Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 454 Education Order No. 25

"Tiera spoke so well!"

That night, when they walked out of the Room of Requirement in separate groups, Hermione was as excited as a little groundhog. If it weren't for the fact that it was too late and she was afraid of alerting the dormitory manager Fitch, Hermione would have pulled her enthusiastically at this time. Leigh and Ron started discussing.

"Yes... that's a good point..." Ron said weakly, "But why do you want to leave homework for us!"

"Forget about leaving homework, why do you still need to leave math homework for us?" Ron said hysterically, "Does he still think we are not busy enough? It is troublesome enough just to deal with Umbridge's copying homework. Add in math, and I’m afraid we won’t even have time to sleep!”

"Didn't you listen to what Tiera just taught in class?" Hermione asked, "Physically, the three dimensions, length, width and height are what we can observe with the naked eye, but in the magical sense, the three dimensions, matter, spirituality and Spiritual dimensions are invisible to us, they are like the ocean and we are like the fish, we live in them, so we can only imagine their existence and their form, and mathematics-"

"Mathematics is a tool that can regularize and visualize this kind of imagination." Ron interrupted angrily, "For Tiera's sake, I didn't get distracted at all during the class."

"But what about our copy job?" said Ron.

"Tiera has also considered this." Harry said, "Didn't he just teach us how to make an automatic scribal pen? We only need to write all twenty-six letters and give it a book, and it will You can help us finish all the copying homework."

"But the premise is that we must be able to do it!" Ron said desperately, "Look at those mathematical formulas!"

"Stop complaining!" Harry patted Ron on the shoulder, "The situation is much better now than before. Let's work hard together."

In the two weeks that followed, Harry felt as if he was wearing an amulet on his chest, a warm secret that sustained him through Umbridge's lessons, and even found the toad more pleasing to the eye.

Under the leadership of Tiera, he and Dumbledore's Army resisted Umbridge under her nose, doing what she and the Ministry of Magic feared most.

Whenever Umbridge asked to read Wilbert Slinka's book in her class, Harry would recall Tiera's class, even when Umbridge wasn't making her rounds, haha Lee would also put the scratch paper under the book and secretly calculate——

Harry knew that most of the other students in Dumbledore's Army were doing the same.

Although most students initially criticized Tiera's educational methods, especially in terms of mathematical calculations.

But during the first Defense Against the Dark Arts practical lesson, when the little wizards who had completed the magic configuration could easily use spells they had never practiced before, the voices of these criticisms became smaller. A lot.

As the learning process progressed, when Neville Longbottom used a perfect "Expelliarmus" spell, this criticism completely disappeared——

Everyone began to complete the mathematical calculations assigned by Tiera completely voluntarily.

Of course, it was impossible for their operation involving a large number of people to be completely hidden from Umbridge's eyes and ears.

So Tiera used her authority a little bit——

Created a dream.

All theory classes will be taught in dreams.

At the same time, when they need to take practical classes on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Tiera will open a space door and send them in batches to the giant tapestry on the eighth floor where the giant monster beats Barnabas.

Of course, with the intensive training of Dumbledore's Army, the Ministry of Magic is also stepping up its efforts to erode Dumbledore's power——

First, after a conflict caused by a Quidditch match, Umbridge took the opportunity to announce "Education Order No. 25"——

The High Inquisitor will henceforth have ultimate authority over all punishments, sanctions and deprivations involving Hogwarts students, and will have the power to modify such punishments, sanctions and deprivations imposed by other faculty members.

Signed: Cornelius Fudge.

The reason was that after an extremely tragic Quidditch match, Slytherin House lost miserably. Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were so angry that they directly insulted Harry and Ron's parents——

"I've never seen such a smelly goalkeeper, but he was born in a trash can. Are you right, Potter?" After losing, Draco Malfoy shouted to Ron, who was the goalkeeper.

"Ignore them." Angelina, the captain of the Gryffindor team, pulled Harry and Ron and said, "They are just red-eyed after losing. They are bastards who can't afford to lose-"

"Your whole family lives in a pigsty, don't you Ron?" Malfoy yelled again, "You like the Weasley family, don't you? Their home is full of Muggle pigsty stench just like your mother's. taste!"

After that, Harry rushed forward on his broomstick.

After receiving the news, Dolores Umbridge immediately rushed to McGonagall's office and showed McGonagall the "Education Order No. 25" that she was proud of.

Umbridge still held the parchment education order in her hand and looked at Harry Potter with a strange smile on her face.

"So... between Mr. Potter's misdeeds and the safety of other students... I guess I have to ban these two from playing Quidditch again." Her eyes flickered back and forth between Harry and George.

Harry felt the Snitch struggle wildly in his hands.

"Ban, ban us?" His voice was strangely distant, "Again, abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter, I think a lifetime ban would be appropriate," Umbridge said, smiling wider as he struggled to understand her words, "You and Mr. Weasley. I think, for For safety's sake, this lad's twin brother should also be banned...if his teammates hadn't stopped him, I'm sure he would have attacked Mr. Malfoy too. I'm going to confiscate their broomsticks and keep them safe in my office to make sure no one violates my ban. But I'm not unreasonable, Professor McGonagall—"

She turned to Professor McGonagall, who was staring at her like an ice sculpture, and said, "The other team members can continue to play, I don't see any violent tendencies among them. Okay, I wish you all an afternoon -"

"Please wait a moment, Ms. Umbridge -" At this time, Dumbledore's bell-like voice interrupted Dolores Umbridge's triumphant voice.

Dumbledore appeared in Professor McGonagall's office. No one saw how he came in. Dolores Umbridge and her gang were all blocked at the door.

But Dumbledore just showed up, in the center of McGonagall's office.

"Professor Dumbledore, I -" As soon as Harry saw Dumbledore's appearance, it was as if he saw the backbone of his speech. His face felt aggrieved, and he opened his mouth as if he was pouring out bitter water.

"Don't waste time, I already know." Tiera said, rubbing her eyebrows.

He was just preparing lectures on theoretical knowledge for the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class when he saw Dolores Umbridge holding the chicken feathers approved by Cornelius Fudge as arrows again.

So Tiera put down the lesson plan and hurried over.

Tiera waved her hand——

"Education Order No. 25" was held in Tiela's hand, and then three times five divided by two, "Education Order No. 25" became a pile of waste paper in Tiela's hands.

"Sorry, I don't pass "Education Order No. 25." Tiera said calmly, then threw the waste paper in her hand on the ground.

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