Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 315: favor

We walked in the dark, on our own pilgrimage paths.

- Half-elf ranger: Thorne

In the empty corridor, the collision of weapons, angry roars, and the screams of death could be vaguely heard from the ground floor.

Although the soldiers of the Wanruid family are relying on the favorable terrain of the inner space of the stone pillar to try to reorganize to resist the invaders, they do not know that what they are guarding has long passed away silently.

If they could know, they would definitely disarm and surrender. After all, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, there is no family worth sacrificing their lives.

The topmost layer of the central stone pillar.

"Why don't you run away!"

When the drow swordsman Sharishi sensed the sound of the sharp blade penetrating into the flesh, his expression was abruptly startled, he hurriedly threw away the long sword, supported the figure that was about to fall, and roared in a trembling voice.

"Why should I dodge?" The wandering swordsman Karlock said with a smile.

"I'm just testing your reaction, I've already stopped, why are you bumping into it again!" Sharish's eyes turned scarlet with blood, and his roar echoed in the corridor for a long time.

"Isn't it good?" Carlock laughed again, showing his white teeth: "Didn't you want to avenge your dead brothers for a long time, and now I will satisfy you."

"I don't need this kind of alms from you!" Sharish put Carlock on the ground and roared again.

"But you've already started." Carlock stared at Sharis silently.

"Carlock, you are escaping!" Sharis growled.

"I'm only going to cause you trouble here, and that's all I can do." Carlock smiled bitterly, and suddenly grabbed Sharish's palm with all his strength, staring into Sharish's eyes:

"We don't have many compatriots in Rezim King City anymore, let them go and stop killing each other..."

After Carlock finished speaking, he gently loosened his clenched palms and smiled in relief, his pale red eyes slowly extinguished.

"Why are you so sure that I will promise you." Sharish muttered to himself.

"My teacher Carlock, do you know?" Sharish knelt in front of Carlock's body and whispered:

"You simply let them go, and all my hard work, all my humiliation and struggles over the past year will come to nothing."

"The current me... is the real bereaved dog!" The drow swordsman master stepped on the inner corridor of the central stone pillar of the Wan Ruide family and ran away.

He left the central stone pillar at a very fast speed and came to the narrow bridge connecting the stone pillars. His scarlet eyes looked at the exquisite spider pattern on the fence, and looked at the unfinished battle below.

He leaped from the high narrow bridge, and he did not take part in the chaotic slaughter. He crossed the noisy battle, through a string of mushrooms, and found a hidden cave in a tall fungus clump.

He was lying directly in the luminous flora, looking at the eternal darkness on the top of the cave, recalling his dark life, the humiliation of being an undercover agent in the Wanruide family, and the snake's head whip on his body and trembling from muscle contractions pain...

"Who the **** trapped Lao Tzu in this world?! Rose, you son of a bitch, what the heck are you?!" Sharis stood up suddenly and roared recklessly.

After being silent for a long time, Sharis struggled for a long time, and finally took out half a pure black mask from his arms and put it on his ebony-colored cold face.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, using the dark elf's innate magic to float himself in mid-air, and then stretched out his arms, a dark enchantment enveloped his pious expression hidden under half a mask.

He seemed to be doing some special religious ritual, just quietly embracing the deep darkness, whispering the teachings of a certain god:

The shadows of the masked king will be able to escape the tyranny of the spider **** queen and regain the rightful power and status of the Underdark.

The existing matriarchal society should be overthrown, the net of infighting woven by Rose should also be abandoned, and the dark elves should be united as a unified nation, instead of wasting power in the endless infighting of rival families, clans, and goals.

Velen, the Masked Lord, will lead all the Dark Elves to unite again and rule the other lesser nations once again.

The status of men and women should be equal.

In any case, aid must be given to men who are oppressed and attacked by drow women, and revenge must be avenged for the cruel treatment suffered by male drow!


The rear of the Wanruide family settlement.

"Yulis, I reminded you that I have seen the ending, why don't you believe it?" Harist stood quietly not far from Julis.

After the drow warlock finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and Julis, who was backstabbed, remained motionless in the posture of stabbing the magic dagger.


Julis, who failed the sneak attack, looked at the phantom that disappeared in front of her eyes and remained silent.

"I'm thinking about our future, why can't you and Ciel understand my hardships." Herist walked up to Julis and gently took the magic dagger from her palm, no He looked at her in disbelief:

"One is clamoring to take them back to the surface, while the other wants to live on their own accord. The two of you are really naive."

