Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 567 Chapter 564 Who wins, who loses

"I have no idea.【】"

The Lich Master has never suffered such a tragic defeat. A spell that was supposed to destroy the enemy was turned and hit on his own head. This is the ultimate humiliation that a mage can suffer. From the moment he discovered there was a problem with the spell, he had been thinking about the cause non-stop - except for a brief pause in order to find a way to break Zhuang Xuteng's tactics.

"The structure and energy expression of the spell are completely normal, and its protective capabilities remain intact. I have imagined the most extreme scenario - you completely control me and try to prevent the spell - for this reason, my magic circle is designed to be able to It just happened to resist my own attack." The Lich Master said: "It resisted my attack, which means that no second person has tried to attack it."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said: "Master, master, do I control you? You are really imaginative... However, this also shows that you assume that I will survive. I have to thank you!"

Master Lich ignored Zhuang Xuteng's strange aura and continued: "The magic circle needs my guidance when it is activated, so I led it through the shadow channel and came to the sky above the city. The magic circle started and expanded normally, and waited until it enveloped the entire city. Then the world will come down, and the curse of death will destroy all living things.”

"That's right, kill all living creatures. Why not just bring down fire and burn the world to nothing?"

"There are always places that cannot be burned, and compared with the all-pervasive ghost, putting out fires is relatively simple. Huh? Why do you suddenly want to destroy the world with fire?"

"Because in the scriptures of the temple, the ultimate judgment of the gods is to purify the world with fire. But the gods have gone away, leaving behind a broken doomsday controlled by the company - they left so easily." Zhuang Xuteng then added: "It is said that In ancient times, the gods used great floods to cleanse the world, but the effect was not good and some people were left behind - those people became the earliest staunch believers of the gods."

"A very clever design and method. There are no gods, no great floods, and no believers in my world. Those two gods who failed to complete their ascension cannot find worshipers in us." The Lich Master waved his hand, and his arms followed Swinging and constantly evaporating and dissipating. "Flood, fire or death curse, I must choose the part that I am best at. In my magic circle, the death curse works normally, but there is a problem with the part that guides it to aim."

"Your magic circle and your knowledge, I, a layman, won't mess with it." Zhuang Xuteng calmed down and thought about it, and said: "Lich, you should recover well. It's too miserable to be like a cloud. I think I want to ask, when will my body recover?"

"It takes two days outside, and two months for you inside. But I can gather my energy first, and we can go out together in a month, and I will release you from the paralysis control."

"That's okay. You gather your energy and think about what's wrong with the formation, and I'll go see if you're telling the truth." Zhuang Xuteng pointed at the stone pillar and said, "You can lie to me, but knowledge will not lie to me."

Master Lich nodded and began to sit quietly, leaving Zhuang Xuteng to check the records on the stone pillars. Regarding the magic circle, Master Lich did not lie at all. He had indeed exhausted the magic materials and there was no way to recreate the magic circle.

If you want to ask if there are any other world-destroying spells, there must be some. As a heavy spell collecting enthusiast, since I can collect knowledge about the void annihilation ball spell that is extremely threatening to me, I will certainly not let go of any heaven-destroying and earth-destroying spells. But looking at these spells, only his "Curse of the Dead World" can kill all targets in an instant.

Other spells, whether it is raining fire, acid rain or creating other spell effects, destroying the world requires a process. Because a company is good at learning lessons and finding countermeasures, it has a chance of finding ways to deal with those procrastination spells before total destruction finally strikes.

Master Lich didn't want to leave opportunities for the company, let alone regrets for himself, but regrets happened.

"What the hell is going on?"

Zhuang Xuteng didn't have any worries about this for the time being. He focused on checking the spells to destroy the world, checking the types, quantities, necessity and alternatives of spell materials. He then also looked at other spells of the same level and found that each one required a large amount of spell material support and was more difficult to achieve than the curse of the dead world.

"Many spells require blood sacrifice, but your necromancy spell does not require blood sacrifice. This is really strange." Zhuang Xuteng broke the silence, but the Lich Master did not respond. "What's wrong? Don't want to talk?"

