Happy Tycoon

Chapter 760: Yang Jing was disappointed

Although this wall made of rock and cement is very strong, in the face of Yang Jing's perverted power, the true heart is nothing.

Yang Jing just used the "backfeeding" skill, and then kicked it up, the solid wall was suddenly kicked off a few rocks. Yang Jing pulled a few more times with his hands, and several rocks were pulled off again, and a hole that was wider than this underground passage suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yang Jing didn't rush in, but took a few steps back and waited for a while before he walked in through this hole.

This is a closed and simple underground fortification, the style is similar to the first empty underground fortification that Yang Jing found on Mindoro Island before, and it was at the St. Williams Metropolitan Cathedral in Lavado two days ago The secret room found in the crypt is similar. Obviously, these are all underground fortifications built by the little devil on the spot, using local rocks and cement.

This underground fortification is about two meters high and about 20 square meters in size. It is surrounded by a half-meter thick wall made of rock and cement. On the top is a thick cement board. There are four rock masonry in the middle of the fortification. In the middle of the rising support column, there are eight boxes of one meter square and wrapped with tarpaulin on the outside.

This underground fortification is almost as expected, even if it is deep in the seventh underground level, it is still not very humid, even the ground is quite dry. After all, the altitude here is about 30 meters higher than the surrounding area, and it is unlikely that groundwater can seep here.

Grid excitedly touched these large boxes wrapped in heavy oilcloth, "Yang Jing, what do you think is hidden in it?"

Yang Jing asked back: "What do you think should be hidden inside?"

Grid thought for a while, and said with certainty: "I think it's gold! Haha, these eight boxes are not small. If they are all gold in them, then it won't be more than 100 tons of gold?"

"Daughter-in-law, let's stop dreaming, okay? If you want to dream, go out to the bed in the room and do it later!" Yang Jing rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Hmph, you made me guess. I think there is gold in it!" Grid was very unconvinced.

Chris and the others also squeezed in. Although the fortification is about 20 square meters, it is a bit hard to squeeze out with more than a dozen people squeezed here, even with the eight big boxes. But Yang Jing didn't stop them either. After all, they dug up this underground fortification with their own hands. Now they finally found the treasure inside. They have the right to see the treasure here with their own eyes.

The tall Clark was half-bent and tilted his head, standing there in an extremely ridiculous but at the same time uncomfortable posture, he babbled twice, and then said with an urn sound: "Boss, I support the boss! I think Sophia's guess is correct, there is gold in it! A lot of gold!"

Karl Morris blew a whistle and laughed: "In addition to gold, there are diamonds and other gems!"

Kevin Martin also cried out strangely: "There is platinum!"

Several other people nodded with enthusiasm on their faces. Obviously, in their opinion, only things like gold, platinum, diamonds and gems can be regarded as treasures.

Yang Jing naturally didn’t agree with their speculation. He got Inoue’s notebook. He naturally knew that the treasures buried in this Catholic church and the treasures buried in the crypt of St. Williams Metropolitan Cathedral in Laoag were in fact. They are all the same treasures.

The treasures from these two places supposedly should be loaded on the Awamaru and shipped to Japan. As a result, Toshi Inoue's intuition worked. Not only did he not keep the belongings that should be shipped on the Awamaru, but also Some of the best treasures originally installed on the Awa Maru were intercepted, including the four skull fossils.

As a result, the Awa Maru was sunk by an American submarine, but these superb treasures remained. Although a submarine came later and took away a lot of treasures, a considerable part of it remained, otherwise I would not be able to retrieve so many superb treasures in the crypt of St. Williams Metropolitan Cathedral in Laoag. porcelain.

Obviously, the treasures hidden under the San Fernando Catholic Church are the same treasures as those treasures, but it is estimated that Toshi Inoue adheres to the principle of "all eggs should not be put in one basket" and separates these treasures. Part of it is hidden in Laoag, and the other part continues to be hidden here.

In other words, if nothing goes wrong, the big boxes in this underground fortification just opened should contain some top-quality antiques, not gold and other objects...

That’s right, with the discovery of so many treasures, more and more precious metals such as gold have been discovered among them, Yang Jing now no longer regards gold, these precious metals and those gems as rare objects, in his eyes. Now, these things are what the ancient ancestors said as "A Duwu".

This is indeed the case. So many top-quality antiques have been recovered from those treasures. In the face of those beautiful antiques, gold and other things are really weak. Whether it is from an artistic point of view or from a value point of view, these ah Blocking objects are far inferior to those beautiful antiques.

What? You say that gold is still valuable!

You can pull it down! Where does gold have the value of these treasures!

This is really not a bragging comparison. Let's take the two big cans of Yuan blue and white people. If you use those two big cans for gold, you must at least exchange these two big cans with more than ten times the same volume of gold! And that wood kiln narcissus vase can't be exchanged for a hundred times the same volume of gold!

As for the artistic value, can gold be anything artistic...

Of course, if you have to talk nonsense about "Prosperity antique chaos gold", we will be speechless. But the problem is, now it's a shining and prosperous age, you dare to talk about the troubled times, beware that the relevant departments invite you in for tea!

Yang Jing really hopes to continue to obtain some precious antiques here, but the ideals are full and the reality is skinny.

When Yang Jing took off the tarp that was wrapped on the outside of the big box, and saw that a big wooden box was wrapped in the tarp, he felt something was wrong.

But after joking Chris and the others took the small crowbar and pried open the lid of this box, the dazzling yellow golden light that appeared inside made Yang Jing completely speechless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But everyone including Grid screamed with excitement.

It turned out to be really gold! Not an antique as imagined!

Yang Jing was really disappointed now. Although gold is also good, where can antiques come from?

Yang Jing, who did not believe in evil, opened all the remaining seven boxes. As a result, four of the boxes were full of golden gold bricks, one of them was platinum, and one of the other three boxes was filled with gold powder and A mixture of gold leaf and silver in the other two boxes...

This treasure in the basement is full of precious metals!

Chris just made a rough estimate and got the rough quantity of these precious metals, totaling 50 tons of gold bricks, 10 tons of platinum, 20 tons of silver, and 10 tons of gold powder and gold foil!

A group of people tried to suppress their excitement again and whispered...

PS: Four changes and twelve thousand, Lao Mo ask for a recommendation ticket...Xiaoyao Tycoon

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