"Ah! Harry!" After hearing Harry's voice, Voldemort turned his face and stared at Harry -

"Hey hey hey hey" Voldemort laughed evilly, grabbed Tiera's neck and pulled him up——


What's wrong with you old man?

Why are you and Harry quarreling and pinching me?

"Hey hey hey." Voldemort smiled while squeezing Tiera's neck, "Tiera is a prophet. She is a prophet. Say goodbye to him, Harry. He will work for me from now on. From now on, he will It will be prophesied specifically for me—"

"And you-" Voldemort let go of Tiera's neck, leaving Tiera where she was.

"And you! You are going to die today!"

"Put him down, Wormtail, and give him his wand." Voldemort said cruelly,

Wormtail approached Harry, who struggled to reach the ground with his feet to brace himself before the ropes were untied.

Wormtail raised his newly installed silver hand and with a wave, cut the rope that tied Harry to the tombstone.

For a moment, Harry considered running away, but his injured leg was shaking.

He stood on the overgrown cemetery. The Death Eaters came closer and surrounded him and Voldemort closely, squeezing out the gaps where the Death Eaters who had not come should have stood.

Wormtail walked outside the circle and took Harry's wand, thrust it roughly into his hand, and walked back into the circle of Death Eaters without even looking at him.

"Have you ever learned dueling, Harry Potter?" Voldemort asked softly, his red eyes shining in the darkness.

"Let us bow to each other, Harry." Voldemort said and bowed, but his snake face was always looking at Harry, "Come on, etiquette must be observed... Dumbledore must hope that you behave politely. Grace... Bow to death, Harry..."

The Death Eaters laughed again, and some clapped.

Voldemort's lipless mouth smiled.

Harry didn't bend, he wouldn't let Voldemort play with him before killing him... He wouldn't let him succeed...

"I said, bow." Voldemort raised his wand - Harry felt his spine bend, as if an invisible hand was ruthlessly pressing his back forward.

The Death Eaters laughed even harder.

"Very good." Voldemort said softly, raising his wand, and the pressure on Harry's back disappeared. "Now you look at me like a man... with your head held high, just like you did when your father died..."

"Now - let's duel."

Voldemort raised his wand, and before Harry could defend himself or even move, he was hit by the Cruciatus Curse again. Severe pain took over everything, and he didn't know where he was... The white-hot knife pierced every inch of his skin, and his head must have split in pain.

He screamed. He had never made such a scream in his life——

Then it stopped, and Harry rolled to his feet, shaking uncontrollably like Wormtail after his hand was chopped off.

He staggered into a wall of Death Eaters, who pushed him back toward Voldemort.

"Pause." Voldemort said, his two slit-like nostrils dilating with excitement, "Have a rest for a while...it hurts, Harry? You don't want me to do it again, do you?"

Harry didn't answer, he would die -

Those cruel red eyes were telling him this...he would be killed and there was nothing he could do about it...but he would not give in, he would not listen to Voldemort...he would not beg for mercy...

"I ask you if you want me to do it again," Voldemort said softly, "Answer me! Out of body body!"

Suddenly, Harry felt that there were no thoughts in his mind. This was the third time in his life that he felt this way... How happy he was. He didn't need to think. He seemed to be floating and dreaming... Say "no"... just say it. …say “no”…

I won't say, a more powerful voice in the back of his mind said, I won't answer...

Say "no"...

I won’t say it, I will never say it…

Say "no"

"I will not say!"

These words burst out of Harry's mouth and echoed over the cemetery. The dreamy state suddenly disappeared, as if a bucket of cold water was poured on his head - all the pain left by the Cruciatus Curse returned to his body. He realized again where he was and what was in front of him...

"You won't tell?" Voldemort said softly. The Death Eaters stopped laughing. "You won't say 'no'? Harry, I'm going to teach you the virtue of obedience before you die... maybe with a little more pain?"

Voldemort raised his wand, but this time Harry was prepared. With the agility he had learned during the Quidditch game, he jumped to the side and rolled behind the marble tombstone. The spell missed, but he heard the sound of the tombstone opening.