Master Lich slowly moved his fingers, stirring the mist, and a line of black words appeared in the air: Focus on repair, unable to speak.

"Just keep busy, I can find the answer myself."

Digging deeper along the line of spell materials, Zhuang Xuteng gradually discovered some hidden facts: the initial casting materials of Master Lich's "Ultimate Destruction Circle" also included a large number of blood sacrifices, far more than other spells. Affected by the destruction of the world, all the creatures outside the Wall of Sighs died, and the living ingredients could never be collected. Therefore, the Lich Master had to modify the materials of this magic circle.

As an important branch of mage technology, magic material science is also extensive and profound and requires a lot of study to master. The Lich Master used his rich knowledge and sufficient skills to replace the spell materials of all living creatures, thus meeting the conditions for activating the spell. However, every helpless replacement meant that the cost of spells increased, and expensive and precious materials were used less and less. Finally, the Lich Master's financial resources were exhausted, leaving him unable to experiment with spells in advance or cast spells again.

Based on the changes in the initial and final materials of the magic circle, and roughly measuring the consumption of other world-destroying methods, Zhuang Xuteng can finally confirm that his company's world is temporarily safe. He poked his head to look at the Lich Master, who had returned his head to a physical form and looked much better than before. In this case, Zhuang Xuteng is not in a hurry and continues to look at the spells here, especially the Void Annihilation Ball, hoping to abandon cheating methods as soon as possible and turn it into a real weapon.

Time passed little by little in the Stone Pillar Hall. Now the Lich Master has a solid upper body and is working towards the pelvis, legs and feet. Suddenly, he stood up from the throne, jumped forward, and then floated and slid towards the stone pillar.

Zhuang Xuteng was startled. He thought the Lich Master was going to harm him, so he quickly jumped back to distance himself, and was ready to counterattack. Seeing that the Lich Master did not change his direction due to his response, Zhuang Xuteng asked: "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to check something out. I might have found the problem."

" turns out it's about the world's death curse circle. It scared me!"

"Actually, there is no need to check. I can just ask you." Master Lich turned around and asked, "Do you still remember buying the spell book from Boss Qian?"

"Hey, I bought it without telling you at the time, but later I thought about asking you for advice, so I told you." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I remember you said that you originally wanted to buy the Ying Cong Spell Encyclopedia, but the price was too expensive and you couldn't afford it. Then you asked me about the price of the Spell Encyclopedia over there. I didn't expect it to be very cheap, so you bought it. At that time, you I think it’s strange, is this happening?”

"Ah... um! That's right. What's wrong?"

"What did Boss Qian tell you about the pricing rules at that time? Please recall it quickly!"

"Public knowledge is cheap, while special knowledge and confidential knowledge are expensive. Although Shadow Spell is limited to learning, considering that it still has a textbook form, it shouldn't be expensive. In addition, Shadow Spell belongs to an extremely unique technical route and is very rare, so The price is a little more expensive, but...hiss...things in this world are cheap, but things in other worlds are expensive!"

"That's what he said..." Master Lich slowly shook his head, landed from the air, and then slowly fell to the ground leaning on the pillar. He said: "The Complete Collection of Spells is not a textbook, but it is unusually cheap. Not only because the stone pillars are full of carvings and you can watch them, but also because you are in the world where the Complete Collection of Spells is located. The Complete Collection of Shadow Spells should be cheap but is super expensive. , that’s because he crossed the world.”

Zhuang Xuteng also began to come to his senses. He crossed his arms and said, "Have the two worlds been swapped?"

"So far, this is the only answer I've found: two worlds swapped."

"My world is considered your world, and yours is considered mine. Therefore, the price of the complete collection of shadow spells is calculated based on purchasing it from the shadow world. Death is expensive and death is expensive. And the complete collection of spells is regarded as the cost. Ready-made knowledge about the world is super cheap." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "The magic circle that destroys the world does not need intervention after it is activated. It found that it hit the wrong world, so it adjusted back, so it did not hit my world, but hit my world. Enter the Shadow Realm?"

The Lich Master reluctantly said "yes".

