Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 559 Chapter 556 Yes or No

Putting down the phone, Ge Gongdao asked his secretary to make a double espresso and bring in today's Peicheng Daily. After that, he asked about the rest of the day's schedule, and asked her to ask Lucy what she was doing recently and see if they could find a time to meet.

"Just say that I have a mercenary here looking for a job. Maybe it would be a better choice to go to her place." Ge Gongdao said: "How to deal with this kind of thing in the future, it is best to have a charter - I want to ask her in person. Views."

After finishing the instructions, Ge Gongdao yawned and looked out the window, wiped away the tears "brought by yawning" with his thick fingers, and then rubbed his face vigorously. When the coffee and newspaper arrived, he buried his head in the newspaper so that no one could see his expression; he sipped the espresso and deliberately made a slurping noise.

He had long felt that his office was being watched, but there was no evidence. It would be great if Zhuang Xuteng was still here - Ge Gongdao thought about this more than once. If it were that guy, he would definitely be able to find traces of the company's surveillance in his office. Although he wouldn't dare to dismantle it rashly, he would know the type and method of surveillance and at least be able to take targeted precautions.

As the main participant in killing Kaho, Ge Gongdao absolutely believed that Zhuang Xuteng had the ability to kill Isabella again. That kid is improving very quickly, and he must have gotten some good things from Kaho, further closing the gap with Isabella. Originally, super-computing martial arts had the potential to bridge the gap in combat effectiveness, but Zhuang Xuteng just unleashed that potential. Hmm... Thinking of this, Ge Gongdao felt as if he was a fool and wasted the power of super calculation martial arts.

But having said that, Master Famine Stranger doesn't have the fighting power of Zhuang Xuteng... Ge Gongdao instantly felt balanced. Kaho and Isabella died one after another in Peicheng, and Dingxin Magic took them seriously. An entire special operations force came to Peicheng in the name of protecting the new factory, with a total of forty-two fortified personnel inside. It is no exaggeration to say that these guys can completely defeat Peicheng's Constitutional Army, PCPD, riot squad, and all mercenaries without any injuries.

Even if the new factory is the first assembly plant for "God's execution of puppets", there is no need to use such a strong force to defend it. It is said that this force came from the Dingxin Demonic Creation headquarters in Constitutional Capital City, and it suddenly took away one-fifth of its mobile strike force.

Rumors should not be entirely believed, nor should they be ignored entirely. No matter how much power Dingxin Magic has left in the headquarters, the fact that it can arrange so many enhanced people in Peicheng shows that this matter will not end easily. I still remember the last corporate war. The trigger seemed to be that three senior managers of the business development department of Sanliu Charity Foundation were inexplicably killed. The subsequent investigation implicated many people. The matter became more and more serious, and finally had to resort to full-scale litigation force.

"I hope this time things won't be so big. Now the four major companies can cooperate on big projects, and the relationship is not as tense as before the last corporate war. Seeing that everyone can finally live a stable life, don't cause big troubles again. .”

Ge Gongdao hopes that the investigation can end without any problems, because this is the best result for everyone - including Dingxin Magic. He truly felt that if Dingxin Demon Chuang really traced Zhuang Xuteng's head, no matter how much loss Zhuang Xuteng would suffer, Dingxin Demon Chuang would never be able to escape unscathed. He knew the temper, character and thoughts of his good brother very well. He 100% believed that if Zhuang Xuteng believed that the threat could not be eliminated and the harm was inevitable, he would not just let it go, but would definitely turn the world upside down.

It's just that the sky will not really turn over, and the earth will not really overturn.

The secretary pushed the door open and said in a soft voice: "Boss, Ms. Lucy is free now. I have made an appointment for you to meet in half an hour. I have notified the driver and bodyguards to wait at the door."

"Thank you, you are so considerate. I will leave after I finish reading this article." Ge Gongdao nodded with a smile, then picked up the pen from the table and quickly wrote a few lines in the corner of the newspaper. He tore off the part, crumpled it into a ball of paper and hid it between his fingers, then folded the newspaper, put on a bulletproof jacket and a soft cushioned hat, and took the car to the music restaurant.

Lucy didn't know what Gorgon was doing in such a hurry until she read the paper. Finally, there is the latest news that Zhuang Xuteng is safe. This is great. Lucy has been worried about his safety. At the same time, she is also worried that he will come back rashly and be bumped into by the investigation team of Dingxin Magic.

