Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 212 The Gate of Deep Sleep

Harry had woken up in a bed in the school hospital, surrounded by members of the Gryffindor House Quidditch team, splattered with mud from head to toe. Ron and Hermione were there too, as if they had just climbed out of a swamp.

"Harry!" said Fred, who looked extraordinarily white under the mud, "what do you think?"

Harry's memory seemed to rush back quickly—

That lightning, that golden snitch. The dementor...and the figure in the last line of sight running towards the audience—

"Where... Tierra?" Harry asked struggling, "Where's Tierra?"

Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Quidditch team looked at each other, and then silently made a gap——

Harry saw Tierra lying on the hospital bed next to him.

"Tierra!?" Harry sat up all of a sudden, making everyone else jump, "What's wrong with Tierra!"

"Don't get excited! Don't get excited, Harry!" George and Fred pushed Harry back again.

"Tiera was just... just exhausted..." Hermione said sadly.

"Tiera...how could Tiera..." Harry asked again.

"He was the first to go when you were attacked by the dementors," said Ron. "He had you under him, so... so the dementors attacked Tierra first, and then..."

"Then fortunately, Principal Dumbledore arrived in time." Hermione said with a trembling voice, "Principal Dumbledore was really angry. I have never seen him so angry. When the dementors attacked you, Dumbledore Almost flew up to the field, and then he waved his wand at the dementors and shot silver things at them to drive them away! He was so mad about it, we heard him..."

"He asked us to take you to the school hospital first..." George and Fred said, "then we heard Headmaster Dumbledore...arguing with Minister Fudge."

"They were arguing so loudly..." said Hermione, "even if we were standing at the door of the headmaster's office we could hear it."

"Yes." George Weasley said, "There were at least a hundred people in the corridor on the eighth floor at that time."

"Even the Aurors Minister Fudge brought wouldn't dare go in there," said Fred Weasley. "Dumbledore is so cool."

"And in the end..." Harry asked, "How did it work out in the end?"

"Fudge also refused to give in, and Fudge and Professor Dumbledore started arguing." Hermione said, "In the end, both sides took a step back, and Fudge reduced the number of dementors to thirty."

Harry glanced sideways at the sleeping Tierra, feeling a twinge of pain in his heart——

"Don't worry, Harry." Hermione also followed Harry's gaze and forgot, her eyes full of heartache, "Tiera will be fine, Madam Pomfrey said Tiera was just exhausted, he slept You can recover after a short sleep, and Professor Dumbledore said that he will come to see you when he finishes dealing with the Ministry of Magic."

"Hmm..." Harry said quietly.

"By the way, the game," said Harry, "what happened to the game?"

The surrounding fell into silence, and no one spoke again.

"Diggory caught the Snitch," said George, "just after you fell. He didn't understand what happened. When he looked back and saw you fell to the ground, he was going to call off the match. Wanted a rematch. But they won fairly and above all, and even Wood admitted that."

"Where's Wood?" said Harry, suddenly realizing that Wood wasn't there.

"Still in the rain," said Fred, "we think he's going to drown himself."

"Well, Harry, you've always caught the Snitch before."

"There's always a miss," George said.

"The game isn't over yet," said Fred. "We've lost a hundred points, haven't we? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin .”

"Hufflepuff must lose at least two hundred points," said George. "But if they beat Ravenclaw..."

"No way, Ravenclaw is great. But if Slytherin loses to Hufflepuff..."

"It all depends on the score. No matter who wins or loses, it's all about 100 points."

About ten minutes later, Madam Pomfrey came and told the team to put Harry to rest, and George, Fred, Hermione and Ron had to leave.

"We...we'll come see you tomorrow," said Hermione, taking a look at Tierra before leaving, and sighing.

The whole school hospital seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

Harry lay on his side bored, and slowly fell asleep again.

And at the same time, the land of dreams.

Peter Pettigrew passed through the Flame Cave after receiving the blessings of Naxu and Kara-Za.

Behind the Flame Cave is a row of stone steps leading into the darkness below.

Tierra controlled Pettigrew Peter to go down seven hundred steps, and came to a huge door——

It was a huge door that seemed to be carved from pig iron.

There are groups of strange giant birds flying in groups carved on the door, and a huge and dim figure hidden behind the giant birds——

"The door to deep sleep..." Tierra murmured, stretching out her hand to open the door, but at this time——

The dim figure carved on the door suddenly opened its eyes——

Tierra was so scared that she immediately withdrew her hand, and retreated more than ten meters by the way.

A pair of light blue jewel-like eyes appeared above the huge black door.

The statue on the door leaf became alive, and the strange giant bird flew around the figure, and the tall and thin figure was enlarged little by little on the door leaf, as if it was walking towards itself step by step.

"Salute to the great gatekeeper." Tierra stepped back a few meters, and after standing still, she bowed deeply——

The Dreamland is the subconscious world sheltered by Nyyatolatep——

In other words, anything Tierra encounters here may be the incarnation of Boss Naia.

So Tierra came here in spite of being polite.

If Pettigrew Peter was not too fat, Tierra would have knelt down just now.

"Hehehe—" The figure on the giant door bent down, looking at Tierra with a pair of jewel-like eyes.

A bell-like laughter resounded throughout the space.

Tierra continued to bend her waist and lowered her head, her eyes were fixed on her toes, and she said:

"Great gatekeeper, patron saint of the Abyss of Dreams, immortal shadow, Peter Pettigrew salutes you." Tierra said, "Pious travelers and humble seekers request to enter the gate of deep sleep, request to pass through the maze Enchanted Forest, request to enter the dreamland of the great Chaos Sanctuary."

"Hehe." The huge figure on the door smiled ironically and said, "I'm still wondering when you will come."

Before Tiera could figure out what this sentence meant——

"Squeak——" the giant door slowly opened backwards.

"Come in, little lying mouse," said the giant shadow on the door.

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Thank you Guxiang for rewarding 100 starting coins

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