"The spider **** Rose is a cruel and fickle evil god, and this dead spider is a lunatic, don't you understand?" Julis looked at Heliste calmly, and said lightly:

"What is Rose? Queen of Spiders, Weaver of Chaos, Queen of Spiders, Mother of Greed, Queen of Abyss, Queen of Spider-web Demons, Mother of All Drow Darkness, so many terrible titles still can't dispel your innocence. You're playing with fire, Herister."

"I would rather die on the road of confrontation than live on my own accord. We voted at the beginning, and it turns out that my decision is the most correct one."

Harister quietly watched Julis' eyes that were scarlet with anger.

"You will regret it." Julis took a deep breath, closed her eyes and said nothing.

"It's a pity that you can't see it anymore." Heliste waved her hand regretfully, away from the human-shaped flame burning in front of her.

She walked to a small fungus bush, stared at the group of stone pillars of the Wanruide family, listened to the battle that had not yet ended, and whispered: "Could it be that the lone wolf mercenary group is really as I guessed... ?"

Then Harist took out a coin with a strange pattern and threw it gently into the air. She quietly watched the movement of the coin, took it into her palm, and frowned in thought.

"I am a wizard who is proficient in prophecy, why don't you listen to me? If you obey my arrangements, Julis will not have a chance to attack me, and you will not be killed because of it."

Herist, who had been silent for a long time, sighed, and tightened the wizard robe tightly wrapped around her, with a far-fetched smile on the corner of her mouth: "The two foes are gone, I should be happy."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the fluorescent flickering flora. The pale blue light that emitted made her figure hazy and illusory. Looking around, she looked like a walking corpse that had just crawled out of the grave.


The group of stone pillars in front of the Wan Ruide family.

The tauren Alistar watched all the tauren warriors he brought to die in the despicable mercenary group. He felt the tinkling sound of the galloping crossbow arrows shooting on his body, and a pair of black bull's eyes flashed with violent anger instantly. .

The twenty or so tauren warriors were all loyal servants he recruited in the deep labyrinth of the Underdark.

He had solemnly promised these men that he would establish a great tauren clan, and then live together on the green prairie of the surface world.

Now, because of his carelessness, these subordinates all died here, and Alistar felt that he had to cast a suppressed roar here.

Although the smell of blood or broken flesh and blood may arouse the slaughter impulse of the Tauren race, and even overwhelm all its rationality and thoughts.

Moreover, the Tauren were originally created by the Demon King, the protagonist of the Demon King. They were born in the demonic ritual of the mortal kingdom. The Horned Demon King also advocated for his followers to dismantle their humanity, return to their wildness, and transform their body and mind into real Tauren. .

But this Alistar with an alien soul is a very rational tauren, belonging to the very few tauren who strive to break the shackles and liberate life and freedom.

Now that he has chosen this race, he will raise these demon descendants into an independent race of tauren.

Therefore, he spontaneously cut off one of his proud horns. In addition to reminding himself to know how to bow his head, it also has another meaning, which is to completely cut off the relationship with the Horned Demon King and prove to the world that the Horned Tauren clan is not like this. A follower of a demon monarch.

"Betrayer, must die!"

Alistar shook the ox tail gently behind him, and when he noticed the "Stone Skin Technique" that was about to disappear, he let out a low growl.

- "Supernatural Ability: Fury!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar that seemed to be an ancient wilderness filled the stone pillars of the Wanruide family.

The hands of many drow warriors who were not strong-willed trembled involuntarily, and even a few unlucky ones fell off the narrow bridge connecting the stone pillars.

Berserkers do not fight to achieve heroic ideals or defeat heinous crimes, they are driven by the passion of fighting to rage within.

For a berserker, furious combat is like an addictive potion, and he must constantly seek more combat to satisfy his desire to fight.

Alistar has a very special advanced occupation: Tauren Berserker!

However, he rarely uses this ability, as he is a sane tauren, so he doesn't like to use wildness to solve pointless fights.

But today is different. If he doesn't unleash the power of anger in his heart, he is likely to be beaten to death by these despicable thieves.

With Alistar's roar, his burly body, which was already tangled in muscles, began to swell rapidly again.

His thick cow hair, which stinks of death, could not hide his terrifying muscles and sinister blue veins.

In the bursts of crackling noises, the bones of the Tauren's whole body rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person directly turned into a behemoth more than five meters high.

- "Supernatural Ability: War Trample!"

Tauren Alistar's bloodshot bull-eyed glanced dissatisfiedly at the small axe in his hand, he puffed out his chest, took a deep breath, raised his thick bull's hooves, and stomped with all his strength.


