ancestors was used, and the curse doll suddenly appeared on Browder's shoulders.

"Do you want to play with me?"

Every time the curse doll comes out, it will say this sentence.

"Go! Curse that basilisk!" Browder ordered, "As long as you succeed, I'll play with you!"


The happy sound of the cursed doll can be creepy.

A special power manifested in the cursed doll...Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the eyes of the cursed doll, which appeared to be made of glass beads and cloth, and then she smiled and drifted towards the basilisk.

The basilisk saw something floating over, but the half-blind it didn't see too clearly, so it swiped with its tail, slapped the cursed doll on the ground, and directly punched a small hole.

But this pair of cursed dolls is really ThankYou.

Curse is activated, reducing the attack power and magic power of the user according to the user's intelligence.

The basilisk suddenly felt very tired, and the strong desire to attack suddenly dropped a lot.

Why is this?

Because you just threw up all the food in your stomach?

That should be the bad temper.

The basilisk stopped for a second or two before attacking Ana again.

Does it work?

Browder continued to instruct Anna to fight back, and then looked at the pit where the cursed doll was... There was nothing, and it was broken up?

This was the first time Browder used the Curse Doll's curse technique to attack an opponent, so it's unclear whether it was successful or not.

At this moment, the familiar voice of the curse doll rang in Browder's ears again, "The curse technique is finished. Come and play with me."

Cursed Doll returned to Browder's shoulders at some point.

At the same time, Anna slapped the basilisk out again with one claw, and the tail of the snake that was slapped was directly caught by Anna.

"Okay!" Browder smiled and made Anna seem to be transformed into a Hulk, and dropped the "Rocky" Basilisk back and forth to the ground.

"Smashed to pieces!"

With two jets of white light again, the dark green scales of the Basilisk exploded!

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