Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 386 Chapter 383 You are not allowed to move

The phone vibrated with Lucy's call. Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana looked at each other. They hid secretly with their heads next to each other and quickly answered the phone.

"Well done, the news got through. Although it only took a short time, enough news was sent." Lucy first praised Zhuang Xuteng, and then said: "Naike, this operation has nothing to do with you, withdraw now." Come down."

"Huh? What do you mean? I'm at the scene. If you ask me to go up, I will definitely kill the Cemetery Gang..."

"I'm just afraid of what you do." Lucy said, "I know you have strong combat ability, but you don't need strong combat ability at this time. Not only you, but your entire team cannot participate in this operation. If you go, you will be taking advantage of the situation. The Cemetery Gang, mercenaries or PCPD will all regard you as their enemy. Remember, get to the back quickly!"

"What if I act on my own?" Zhuang Xuteng glanced at Morgana. He is now worried that the PCPD will step forward and Morgana will be threatened.

"I can't control your own actions, but I tell you, the situation ahead will be quite chaotic, and no one can care about anyone. No party can ensure that it takes care of its own people. If you are worried about Morgana, knock her unconscious Bring them to the rear together." Lucy thought for a while, but decided to show Zhuang Xuteng a little bit: "Pang Ju sent out a distress signal and brought in intermediaries and mercenaries, but this was not enough to deal with the Cemetery Gang. Only the PCPD also sent out a distress signal. Signal, the riot control unit arrives at the scene, and the winner can be determined in this melee. You are very smart, think about it yourself!"

Lucy said that she still had a lot of command and coordination work to do, and she couldn't keep talking nonsense with Zhuang Xuteng, so she hung up quickly after giving the final warning.

"I heard it all." Morgana looked into Zhuang Xuteng's eyes, stretched out her hand to touch his cheek, and said: "There is already a gathering over there, and it is obvious that action is about to begin, and I am still the PCPD and want to go there. What should you do? "

"I'm your informant and bodyguard." Zhuang Xuteng put away the phone, then rubbed his hands and said, "As your bodyguard, I don't take any money, but if you ask me to fight the Cemetery Gang, my appearance fee will be very expensive. , PCPD can’t afford it. Moreover, the matter of escorting you here has been reported to the intermediary, and Lucy has approved it, which is considered a commissioned task. If PCPD wants to hire me, it has to contact my intermediary. Can you contact me directly? use."

"Sounds very complicated..." Morgana smiled slightly and said: "Okay, informant bodyguard Mr. Naike, follow me, student deputy position - you haven't forgotten the PCPD training course, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng smiled and said, "I can't forget it. I'm right behind your right shoulder. Wherever you go, I will go."

Captain Kent once again urged the gathering, and Morgana and Zhuang Xuteng hurried over. They were organized into the second group on the right wing, mainly responsible for covering the front row. After that, the PCPD drove and walked and began to push the blockade forward. The vehicle's loudspeaker continuously played PCPD warnings in a loop, requiring all those fighting to immediately put down their weapons, squat down with their heads in hand, and wait for PCPD to identify and arrest them.

Neither the Cemetery Gang nor the middlemen dared to go unchecked at this time. Especially the Cemetery Gang. They haven't achieved their goal yet. If they just retreat, wouldn't they lose face? He had lost face before when he was at the training base outside the city. This time he resorted to intermediaries and mercenaries to get back his face, not to lose it again. As a result, the Cemetery Gang stepped up their offensive while sending out a small group of men to harass and intercept the PCPD.

"Don't go forward, it's very dangerous!" people from the Cemetery Gang shouted while throwing explosives and incendiary objects in front of the PCPD and using fireworks to stop them. As expected, the PCPD stopped. The last thing Captain Kent wanted was for the road to be clear, because then he would quickly reach the dangerous area of ​​​​the battle, and it would be difficult to deal with the Cemetery Gang.

