Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 367: The Labyrinth of the Copper Dragon

The dragons of the main material world are also called: true dragons.

A winged reptile of ancient ancestry and astonishing strength, their size, physical strength, and magical abilities are terrifying, and the eldest dragon is arguably one of the strongest creatures in the world.

Across the continent, many creatures, including flying dragons, dragon turtles, pterosaurs, and even Thorne's animal companion, Fudramon, have dragon blood, but true dragons only include metal dragons and chromatic dragons.

Black dragons, blue dragons, green dragons, red dragons and white dragons are selfish evil and fearsome evil dragons.

Brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver dragons embody nobility and kindness.

Although their ideals and goals vary widely, all true dragons have one thing in common.

That is, greedy for wealth, most like to collect piles of precious treasures such as gold coins, gems and magic accessories, and then spend most of the time in the lair, only to leave when patrolling and hunting.

Although metal dragons are generally smaller than five-color dragons, they have an advantage in spellcasting ability.

On the whole, the fighting power of the metal dragon is stronger than that of the five-color dragon.

Moreover, in its long life, the metal dragon likes to use its magical ability to transform into a human form, and then integrate into a certain cultural society for a long time, walk on the streets of the city, enjoy the local food culture, and observe the lower races by the way. life for fun.

As for why the five-colored dragons don't like to do this, it's mainly because of their camps. They almost all belong to the chaotic evil camp. They are easy to fight when they encounter the good camp, and they are more likely to fight when they encounter the evil camp.

Therefore, the five-color evil dragons usually have many enemies. In order to maintain their combat effectiveness at any time, they do not like to transform into human forms that weaken their own abilities.

This is like the black dragon Sigritte in the prime of the city of ruins. Although her human form has inherited all the attributes of the dragon, when she fights with Thorne, she cannot quickly win the opponent.

However, at this point, the metal dragons of the good camp have relatively few concerns. The copper dragon in Iron Horse Town likes to transform into a human and actively integrate into it.

Copper dragons live mostly in the hills and rocky highlands, and are hopeless pranksters, masters of jokes, or masters of mystery.

In addition to their social and docile nature, they also have a tendency to be greedy and miserly. And they also become very dangerous when their treasures are threatened.

They appreciate humor in all its forms, and while their own sense of humor can be annoying at times, it's a joke.

Their appearance is very eye-catching in terms of appearance. The scales are composed of warm red copper and blue, and the color of the trailing edge of the wings is red and green mottled. At birth, the scales of copper dragons are reddish-brown with a metallic color.

Dragon scales become finer and more copper-colored as they age, taking on a soft, warm radiance in youth, and turning copper-green in very old dragons.

Of course, you can also scientifically think that the dragon scales are oxidized...

The pupil of the red copper dragon also faded with age. It was blue-green at first, and when it came to the Taikoo dragon, it was like a glowing turquoise ball.

For copper dragons, they are especially fond of bards.

It can even give up part of the lair as a temporary residence for poets in exchange for telling stories, solving riddles and playing music.

Because in the eyes of the red copper dragon, this kind of companionship is the treasure that it dreams of.

It can be seen from this that the copper dragon of Iron Horse Town and the green dragon of Tranquility Forest fought for a bard, not without reason.

At this time, Thorne was sitting on a chair in the tavern, thinking about the red copper dragon, sometimes frowning and sometimes lost in thought.

It has now been more than two hours since the lord of Iron Horse Town left. In the dimly lit tavern, apart from the shopkeeper next to the counter, he is the only one sitting here.

Although he readily responded to the matter of the lord of Iron Horse Town, when he was about to leave, he was obviously a little hesitant.

As he learned more about the copper dragon, his inner hesitation became more apparent.

The copper dragon is a true scourge, sometimes falling from the sky with a roar and spraying acid into the surrounding trees, only to linger for a while to laugh at those frightened.

Unfortunate adventurers are then forced to answer a riddle or provide fresh stories and jokes as a toll before they can make it through the road.

If adventurers feel unreasonable and don't do what the red copper dragons say, it will be unfortunate. These dragons spend all day thinking about the method of tossing and pranking people in the territory.

And the town of Iron Horse is playing this kind of picture every day...

Thorne was starting to worry that he couldn't handle the dragon. If he really failed, it would be a shame, or he could sneak away now.

In the end, he made up his mind to meet the copper dragon.

Even if you fail, you will not lose your life, and if you succeed, in addition to being able to get help to deal with the green dragon in the Serenity Forest, you can also get a handsome reward.

Thorne, who wanted to understand, immediately got up and walked towards the castle where the copper dragon lived.

