Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 98: represent

"The clear dog is down, the clear dog is down!"

Xinxing Town was full of Taiping troops cheering for victory. This one-sided battle did not last long, probably less than half an hour. Except for the close-quarters battle at the entrance of the town and the subsequent siege of Li Mansion, other parts of the town There was no fighting, and the only bloodshed was the unintentional casualties of the townspeople during the search for the Qing army.

As the cheers of "the dog has come down" reached the ears of every new citizen, they finally knew that it was the soldiers and horses of Nanming Yongli who were calling, but most of the people were not happy because it was the Ming army. , but even more disturbed.

Many people subconsciously think of the scene that happened in the town just a few months ago - after the Ming army withdrew, hundreds of Qing troops surrounded the town and drove all the men in the town to the mass grave in the east end. Then there is murder. As heads were chopped off, the number of men in the town dropped dramatically from 3,000 to 700. Those who joined the Ming army or were dragged by their masters were all killed, and the total number of corpses buried afterwards was no less than 2,000. If it weren't for Xinxing's location in a key traffic area, it would have absorbed a lot of refugees nearby in the past few months. I'm afraid that this thousand-year-old ancient town has long been devoid of people and turned into ruins.

"How good is this! How good is this!  "

Li Laoquan sat on the steps in front of his house in a lost spirit, looking at the soldiers in black who cheered because of the victory, murmuring to himself, his wife leaning against the door with a worried look on his face.

After a while, Li Laoquan took a long breath, then got up and walked east. The area where Li's family is located has been searched by the Taiping Camp, so people are not prohibited from moving, but they are not allowed to leave the town.

"The head of the family, the army is in chaos, what are you doing?"

"Let's discuss with Mr. Song and the others, or else this town will be in great trouble."


The 136 remnants of the Green Battalion led by General Zhao Shiyu walked out of the gate one by one, dropped their sabers and weapons on the ground under the orders of the Taiping Army, and then stood in a line to wait for the release of the Taiping Battalion.

Faced with the swords and spears of the Taiping Camp, the prisoners were inevitably flustered, and it was especially uncomfortable to wait for the death.

When handing over the saber, Zhao Shiyu did not forget to claim that he was not surrendering, but anyway, the evidence anyway is that he tied a banner man, and this banner man was a big man in the pseudo-Qing Jingnan palace.

In order to elevate himself and to prove his truth and sincerity anyway, Zhao Shiyu repeatedly emphasized to Peng Dazhu, the commander-in-chief who was watching the prisoners, that he was tied to a big man, and repeatedly asked to meet the top generals of the Ming army in order to receive fair treatment.

What's wrong? Peng Dazhu ignored Zhao Shiyu's request at first, and even found it funny when he heard it. If you can't fight and hide, you can't hide before you surrender. What kind of thing is this anyway?

However, the other party kept saying that he had tied a big man from the Jingnan palace, and he was a banner man. Gradually, Peng Dazhu became interested and ordered someone to bring the so-called big man over.

When Xiang Er was brought over, he didn't say a word, no matter how Peng Dazhu scolded him, he just gritted his teeth and didn't say a word. But the more he was like this, the more Peng Dazhu really believed that he was a "big man" and sent someone to report the situation to Zhou Shixiang, who was inspecting the town.

Xiong Yingfu and the others were also tied together. No one dared to get close to the second steward at this time, and even dared not even look directly at the steward of the Jingnan palace, all of them were thinking about how to get rid of the Ming army. Take your life back in your hands.

When Peng Dazhu's people found Zhou Shixiang, Zhou Shixiang was meeting the representatives of the people of Xinxing Town—several gentlemen who claimed to be local gentry.

Zhou Shixiang originally didn't want to see these gentlemen, but after thinking about it, he was new here and didn't know much about the situation here. Furthermore, when the people ask to see the officials, they will have to deal with this thousand-year drama, so as not to say that the peace camp has chilled the hearts of the people. There are grievances and grievances. I, the real general of the Ming Dynasty and the fake thousand households, will always uphold justice for the people. If I can exchange the heads of a few green battalions for the people's full support for the Taiping battalion, then Naturally, this deal couldn't be more cost-effective. With this thought in mind, Zhou Shixiang handed over the inspection to Tie Yi, who was accompanying him, and ordered someone to bring the few gentlemen outside.


