Harry's sleep was restless on his last night at the Order's headquarters.

His parents kept walking through his dreams, but never spoke.

Mrs. Weasley cried sadly over Kreacher's body, while Ron and Hermione looked on with their crowns on their heads.

And what Harry couldn't bear the most was that he dreamed of Tiera again——

He dreamed about the night Voldemort was resurrected again, and he dreamed about Tiera again.

He also dreamed about how Tiera stood in front of him, and he also dreamed about how Tiera died in the hands of Voldemort——

Then Harry woke up with a start, his scar aching faintly, and he found Ron already dressed and talking to him.

"Quick, hurry, hurry up, mom is going to lose her temper." Ron said hurriedly, "She said we might not be able to catch the train!"

The entire Blake ancestral home was in chaos.

Harry put on his clothes as quickly as possible. He guessed from the sounds he heard that Fred and George had enchanted their boxes so that they would fly downstairs and avoid having to lift them themselves. As a result, the boxes hit them directly. It hit Ginny, causing her to tumble down two flights of stairs and fall into the hall. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Weasley screamed at the top of their lungs at the same time.

"——Ginny was injured by you! You two idiots——"

"——Dirty bastard, how dare you desecrate my ancestor's home——"

Harry was putting on his soft-soled sneakers when Hermione hurried into the room, looking nervous.

Hedwig stood precariously on her shoulders, with Crookshanks moving in her arms.

"Mom and dad just sent Hedwig back," Hermione said.

The owl flapped its wings and flew over understandingly, landing on its cage.

"Are you ready?" Hermione asked.

"Almost. Is Ginny okay?" Harry asked, putting on his glasses.

"Mrs. Weasley bandaged her briefly."

Hermione said, "But now Mad-Eye complained again that we can't leave without Stoggy Podmore, otherwise there will be one less guard."

"Guards?" Harry said, "We need guards when we go to King's Cross Station?"

"It's you who need guards at King's Cross station," Hermione corrected.

"Why?" Harry said impatiently, "I think Voldemort is lurking now, waiting for the opportunity. Are you going to tell me that he will jump out from behind a trash can and kill me?"

"I don't know, that's what the crazy guy said anyway." Hermione shrugged absently, then looked at her watch, "If we don't leave quickly, we will definitely miss the fire -"

"Merlin's beard, please come down here right now!" Mrs. Weasley yelled downstairs, and Hermione jumped up as if she had been scalded by boiling water and ran out of the room.

Harry also grabbed Hedwig, stuffed it haphazardly into the cage, then dragged the box and followed Hermione, stumbling down the stairs.

As he ran downstairs, Harry saw the portrait of Mrs. Black in the stairwell yelling angrily, but no one moved to close the curtain to cover her.

Anyway, the noise in the hall will definitely wake her up again.

After a series of highs and lows, Harry and the others finally boarded the Hogwarts Express before the train was ready to drive.

But Harry didn't feel much happier about boarding the Hogwarts Express.

Because they arrived so late, there was no empty compartment on the express train that could accommodate three people at the same time.

George Weasley and Fred Weasley met Li Jordan first, and squeezed into a box with the thin Li Jordan.

Then Ginny met her roommate, and there happened to be a vacant seat in that box.

In the end, only Harry, Ron, and Hermione were left and had to move on.

Harry lifted Hedwig's cage with one hand and grabbed the handle of the box with the other hand. They walked hard in the aisle while looking through the glass doors into the private rooms, which were already full of people.

Harry couldn't help but notice that many people were staring at him with great interest, and several people were nudging the people sitting next to them with their elbows and pointing at him.

This was the case for five consecutive carriages, and Harry then remembered that the Daily Prophet had been telling readers all summer about what a liar and show-off he was.

Although the Daily Prophet stopped these reports after his hearing, it also did not clarify the content of its previous reports.

Harry thought a little depressed, wondering if these people who were staring at him and whispering to each other believed those lies.

In the last carriage, they met Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood.

There were only two people sitting in the last box.

"Hello, Luna." Harry opened the box door and greeted happily.

The girl sitting by the window raised her head. She has unkempt, waist-length light blond hair, very light eyebrows, and two eyes as light blue as the sky.

Today Luna had her wand stuck behind her left ear, like Harry's uncle putting out a cigarette.

Luna also wore a necklace made of butterbeer corks, and held a thick book in her hand that looked like a fairy tale book.

"Hello, Harry." Luna smiled lightly.

Last semester, Harry and Luna had a brief encounter because of Tiera.

But since then, there has been almost no conversation between the few and Luna.

Because no matter Harry, Ron, or Hermione, they all thought that this girl was a bit crazy.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione placed their luggage on the luggage rack and sat down.

Luna put down the fairy tale book in her hand and looked at them. The name of the book was "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

Luna didn't seem to need to blink as often as ordinary people. She just kept staring at Harry. Harry sat opposite her and was a little embarrassed by Luna's stare.

"Ahem... Did you have a good summer vacation, Luna?" After a long silence, Harry felt that he still had to say something, so he coughed dryly and asked dryly.

"Yeah...summer vacation..." Luna said in a daze, still staring at Harry, "Yeah, I had a great time."

Then Luna stopped talking and just stared at Harry like that.

The entire box fell into silence for a long time.

"This book looks quite interesting." After a while, Hermione couldn't stand it anymore and pointed at the book in Luna's hand.

"Oh, this..." Luna closed the book and waved it in her hand, "Tiera sent it to me before she was alive, saying she wanted to wish me a happy birthday."



Ron, who was sitting between Harry and Hermione, swore he heard two snaps of his knuckles.

"It should have been sent to me by Tiera." Luna seemed not to have heard it at all and continued, "But my birthday is on February 13th. I don't know why it was sent last week."

"Oh? Really?" Hermione asked with a bit of a smile, "Then can I take a look?"

"Okay." Luna handed the book to Hermione naturally, "I have read this book several times anyway."


Maotiaoww vote for January

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