Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 481 Nightmare

Marietta never felt like she had done anything wrong.

Even that night, when faced with Dumbledore's words, "You betrayed your class, you betrayed your companions." Marietta felt only fear, uneasiness, and panic, but she had no regrets and no regrets. Guilt——

"I am different from them."

——Marietta thought this way. She has a mother who works in the Ministry of Magic. It is her mother's responsibility for the Ministry of Magic to monitor the Floo network. Even without her, her mother would definitely not sit back and watch Harry contact Sirius without permission. Dangerous fugitive.

Moreover, she was forced by Zhang Qiu to join Dumbledore's Army. It was not her intention to join at all. She was dragged into the training before she could figure out the situation.

"They forced me to do it."

-Marietta thought, it's not my fault I never thought about participating.

"And they weren't punished in the end."

Well, anyway, they were not punished in the end, and no one was expelled. Even George and Fred Weasley made such a fuss afterwards, because of Dumbledore's threats before leaving, they were not expelled.

If Dumbledore hadn't threatened Umbridge, the Weasley twins would have been expelled long ago.

——Thinking about it again, Marietta felt even more at ease.

After the whistleblowing, apart from Zhang Qiu often ignoring her, her life seemed to have not changed much. She even caused the disciplinary inspection team to cause less trouble for Ravenclaw because of her whistleblowing behavior.

But things don't always go the way she envisions.

At first, Marietta just felt a strange look following her. She didn't care, she just thought it was someone's prank, or a little boy who had a crush on her was secretly paying attention to her. Marietta even felt happy for a while.

But it wasn't until late one night when Marietta came back from the library after reviewing her O.W.Ls and was walking alone in the deserted corridors of Hogwarts with her books in her arms, that strange look appeared again.

Different from usual, that gaze contained complete malice and indifference, and fear instantly enveloped Marietta like mud.

Marietta felt a sudden alertness all over her body, she stopped in place, and then looked over with trembling eyes.

Marietta didn't see anyone, what she saw was—

It was just my own reflection reflected in the endless darkness outside the window.

The reflection was himself, but not himself. The expression on his face was as panicked as his own, but those eyes were staring at him like evil ghosts.

Marietta couldn't bear the gaze, screamed and ran back to her room, hiding on the bed as if running for her life, covering her head with the quilt.

Only in this way, Marietta seemed to be able to isolate herself a little from the malicious sight.

From then on, Marietta could feel the malicious gaze every time she passed by a mirror, glass, window, or even a small beach.

Marietta smashed all her mirrors, covered all the windows in her dormitory at night, and even avoided all the beaches when she went out.

——Just like that, Marietta no longer felt that line of sight by avoiding anything that could reflect her reflection.

But for some reason, everyone looked at him in an increasingly weird way.

Until one day, her roommate brought a mirror and persuaded her to take a look——

Marietta faced the malicious gaze, opened her eyes and took a look——


Marietta let out a heart-rending scream and rolled directly off the sofa in the Ravenclaw common room. Her legs and feet were too weak to move, so she could only tremble and crawl toward the door——

"Harry, Harry, and Hermione! Help me! Help me..."

Marietta finally met Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the black market trading area, and threw herself at them crying.

And Marietta's memory ends there.

She didn't know how she got back to the room. When she woke up again, she found that she was lying quietly on the bed.

Marietta was extremely frightened, but for some reason, her body stopped shaking and she even retched.

It was as if my heart and body were separated by an invisible membrane.

Marietta sat up from the bed, picked up the book somewhat calmly, and walked to the library.

Marietta seemed intent on continuing where she left off—

Review for O.W.Ls exams.

Marietta felt like a puppet running according to a predetermined program, like a walking zombie, reading every day with an indifferent, indifferent attitude that was terrifying.

It seems that only in dreams at night can I be myself for a short time every day.

Time passes and the O.W.Ls exam is coming soon.

With Tiera's guidance, the members of Dumbledore's Army, including Ron, who was the least fond of studying, passed the written and practical parts of the Transfiguration, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms classes with ease.

But during the last exam of the O.W.Ls exam, the History of Magic exam, Harry felt a cold image pierce into his mind——

Harry felt like he was walking down the cold, dark corridor of the Department of Mysteries again, with firm and decisive steps, occasionally running a few steps, and he finally made up his mind to reach his destination.

The black door opened for him as usual, and he came to the round room with many doors. He walked straight across the black stone floor and passed through the second door. Several light spots danced on the wall and floor. There was also a strange ticking sound from the machine, but there was no time to see what was going on. He had to hurry——

He finally jogged a few steps to the third door, which opened like the others. He was once again in a room the size of a cathedral, filled with shelves and glass globes. His heart was beating very fast now. , he will get there this time.

When he reached the ninety-seventh row of shelves, he turned left and hurriedly walked along the narrow aisle between the two rows of shelves. But there was a figure on the floor at the end of the aisle, a figure moving on the floor, as if It was a wounded animal, and Harry's stomach tightened with fear—

Maybe it was tightening with excitement.

He felt a sound coming out of his mouth, a sharp, cold sound without any human kindness at all——

"Get it for me...take it off, quick! I can't touch it...but you can..."

The black figure on the floor moved slightly.

Harry saw a long, white-fingered hand grasping a wand tightly at the end of his arm, and heard the sharp, cold voice say: "Cruciato!"

The man on the floor screamed in pain. He tried to stand up, but twisted and fell.

Harry was laughing. He raised his wand and the spell stopped. The figure groaned and stopped moving.

The man's arms on the ground were shaking. He very slowly raised his shoulders a few inches and raised his head——

Harry finally saw clearly at this time, it was Sirius!

Sirius's face was stained with blood, very haggard, and twisted in pain, but he still had a resolute look on his face.

"Then you must kill me," Sirius whispered.

"There is no doubt that I will do it in the end." The cold voice said, "But you have to bring it to me first, Black... Do you think that's all the pain you feel? Think again … We have a few more hours before no one can hear you scream.”

But when Voldemort lowered his wand, someone screamed.

Harry shouted, falling from behind a hot table onto the cold stone floor beside him.

He woke with a start as he fell to the ground, still shouting, his scars burning, and around him, the people in the auditorium were startled.

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