Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 28 Talking with a Wand

Although the two professors have already left, the young wizards are still enthusiastic.

A group of young wizards clamored to continue the duel, and the referee was Zhang Hao, who had just achieved glory.

"Okay!" Zhang Hao agreed "reluctantly": "Since everyone has shown a strong interest in dueling, I hereby decide to formally merge the dueling club into the LOL club."

Ok! The newly established dueling club was ruthlessly annexed like this!

"So, is anyone willing to come up to the heat?" Zhang Hao said with a smile: "We need a group of opponents, please raise your hand if you are willing to come on stage."

No one raised their hands. When facing the teacher's questions at school, everyone always pretended to be an ostrich like they are now.

You shouted so happily just now, so you want to watch the excitement?

Huh? Miss Know-It-All, Miss Sister, raise your hand!

But there was still one more thing left, Zhang Hao's gaze began to roam the crowd.

When he saw his eldest cousin Zhang Qiu, he blinked and said with a smile: "Come up quickly, classmate Zhang Qiu, it's you! Hermione, come up quickly, I've found a suitable opponent for you."

The eldest cousin glared at Zhang Hao angrily, and walked onto the stage reluctantly.

Hermione was very excited, she didn't miss any chance to show.

In her words, this is the best chance to prove that Muggles are not weaker than pure-bloods.

The two girls are ready, the duel is about to begin.

Zhang Hao emphasized: "Remember, jinxes and unforgivable curses are not allowed. As for which spells to use, if you can't make up your mind, just use the protection spell and the disarming spell."

"Three-two-one! Go!"

Zhang Qiu put a protective spell on herself at the beginning of the duel, while Hermione appeared to be more aggressive-her first hand was the disarming spell.

The two of you came and I fought for a long time.

Finally, Zhang Qiu made a small mistake and was disarmed by Hermione.

From the point of view of magic power, Zhang Qiu is stronger than Hermione, which is an advantage that pure-blood wizards generally have.

But battles never depend solely on the level of magic power, and sometimes a flash of inspiration may determine the outcome of a battle.

In fact, they made many mistakes during the duel, but it was not easy to seize these mistakes and defeat the enemy.

It was luck that Hermione caught it once, and she might not win again.

However, a victory is a victory, and Zhang Hao praised without hesitation: "Very good, Hermione performed very well, let us give her applause."

Zhang Qiu glared at him before returning to the crowd angrily.

Zhang Hao didn't know yet, he accidentally offended his eldest cousin again!

"So, who is willing to try on stage next?" He spread his hands and said, "Everyone has seen that this kind of duel is not dangerous. Who will come?"

George and Fred raised their hands at the same time. The brothers always liked to play.

"George and Fred, it's you!" Zhang Hao said happily, "Come up!"

After a while, he regretted the decision.

The twin brothers seem to have a heart-to-heart connection, and duels between them are downright boring.

"Protogo (armor protection)!" X2

"Expaliamas (except your weapon)!" X2

"Stomp thing (faintly)!" X2


"Enough! You can stop!" Zhang Hao said helplessly: "I said you can't use some different spells?"

"I'm sorry!" George shrugged. "I tried my best, but the effect was not ideal."

"Me too. At first I thought he would give me the disarming spell, but who knew he would use armor to protect himself." Fred joked, "I think my mother is to blame for this!"

"What a coincidence!" George echoed, "I think so too."

There was a roar of laughter from the audience,

Someone even suggested that the Patil sisters try it out.

Zhang Hao was a little moved, but decided to seek the opinions of the parties involved.

"So, two beautiful girls, would you like to give it a try?"

"Of course," Parvati said shyly, "We cannot refuse your request."


There was a sound of howling wolves in the audience, this sentence is too full of meaning!

"Thank you for your support!" Zhang Hao said calmly, "Please be prepared, I think you should know the rules of the duel."

As it turns out, not every pair of twins is on the same page.

The two sisters, Parvati and Padma, did not stand in a stalemate for as long as Fred and George did. They fought for only a moment, and Padma was disarmed.

Zhang Hao saw the problem, Padma always hesitated in the process of casting spells.

But Parvati has no mistakes in this regard, which is obviously related to character.

Next, the atmosphere in the arena became more and more intense.

More and more people were willing to participate in the duel. Zhang Hao selected several groups of opponents, and their duels were all exciting.

The time is getting later and later, and the party should be over.

Zhang Hao looked at Draco and Harry who were eager to try, and said with a smile: "How does it feel? Do you two want to try? Ron forget it, your wand is not suitable for a duel."

Everyone laughed, and Ron smiled wryly as he looked at the wand taped up in his hand.

"Come on, Potter." Draco said to Harry, "Are you afraid? I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

"Afraid? No way!" Harry's heart was also on fire, jokingly said: "I can't beat Hao, can't I beat you?"

"Hey! Bastard!" Draco was furious immediately, and he scolded: "Who are you insulting? Come on! Talk with a wand!"

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