Harry, Hermione and the Weasley family followed Tiera's suggestion for their next itinerary. They stayed in Barcelona for a few more days and visited every attraction before taking the train from Barcelona to Malaga. , began their next adventure in Spain.

The train they were riding was an old-fashioned train that had been completely retired before Tiera crossed over.

Hermione even wondered if the train was from before World War II.

But it was such a train that was older than Hermione, and even older than Hermione's parents, that pulled them from busy Barcelona to the southern coast full of Mediterranean style.

After about ten hours of admiring the magnificent mountains and clear coastal scenery, the group finally arrived at the historic city of Malaga.

After arriving, because it was too late, they stayed in the hotel first, and then immediately visited the Alcazaba in Malaga early the next morning——

This is a typical Moorish fortress located in the center of the city.

Under the guidance of a tour guide, they walked through the thick city walls and wide courtyards, feeling the ancient historical atmosphere.

For lunch, they enjoyed delicious traditional Spanish dishes at an authentic little restaurant in the city center.

One of the restaurant's specialties is grilled fresh fish and seafood soup, which is full of aroma and unforgettable.

After the meal, a dessert not to be missed is the Malaga wine ice cream, which incorporates the region's famous Malaga liqueur into the ice cream, giving it a unique taste and a slight aroma of liqueur.

In the afternoon, Harry, Hermione and the Weasley children excitedly ran to the famous Boboglia Beach in Malaga.

Surrounded by enthusiastic tourists and locals, everyone is immersed in the beautiful weather and the surrounding natural scenery.

The children couldn't wait to take off their shoes and rush to the soft beach, feeling the warm and delicate touch of the sand on their soles.

Hermione unfolded a large beach towel and spread it near the water, while Harry helped Ron and the twins take out the Frisbees and beach balls they had brought with them.

On the beach, under the sunlight, the sea water shows a transparent blue color, and the waves gently lap on the shore, making a peaceful splash. The children were playing in the water, throwing and catching beach balls with each other, and there were screams and laughter.

As the sun sets in the west, a golden-red glow begins to appear on the horizon, gently coating the sea with a layer of light. At this time, Mrs. Weasley suggested that everyone go to the outdoor cafe on the beach to end this energetic day.

The cafe is located on a privileged high ground by the beach, from where you can enjoy the perfect view of the sunset over the sea.

They chose a large round table facing the sea, where the gentle breeze brought the saltiness of the sea water and the fresh aroma of the surrounding flowers and plants.

The waiter quickly ran up to entertain them and recommended several special dishes from the Mediterranean coast. They ordered fresh grilled fish, seafood platters and Malaga's signature cold cuts, which include olives, sliced ​​cheese, ham and an assortment of pickled vegetables and fish.

Each dish is delicately placed on the plate. The grilled fish is grilled until golden and crispy on the outside, and the meat is tender on the inside. The seafood platter brings together shrimp, clams and squid, and every bite is filled with the taste of the ocean.

The cold cuts are simple yet delicious, served with freshly baked bread, and are a perfect reflection of the traditions and flavors of the region.

They enjoyed the meal, chatted, and felt the tranquility brought by the gentle sea breeze and sunset. There were occasional laughter and conversations from other tourists around, but they were not enough to disturb the harmony and beauty of this moment.

As dinner came to an end, the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione walked slowly back to the hotel with a happy and satisfied mood.

The night sky was filled with stars and the sea breeze accompanied by the gentle sound of waves was the perfect end to the day.

Of course, just one day is not enough for them to fully experience the spicy Mediterranean style of Malaga.

They stayed here for another two or three days, visiting the local market in Malaga, and even observed the local wedding customs.

On their last night in Malaga, they attended a local flamenco show.

The fiery dance and passionate guitar playing made everyone deeply feel the enthusiasm and vitality of southern Spain.

Early the next morning, the Weasley family, Harry and Hermione took a long-distance bus to leave Malaga and headed for their next destination——


After arriving in Valencia, Harry, Hermione and the Weasley family immediately felt the difference between this city and Malaga.

As the third largest city in Spain, Valencia has a more modern architectural style and technological elements, which is in sharp contrast to the ancient and peaceful Moorish cultural heritage of Malaga.

Valencia is more of a vibrant hub of innovation, especially known for its futuristic architecture and art scene.

After a brief rest, their first stop was to visit the City of Science and Arts, a symbol of the city. Designed by the famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, this complex includes the futuristic Oceanarium, Science Museum, Planetarium and Opera House. The interactive exhibitions at the Science Museum particularly attract children's attention. They can operate various scientific experiments with their own hands and experience the charm of science and technology.

For lunch, they chose a popular local restaurant and tried Valencia's most famous delicacy - Valencian paella. This delicacy is prepared with local saffron, rose sauce, seafood, rabbit and chicken. It is delicious in color and aroma, and reveals the flavor of the Mediterranean in every bite.

In the afternoon, they visited the old town of Valencia, including the Gothic Valencia Cathedral and the Market Building.

Valencia Cathedral is located in the heart of the city, with its towering spire reaching into the sky.

Built between the 13th and 15th centuries, the cathedral is a historic religious site deeply revered by local residents and tourists. In the dimly lit interior, Hermione and Harry were particularly attracted to several precious artifacts, the most well-known of which was a "Holy Grail" said to be used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.

The Holy Grail is carefully kept in a richly decorated independent room, surrounded by various murals depicting biblical stories, adding to a solemn and mysterious atmosphere.

"This so-called Holy Grail is actually -" During the visit to the Holy Grail, Hermione's addiction to popular science broke out and she seemed to want to talk nonsense, but was interrupted by Ron and Harry at the right time.

"Shh!" Harry and Ron poked Hermione almost at the same time.

"Visit quietly," Harry said.

"Be careful not to be kicked out by the church staff." Ron added on the side.

As soon as they entered the cathedral, Hermione kept talking non-stop, from the history of the cathedral to popular science to the architectural style of the cathedral.

The priest who was responsible for guiding tourists in the church already had a bad eye on Hermione.

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