Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 851 Castle in the Air

Tiera neither disappeared nor was rejected, but began to diffuse towards the bottom of the universe.

Tiera panicked and tried to stop this process, but it was useless-

Until this moment, Tiera finally saw the truth of this universe.

This universe, this so-called "Harry Potter Universe", if described with an adjective, is like a luxurious city built in the air.

The luxurious city in the air has no foundation! In this universe, there are no elementary particles!

So when Tiera's particle escaped from the state of absolute nothingness, he immediately filled the logical loophole of this universe, and Tiera became the elementary particle of this universe!

Tiera became this universe!

"No no. No. Impossible."

Tiera couldn't figure it out, he couldn't understand it.

How could there be a universe without elementary particles?

A universe without elementary particles is like a building without a foundation, a human without cells.

This universe should be a blank sheet of paper, a blank canvas, or a nothingness where nothing exists.

It should be a completely heterogeneous field, an existence beyond any intuition and common sense, a field not bound by any known laws of physics.

But it is not -

This is a real world, where the planets and the creatures on them are pulled together by the gravitational force of all things; the refraction and reflection of light follow Snell's law and the law of reflection; the orbits of electrons outside the nucleus adhere to the principles of quantum mechanics; chemical reactions continue according to chemical equilibrium and rate laws; organisms encode the blueprint of life through DNA replication, transcription and translation, and cell division follows the rules of mitosis and meiosis.

All of this constitutes the material world and the material dimension on which all organic life depends for survival.

Social structure maintains orderly development in this world. Human civilization relies on the first and second laws of thermodynamics to promote the industrial revolution under the framework of energy conservation and entropy increase; social exchanges and economic transactions conform to the basic principles of supply and demand and the natural laws of market economy; medical progress is closely related to the organism's deep understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs; technological breakthroughs rely on the precise mastery of semiconductor physics and the algorithm optimization of computer science.

This supports human modern society.

Without elementary particles, all of this would not exist.

But if this world is fake and elementary particles do not exist, then what is the point of Tierra living in this universe without elementary particles for so many years?

What is the food he eats and the water he drinks? What is the air he breathes? What is the magic he learns and the witchcraft he uses? What is the ceremony of his becoming a god? What are Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Dumbledore who have shared joys and sorrows with him for so many years? For so many years

What is Tierra?

Is Tierra real?

Is he also fake?

No, no, no!

Tierra shook off the thought fiercely. He is real, he must be real.

Now there can be no such thoughts, no such ideas.

He must be real.

Tierra let go of his control and let himself fall to the bottom of the universe, letting Tierra particles fill the logical gaps of this universe.

This universe is real--

As Tierra particles occupied the original position of the elementary particles of this universe, Tierra also fully understood the essence of this universe.

This universe is real, everything he experienced is real, he himself is real, the magic he learned is real, his god-making ceremony is real, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Grindelwald. They are all real.

But in such a real universe, there are no elementary particles -

It's like all the elementary particles were emptied after the universe was built, or there is something that does not need elementary particles and directly builds a universe.

Looking at all the Outer Gods, who can achieve this -

"Nya. Nyarlathotep" Tierra muttered helplessly and tiredly.

This is the first time he has called the name of the Three Pillars so bluntly.

Tierra no longer cares, at this stage, this taboo is no longer important.

It doesn't matter whether Nyarlathotep hears or doesn't hear him chanting his name.

The only one who can create such an anti-logical universe is Nyarlathotep.

It's ridiculous that I was complacent because I anchored a magic called "loophole" to my "inheritor" once.

Tierra lamented his former arrogance and narrow-mindedness. Only then did he realize how narrow-minded he was. It was not until today that Tierra saw what a real "loophole" was.

No wonder. No wonder he could not look directly at the true appearance of the Old Ones and the Outer Gods. Their existence was a challenge to all existing human logic.

But Tierra did not understand. He could not figure it out-

Why did Nyarlathotep spend so much effort?

Was it really just for fun? For fun? To see that he had no home to return to, to see that all his efforts were in vain?

Then he was like a spectator, enjoying this helpless tragedy?

Tiera couldn't figure out why Nyarlathotep worked so hard to create this world, whether it was just for entertainment, or if he had a deeper purpose and plan.

Even though Tiera has now become a true Old One, even if it has become a single universe, he still cannot get the exact answer to this question.

Tiera's attempt to use limited wisdom to understand infinite existence is as ridiculous as an ant's attempt to understand human thinking.

Tierra particles want to continue to expand.

Tiera has occupied the position of all basic particles at this point in time. He feels that he is everywhere, omnipotent, and omniscient——

He is in every Tiera, he is in every anchor point, he is in every animal, he is in every plant, he is in every drop of water, every grain of dust, every chemical compound , every molecule, every atom, and even every process.

After occupying the "present", Tiera particles began to look back toward the "past".

Tiera realized that this universe was an empty universe, and there had been no elementary particles since its birth.

Now, countless "pasts" passed through his mind, and he could feel the formation of stars, the cooling of planets, and the birth of life. Every corner of the universe, whether it's a distant galaxy or the planet beneath his feet, is filled with his presence.

Until the beginning of the universe, Tiera came into contact with the chaos before the Big Bang.

After the Tierra particles occupied the "past" and "present", the Tierra particles began to extend toward the "future" until they touched another piece of chaos.

A chaos formed by the superposition of probability clouds and fields of possibility, a combination of all future possibilities.

If the universe is compared to a line, Tiera's line runs between two pieces of chaos——

One end is the chaos before the Big Bang, and the other end is the chaos of the future.

Tiera seemed to have a glimmer of understanding at this moment.

He looked at the chaos of the past and the chaos of the future at the same time, and then looked up at the inexplicable heights.

Countless ideas, thoughts and theories flashed through Tiera's mind in an instant, and finally——

Tiera smiled.

He cut off the subconscious ocean of communication between all "Tiera".

Countless Tiera "awoke".


The universe named Tiera vibrated like a string.

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