Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 583 Chapter 580 Buying and selling and entrustment

A few days later, Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana came to the asset transaction registration office and sold their implant care shop to Doyle. During the several years of operation, the maintenance shop was hit, bombed, and robbed and stolen too many times to count, but overall it still made a little money - thanks to Doyle's dedicated management.

Selling the store to Doyle was a reward for his long and hard work, and it also saved Zhuang Xuteng a worry. Although he envisioned himself running an implant care shop for a living "after retirement," his thoughts changed after meeting Elizabeth Shaw. The company has obviously investigated him clearly and must know the maintenance shop that he actually controls. If the cutting is not carried out, if something happens, the people in the store will be implicated, which is really too dangerous.

The transfer price is very low and is only the cost price of the land and the buildings on it. Renovations, equipment, medicines and other inputs will no longer be discounted. Because the building had been hit and bombed, its depreciation rate was relatively high, and the overall financial pressure on Doyle was not great. And he has already found a new home. He will sell the excess garage and the corresponding part of the ground to build a social and public work station. Since the city government is promoting this work, the prices given are quite good. Not only would Doyle not be in debt, he would also be able to make a fortune on his own, which would greatly supplement his pension.

After paying the transfer transaction tax and signing and sealing at the municipal window, all procedures are completed except for waiting for the new title certificate to be produced. Zhuang Xuteng stepped forward to hug Doyle, and they patted each other on the shoulders. Both men understood the meaning of this move. They would only say congratulations, not goodbye, let alone farewell.

After leaving the city hall, Zhuang Xuteng remembered again what happened when he came here to visit the mayor a few days ago. As soon as the corners of his mouth started to turn up, Morgana noticed him immediately and asked him why he was smiling.

"At least Doyle is safe and can do whatever he wants. He is freer than me. I just laugh when I think of this."

Morgana squinted her eyes, snorted softly, and said: "I feel like what you said is half true and half false... However, the store sells it so cheaply, it's almost like giving it away for free, so your mood is not affected. It seems like you really don’t care about money!”

"When you should care, you care. When you shouldn't care, it's the air." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about living without money. I can still make money now, and I can be considered a billionaire. The first thing now is to arrange our lives well, and after we complete the tasks assigned to me by Dingxin Magic, we can do whatever we want."

"Dingxin Mochuang... how about I try to find some connections?"

"You have already played a very important role, and there is basically no role for you to find any more. It is equivalent to investing in nothing, so it is unnecessary. Dingxin Mochuang needs to frame me now if they want to get me, and this behavior is equivalent to exposing their Incompetence in investigation and evidence collection. Although the company doesn't care what people at our level think, but the four major companies have not merged, it has to care about what the other three think about this matter."

It sounds reasonable, but for monsters of the size of the four major companies, framing a mercenary is too small. Even if the other three companies think that Dingxin Magic has lost face, how much face might it lose? Maybe we can only joke with each other among the senior executives of the company to liven up the atmosphere of the meeting, right?

"Don't take it lightly. Dingxin Magic has been the winner since the first corporate war, and has never failed since then. Their experience and strength are very strong. Alas, you are right, give the task quickly and complete it quickly , and then keep a low profile for a while, at least you can breathe a sigh of relief."

"It is precisely because of this that you need to clear up your external assets as soon as possible and put all the money into your account."

"In my account, it's also your money."

"You can think like this, but we'd better tell the company not to think like this." Zhuang Xuteng touched his chin and said, "If we don't still need to enjoy safety under your wings, I would suggest that the two of us get divorced and all property be ceded to You, like this..."

"Don't think about such a bastard thing!" Morgana raised her fist and knocked Zhuang Xuteng on the head, saying: "The sky won't fall, so don't be so pessimistic! Alas, I'm not in a good mood for what you said. I'm sorry! Buy me some ice cream!"

Zhuang Xuteng agreed with a smile, and then drove Morgana to an ice cream shop in the Taiping District Commercial Center. The main reason why I come here is that it does not provide food containing safety blue, which makes it safer to eat. There is only one living employee in the entire store. The puppet waiter takes orders at the front desk, prepares food in the back kitchen, and delivers the maple soft cake and ice cream set to the table for two people across the hall.