"How is that possible? My world has always been here. Buildings are being built rapidly, cities are growing wildly, and corporate wars have been fought over and over again. During this time, I have not made any exchanges with your world!"

"I can think of three factors at the moment." Master Lich raised his fingers and counted: "The shadow realm passage is extremely stable. It is a two-way passage. After a long time, some characteristics of the two worlds have become confused."

"I understand what you mean, I just don't understand the principle, but keep talking."

The Lich Master continued: "The second possibility: The company excavated the shadow servants from the shadow world, shipped them here in large quantities, and established an active production and living system. Because the eclipse turned everything into shadow servants, The characteristics of the world should be shadows, but your company world is more active and the characteristics are more obvious, which changes some judgment criteria."

"As for the third one, I thought of those two gods. They failed to ascend successfully and were drained of knowledge by the mages and became magic materials. Your world was originally a world of gods, but gods came to my world. This is The characteristics were exchanged again." The Lich Master held his head in his hands and said with a trembling voice: "In order to cover the entire world, the magic circle incorporates the ability to identify boundaries. It is this part that caused the problem..."

At that time, I felt that the reason why buying things across the world was cheap or expensive was not important. Anyway, the most important thing was to buy what I wanted at a price lower than expected. The happiness of taking advantage completely overshadowed the pursuit of knowledge. Zhuang Xuteng laughed, shook his head while laughing, and said: "Thanks to not paying attention to this matter, my world has been preserved. Haha, I never imagined that such a thing could happen!"

"My world, your world...the degree of entanglement between the two worlds is more complicated than I expected. Also, don't laugh, although you are saved this time, it is not necessarily a good thing."

"What do you mean?"

"The power that destroyed my world is still operating, and it has been invading the Wall of Sighs, constantly creating pressure, and reducing the radius of the Wall of Sighs by more than half." Master Lich said: "My destruction circle chose the wrong target. , then will the power of erosion that destroyed my world always be able to recognize its target? Zhuang Xuteng, why do areas outside cities in your world continue to become desertified? Why must there be enough people to gather for crops to grow normally? "

If there are enough people and the characteristics of the world are obvious enough, the power of eclipse will not come close... His active thinking put the answer in front of Zhuang Xuteng, but it couldn't make him like it even a little bit. "Master, the power of eclipse has actually arrived in my world, but it's just not obvious yet?"

"Let's not talk about the biological chain and the biosphere, just say that there is no way to farm, which is already striding towards the end of the world. The company is indeed strong enough, and has found a solution to the problem of stable ecology in the settlement, and has also developed greenhouse cultivation, protein worms Breeding, artificially synthesized food..."

Zhuang Xuteng thought of his brother, snorted coldly, and said, "Maybe he did it himself."

"The word I use is 'found'." Lich Master said: "Zhuang Xuteng, the power of eclipse cannot destroy your world for the time being, but as the Wall of Sighs continues to shrink, and the shadow follower technology has It is becoming more and more common, and the trend of the necrotic power affecting your world will become more and more obvious. I guess that when the Wall of Sighs falls and my landscape town is finished, the necrotic power will attack your world with all its strength, just like It's like my destruction circle turned around and hit me."

Zhuang Xuteng couldn't refute, he just felt cold all over. "Master, can you find a way to destroy the shadow realm passage and cut off the invasion passage of the eclipse power?"

Master Lich shook his head and said: "For a long time, the shadow channel has remained absolutely stable. The reason is that the two worlds stick together and exchange each other. This exchange is a world-class power, and only power of the same level can have an impact. It’s a pity that I can no longer use that level of power.”

"How about using the human sacrifices of our world as materials? There are too many people who are rich and unkind, I can catch them for you!"

"If your method was effective, I would have done it myself a long time ago. Do I still need you?" Master Lich shook his head and said: "You should be lucky now: the Wall of Sighs is an autonomous magic circle and does not require my intervention. It will not shut down when there is a threat from the outside. I can't end it directly, and I can't shorten its lifespan. Otherwise, I will have the opportunity to know immediately whether the power of eclipse will turn around and destroy your corporate world as we imagined. ……ha!"

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