A shocking loud noise centered on the tauren Alistar, and the cobweb-like cracks quickly spread around at an extremely fast speed.


A large number of simple sentry towers hidden in the stalactite group collapsed suddenly, many drow warriors were crushed in the ruins and wailed, and the mutant spiders entrenched on the top of the cave were also shaken like dumplings, falling down one after another.

More than 20 members of the lone wolf mercenary group who were closer to Alistar were directly spread by the power from the earth from their legs to their whole bodies.

The tauren Alistar, who was breathing heavily and forcefully, first stretched out his hand to grab the unfortunate spider that fell down unintentionally, and stuck it on his horn, and smashed it into the crowd of mercenaries.

Then a drow elf stepped on a sturdy cow's hoof, and like an ant, it trampled to death all the enemies who were seriously injured by the trampling of war.

Then he waved the giant axe the size of the door in his hand, and rushed towards the periphery of the Wanruide family settlement at a very fast speed.

Obviously, this angry brother Niu did not lose his mind. He knew very well what he should do at this moment.

At the same time, Vinov's lone wolf mercenary group was besieging the other side.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

After the baptism of the galloping crossbow bolt, Thorne's whole body's protective force field was completely penetrated to pieces, and a poisoned crossbow bolt was also shot on his arm.

The only thing fortunate is that the penetrating power of these bolts is not very strong, and the drow poison was easily counteracted by his use of the Steel Soul Sect's coping skills.

Since the drow mercenaries considered him the greatest threat, almost all of them poured their crossbow arrows on him. The other wizard Charr beside him was under the protection of spells and was not harmed.

However, although the crossbow stopped, more than 30 drow mercenaries took the opportunity to pounce.

On their periphery, there are still many drow soldiers waiting to form a huge encirclement, surrounding the two of them, and there is a tendency to completely eliminate them here.

"Do you have any questions?" Thorne, who was waiting for him, said solemnly. He was a little complicated about this strange wizard.

In previous battles, the drow wizard always helped himself to the enemy. Although Thorne felt that this kind of help was insignificant to him, it was out of the other party's kindness after all, and it did save him some trouble. , so he has a little goodwill towards this wizard.

However, it is different now. The two of them are surrounded by a group of drow mercenaries. More than 30 drow mercenaries have rushed over, and the remaining dozens of mercenaries are also watching them vigilantly from the periphery with crossbows. .

Even Thorne can't guarantee that he will be able to rush out unscathed, not to mention there is a wizard by his side.

Therefore, he could only ask a symbolic question, because if the young wizard had no special abilities, it is very likely that he would really stay here.

"I can't go, you still have hope." The wizard Ciel looked at the drow mercenary who rushed up, smiled lightly, and went directly to Thorne and put his hand on his shoulder.

He is an 8th-level warlock and part-time 3rd-level wizard, and almost all the spells in his body are almost consumed in battle.

So he chose to throw the last protection spell to the ranger in front of him, so that at least one person could escape.

——“Fourth Ring Spell: Stone Skin!”

Feeling that the whole body's skin became stone-hard, Thorne's eyes narrowed, and he threw the obsidian sculpture of Fulong Beast directly.

"You will die." Thorne clenched the swords in his hand and whispered.

"Don't let my hard work go to waste, just run away."

Sorcerer Ciel did not talk nonsense, and directly prepared a dark red fireball, and without hesitation, threw it towards the fast-moving drow mercenary group.


The dark red fireball exploded. Except for the three who could not escape and fell to the ground, the other drow mercenaries avoided this conspicuous spell attack in advance.

Obviously, this is a group of well-trained drow warriors.

Immediately afterwards, a group of drow mercenaries approached the two of them, grinning, preparing to start the bloodiest hand-to-hand battle.

- "Awesome momentum!"

Thorne's eyes narrowed, and a suffocating murderous aura surged out. However, except for the three weaker ones who were in a state of trembling, the other four who were besieged had no effect. All kinds of sharp blades were cut at Thorne's. physically.

——“Desert Wind Sect (Enhanced Skill): Sword of Red Lotus!”

Feeling the sound of sharp knives clinking from his body, Thorne didn't do anything to evade. The two sharp knives in his hands flashed through a scorching fire at a very fast speed. The drow mercenaries gathered around him all lay on the ground with their wounds covered. howling.

Then he took a step forward, and a swift sword light flashed again, and the seven drow mercenaries who rushed forward were all cut to the ground by Thorne.