"There are more and more puppet executions, and it feels like there are fewer people on the streets." Morgana took a spoonful of ice cream, raised her eyebrows, and said, "The taste has not changed. It seems that her puppet execution skills are good!"

Zhuang Xuteng glanced in the direction of the kitchen and said: "There are people controlling the execution puppets. They are probably the same staff as before, so the taste has not changed. These execution puppets are the same as the previous zombies and can be controlled remotely. There are public work stations in the society. The device can be connected, or you can get a control device at home.”

"My servant also wanted to work like this, but was rejected directly." Morgana shook her spoon and said with squinted eyes: "The puppet can complete simple and repetitive tasks by itself. The servant thought that after training the puppet well, he could do it himself. You can be lazy. Anyway, if the remote connection is not connected, you can’t keep staring at it, right?”

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "People with specialized skills can indeed use the training of puppet execution to be a little lazy, but cleaning is not considered a craft, right? You can do puppet execution by yourself."

"Just talk outside, don't talk when you go to my house." Morgana shook her head and said: "The execution puppet looks like a zombie. Our family is a temple church, can we use that thing? Besides, the wages of servants in our house are much higher than similar jobs outside. To give them this salary means that they must do their best to do the work themselves according to high-pressure standards and strict requirements, rather than outsourcing it."

"Oh, I completely understand. Hehe, the word outsourcing you used is very appropriate. Now the execution puppet can do all kinds of work well, relying on the 'outsourcing' of social public work sites. Those people sit on the chairs and lead helmet, and then lent his brain to the execution puppet."

Morgana nodded. "As long as puppets are still used, someone needs to provide a brain. A puppet with brain support will obviously react faster and move more flexibly. No skills are required to lie on a chair and put on a hat, and everyone can earn this money."

"It sounds like you support the social public work point industry?"

"You have to admit that it can indeed reduce the number of homeless people and allow some people to support themselves. Some people will definitely lose their jobs because of this, but from a macro perspective, the execution puppet has arrived at the job, and the job requires brains. In fact, the job is still there .The only thing I don’t like about it is that it always has to provide safety blue. That stuff accumulates and it’s bound to cause problems.”

After completing the analysis of Safety Blue and confirming that it was a creation of shadow follower magic, Morgana has continued to advance her research on it, but her main focus has changed from medicine and chemistry to shadow follower magic. Since the company has extremely strict control over the Shadow Clan Spell, she can only collect resources through family channels, especially the historical data when the Shadow Clan Spell was first produced, and wants to try to re-open the entire spell line from the root.

It is difficult, time-consuming, and dangerous. The only advantage is that if it succeeds, it can fundamentally shake up the foundation of the company's technology monopoly.

Related topics must not be discussed in public, so Zhuang Xuteng talked about social public work again. Constitution City, and Mayor Brewer Pace in particular, is pushing the project to several subcontractors — mostly white-glove companies and city officials, some also directly related to Mayor Pace — Quite favorable policies and large subsidies, the only requirement is that the subcontractor must have a suitable site and the construction must be put in place. Subcontractors are profitable, and at the same time they must strive to capture as much of the profit pool as possible, so they acquire suitable properties everywhere. Doyle also took advantage of this trend and made a small profit.

"You really have nothing to say to Doyle." Morgana recalled: "I still remember that when you first introduced him to me, he looked completely down and out. Now, he can be regarded as a boss. There’s money in your pocket and people around you.”

"Well... he actually doesn't care if he has money in his pocket." Zhuang Xuteng said: "I have been away for more than half a year, and I went to the store a few days ago to understand the situation. Before, Lando Guy - an employee of my store - He passed away, and it was him who took care of it, and it happened to be about death-related matters."

Zhuang Xuteng continued: "Doyle said that his current condition is very good, especially in terms of mentality, which is much better than Lando Guy. His revenge has been avenged, and the top executives of the Blood Bat Gang have died cleanly. At least there will be something for him after his death. Face went to see his family. He only has two things to do next: run the store well and hand it over to the next generation, and help people who want to quit drug addiction."

