Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 547 Chapter 544 Eat the paste and practice dodging (Part 2)

Zhuang Xuteng was fighting with himself in the room. He and the spirit servant were moving at high speed at the same time, and there were sudden and smooth changes between any two movements at any time. In the eyes of others, this high-frequency changing martial arts is harmful to the soul and mind. Tracking Zhuang Xuteng's movements with your eyeballs will induce symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, and weak legs...

"What are you doing?" Master Lich suddenly appeared outside the door and looked in through the open window. "Is this a super-calculated martial skill? It looks... like a child messing around, but it is extremely fast and has no childishness."

"Haha, Master is laughing at me again." Zhuang Xuteng slowed down his movements and landed gently on the ground using the floating technique. He turned to look at Master Lich and laughed. "Master, what's the matter with the dark circles under your eyes?"

"It was blown up by a spell. This body is not strong, and the eye frames cannot withstand the high temperature. Some of the salt mines sintered and discolored." The Lich Master passed his fingers across the eye sockets. This was just a simple touch, which had already made the burnt black Parts shattered and fell. "Look, it's too weak. The alloy frame I had before is still the best, but I'm afraid I'll never get it back."

What fell from his eyes was just debris, but it looked like tears. Zhuang Xuteng felt sour and felt guilty, so he asked, "Why? Is it because I have been lazy?"

"You are a bit lazy, but the key is not you. After the explosion, many parts will inevitably be damaged and cannot be repaired, so it will never be fully recovered. And I took inventory of the warehouse, and there are not many materials left, not enough to repair it. It doesn't matter, it's not strong if it's not strong. Ordinary materials are everywhere, just be careful when using them." Master Lich waved his hand and said, "I have something to do with you. Now enter the Stone Pillar Hall of Knowledge."

"Wait a minute! Master, I recently came up with something interesting, how about you evaluate it first?" Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the window frame and said, "You have to allow me to come out, and I have to use my abilities in the air."

"It won't damage the environment here, will it?"

"No, no, it's just a resentful spirit." When Zhuang Xuteng saw Master Lich agreeing, he excitedly pushed the door open, made a few gestures with his hands, and then swung it to the sky, using the combination of the resentful spirit's tentacles-servants-jelly The "sensory tentacles" are deployed.

Master Lich raised his head and looked at the two-kilometer-long "tentacle", speechless for a while. During this period, his mouth was slightly open, his left hand was hooked on his ribs, and he tried to lift his right hand several times to scratch his head, but was restrained. He looked up and down this weird sensory tentacle several times, and then asked: "What did you make?"

"The Wraith Tentacle, the Wraith Servant and the Wraith Jelly, plus super-cached martial arts. You see, I can establish a neural connection with two kilometers away and fully perceive the situation there. If my mana is higher, It can go further, and there can be more." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his hands excitedly and said, "I can produce up to six such tentacles now."

"You're quite proud! Isn't this just a suture monster? Well, I don't understand why you go so far away. Can the people there threaten you?"

"Isn't it amazing to be able to conduct reconnaissance two kilometers away and completely understand the situation there? Even if the opponent is hiding in a building, I can use the Wraith Servant to find it by turning around. Combined with the shadow and the female Demonic skills and most physical obstacles can’t stop me. Haha! Isn’t this powerful enough?”

Master Lich raised his hand and tapped the sensing tentacles in the distance. One kilometer away, a sensory tentacle was attacked by an inexplicable spell. The pain was immediately transmitted, making Zhuang Xuteng yell "Ouch" and his whole body jumped as if he was electrocuted.

"You put your perception so far away, any harm to it is equal to harm to you. This is a very dangerous behavior and extremely imprudent. It's not worth exposing your perception for a little information."

Zhuang Xuteng adjusted his magic power and repaired the damaged sensory tentacles, and the pain disappeared. He frowned, thinking about the Lich Master's words. Then, he retorted: "No, this spell is not used to deal with you. You can feel the power of the necromantic spell and see the servants of the spirit, but the person I want to fight cannot see it."

Master Lich nodded and said: "For the time being, you have enough reasons. However, you can't assume that they will never see it. This time, you were attacked while invisible. This has never happened before. .”

"Step by step. I will first solve the problem of presence or absence, and then consider how to optimize. Only by lengthening the perception distance can I detect the signs of the enhanced person's high-speed and high-explosion earlier. In close combat, I have information now, but I am afraid of being Medium and long range raids.”