"What are you going to do with Ben?"

Zhou Shixiang tried his best to put a smile on his face, so that the "people's representatives" in front of him could look cordial.

The prominent people in the town that Li Laoquan found and himself were all surprised by Zhou Shixiang's youth.


Zhou Shixiang was surprised, why are these people standing and not talking?

Seeing that Zhou Shixiang's face was wrong, an old man with oily braids hurried out and wrote a series to Zhou Shixiang, and then hesitantly said, "I don't know the general's surname? What is the official position in Daming?"

"The original general's surname is Zhou Mingshixiang, and the current official is Luo Ding, who are you?"

Zhou Shixiang looked at the old man. He was white and chubby. At first glance, he looked like a rich man.

"It turned out to be General Zhou. Sure enough, since ancient times, heroes have produced teenagers. The general is so young that he has been appointed to the post of general officer, and his future prospects are limitless, limitless!"

The old man first flattered Zhou Shixiang, and then said cautiously: "Old Song Yi, who was ranked twenty-seventh on the second list in the 11th year of Chongzhen's palace test, he used to be the prefect of Fuzhou, and now he is a grass-roots citizen who has returned to his hometown. The general can call the old man by his name."

"It turned out to be Lord Song, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Zhou Shixiang snorted when Song Yi said "the previous dynasty", but calmly turned his attention to the other people, "Who are these people?"

The person to the left of Song Yi quickly replied respectfully: "The old man Zhou Tai, the former head of the Ministry of Rites, was born in the same year as a jinshi in the fourth year of Tianqi." Another man with white hair beside him also replied: "The old man Lin Zhengguo, the twelve years of Chongzhen. In the Guangdong Township Examination."

Zhou Shixiang nodded, turned his eyes to the two standing behind the three of them, and asked, "Have you two been in officialdom too?"

Hearing this, the young one of the two blushed and said embarrassedly, "General, I am very embarrassed in the next Zhang An. I have failed to study, and I only do some business in my hometown."

Li Laoquan also hurriedly said: "Little old man is the right man in this town, his surname is Li and his name is Laoquan, but he doesn't dare to compare himself with Song Master and the others."

"Oh, UU reading www.uukanshu.com It turns out that you two are not the officials of Ming Dynasty." Zhou Shixiang smiled and glanced at Song Yi and the three of them, suddenly his face turned cold, and he snorted: "The three read the sage books of my Han people. , I was admitted to the imperial examinations of the Han people, and I was an official of the Han people, but I don’t know why I keep the manchu’s braid now?”


The three of Song Yi and Zhou Shixiang asked this out of nowhere, as if they were choked, unable to speak, and Zhou Tai's face was even more ashamed.

Seeing this, Zhou Shixiang waved his hand: "Forget it, the current affairs are like this, so I can't blame you. The first emperor said that those with braids are refugees, and those without braids are obedient people. This will not embarrass you. Come on, you come to find out what Ben will be. Why?" (Author's Note: The first emperor here is Emperor Longwu)

Zhou Shixiang changed the subject, Song Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to say it directly, but looked at Zhou Tai and the others, but Zhou Tai and the others did not dare to say it, all of them were embarrassed, Song Yi saw that his heart was dark After scolding them a few words, for the sake of the lives of the whole family, he couldn't care less, and immediately said: "I didn't dare to bother General Zhou with some trivial matters, but I was entrusted by the villagers, but I didn't dare not to take it upon myself. General..."

Zhou Shi disliked him, Luo Suo, and interrupted him directly, saying, "What is the matter, it's okay to say it directly."

"Yes, General." Song Yi slightly bowed his body, "The general led his troops from afar, and the emerging commoners like us should reward the army, but the general came suddenly, and I was not ready for a while, so it made the general's subordinates dissatisfied, and the people's families suffered a little. The loss is also deserved..." Speaking of this, he did not dare to say any more, raised his eyes to look at Zhou Shixiang, and found that the other party's face had become extremely gloomy, and when he was scared, he did not dare to say anything.

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