"Detox? He wants to help Blue Savage addicts?" Morgana asked.

"Yes, they should be addicts of Blue Savage and other blue powder products, but gang members are not welcome."

Morgana frowned and asked: "There is no solution for the blue savage. The only way to relieve the symptoms is safety blue. Doyle is your subordinate, shouldn't he be allowed to use safety blue?"

"He is no longer under my command. He can do whatever he wants." Zhuang Xuteng curled his lips.

Not using safety blue is a kind of self-requirement and restraint. Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana will maintain this habit, but to be honest, there are fewer and fewer people in society who insist on this. Safety Blue has been widely used since its birth, and everyone will observe the cases around them. Compared with using Blue Savage, Safety Blue is indeed safe enough, reducing the intensity of withdrawal reactions and allowing people to stay normal and sane longer.

People who did not use Safety Blue before have started to try it in order to get better sleep results since the launch of the Mengwu Experience Machine. They felt that there was nothing wrong with their health, observed the people around them, and after diagnosing with their naked eyes, they accepted the concept that Safety Blue was very safe, and began to use other Safety Blue products. Recently, the number of safety blue products has increased. If you want to find products that do not use safety blue at all, you need to be more and more cautious.

"Sooner or later, everyone outside will use safety blue, just like eating salt and sugar." Morgana frowned and said: "There is something that worries me recently: the descendants of the church accept the support and care of the company. Enjoy the special material quota. A while ago I saw the material list, and there was an extra column, which was the original product without the addition of safety blue."

"I will eat with you from now on," Zhuang Xuteng said.

"There is no problem with eating. The problem is that the category in that column is under 'exclusive supply'. Only items that cannot be bought outside will be in the exclusive supply, so I think it is obvious that the company needs to fully roll out safety blue."

"This is troublesome..." Zhuang Xuteng was about to express his opinion when his phone vibrated. "Brother Dao, I'll answer the call first."

Morgana nodded: "Take it, take it."

"Brother Dao, what's the matter?" Zhuang Xuteng listened for a while, then started to frown and scratch his eyebrows. After Brother Dao finished speaking, Zhuang Xuteng replied: "You are probably right, this is the company's action. I suggest you explore it again. If the price is right, it's not impossible. Remember, never force the price, at least not in person Come forward to support. You are not the only shareholder, not even the largest shareholder. This kind of transfer can be discussed by the shareholders' meeting. Well, eh, I will be careful, let's keep in touch. "

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Xuteng's brows were still furrowed. He said to Morgana: "Someone wants to buy a stake in Moat, and they hope that Brother Dao will promote the success of this matter. They have a great appetite and want to buy both Moat and Brother Dao. Brother Dao thinks that this group of people is likely to be Dingxin Magic’s agent, please come out and test it out first. At the same time, this should also be part of Dingxin Magic’s action against me.”

"All the big four companies want good companies on the market. But you said that Dingxin Magic is targeting you simply because of your relationship with Brother Dao?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "Whether you win me over or kill me, you have to clean up the environment around me. Didn't they also look for you? Same thing. Fortunately, they win over me first, instead of..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone started vibrating again. Zhuang Xuteng had never seen this number, but it was automatically translated by the mobile phone as "Dingxin Magic Innovation Legal Department". Zhuang Xuteng gave a bitter smile and showed his phone to Morgana: "Here he is, here he is. Call Brother Dao and tell him the news and ask him to be more careful."

We must be careful not to repeat Zhuang Teng's mistakes. Zhuang Xuteng quickly answered the phone, and Elizabeth Xiao's voice came from the phone: "Hurry up and answer the call next time, don't waste my time."

"Sorry, I was too excited and was in a hurry." Zhuang Xuteng smiled and asked, "What instructions do you have?"

"The mission has been handed down, how are you going to take it?"

"Of course I will pick it up with full enthusiasm for action." Zhuang Xuteng said seriously. Morgana, who was sitting opposite him and could see his expression and understand his character, quickly covered her mouth to avoid laughing.

"Don't talk nonsense. Go to your middleman. I'm afraid you can't complete it on your own. If there are expenses, you will pay them. Do you understand?"

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