Master Lich thought for a while and felt that what Zhuang Xuteng said made sense. He stretched out his hand and gently touched the sensing tentacles, and then discovered that the core of this thing was indeed a super cache martial skill, and the nervous system had been simulated. He thought for a while and said: "I have to admit that with your narrow knowledge, it is a bit beyond my expectation that you can achieve this level. Can you create six such tentacles now?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded.

"Rokujo, let me calculate the total volume of these things... Yes, you have indeed stepped onto the step of giant spells. Let me show you something..." Master Lich raised his arms and applauded above his head, and directed a lot of resentment towards After gathering in the air and applauding seven times, a small mountain-like skull floated in the air. It's limited in all directions by the Wall of Sighs, so it's a reasonable guess that it could have been larger. The skull was shrouded in yellow-green flames, and bright yellow-green light continued to spray out from its eyes and mouth. It rotated and lowered its head, looking at Zhuang Xuteng with its fire-spitting eye sockets.

"The will-o'-the-wisp bomb, after falling, is designed to kill living creatures and has no effect on buildings and objects."

"It's so scary...Master Lich, please put it away." Zhuang Xuteng commanded the sensory tentacles to make way for the will-o'-the-wisp bombs, and said: "When you magicians start a fight, do you use this kind of spell to attack them? "

"This spell is too cumbersome. I teleported away with just a snap of my fingers. It couldn't hit me. Likewise, it basically can't hit others. It's just for blowing up ordinary people." The Lich Master stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and the image of the will-o'-wisp gradually Dim and disappear after a while. "Zhuang Xuteng, I cast this spell to demonstrate to you what a giant or larger spell is. When you advance the spell to this level, you need to learn the corresponding techniques. I can teach you, but I still think it is useless to extend your perception. "

"It's useless to others, but it's useful to me." Zhuang Xuteng stood in front of Master Lich and said, "If you don't believe me, why don't you hit me?"

As soon as Master Lich raised his hand, Zhuang Xuteng made the first move. His hand resembled a knife in the palm shape, and he quickly slashed towards the Lich Master's side ribs, which was the weak point exposed by the movement of raising his hand. If it were an ordinary person, this palm would definitely hit him, but Master Lich still has many protective spells all over his body. As soon as the hand knife arrived, the protective spell began to counterattack.

The counterattack of the protective spell was also under Ba Shan's perception. Before the power of the counterattack came out, Zhuang Xuteng had already changed his moves. Not only did he avoid the spewing undead aura, but he also took advantage of the situation to attack the next exposed weak point.

It only took a moment for Master Lich to raise his hand. Before he could strike, Zhuang Xuteng had already attacked seven times. Although they were all blocked by protective spells, the counterattacks of the spells were also perfectly avoided by him.

"Ping table tennis pong!" Zhuang Xuteng hit Master Lich from in front of him to behind him, and then circled back to him from behind. During this period, the Lich Master also tried to turn around and keep up with his rhythm, trying to slap the raised palm down. But any move he made was a flaw in Zhuang Xuteng's eyes. Before Master Lich could react, the protective spells all over his body were activated again.

"Stop!" Master Lich quickly called a stop and was relieved when he saw Zhuang Xuteng retreating. "If you continue to fight, my protective spell will explode. You may be able to avoid it, but the surrounding buildings will suffer."

"How is it? I perform well in close combat, right? This all relies on my enhanced perception. My sensory tentacles are to extend this ability outwards, and also to be able to send distant objects to me while I am trapped in close combat. Information about attacks against me was found, and in order to provide countermeasures."

The Lich Master nodded first and then shook his head, and concluded: "You fought well, but the conclusion remains unchanged. You assumed that you were attacked by many people from far and near. This assumption illustrates two points: you have put yourself at a disadvantage and are not far from failure. position; you are proud and believe that your enemy must have numerical superiority to defeat you."

"This is not good. The first situation is too tiring, and it means that you will always keep raising your standards, pursuing victory in more and more extreme situations, and you will eventually collapse. The second situation is that you are too crazy, and your opponent can take advantage of it. There are new things that you have never seen before, but you only use your past opponents as a standard. Let me ask you, what will you do if your sensory tentacle encounters a shock bomb? Wait until you are blind? "

Zhuang Xuteng frowned, but this time he was seriously worried. After a moment, he said: "You are right, this thing is very limited in combat, and the risk is also very high. Nine Flash cannot use it as its core. It seems that it can only be used for reconnaissance..."

