Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 573 Chapter 570 Goodbye Peicheng

Chief Malov and his partner hurried out, jumped into the police car, turned on the red and blue flashing lights, and roared towards the highway entrance. The locals in the cafe looked out the window, their expressions a little solemn. The town has always been very stable, with no emerging industries and no outside population. Even the industries that were once blue savages and now safe blue are all run by their own people - there has never been any trouble here, but everyone feels that the atmosphere today seems to be different.

"Hey, car repair guy, do you know what's going on?" Someone asked, Chao Zhuang Xuteng, waving his hand.

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head. "I'm also confused and don't know what happened. Can I watch the news station on this TV?"

"It broke a long time ago and has never been repaired, but the radio works." The waitress squatted down behind the bar, adjusting something. The soothing music in the cafe ended. After a moment of torture by the harsh electromagnetic noise, a male announcer's voice became clearer and clearer.

"According to the latest forecast, the persistent high temperature is about to be ended by continuous rainfall, and it also heralds the official arrival of autumn..."

It turned out to be a weather forecast, and then there was a lot of nonsense. Zhuang Xuteng shrugged, indicating that he was not interested in this. He asked the waitress where the restroom was, then went there to wash up and check the injury on his arm.

The cool water hit my palms, which slapped them onto my face. Zhuang Xuteng washed his face vigorously, which made him feel relaxed. He must relax now and not be complacent or overly excited just because he defeated a plane of company reinforcements. He only overcame one difficulty, not all difficulties. The company will definitely take follow-up actions, and he must remain calm and cautious.

"It seems that it is necessary to activate the final false identity."

At present, the fake identity created by Lucy through the Constitutional Government Identity Registration and Authentication System has lost its protective effect, and Sen Gang and Scarecrow Naike have been equated. Since Zhuang Xuteng registered his marriage with Morgana under the name Sen Gang, he will definitely continue to retain it, so it is time to retire as Scarecrow Naike.

You have to retreat, but you can't stop all activities immediately - Zhuang Xuteng looked at himself in the mirror and thought to himself. The mercenary name "Scarecrow Nike" will continue to provide safety guarantee (deterrence) for Master Famine Stranger, and this name is at its peak. If he suddenly retreats, it will be even more suspicious.

We can only slowly reduce the number of tasks, and it is best to greatly increase the charging standards to scare away the clients. It's best to find a suitable time to transfer to Brother Dao's Moat Company, and have an identity that can be exposed in broad daylight, which can also reduce Morgana's pressure. As long as this is done cleverly, he and Brother Dao can still influence the middleman and mercenary industry and still maintain deterrence.

Zhuang Xuteng still has an identity left by Qian, the owner of Baiqi Grocery Store, which has never been used and should be safe. He can use this identity to establish a "mercenary account", or he can become a killer instead of a mercenary, which he can use when he encounters dirty work or needs to do something dirty.

"Get out of this crisis as soon as possible." Zhuang Xuteng wiped his face and hands with tissue paper and left the bathroom. At this time, the radio station suddenly stopped the weather forecast and urgently interrupted a "local news".

"Emergency road notification: The highway in XX was closed urgently. A helicopter crashed, caught fire and exploded. The toxic smoke it produced not only blocked the road, but also caused the death of many nearby residents and passing passengers. The transportation authority urgently announced a suspension When using this road section, except for vehicles from emergency response units, other vehicles will be detoured immediately. The specific cause of the helicopter crash still needs to be investigated, and fire-fighting and rescue work are currently underway. Please continue to pay attention to follow-up reports..."

The residents of the town frowned, and a few took out their mobile phones to make calls, either to report or inquire about safety. The waitress Mary saw Zhuang Xuteng and said, "It seems that this is the fireball and smoke you mentioned."

"It should be..." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "The highway is closed, but I still have to go to Peicheng. Is there any way to get around it?"

"Go south, turn east from Route 36, and make a big circle..." Mary thought for a while and said, "Or you can go directly through Shaoyuan and find an opportunity to bypass the accident site."

Zhuang Xuteng pretended to think for a while and said, "It's not appropriate to go back and walk an extra hundred kilometers. Is it okay to go straight through?"

Mary came over, motioned Zhuang Xuteng to sit at the bar, and spoke close to her: "If you want to leave Shenyuan, you have to use the right car. What kind of car are you repairing?"