"We are not playing hide-and-seek, Harry!" Voldemort said softly, the cold voice gradually getting closer, and the Death Eaters were laughing, "You can't hide from me, does this mean you are tired of our duel? You Do you want me to end it now, Harry? Come out, Harry... come out and duel... quickly... without even pain... I don't know... I haven't tasted death..."

Harry huddled behind the tombstone, knowing that it was all over.

There is no hope...alone and helpless. He listened to Voldemort approaching step by step, and there was only one thought in his mind, which transcended fear and reason: he could not curl up here and die like a child playing hide and seek.

He could not fall at Voldemort's feet... He would die standing like his father, dying in self-defense, even if self-defense was impossible...

Before Voldemort's snake face could turn around to the tombstone, Harry stood up——

Before standing up, Harry glanced at Tiera, who was still standing there blankly, like a puppet on strings.

at least he's still alive

Harry thought, at least Tiera is still alive.

At least Voldemort won't kill him. At least Professor Dumbledore will come to rescue Tiera after he finds out that I'm dead.

I can't die curled up!

Harry thought, he was going to die standing in front of Tiera!

This thought seemed to give Harry courage. He clenched his wand, held it in front of him, and rushed out, facing Voldemort.

Voldemort was also prepared. At the same time as Harry shouted "Expelliarmus!", Voldemort shouted: "Avada Kedavra!"

A green light shot out from Voldemort's wand, and at the same time a red light shot out from Harry's wand——

Two lights meet in the sky——

Harry's wand suddenly vibrated as if it was electrified, and Harry gripped it tightly.

Harry and Voldemort were in a stalemate, but soon, the green light emitted by Voldemort gained the upper hand, pushing Harry's red light in Harry's direction bit by bit -

At this moment, Tiera's eyes lit up, and Tiera, who had been sensing the fluctuations of magic power around her, suddenly started running——

He pushed away the Death Eaters, ran to the center of the duel venue, and then resolutely rushed towards the intersection of green light and red light between Harry and Voldemort. Tiera rushed over without hesitation.

Voldemort's death curse and Harry's "Expelliarmus" hit Tiera at the same time——

Tiera was knocked away by the powerful force like a rag doll, then bumped into Harry softly, and rolled out of the duel circle with Harry.

"Harry..." the light slowly dissipated from Tiera's black pearl-like eyes, "Take me, take me home..."

For an endless second, Harry stared blankly at Tiera's face, into his expressionless gray eyes, like the windows of an abandoned house.

Harry's brain could not accept the sight before him. He felt nothing except a vague feeling of disbelief. The sadness was too powerful, as if it had destroyed all his emotions.

Harry felt that his heart was numb and numb at this time. Harry felt like a puppet or a robot, with only the purest reason left.

Harry grabbed Tiera's body and shouted, "The trophy is flying!"

The trophy flew towards him. Harry grabbed the cup by the handle—

He heard Voldemort yelling furiously, and at the same time he felt a tug under his navel, and the portkey worked-

He was swept away in a whirlwind of colors, Tiera at his side... They went back.

After Tiera was knocked out, Voldemort froze on the spot. He was just stunned, staring blankly ahead, at Tiera's limp body, and at Harry holding Tiera in his arms. In my arms——

Voldemort seemed to go back to the summer thirteen years ago in an instant, the midsummer night when he lost all his power. Lily Potter was also like this, and she was like Tiera standing between him and Harry.

Voldemort touched himself with some fear——

Touched his face, touched his hands, touched his body——

Fortunately, it's still there, I'm still alive.

Voldemort raised his head fiercely and wanted to continue to teach Harry a lesson——

"No!" Voldemort roared, waving his wand.

But he was a step too slow after all.

The trophy was already in Harry Potter's hands.

Harry disappeared from the cemetery.

The bone horn left by Tiera in the maze levitated on its own and made a loud "woo——" sound.

Seeing as the author is more diligent than the donkeys in the production team, please give me a monthly recommendation vote~

By the way, this is only the first part of the climax of Volume 4, please wait for the second part.

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