"It's good news that someone is willing to join, but you also know the situation in Peicheng. Now I can only give priority to ensuring that high-level mercenaries start working, and the rest can only support them for the time being." Lucy superficially discussed hiring people from other places. In fact, every sentence about Bing joining the moat as a security guard alludes to the situation Zhuang Xuteng will face. "We still have to make a decision: once you enter the moat, you can no longer enter the mercenary industry; only mercenaries help the moat, and absolutely not the other way around."

"Yes, that's what I mean. Even if the mercenaries receive a commission that looks serious on the surface, it's hard to tell what's going on inside. Moat must not be involved in helping. On the other hand, the work on Moat's side is somewhat obvious. If it can't be solved, you can consider asking mercenaries to help covertly." Ge Gongdao pinched his nose and said, "Do you have an accurate date for when work can start normally here?"

Lucy shook her head and said: "It's not possible yet. Accepting commissions, collecting intelligence and then arranging commissions to go out to work can all be carried out normally on the surface, but the mercenaries are often disturbed. Two days ago, the Cobra Pa, whom you also know, Qiqi was caught while lurking for investigation. The person who arrested him was the investigation team of Dingxin Magic, who interrogated him and then released him."

"Is he okay?"

"I'm fine both physically and mentally. It's just that the commissioned task went awry, and my wallet and reputation were damaged." Lucy gave another example: "There is also Blue Fortress Lev Vadovich, who completed a very ordinary escort mission. , received instructions halfway, someone came to rob Dao. He tried hard to resist, but was seriously injured, and the mission failed. As a result, it was later discovered that the mission was released by Dingxin Demonic Creation, to test whether Liefu could threaten the safety of enhanced people. .”

Ge Gongdao touched the long hair on his arm and said: "I only knew that he was seriously injured. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. So, his commission was in vain and he was beaten?"

"Almost." Lucy said: "Looking at the current situation, except for the few people who have been beaten by Colonel Taft and are still alive, everyone else will have to be beaten at least once. Not only the mercenaries, but also the PCPD recently , the Constitutional Army and the more capable bodyguards in the city, it is estimated that this beating will be indispensable."

Taoist priest Ge Gong sighed: "Oh, what kind of nonsense is this!"

"It's not over yet. I heard that after the combatants are finished, it's the intelligence officer's turn. Anyway, those whose enhancement level exceeds 12% will definitely have to go through the screening."

"That's a lot of people..." Ge Gongdao looked at his fist and said, "How are the company's standards calculated? Have I exceeded 12%?"

"I don't know what their standards are. I just know that they have equipment that can tell your enhancement percentage after a few seconds of scanning. Have you seen the kind of eye patch with yellow glass they wear on one eye?"

"I've seen it. Oh, so that thing is for scanning the enhancement percentage? When I met with the manager of the Dingxin Magic Development Division, the secretary behind him had that kind of shadow follower. It seems that that guy should be investigating Group?"

"It's very possible." Lucy thought for a while and said, "You have seen that thing in public, which means you have been scanned. Didn't the investigation team look for you afterwards?"

Ge Gongdao shook his head - he didn't know whether he had passed the test or not. If you haven't been beaten by Colonel Taft before, you can basically say that you are fine after being scanned and not being knocked at the door. Can……

But on the other hand, Ge Gongdao also realized something else from this incident: the company's scanning equipment can only see the level of reinforcement. For most people, the level of enhancement is equal to combat effectiveness, but this rule is meaningless in the face of super-computing martial arts. He and Zhuang Xuteng did not fight with implants. Super-computing martial arts, dormant martial arts and sword dance were the main components of their combat effectiveness. Does this mean that he and Zhuang Xuteng are more likely to get through through enhanced scanning and detection?

"I think, anyway, I have no ulterior motives, and it doesn't matter if I'm being investigated, but it's too awkward to be constantly disturbed - it's a waste of money!" Ge Gongdao said: "Can you take the initiative to report to the door, even with Colonel Taft? How about I get beaten up like this every time, take a month off, and then start making money?"

"I don't know, I'm also inquiring about this matter now. By the way, I have a security mission here, and I am assigning additional bodyguards to a wealthy family. They are going to hold a banquet, which is quite large, and they need to temporarily add some manpower. The people on my side have been The harassment is severe, how about hiring someone from you? I will only deduct 20%, and this good job will be yours."

Gongdao took a look and saw that the address was quite familiar, wasn't it Morgana's house? He immediately understood what Lucy meant and said: "We are all old friends, 20% is a bit much. This time I am here to find you, so you have to be cheaper no matter what. Just 10%!"

