Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 281 Experiential remote live broadcast

"Hedwig?" Mrs. Weasley recalled in a daze, and then said, "No, dear... No, not a letter has been received."

Harry was a little disappointed, but gave Ron and Tiera a meaningful look and said, "Ron, can I go to your room to clean up my things? Well...can Tiera help me?" "

"Okay... I'll go too." Ron replied without hesitation, "Hermione, what about you?"

"Okay," she said immediately, and the four of them filed out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

"What's going on, Harry?" Ron asked as soon as they entered the attic room and closed the door.

"There's something I didn't tell you... Well, I've already written to Tiela and told her..." Harry said, "In short... when I woke up last Saturday morning, my scar was... It hurts."

Ron and Hermione's reactions were almost exactly what Harry had imagined in their bedroom on Privet Drive.

Hermione took a breath and immediately began to make various suggestions, listing a lot of reference books and a lot of people's names, from Albus Dumbledore to Hogwarts' school nurse Pomfret. Mrs. Ray.

Ron, on the other hand, looked stunned.

"But, but, but...but he wasn't there, was he? That mysterious man? I mean...the last time your scar hurt, he was at Hogwarts, right?"

"But I know he's definitely not at Privet Drive." Harry said, "But I saw him in my dream... Him and Peter... you know, Wormtail... I've memorized the whole situation in the dream. I don’t know clearly, I just remember that they were plotting to kill... one person."

He hesitated and almost said "Kill me", but he couldn't bear to make Hermione's expression even more frightening, because Hermione was already frightened.

"You...what do you think it might be?" Harry observed Tiera's expression a little cautiously, as if he was afraid that Tiera would recall something bad -

Although Tiera eventually changed her story, everyone knew that Tiera's arm was injured by Peter Pettigrew.

"Oh, don't worry, Potter." To Harry's relief, Tiera was very calm about this matter, as if Peter Pettigrew hadn't blown off his arm, but Tiera's next words - —

"It's just that Voldemort is about to be resurrected."

But Harry, Ron and Hermione's eyes widened instantly.

"Wait, wait, wait..." Hermione asked in disbelief.

"You mean, you mean, the mysterious man..." Ron also asked in disbelief.

"Voldemort is going to be resurrected~" Tiera said with an expression as if she was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. At the same time, she stood up, sat behind Harry, and then stretched out her hand to gently rub Harry's forehead——

Just like he did in first grade.

Only this time, Tiera no longer uses Harry's scar to feel the traces of black magic. Instead, she controls her magic and vitality to flow along her fingers to the scar on Harry's forehead, and flows into the fragments of Voldemort in Harry's body——

The fragment of Voldemort in Harry's body was like a snail that finally felt the rain, gradually waking up from its slumber.

"I predicted Voldemort's resurrection." Tiera said loudly, "You all saw it, I showed it to you in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last school year."

Harry, Ron and Hermione's faces instantly turned pale.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away in Riddle's house, Voldemort, who had just drank some milk under the service of Peter Pettigrew, squinted his eyes and fell into a light sleep. Suddenly, a voice broke into his mind - —

"I predicted Voldemort's resurrection."

A familiar voice said in his head.

"You all saw it, I showed it to you in Defense Against the Dark Arts last school year."

The familiar voice said again.

Along with the sound comes a bright picture.

Voldemort woke up instantly and carefully looked at the picture he was looking at——

The events in the picture apparently took place in a simple child's room, the walls of which were covered with posters of the Quidditch team.

In the center of the picture, two little wizards sit -

One is a boy with red hair and freckles, and the other is a girl with brown broom hair and big teeth.

"No! Don't say it, don't say his name!" The red-haired boy, Voldemort remembered, should be the Weasley boy who often followed Harry in the first grade. Li hissed.

"Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort..." The familiar voice seemed to deliberately oppose Ron, and deliberately read the name many times——

Now Voldemort finally recognized this familiar voice——

"This damn... damn little Mudblood..." Voldemort cursed weakly, "This damn... little liar..."

Apparently, Voldemort had gotten all the lies concocted by "Gilderoy Lockhart" from Peter Pettigrew.

As one of the parties involved in the story, Voldemort certainly knew exactly what he had done and what he had not done.

Now it is obvious that Gilderoy Lockhart has benefited greatly from that idiot, and neither his strength nor his status can be dealt with by Voldemort, who is still on his last legs.

So Voldemort was ready to vent all his resentment and anger on Tiera.

"I predicted the resurrection of Voldemort." Tiera's voice sounded again, and at the same time, other senses also came -

Lying on the sofa in Riddle's ancestral house, Voldemort could feel Tiera's fingers gently pressing on his temples and gently touching his forehead.

This made Voldemort feel relaxed and soothed, and he began to calm down and listened quietly to Tiera's conversation with them.

"Voldemort will definitely be resurrected." Tiera said again.

oh? Unexpectedly, this little liar turned out to be a prophet...

Voldemort was lying on the sofa thinking this.

"And he will be resurrected within a year." Tiera said.

Uh-huh...this kid is a real prophet.

Voldemort thought as he lay comfortably on the sofa.

"He will return in an extremely powerful manner," Tiera said. "He will be stronger than ever."

Maybe I can let this brat make a few prophecies for me first, and then control him with the Imperius Curse.

Voldemort thought.

"Voldemort will rule the entire magical world in a terrifying and brutal way," Tiera said.

This little Tiera must be a prophet, Voldemort thought, maybe I can try to confuse him again and make him my chief saint.

"But don't worry." Tiera said with a sly smile, "because he will be killed by Harry before he graduates."

"The death was tragic, completely destroyed by ashes, not a single drop left." Tiera added.

"Shit!" Voldemort felt as if he had suddenly woken up from a sweet dream, and roared angrily, "Shit! I must make that damn smelly mudblood into an inferi!"

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