After hearing an SUV parked in the garage, Mary began to criticize this type of vehicle. Zhuang Xuteng watched her performance quietly. Sure enough, after a moment, Mary expressed her thoughts: She had a four-wheel drive off-road vehicle, which performed very well but consumed too much fuel. Moreover, the car was given to her by her ex-boyfriend, so she I have always wanted to take action and add the word "front" to the car. She suggested that she and Zhuang Xuteng exchange cars, and the two sides compare the car prices, and whichever car is cheaper will pay part of the money accordingly. Mary can guide Zhuang Xuteng and help him find the best route in Shaoyuan that only locals know. Of course, this part of the service is also included in the discount.

Zhuang Xuteng originally wanted to go to the garage to buy a replacement car and leave here as soon as possible, but unexpectedly, a good thing came to his door. "I don't think there is any problem." He said smoothly: "I bought this second-hand car in Constitution City, the capital, but I didn't leave a receipt. We traded in good faith and each wrote down the price of the car and gave it to the other party. It can be successful or not. It doesn't matter."

A trouble that can be solved with money is not a trouble. Zhuang Xuteng wanted to complete the transaction more than Mary, so he naturally lowered the price of the car, allowing Mary to earn more and have a stronger tendency to close the deal. After that, he pretended to pay the counteroffer and completed the transaction half-heartedly.

A nearly brand-new four-wheel-drive off-road vehicle with all the car purchase procedures and insurance in place, but with less than 5,000 kilometers on it. There are no other problems with this car except that it is dirty, and it is in pretty good condition. The new gasoline engine is very powerful. So Zhuang Xuteng started to settle the bill, including the cost of the car repair shop, the coffee shop and the difference in price for replacing the car. Mary took over the work in the cafe and took another car to lead Zhuang Xuteng. After a while, she came back swearing and cursed some bastard in bad words.

"What's wrong?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"I don't know which bastard stole my motorcycle!" Mary was quite angry and said: "I remember I locked the motorcycle, how could I lose it? Who is so shameless? Wait, could someone secretly match my motorcycle? Car keys, are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

Zhuang Xuteng casually asked a few questions about the characteristics of Mary's motorcycle, and then he knew that the thief was him. The motorcycle was completely destroyed: the full impact of the high-speed, high-explosion implant crushed it, and coupled with the damage from the disintegration effect, it had broken down into parts.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry - Zhuang Xuteng could only think about it in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. Mary ran to the coffee shop again, borrowed the car keys from an acquaintance, and drove a station wagon to show Zhuang Xuteng the way. The two of them had to walk fifty kilometers in Shenyuan to get around the incident site. This distance doesn't allow people to walk back by themselves after walking the entire route.

After leaving the rest area, they first took the path, then stepped out of the roadbed into the decaying plain, and then headed east along a completely grassless path. Mary said that this road was once used for "smuggling": so-called "criminals" smuggled goods from coal and steel plants to sell, and used this road to avoid checkpoints.

The path crossed the plains. To their north, the smoke column was still clear and obvious, but the fire was smaller. It could be that the helicopter had nothing left to burn, or it could be the company's backup team. The two drove for a while, but the walkie-talkie could only emit rustling sounds and became unusable. After more than ten seconds, the radio was also occupied by noise.

Three cars came from the north with billows of smoke and dust, their headlights flashing and loudspeakers shouting for them to stop. Zhuang Xuteng stuck his head out, and Mary, who was in the car in front, showed her head and made a helpless expression. The two men slowed down for a moment and stopped before three vehicles approached.

The three vehicles that arrived had no obvious markings, and the people who got off the vehicles were well-equipped, all wearing armored suits that were obviously produced by the company. They did not turn off the engine, the driver stayed in the car, and the remaining people dispersed and surrounded Zhuang Xuteng and the others. These people's shadow energy response is not strong, that is, the level of the riot squad or the elite PCPD is not as good as the manager of the business development department, and they should only be some peripheral personnel.

"What do you do?" They came up and asked directly without identifying themselves.

"Detour here. The expressway is not allowed to go. Don't you know it was already said on the radio?" Zhuang Xuteng blinked and looked around with a smile on his face. "I didn't see the sign saying private property...can we go this way?"

"That depends. Name, ID number!"

