Time quickly advanced to the first black magic class after Christmas.

In the new semester, Hogwarts has put Tiera's Dark Arts class on Friday afternoon, so even if some students go crazy on Christmas and forget to write Tiera's Dark Arts homework, they can still take advantage of Tiera's I was trying to find a way to make up for it before the black magic class officially started.

The black magic class is still in the once-abandoned girls' bathroom on the third floor, which was renovated and expanded into a black magic classroom by Tiera as early as the beginning of the semester.

The place was as crowded as ever with students coming to class, but unlike the previous expectations and excitement, the students in the black magic class this time were more or less anxious.

Obviously, as Tiera expected, many students went crazy on Christmas. It was not until they returned from Christmas and were told about the class schedule for this semester that they suddenly remembered that they still had a paper to submit for the black magic class. .

Especially this assignment is to analyze Voldemort's mental process, and it also requires that it must be completely original. The most important thing is——

They don’t even know what the passing standards are——

"The paper does not need to be long, but it must be profound, it must come from the heart, and it must be deeply analyzed."

What is profound? What does it mean to come from the heart? What is in-depth analysis?

Those young wizards who have taken classes in the Muggle world are okay. They have at least learned the most basic grammar and logical thinking patterns. They are more or less a little bit confused about the thesis topic "Analysis of the Mental Journey of a Cold-blooded Dark Lord" ideas.

As for those children from wizarding families who have not even learned primary school grammar and logical thinking skills, and have only been in school for one or two years, the situation is miserable. The questions can only use words such as "scary", "terrible", and "terrible" over and over again. People are panicking" and other words to pile up the analysis of Voldemort.

To have an adjective like "the shadow of death" or "the fog of despair" appear is already considered a feat of literary talent.

"Okay, students." Tiera said with a smile, "Please submit your homework."

After hearing Tiera's words, most of the students, as if they were hearing a death sentence, took out one or two thin thesis manuscripts from their schoolbags with bleak expressions.

Of course, there are also some people, such as Hermione, who confidently took out a dozen neatly bound papers with more than thirty pages from their schoolbags and slapped them viciously on the table.

Tiera's head was buzzing at the sight.

I don’t think his master’s thesis was this thick.

He remembered that his request specifically included the sentence "The paper does not require any length."

I'm just afraid of a situation like Hermione's happening.

As everyone put their papers on the table, Tiela waved her hand, and a breeze passed by. The papers on everyone's desk, no matter how thick or thin, were like feathers, being blown up and flew to Tiela. Pull the teaching desk behind you.

After all the homework was collected, Tiera half-closed her eyes, stretched out a white finger, and lightly touched the homework on the podium.

The more than 300 students in the class just looked at Tiera nervously.

The whole classroom instantly became silent, and even the sound of Tiera's fingers brushing over each piece of homework seemed to be clearly audible.

Finally, in this silent atmosphere, Tiera slowly walked around his desk, touched every assignment, and then slowly opened his eyes, with that look on his face reappearing. The old god is smiling.

"I've gone over this assignment in general," Tiera said with a smile.

"Ten points from Gryffindor." Tiera said, "Miss Hermione Granger's homework is thirty-five pages long. It is very well written and very detailed. You can see it from her complete format. It turns out that she is very serious about this assignment. Likewise, it also reflects her rigorous and meticulous attitude towards black magic. This is the attitude we need most in the process of learning black magic. I hope everyone can learn more about Hermione Grant. Miss Jie is studying."

"Yeah!" Hearing Tiera praise herself, Hermione shouted excitedly from the audience, and then hammered Harry's arm to express her joy.

Tiera casually pulled out Hermione's paper and turned it over to all the students, showing the contents of Hermione's paper.

"When you have the opportunity to study at New Miskatonic University in the future, you will study a course called "Writing and Standards of Magic Papers."" Tiera said, "And you guys will start from New Miskatonic When I graduate from college, I have to write a paper of about this size, which needs a title, author, table of contents, abstract, keywords, text, references, appendices, etc.”

"As for some students' papers?" Tiera waved her hand and randomly pulled out dozens of individual papers.

"Although I said you don't need to write too much, I didn't say your paper can be as short as a few sentences or even a few words." Tiera said, flipping the few thin papers.

"Tom Riddle or Voldemort deserves far more than just a few words." Tiera sighed helplessly, then stood up from the desk she was leaning on and straightened her head slightly. Wizard robes.

"But it's not your fault." Tiera smiled and walked around the classroom, using the most time-consuming and Muggle way to distribute the thin papers in her hands back to their respective creations. in hands.

"When he first entered school, he was a quiet boy in second-hand robes, waiting in line with other first-year students to be sorted. As soon as the sorting hat touched his head he was sorted into Slytherin. How long has it been since he Only then did we find out that the founder of his college can also talk to snakes, we don't know - maybe that night, this fact made him more excited and made him more aware of his own importance." Tiera said as he walked, " However, there is no evidence that he ever used his Parseltongue to frighten his classmates in the common room. He did not display any obvious arrogance or aggression at all. After arriving at school, he attracted the attention and sympathy of many teachers and staff. He seemed polite, quiet, and thirsty for knowledge. Almost everyone was impressed by him."

"Gradually, he turned his goal to school. He found a group of loyal friends for himself. I think it was for better convenience in the next semester. Although I had hinted at it, Riddle still had no doubt that he was interested in them. Influence. This group of people has an evil charm in the castle. They gather all kinds of people, a mixture of the weak seeking approval and the strong seeking glory. In other words, they are the members of the Death Eaters. Predecessors, and some of them did become Death Eaters after leaving school."

"They were firmly in the hands of Riddle and never did anything wrong in public, even though countless dirty things had happened during their seven years at Hogwarts that seemed to have nothing to do with them. Small accidents, the most serious of which - of course - was the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, resulting in the death of a girl and the innocent punishment of our gamekeeper, Hagrid."

When she finished saying this, Tiera just finished distributing the last paper, and then stood there, holding the table with both hands, looking at the student condescendingly.

"So, Mr. Berenik Cornell." Tiera called his name.

"Yes, sir." The thirteen-year-old boy named Berenik Cornell stood up nervously.

"So does Voldemort's behavior remind you of anything?" Tiera asked.

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