Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 38 The Pipes in the Castle

Zhang Hao took a few friends to inspect the three crime scenes one by one.

"Harry, this is where you heard the weird voice for the first time, right?" Zhang Hao led them to a corridor leading to the underground classroom—this is the corridor where Harry chased the mysterious voice on the anniversary of Professor Nick's death.

"No!" Ron reminded: "Harry heard that weird voice for the first time, before that. He wrote a reply letter for Lockhart, which was our punishment. Oh! You don't know, I No magic, just rubbing hundreds of trophies with bare hands! That kind of punishment is really cruel, and I don't want to experience it again in the future."

"This kid, I got off topic when I was talking!" Zhang Hao complained in his heart, and then asked: "Harry, is that so?"

He remembered that he hadn't heard about it, after all, he was not a Gryffindor, and it was impossible for him to pay attention to Harry all the time.

But when he was here that day, Harry said, 'There's that voice again'.

This meant that he had indeed heard the basilisk before that, and he had told Ron about it.

"That's right," he recalled. "It was very soft, like an illusion. I only talked to Ron."

"Why didn't I think that what you heard was Parseltongue?" Ron laughed at himself, "If I knew you could speak Parseltongue, maybe I could save you from being suspected."

"Don't be stupid!" Harry shook his head. "I can't speak that language without facing the snake. How could you know that?"

Ron was speechless for a moment, and the corridor fell into silence.

Zhang Hao touched the feathers of the piano, and asked again: "Where did the sound you heard come from? Do you still remember the direction?"

In order to guard against the basilisk, he took Phoenix with him.

The phoenix is ​​a more advanced magical creature than the basilisk, and it may be of great use at critical moments.

"It was in the walls at first," Harry pointed to a wall, then looked up slowly, as if replaying the scene of the day.

"Then the voice started to move upwards, very fast." He explained, "I couldn't hear it clearly, so I started chasing the voice and running upwards. You all know later, let's chase to the women's toilet on the second floor. I saw Mrs. Norris who was petrified."

Zhang Hao nodded, then pointed to the wall and said, "This place is far from the second floor, and there are no stairs. Tell me, how did the basilisk get from here to the second floor?"

"It's a pipe!" Hermione exclaimed. "The basilisk moves through the pipe. There are pipes in this wall! Let's look for it, and maybe we can find the exit of the pipe at a certain crime scene."

They searched around and finally stopped in the corridor where Justin's accident happened.

There are no pipe outlets here, and there are no gaps between the walls, the ceiling, and the floor.

Obviously, if there is a pipeline exit connecting the crime scene, it must be hidden very well.

"Where did the basilisk come from?" Harry asked anxiously, "Even if it's hiding in the wall, it always comes out to harm people, right? If it wants to harm people, it must come out of the pipe!"

Zhang Hao didn't speak, he was still observing carefully.

Suddenly, he noticed the circular relief near the ceiling.

Such bas-reliefs are common in castles, and they are as big as wheels, and are carved either with lions or snakes, or with eagles and badgers.

The castle is full of such medallions, so no one pays much attention to them.

But now, Zhang Hao looked at the relief in association with the pipeline, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it looked like a manhole cover.

"Harry, speak Parseltongue to the relief carved with snakes." He said in a deep voice, "Use Parseltongue to order it to open."

Everyone said in unison: "Those relief sculptures engraved with snakes may be the exit of the pipeline?"

"This is just speculation,

Not verified yet! "Zhang Hao said helplessly: "Harry, try it quickly!" "

Then, all eyes turned to Harry again.

"I'll give it a try, but don't get your hopes up." He hesitated. "I've never tried to speak to a cameo."

Things really didn't go so smoothly, he held back for a long time, but didn't even say a word.

"I'm sorry!" He said shyly, "Maybe I can only speak the snake language to a snake."

Ok! This is not incomprehensible.

Zhang Hao didn't say much, and directly cast a spell to conjure a snake.

"Oolong out of the hole!"

It was the black magic that Draco used on the day of the duel.

The black snake approached Harry, Zhang Hao quickly said to him: "Try it! Say 'open', you have to believe that you can succeed."

He also took out the tape recorder, intending to record Harry's Snakewords-whether it will be used?

Harry looked at the black snake nervously. Gradually, he felt that all external influences around him were fading away, as if he and the snake were the only ones in the world.


He finally speaks another language.

Snake: "Hiss to tear the silk four!"

Zhang Hao guessed that the snake must not understand what Harry said, because its expression looked very 'confused'.

The reliefs near the ceiling didn't respond, and everyone suspected that the plan had failed!

But... there seems to be the sound of rocks rubbing not far away.

Zhang Hao listened intently, lit up the light with his magic wand, and looked over there.


The little friends gasped, and they stared at the ceiling, where there was a black hole the size of a wheel.

"There really is a pipeline exit here!"

They are very excited, it seems that the truth is not far away!

"The exit of the pipeline is indeed in these reliefs. There may be many such exits in the castle." Zhang Hao put on his dark crystal glasses and carefully looked at the hole.

You must be careful at this time, if you meet a pair of big dim eyes at a glance, it will be a lot of fun.

"Hao! Your guess is right." Hermione glanced at the other reliefs, and muttered, "Not every relief is a pipe exit. We just stood in the wrong position. Fortunately, Harry's voice can reach here. Otherwise, this door may not be able to hear it."

Others agree, and they pull out their shades and put them on—these are normal shades.

Zhang Hao has a lot of these daily necessities in his pocket. Ordinary sunglasses are not as good as dark crystal glasses, but they are enough to save his life in the face of basilisks.

A group of little wizards wearing sunglasses, this picture...

"It's so dark!" Ron said uncomfortably, "Now that we have found the entrance to the secret room, shall we go in and catch the basilisk?"

"Don't be stupid!" Hermione reprimanded: "Do you think any of us can deal with the basilisk? It is one of the most dangerous magical creatures. Adult wizards may die if they encounter it. We can't be too arrogant, this matter You must report to the professor."

"Will the professor believe us?" Harry whispered. "If the professor doesn't believe us, we'll have to figure it out ourselves."

Draco said timidly: "It's better to tell the professor about this. If the basilisk is really big, it can bite us to death even if it can't stare at us!"

Daphne still didn't care about anything, she pretended to be very scared, hugged Zhang Hao's arm, and leaned closer to him.

"Don't be afraid, Daphne! Basilisks are not that easy to appear, we are safe now." Zhang Hao comforted Daphne, and said cautiously: "Let's tell the professor our guess first! I think they should be able to handle it well."

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