In the end, they divided the commissioned task at 15% as usual, and Ge Gongdao had the opportunity to go directly to Morgana and tell her the good news about Zhuang Xuteng's call to ensure safety.

Morgana had no idea that Gorgon would soon visit her home and bring her the long-awaited good news. All she knew was that her home was preparing to host an annual gathering of descendants of the temple, and she was extremely busy and her home was in a mess. She called to ask if she needed help, but her dad just asked her not to come back and cause trouble for the time being, and her mom enjoyed it. Morgana thought about it and it was right. Anyway, the family had enough servants and was not short of money. They could bring in help from the outside at any time. I don't like the "serious" occasions like the Wushen Temple, so it would be better not to participate.

She also didn't know that her file information was on the desk of the Dingxin Magic Special Investigation Team, with the number P-s1-75-Attachment B.

Externally, they are called the Dingxin Demonic Creation Special Investigation Team. Internally, they are actually two parallel teams, namely: Peicheng Investigation Intelligence Team A and Peicheng Investigation Action Team B. The overall coordinator of the entire investigation team is Colonel Marceau Paige, deputy director of the internal security department of the headquarters. She is an enhanced person with a transformation degree of 69%. In comparison, Colonel Taff only had 50%. He could barely resist two moves in front of her, and then he would be crushed to death.

Since the transformation degree is close to 70%, Colonel Marceau Paige's entire body, at least the outer surface, must have been completely changed. Her face always looks very stiff, and she usually doesn't smile. She likes to cover her mouth and nose with a mask, which can increase the sense of mystery without making people feel too alienated. But at this moment, she really wanted to distance herself from the two "idiots" in front of her.

The old bald man on the left who always wears a biochemical isolation suit is the leader of the intelligence investigation team, Dr. Egghead. His enhancement rate is only 40%, but these 40% are all concentrated on the nervous system or other systems that serve the nervous system. In addition to being a pretty good shadow mage, he is also an "intelligence officer".

Opposite him, the leader of the action team, Katrina, has enviable long red hair. The hair was straight, smooth and shiny, extending from the top of the head to the back, and draped over the shoulders in the middle, like a waterfall of blood. She is less than thirty years old this year and is far ahead among her peers with a transformation rate of 62%. It is said that she is already preparing to hit an 80% transformation rate by the time she is thirty years old, hoping to secure her position as the number one master of her age.

"The first screening has been completed, and a total of nine suspects and three unknown persons have been found." Colonel Marceau Paige looked at Dr. Egghead on the left and said, "What do you think of this result?"

"An expected result." Egghead said: "The combat effectiveness outside the company has always been at this level. The so-called suspects who may cause harm have no more than 5% chance of successfully killing Isabella. I It’s still the original point of view: the murderer must come from other companies and cannot come from the private sector.”

"Now the four major companies are working closely together, and we have not been authorized to investigate the enhancers of other companies. The meaning above is very clear, avoid conflicts and do not trigger corporate wars."

"I agree with the colonel." Katarina X has been thinking about returning to the headquarters as soon as possible. She also wants to conduct surprise training in order to complete the strengthening as soon as possible. "If we can't investigate other companies, we can only report the existing results. The report is easy to write! Just say that this is all the situation except the four major companies. The superiors are not allowed to investigate, we are already within the scope of our power Did it all.”

The doctor nodded, and the investigation team's opinions were unified. "Then the question then becomes: What do these people do?"

"Kill them all." "I agree."

The colonel also guessed this conclusion, but she had to point out one more thing: "There is another suspicious element here, the mercenary nicknamed Scarecrow Naike. He is not in Peicheng and is an unknown person, and it is said that he is related to I have family connections with the descendants of the temple, and I want to be my son-in-law."

"Just kill them together. He's just a son-in-law, and he's not within the protection range. What does it matter what he does?"

The colonel shook his head and said: "He has a fellow senior brother, Ge Gongdao, who is the CEO of Moat. The two are mercenary partners, and Ge Gongdao is Naike's mercenary guide. It is said that the two are equally powerful in combat. He was beaten by Colonel Taft at the same time. We have tested Gogong Dao and his modification level is not threatening enough."

"So... you think letting this Nike go can reduce the trouble from the descendants of the temple?" The doctor understood what the colonel meant, then shook his head and said, "Isn't this bad?"

"I think it's great!" Catalina said: "That guy is not in Peicheng, and it would be a waste of time to find him. If you want to kill him, just wait here. I will kill everyone in Peicheng and then return to the headquarters. "

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