Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures

Vol 2 Chapter 1808: The last Horcrux

Death is the last enemy!

The world of the dead, the Resurrection Stone, the fifteen-year-old Riddle, the Horcrux magic of Voldemort on Ron, a lot of information emerged in Harry's mind one by one, and he felt as if he understood something.

Open the Snitch at the last moment and use the Resurrection Stone inside. That is to say, the enemy he has to face at the last moment is death. Dumbledore thinks that Harry will die at the hands of Voldemort. More precisely, he must die!

Harry blinked, startled by the thought that popped into his head.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a possibility. If he is also a Horcrux of Voldemort, then he must die, because only in this way can Voldemort be destroyed... And there is a high possibility that he is a Horcrux, ha Leigh has been speculating lately.

You know, Voldemort's soul is very unstable. As long as killing people, it is possible to split the soul, because by accident, Voldemort split the Horcrux magic attached to Ron. So on that night sixteen years ago, right here, when he killed Harry's parents, did he also cause the split of the soul, and let a piece of soul attach to Harry? !

He was defeated by Lily's protection curse at the time, and he couldn't control his soul split under excitement, making Harry a Horcrux, so Harry could enter Voldemort's mind.

Compared with the Horcrux magic on Ron, Voldemort's soul fragment was integrated into Harry's soul, and he was a Horcrux himself.

To destroy Voldemort, you need to destroy all the Horcruxes. After the diary, Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's crown, Gaunt family's ring, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Evil God statue, and Ron's Horcrux magic were all resolved, the rest It was Harry who had to die to destroy Voldemort.

This is what Dumbledore wants to guide him to know, and it is also the task that Dumbledore left him. At this moment, Harry suddenly wants to ask Riddle about this. Fifteen-year-old Riddle, he must be knew.

Or, Ai Wen also knows! It is not Ai Wen who should go to the world of the dead, but him!

Seeing that Harry seemed to be listening, Sirius continued, "Apologize to Hermione for what happened just now and the hurtful remarks, Harry, we can't continue to hurt anyone who loves us, especially here. planting time."

There was a mess in Harry's head, all the thought that had just popped up.

He only heard Hermione whisper "I'm fine", and Sirius went on to talk about Bathilda Bagshot, "I think Hermione is right, it's time to visit Bagshot and Not a good idea, besides the danger, I doubt how many wizards will stay at home, Death Eaters and dark wizards are catching people everywhere these days, and everyone is freaked out, either getting caught or hiding."

"The message on the board confirms that the dark wizards have been here." Hermione added.

"It's not just Godric's Hollow, but other places are similar. Voldemort is crazy. If the information about the evil **** left by Ai Wen is true, I can't even think about what he is going to do! Before Voldemort does something crazier , we have to stop him, this is our task. Let's go to find the home of the house elf, don't make any extras, the enemy may appear at any time, be vigilant. By the way, where is the ruins of the house elf home? "

"In the mountains to the east of the valley, when Mr. Lovegood was tracking the horned snoring beast, he found a lot of murals and graffiti left by ancient house-elves on a rock wall, among which there were paintings about house-elves. The records of the homeland." Hermione said, "I saw the photo, it is a rare ancient rune, only circulated among goblins and elves, Mr. Lovegood read a lot of materials to decipher it."

Dobby shook his head and said, "Dobby doesn't know anything about ancient rune, miss, Dobby has never heard of it, and neither does the other house-elves."

"That was nearly a thousand years ago, and it's normal that you don't know." Hermione continued, "Ever since it was conquered by humans, the inheritance of elves has been broken, and they have completely become a subordinate race of wizards. As for fairies, they also He was enslaved by wizards for hundreds of years, and although he gained an independent status through continuous rebellion, there are not many fairies who can remember the traditions and writings left by his ancestors."

In fact, not only fairies and elves, but also many non-human intelligent creatures and magical animals have been killed by wizards for thousands of years. Long, Cyclops, etc. These ancient magical creatures are now all extinct and become history.

Their magic, their writing, and their civilization, annihilated. The current wizards can only see the names of these creatures in books, and imagine their appearances out of thin air.

Some people say that this is a kind of progress, but if you think about it from another angle, isn't it a pity?

Human wizards have explored every corner of the magical world, conquered all magical creatures, and domesticated countless magical animals. They seem powerful and invincible, but in fact, the world has lost its diversity and a lot less wonderful.

"On the hills to the east!" said Sirius, "I don't remember much there, except that somewhere on the top of the valley east of the valley there is a statue and a building in memory of Godric Gryffindor himself, that building It looks like a monastery, and when the moon is full, the moonlight shines right above the statue, and James and I visited it. Come on, if the house-elves' home is there, I probably know how to get there."

He said, walking in one direction, and Harry and Hermione followed.

Soon, they left the main road and walked on a rough road, and walked in silence for a while. Harry was still thinking about the idea that had just popped up in his head, and his thoughts were complicated.

Hermione didn't speak either, she thought of Ai Wen again. If it is true that as Sirius said just now, Ivan met Dumbledore in the world of the dead, what would they say?

The last enemy to destroy is death! The only way to defeat death is to accept it, and Dumbledore may choose to go on and defeat this last enemy.

What about Ai Wen, will he choose to go down or come back? Only people with real courage will go on without any scruples. Hermione does not doubt Ai Wen's courage, but she hopes that he can come back, even for her...

In the night sky, the stars twinkled brightly, and a shooting star suddenly passed by.


Voldemort doesn't seem to have thought about whether Harry will come to Godric's Hollow, or has thought about it, but he thinks that the time has come, and he can't arrange for someone to stay here all the time. All in all, Sirius, Ha Leigh, Hermione, and Dobby were four, and they didn't encounter a single Death Eater or dark wizard along the way.

Based on the clues left by Mr. Lovegood, they quickly found the destination of the trip.


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