Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 479 June is coming

"Well... you know... Dumbledore has been driven away..." After calming down Grawp, Hagrid clasped his hands and said, "I may also be expelled at any time... In order to prevent anyone from being fired when I am away. Can take care of him..."

"Him?" Ron looked up, "Does he still need to be taken care of?"

"Oh, no, no, no... I mean..." Hagrid said awkwardly, "What he needs is company... he will find food by himself..."

"I mean...well..." Hagrid said coyly, "In case I get fired...I need someone to play with Grawp or continue to teach him etiquette."

"Teach him etiquette?" Hermione asked doubtfully, then looked at Grawp who was a little stupid, "Why teach him etiquette?"

"I mean...I mean...bring him back..." Hagrid said, sounding like he was on the verge of tears himself, "and - teach him some manners - and I can bring him back..." Bring him out so that everyone can see that he is harmless!”

"Harmless!" screamed Hermione.

"Both Dumbledore and Tiera agreed to this plan!" Hagrid hurriedly defended. "They bullied him in the giant tribe because he was too short...and he was only eight years old."

"Short?" Hermione raised her head and glanced at Grawp, then said in disbelief, "He is short? Is he eight years old?"

Although Hermione couldn't see clearly where Grawp's head was, she was basically certain that Grawp was at least fifteen meters tall.

Hermione remembered the introduction in the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". Generally, giants reach adulthood around the age of thirty. The height of adult giants is generally twelve to fourteen meters, and this eight-year-old giant cub already has Fifteen meters tall, it's hard to believe that Graup is only eight years old.

"Well... he was really short before... less than eight meters..." Hagrid said, "But then Professor Dumbledore said that this might be due to Grawp's malnutrition since he was a child, so I put Grawp Not long after I brought it here, Professor Dumbledore asked Fox to send him a bottle of tonic regularly."

"He grew so tall after about a month of drinking," Hagrid said.

"Now that he has grown taller, should we be able to put him back?" Hermione asked.

"No, Hermione, no! I can't leave him." Hagrid said, tears flowing from his bruised face to his beard drop by drop, "You know - he, he is my brother!"

Hermione stared at him, mouth open.

"Wait, Hagrid, when you said 'brother'," Harry said slowly, "did you mean -"

"Oh - my half-brother," Hagrid corrected, "my mother left my father after giving birth to me and found another giant, where she gave birth to Grawp -"

"Grawp?" said Harry.

"Yeah...well, when he said his name, it sounded like this." Hagrid said uneasily, "He can't speak a few words in English, but I'm trying to teach him, and Dumbledore agrees. I did this. In short, my mother didn't like him as much as she didn't like me. Because the female giant thought it was a good thing to give birth to a healthy and tall child. He has always been a short one among the giants - originally only eight meters tall - —”

"Then he's grown taller now, can we send him back?" Ron interjected and asked.

"No! No!" Hagrid shouted immediately, "You don't understand the giant tribe. The giant tribe usually has the tallest leader as the tribe leader. Graop is already taller than the current tribe leader. Once Graop goes back , the tribal leader will definitely challenge Gralop, and such challenges often end in the death of one party."

"Pa--" A deafening sound came from above their heads. Ron was startled and almost fell to the ground. Harry, Hermione and Hagrid also quickly looked up-

It turned out that Grawp was bored because no one was paying attention to him, so he clapped his hands.

His head was almost a ball, covered with curls and thick tangerine-colored hair.

On the top of the head, you can see the edge of a big, bulging ear. The head grows directly on the shoulders, with almost no neck in between.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Grawp roared happily and laughed a few times. The sound echoed everywhere in the silent Forbidden Forest. The birds on the treetops above them chirped and flew up from their perch and disappeared.

At this time, Harry discovered that there were several thick hemp ropes tied around Grawp's waist and two thick ankles.

"Look, little Grawp." Hagrid raised his head and said softly, "Look, I brought you a new friend."

Harry, Ron and Hermione had expressions of fear, distress and wanting to break off their relationship with Hagrid immediately.

Fortunately, what Hagrid was worried about never happened. Until June, Hagrid had not been kicked out of school.

To be precise, Umbridge does not seem to be planning to expel or dismiss any students or teachers——

Including the Weasley twins who had been causing trouble for her and Filch.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the rest of Dumbledore's Army were all surprised at Umbridge's patience in keeping her promise.

They thought that in half a month at most, Umbridge would be tempted to fire people.

George Weasley and Fred Weasley even made a bet on how soon Umbridge would expel the first student——

George Weasley and Fred Weasley bet ten galleons that Umbridge would expel two students in the first half of the month.

Of course, their ten gold galleons were all wasted in the end——

Because Umbridge didn't fire them.

After June, teachers no longer give them homework.

All class time, except for Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, was spent reviewing the questions that the teachers thought were most likely to appear in the exams.

This atmosphere of concentration and anxiety drove almost everything except the O.W.Ls exam out of Harry's mind.

Hermione was always preoccupied these days, muttering to herself often, and had stopped doing Tierariu's Muggle maths as early as mid-May.

There has been no news from Tiera and Dumbledore for nearly two months.

At first, Harry's heart was filled with worry, fear and fear. He was afraid that something might happen to Tiera, that Tiera would never come back, and that he would never see Tiera again.

But as the O.W.Ls exam approached, these thoughts were gradually pushed into the corner. Now Harry only had O.W.Ls in his heart, and even those strange dreams from Voldemort's perspective were much less common.

Even Umbridge stopped torturing her classmates and did not even stay at Hogwarts. Instead, she frequently visited the Ministry of Magic and seemed to be busy with other things.

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