Chapter 2 Message

  To contemporary children:

  Hello dear brothers and sisters! I am Ci Liansheng, the author of this book. As contemporary children, you, as the teacher told you, are the flowers of the motherland and the future of the motherland.

In elementary school, you may have come into contact with the contents of "Di Zi Gui", "Thousand Characters Wen", "San Zi Jing", and you may also have encountered a series of things such as "Ai Lian Shuo" and "The Analects of Confucius (Excerpts. Down the article. At the same time, I believe that you have also come into contact with the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Song": "Spring rains start the spring and clear the valley, the summer is full of awns and the summer is hot. The fall shows the cold and the frost in the autumn, the snow in the winter is a little bit cold."

  At junior high school, this kind of fear and even aversion to ancient Chinese will further increase. At this time, the four masterpieces will also be mixed, and even "Journey to the West", which I might like to watch when I was very young, becomes a burden.

  Of course, these will change in high school, because you will find that the elementary and junior high schools are simply too kind.

In addition, you may also be taken by your parents to interest classes such as "calligraphy class", "art class", "guzheng class", "Peking opera class", and "wushu class". As for whose interest, this It is often difficult to determine.

  The above words, don’t know if they are in your heart? Of course, I hope that you will like our excellent traditional Chinese culture, not to mention any rebellious mentality due to these compulsions.

  I have come all the way from all this you have passed through. I understand some of your psychology, some interest in cultivation and inheritance of excellent traditional culture. Obviously, it is not compulsory to achieve. This kind of coercion often leads to the opposite result, and then this kind of coercion further intensifies, gradually forming a vicious circle. At the same time, besides this kind of compulsion, there is another factor that does not "teach students in accordance with their aptitude". Perhaps the part of the traditional culture you like has no chance to get in-depth contact, but you have to learn what you don't like.

  As contemporary teenagers and children, you and we will also receive criticism from parents, teachers, and even the society against our generation, which further aggravates the status quo of "you are unwilling to me".

  From a personal point of view, Chinese traditional culture is undoubtedly what we contemporary teenagers and children should understand, because this is the soul of our nation and the cohesion of the country.

  However, I hope you can better understand the excellent Chinese traditional culture in a “willingly” situation.

Therefore, before writing this work of children’s literature, I did not hesitate to set the theme on "traditional culture", so I have this book "Haiyan River Clear Four Seasons". My purpose is to bring you both at the same time. Come happiness and cultural knowledge.

Dear brothers and sisters, if you read this book in your free time, I hope you can read it and let me lead you to a lively and lively world of traditional Chinese culture, and let the excellent traditional Chinese culture become your life. Part. Let your spontaneous interest bring a life-long rewarding gift for your hopeful future.

I wish you all fall in love with our excellent Chinese traditional culture because of this book or other opportunities in your life, because this is something that our Chinese nation has inherited for thousands of years. I don’t want it to be in the hands of our generation of young people. Disappear, it should not be thrown into the corner of the times by us either.

After reading this message, if you feel that it is just like your real situation, then maybe you can try to show it to your family and let them give you an unconstrained environment to get in touch with Chinese traditional culture, which may have different effects. .

  Finally, I wish you all a happy, healthy and healthy growth in your life, and I wish you all success in your studies!

  Author: Ciliansheng

  Date: October 23, 2020

   Made in: Beijing

    Children's literature with similar traditional cultural themes:

     Author: Uncoupling agent

     Work: "The Woolly Monkeys"

     Main content: Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage



  (End of this chapter)

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