- "Desert Wind Sect (Strike Skill): Serpent of Flames!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Thorne stabbed his long sword toward the ground, and the surging flames turned into a winding fire snake and attacked all the drow mercenaries who attacked him.

Seeing that the attack on this side had been temporarily repelled by him, Thorne immediately instructed Fulong Beast to clean up the remaining soldiers, turned and rushed in the direction of the wizard Ciel, trying to rescue the kind drow wizard.


However, it is a pity that when Thorne arrived, the protective field of the wizard Ciel had been shattered by the drow mercenaries, and all five sharp blades pierced his body.

——“Second-Circle Spell: Reverse Electric Vendetta!”

At the same time, when the sharp blade touched Ciel's body, five lightning bolts leaping with dark purple arcs erupted all over the wizard's body, killing the five mercenaries on the spot.

——“Second Ring Divine Art: Wind Wall Art!”

Thorne rushed over immediately, took out the holy emblem and cast a roaring wind wall, resisting the crossbow bolts galloping again for the two of them.


At this time, the tall and burly figure of Tauren Alistar rushed over with a roar.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention by the Tauren, Thorne quickly dragged Ciel to a relatively hidden stalactite as a cover, and then took out a bottle of advanced healing potion from the dimension bag and poured it directly.

"It's useless, my injuries are too fatal."

Ciel, who poured the healing potion, recovered a little of his strength. Although the trauma was healing, the two fatal wounds and the toxins in his body were still functioning.

"Then what else do you want to say?"

Thorne looked at the wizard who he didn't know but was in danger, and said after being silent for a while.

"This is the holy emblem that I carved with my own hands. I didn't expect to get the approval of the goddess before I died. It can be regarded as a wish of mine."

Xia Er smiled miserably, took out the accessories hidden in the collar, and saw that the sacred emblem in his palm exuded a faint divine brilliance, his hands trembled involuntarily, and his dim eyes were also a little excited.

"Ranger friend, do me a favor." Then, Ciel tried his best to suppress the pain caused by the injury, and turned his gaze to Thorne with difficulty:

"The magic of this holy emblem hides the specific information of many of the Warlock Academy's compatriots and some indigenous residents who are eager to return to the surface. I hope you can help me deliver it to the believers of the goddess, so that they can bring these dark desires to return to the surface. The elves pick it up."

"No problem." Thorne directly took the holy emblem that was blooming faintly in the hands of Ciel.

"This holy emblem has finally been recognized by the goddess. After they see it, they will no longer suspect that I am an evil drow elf."

Seeing that Thorne had taken the holy emblem, Charles took the last few breaths, leaned his body against the stone pillar and said with a smile:

"Also, if you go back to the surface, please scatter my ashes in a grove that can be illuminated by moonlight and sunlight. I haven't seen beautiful natural light for a long time."

"On the face of the kingdoms, in that great land of the sun, a promised land awaits you.

Come in peace, and live again in the sun, where the trees and flowers grow... May the radiance of the dancing lady be sprinkled unselfishly on your shoulders. "

Thorne sighed slightly, recalling the welcoming ceremony of Ma Jia, holding the holy emblem of Ciel in the palm of his hand, and whispering a few words, it was considered a ceremony for the wizard before he died.

The only pity is that the executor is not a follower of a dancing lady.

"It's really... thank you so much." Leaning against the stone pillar, Charles smiled at Thorne, and his pale red eyes began to dim slowly.

At this time, in the deep darkness, a swallowtail moth appeared strangely, and as its wings swayed, a faint divine brilliance flickered lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them simultaneously heard a faint dirge sung by the swallowtail moth.

"Swallowtail moth fluttering, this is the appearance of the dancing lady guiding her followers. I must have been favored by the goddess. Is this here to take me to the kingdom of God?"

Ciel's originally dull eyes were forcibly brightened. With Thorne's help, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to pray sincerely:

Help the weak as well as the strong.

Help both gentlemen and barbarians.

Love peace and fight against evil.

Happiness should be spread in all directions, and the soul should be sublimated with words, humor, songs and laughter.

Helping outsiders, sheltering the homeless, and helping people in deep distress.


When everything was over, the floating swallowtail moth turned into a little light and dissipated in the air, and the wizard Shire's body also turned into a pile of ashes in a bright fire.

"I heard that the devout believers will be taken to the kingdom of God by the messengers of the gods after death. Has the flying swallowtail moth already picked you up?"

Thorne sighed deeply in his heart, and took out a rag to collect the ashes of the wizard Charr.

Then he clenched his long sword again, and turned his icy eyes towards the members of the Vinov Lone Wolf Mercenary Group who were about to retreat.

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