Master Lich observed Zhuang Xuteng's expression and confirmed that he had really listened, and felt satisfied in his heart. "In addition to detection, this thing of yours actually has another use: conveying resentment. Its core is super-caching martial arts, and its outer shell is a resentful spirit spell. Isn't it just an extension of the arm?"

"That's right, the most suitable thing for this thing is not the super-computing martial arts, but the dormant martial arts. As long as the servants of the resentful spirit change their focus to storing and transmitting resentment, isn't this a super-long-distance curse?" Zhuang Xuteng's eyes As soon as he lit up, his brain was running rapidly, and he said: "If you combine the banshee ghost with this... No, doing so actually reduces the mobility of the sick lady. But can the damage function of the ghost be taken over?"

"You don't have to mix and match like that...combine two by two and then exhaust it?" Master Lich waved his hand and said: "You are missing a lesson now, which is the interaction between giant spells and the environment. Giant and above spells, due to the structure of the spell, It is huge in size and fully integrated with the environment, so it has the foundation to absorb mana from the environment to supplement itself. Wait... wait..."

"Master Lich, what are you waiting for?"

"Grudge is very easy to obtain in your world. Just use the shadow implant, and then..."

"Then use safety blue!" Zhuang Xuteng immediately understood what the Lich Master meant. He said: "Shadow's side effects plus safety blue, basically every adult has it. Do you suggest that I use the sensing tentacles as absorbent paper? To absorb resentment , concentrate it, and cast a curse? Wow, in this way, it will become a powerful offensive weapon."

The Lich Master nodded and said, "I will teach you this lesson. Now that I have finished reading the spells you want to show off, it's time to go to the Stone Pillar Hall."

Zhuang Xuteng looked around and said, "There is no place like this in the town."

"The original building has long been razed to the ground. There is a miniature stone pillar hall in the hills below the mage tower. I checked the information there. But we are not going to that one, but the one with one of your pillars."

"There are so many more? It suddenly became three.'s still the meditation method, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng sat down, leaned his back against the wall, closed his eyes and concentrated. He found it more difficult to meditate here, and it took him three times as long as usual to feel the atmosphere of the Stone Pillar Hall. Open your eyes and look around, there is no sign of the Lich Master.

"Master? Are you invisible?" Zhuang Xuteng put his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the Lich Master appeared in the hall without warning, as if he had used teleportation. Here, the Lich Master is restored to the form of his alloy body, which is what he looked like before he exploded to pieces.

Zhuang Xuteng was startled, looked at the Lich Master, and said: "It still looks good, much better than the body of salt particles, and there is nothing missing under the eye sockets. Hey, I am indeed wearing these clothes, so I came in physically. And Master, you just come in with an inner image?"

The Lich Master did not answer immediately. He walked towards the throne and sat down firmly before saying: "I discovered a problem: I didn't really leave your body, I just infiltrated the magic power. The one made of salt is just an incarnation. In addition, the one you have now is not Entity, only those who are sent in by me are entities."

"That is to say, you still need to find more fragments of the original body and rebuild a new body according to the plan before you can completely go out?" Zhuang Xuteng shrugged and said, "Don't worry, I will not slack off when I go back this time and will treat you well." Found it."

"Okay, we really need to keep looking." Master Lich nodded and said, "Zhuang Xuteng, I need you to do one more thing: you must swear that when I ask you not to enter the Stone Pillar Hall, you will not be allowed to enter. .”

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and realized that his stone pillar was still here, but the content on it was all written on the sick lady, so there was really no need to come in to see it. The other stone pillars all belong to the Lich Master, and the throne also belongs to him. He does have the right to prevent himself from entering.

"Yes. I swear." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and agreed. Then, he thought of a question: "Master, what if I don't enter the Stone Pillar Hall outside and want to find you again?"

"When I asked you not to come in, you must be designing and casting spells here, and you must not be disturbed. Therefore, even if you want to look for me at that time, don't look for me. Your rash entry will most likely destroy me. spell, destroy my body here. I have calculated that once that happens, the best case is that I can no longer use the alloy body to leave here, the worst case is that I am completely wiped out. Of course, you can't bear that either. With such power, you will at least lose all consciousness and become a vegetative state."

"Hiss... it's so serious." Zhuang Xuteng asked, "What spell are you going to cast?"

"I want to push the Wall of Sighs out to see if I can expand the safe area and slowly bring my world back to life." The Lich Master lied with absolutely no expression.

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