"Mr. Ranger...you wait a moment." Seeing Thorne walking to the counter, the shopkeeper hesitated, but stopped him.

"What's the matter?" Thorne stopped and cast a suspicious look.

"That...you and Your Excellency the Silver Crow messenger haven't settled the payment yet." The innkeeper gave Thorne an embarrassed look and said bravely.

"..." Thorne looked startled, remembering that the Druid in the Emerald Garden did not pay the bill when he left, so he mumbled a few words in his heart and asked, "How much is it in total."

"Three hundred and ten gold coins." Seeing that the ranger's face did not show annoyance, the shopkeeper quickly replied.

"Why is it so expensive?" Thorne frowned slightly when he heard the shopkeeper's reimbursement.

It's not that he hasn't been to the taverns in Waterfall Town, and he knows the prices of these foods well, so he thinks that the owner is probably killing him, a foreigner, on purpose.

More than 300 gold coins are nothing to him, but if he is tricked, it will make him very uncomfortable.

"The meal is only ten gold coins, mainly because a bottle of elf mead is a little more expensive, worth three hundred gold coins." Noticing the ranger's displeased look, the innkeeper sank in his heart, and quickly explained: "You need to know this kind of reason. Made from exotic honey..."

"Take it." Before he could finish speaking, the shopkeeper was interrupted by Thorne, and he scolded the messed-up Silver Crow messenger in his heart, and after paying the bill, he went out directly.

Walking on the empty streets of Iron Horse Town, he didn't waste any time and walked straight towards the castle hall where the copper dragon lived.

Looking at the closed thick door, Thorne pushed it open directly.


As he pushed the door and entered, what caught his eyes was not the spacious and bright hall, but a deep darkness and the smell of various earth and decay.

At this time, this great hall, which was once used for the gathering ceremony of Iron Horse Town, has been transformed into a complex labyrinth by the red copper dragon using magic such as stone shaping.

In other words, if he wants to find the red copper dragon, he must go through this maze full of dangers and traps to the end.

In fact, there is another way to instantly find the red copper dragon, and that is to enter through the back door. The people of Iron Horse Town entered from there.

Unfortunately, his identity is a stranger. If he breaks in without permission, he will easily be bombarded by the red copper dragon, so he must abide by the rules of the game set by the red copper dragon.

Thorne looked at the labyrinth with twisting corners, all kinds of dead ends, and enough to confuse even the most confident cartographers. He was not surprised, because the lord of Iron Horse Town had explained it before he left.

Making labyrinths is also one of the bad tastes of copper dragons.

It is said that among the clans of copper dragons, there is a constant competition with each other to see who can design the most perplexing labyrinth.

Even every few decades, they hold an annual labyrinth building competition to prove who is the labyrinth master of the copper dragon clan.

It can be said that their amusing attributes are vividly displayed.

Moreover, copper dragons like to surreptitiously observe those reckless intruders, watching them pass through the various corridors, tunnels, false exits, traps and stumbling blocks in the labyrinth of their own design.

It's like a child among humans making fun of ants when they're bored.

Sometimes, they also use captured monsters to create a mini-dungeon, and if the intruder gets lost inside, the Copper Dragon will rescue them before they are mortally threatened, if they are sure they are not the enemy.

Of course, if you can get out of the labyrinth on your own, you'll find the copper dragon's true lair at the end.

And the copper dragons are generally there to give some rewards to the warriors who can get out of the labyrinth, such as part of their property (1 gold coin, no more).

Similarly, in this labyrinth-like lair, there is usually a more direct escape route, that is, the back door. This location is basically known only by the copper dragon itself.

In fact, the escape function of this back door is only incidental. The real effect is because these funny dragons feel that the maze they designed is too cumbersome, and sometimes they can't get out...

As a designer, how could the red copper dragon play the labyrinth he designed, just like the reason why the game planner never plays the game he planned.

- "Three-ring magic: the third-level natural ally summoning!"

Looking at the complex maze, Thorne did not rush forward, but summoned six bats.

Under the control of his mind, these well-behaved bats were all scattered in various channels in an instant, exploring the way for him.

And he stood still, looking at the labyrinth designed by the red copper dragon with interest, while waiting for the bat to explore the way.

Although most copper dragons like to live in civilized cities, they still build their own labyrinth lair in suitable nearby areas to store the wealth they loot.

As a territory dominated by mountains and rocks, the red copper dragon sometimes adjoins or overlaps the territory of the brass dragon. These two species often get along well. After all, one is funny and the other is talkative. right.

The actual situation is that the beginning of getting along is really good, the two talk very happily, and they can talk about cross talk together almost perfectly.