"Police? Special police? Or are people from the company pretending to be police here?" Zhuang Xuteng snorted, took out his ID card from his arms, put a hundred euros in it and handed it over. "If you want to check, hurry up. I was already delayed on the way. I finally found a local guide, but you stopped me again. If you don't let me pass, we will turn around and don't waste time."

I took the ID card and when it was sent to the car to be scanned by the machine, the euros inside were gone. Zhuang Xuteng handed over Sen Gang's ID. He was sure that these guys in front of him could not pose a threat to him, so he took this opportunity to see how the company would react.

"Sengang? Isn't that the Scarecrow Naike?" The driver, who was sitting in the car scanning his ID, broke into a cold sweat and quickly reported the situation to his superiors. These people are Dr. Egghead's backup team and know a little bit about the inside story. They know that the doctor's team is here to deal with a dangerous element called Nike, and their work includes cleaning up traces of the scene, managing the situation, and controlling public opinion.

Since the target and process of the operation were reported to the company in a timely manner, the headquarters of Dingxin Magic was fully aware of the status of Dr. Egghead and his team until the shock wave destroyed all communications. As people arriving at the scene continued to make reports, the company headquarters was fully aware of the news that the Doctor's team had been wiped out, but it was not clear how this was done.

Scarecrow Naike is of course the key suspect, and he can be vaguely connected to every incident involving the loss of personnel within Dingxin Magic. However, "Naike" is considered a suspect only because his name appears many times. Other aspects, especially various assessments of his combat effectiveness, do not support turning suspicion into a "target."

The instructions from the headquarters came and asked on-site personnel to scan Zhuang Xuteng. The scan results came out, and the transformation rate of 17% was basically in line with Dingxin Magic’s estimate of Scarecrow Naike.

17%, which is close to the enhancement limit for ordinary people. Close-range scan results showed that Zhuang Xuteng had implants installed all over his body, indicating that he was doing well in the mercenary industry, had money and connections, and his physical fitness was much better than ordinary people. The company has its own set of implant operation and maintenance methods. Outsiders can push the modification rate to 20% at most, and any more will shorten the lifespan extremely. Considering that Scarecrow Nike and Brother Dao are from the same school, neither of them uses armor skin. Counting this part, it is just 20% of the limit.

The scan was carried out several times, and Zhuang Xuteng could certainly feel it. This time, he exposed more of the implants, and at the same time wrapped the Thousand Eyes Cloak around the small Wraith Servant, and then let the Wraith Servant pass through his body, covering high-speed, high-burst, Kaho's Eye and other advanced implants. Additionally, the Thousand Eyes Cloak completely envelops the container containing the trophy implant.

Partial cover-up is definitely not as good as full-body cover-up, but the latter is equivalent to "there is no three hundred taels of silver here." In fact, the choice of partial masking is absolutely correct.

Vehicle-mounted short-range scanners can analyze the detailed capabilities of vehicles, personnel, and equipment. In the scanned image, the vehicle information is normal, and the energy intensity of each piece of vehicle-mounted equipment is correct. Moreover, the scan of the individual also shows all the information from head to toe, "without any loopholes."

"This Scarecrow Neck seems to have no secrets. Judging from the transformation rate, he is indeed a talent, but he is completely impossible to compare with the company's enhanced people. We believe that there are others who attacked Dr. Egghead's team. That group The temporarily unidentified bastard had the ability to spy into the company's network and get the target of Dr. Egghead's team, so he used Scarecrow Neck to set up an ambush and create this incident."

"So what to do with Scarecrow Neck?" another voice said.

"Continue to observe. Our opponents hiding in the dark must know that we will continue to observe this scarecrow. They can use Naike as bait, and so can we. Let the people on the scene come back and let them pass. This straw bait returns to Peipei Cheng may be able to bring us some surprises. Arrange for someone to contact him to see if he is interested in a position in the company."

"I relied on my own strength and channels to obtain a 17% transformation degree. Now I finally understand why Isabella reported to bribe this guy."

"Indeed, this is indeed a talent. How did he pass through the physical screening in middle school?"

"This kind of mistake will never happen again..."

The order from above came down quickly, and the people below breathed a sigh of relief. Mary and Zhuang Xuteng got back on the road. They separated at an intersection, and the off-road vehicle climbed over the roadbed and returned to the highway.

Soon after, Zhuang Xuteng finally saw his hometown - Peicheng again.

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