However, this combination did not last long.

As the contact time between the two funny dragons becomes longer, it will gradually develop into a joke that the red copper dragon keeps trying to test the bottom line, while the brass dragon madly sprays trash talk. After swearing that the next time they meet, they will definitely get back the scene, and they parted ways.

Of course, copper dragons sometimes find themselves neighbors with silver, red, and green dragons.

However, the silver dragon will avoid too much contact with the red copper dragon, mainly for fear of being led astray by this funny ratio.

Green dragons and red dragons will kill the copper dragons or at least drive them away, if neither can do it, they will take the initiative to run away with their tails tucked in their tails. ?

After all, no dragon other than a copper dragon likes to fight foes who are very good at using their wits to taunt and insult themselves.

Because it's easy for other dragons to explode their mentality before the battle begins.

About half an hour later, the six bats released by Thorne returned one after another.

After Thorne left one to lead the way, he walked directly into the labyrinth.

- "Shadow Hand School (Stance): Moth Dance!"

When he was about to step into the labyrinth, he immediately activated the shadow hand stance, and then his body floated about two meters above the ground.

In other words, he was already floating in midair at this time.

This is a level 5 move. The main function is to use the energy of qi to create a surging shadow to lift his body off the ground, so that he can avoid triggering various traps arranged in the maze, and can go all the way to the end unimpeded.

The only downside to this move is that in addition to being unable to run, the movement speed is also reduced by half.

At this time, Thorne seemed to be floating in mid-air, but in fact, there was an almost invisible shadow energy dragging his body under his feet.

As he walked slowly, this shadow energy also moved with his movement, and there was no need to worry about being dropped.

Under the leadership of the bat, Thorne walked very smoothly in the dark labyrinth, no matter whether it was mud, traps or stumbling blocks, none of them could stop him.

Of course, he also encountered a few kobolds and little goblins blocking the way during the journey.

But it didn't bring him any trouble, because these poor little guys were directly killed by the dense traps in the labyrinth in the process of chasing him.

After all, this maze was only transformed by the red copper dragon in the hall of Iron Horse Town, so its scope is not as large as imagined.

Thorne, led by the bat, got around in only half an hour.

After walking out of the labyrinth, he immediately put away the stance of the Shadow Hand School and slowly landed. Just as he was about to continue to walk towards the copper dragon's lair, a loud and green voice came out.

"Where did the half-elf thief come from! How dare you break into my mother's territory?!"

When Thorne heard this voice, he pulled out the two sharp swords hanging from his waist in an instant, ready to fight at any time.

"Hey! Half-elf, I want to ask you something! Why did you come to my territory? Don't you know? This flattened mountain is mine, this little castle is mine, and so are all the people in the castle, All the wealth in the castle is still mine, and now you have invaded my territory, then you are mine now."

Hearing a series of chirping green voices, Thorne immediately looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and then he was stunned by the sight he saw.

Standing not far from him is a little loli who is about 1.3 meters tall. She is wearing a floral dress, with various dazzling magic accessories on her wrists, and her long dark red hair is tied in two. A ponytail hangs down on the shoulders on both sides, although the face looks very cute and moving.

However, on the tender little face, there is a fierce look.

What made Thorne's eyelids jump even more was that this little loli was holding a leather bag in her hand, staring at herself with big eyes, and from time to time she took out a fried little scorpion from the leather bag with relish. Chew.

From the shape of the roasted scorpion and the pungent smell, it can be seen that this is a small mutant scorpion with highly poisonous scorpions.

In other words, this little loli eats the poisonous scorpion as a snack.

However, when he remembered the identity of the other party's red copper dragon, he immediately understood.

After all, these jokers regard all kinds of poisonous creatures as the best delicacy.

For their own reasons, toxins can hone their wits and make themselves smarter.

Well, Thorne, who almost believed it, felt that their various crazy behaviors were probably not drug addiction and stupidity...

"Hello?! Why don't you talk." Little Lolita walked over to Thorne, looked at him curiously, and asked tentatively, "Are you dumb? Or are you an idiot?"

"Shouldn't I be frightened by my domineering." Seeing that Thorne still didn't respond, Little Loli whispered again:

"Probably not? It's a pity that someone can climb out of the labyrinth I carefully designed, such a fun toy is so stupid!

I want to play for two more days...he hasn't appreciated my wit and beauty yet? I still have a bunch of riddles waiting for him to guess... eh? But it's okay to be stupid, so I don't have to give him a customs clearance reward, and I can save a gold coin..."

Just when Thorne was so stunned, the little loli in front of him murmured another lot of trash talk.

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