For such people, middlemen and mercenaries had no hope from the beginning. They prepared a back-up for the PCPD, which was to drive a communication vehicle and invite friends from the media to broadcast live directly behind the PCPD's cordon. In Peicheng, whether it is the Constitutional City Government, several major companies, PCPD, or even gangs, as long as they can spend money, they can let the news media broadcast the voices they want to make. These media outlets are quite shameless and will naturally not refuse money from middlemen. Although they are not that dedicated during the live broadcast, as long as they spread the sound and images to make the PCPD feel uncomfortable and force them to move on, that will be fine.

The PCPD finally advanced one block, but their path was blocked by flames from burning debris. The loudspeaker shouted the PCPD's policies hoarsely, but neither the Cemetery Gang nor the mercenaries had the time to deal with it. Due to being close to the battlefield, there were more stray bullets than before, and the PCPD could only huddle behind the defense line constructed by vehicles. Zhuang Xuteng even protected Morgana carefully, using his observation and reaction skills to prevent accidents.

"I'm so angry." Morgana wiped the splattered dust on her forehead with the back of her hand and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "So far, not a single shot has been fired. How much does this Kent usually charge from the Cemetery Gang?"

"You can investigate him when you go back, but don't be impulsive now." Zhuang Xuteng always kept a hand on Morgana so that he could protect her immediately in case of emergencies. "I could hear the fighting going on inside, it was fierce, like two elephants hitting each other full force."

"I can only hear a dull banging sound." Morgana frowned slightly and asked, "If you go in, how long will it take to resolve the battle?"

"I'm not that powerful. If it's one-on-one, I haven't seen anyone who can threaten me yet. But there are too many people here, the scene is very complicated, and there are explosives. I have thin arms and legs, and my skin is very thin. If I get hit by two The next thing will be your end." Zhuang Xuteng looked at Kent, who was huddled behind the car, and said, "Hey, do you want to give him some encouragement?"

"To whom?" Morgana followed Zhuang Xuteng's eyes and understood that it was Kent. She bit her lip, thought hard, and then sighed. "No, it's better not to touch him. If he starts to act after being inspired by you, then he has done the right thing, and there will be no trouble for him later. I think it is better to let him get out of here forever."

"Well, that makes sense. I'll listen to you." Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly and continued to wait with Morgana.

Both the PCPD and the Cemetery Gang hope to maintain the current status quo, but the mercenaries will not let them do so. In addition to bringing in the media to create public pressure, they also began to take action to cause trouble for the Cemetery Gang and the PCPD in various ways.

Don't you want to shoot? Then get beaten and wounded until you have to shoot back or call for backup. As a result, some grenades and ghost energy bombs were disguised as stray bullets and attacked the PCPD position at various weird angles. The banging explosions gave them a taste of dust and mud. The Cemetery Gang was also attacked from the direction of the PCPD blockade. Those ghost energy bombs all imitated the characteristics of the PCPD's standard weapons and looked quite realistic.

"Boss!" Finally the PCPD couldn't stand it anymore. "If you can't evacuate, call for backup quickly! Four people have been injured. If we don't take action, people will die next!"

"Whoever calls for backup first will definitely be scolded!" Captain Kent's logic is quite weird and extremely unpopular.

"Boss! If a brother dies, his brother will definitely remember it on your head. You have to think clearly!"

Okay, these words are just a hair away from a threat, I believe Captain Kent will understand. These days, when the PCPD is patrolling outside, it is normal for them to be attacked by gangs or get into car accidents. If you die, you can indeed sacrifice yourself with honor and be buried in glory, but you won't be able to enjoy the joy of living. If Kent continues to be indecisive and does not care what his subordinates think, if something happens, his life will not be cared about by his subordinates.

"Bang!" The bulletproof car window above Captain Kent's head was finally shattered. Glass shards fell on his head and scratched his face. He finally made up his mind. He had his deputies climb into the car, pull the radio out, and call for backup, preferably a riot squad.

At this moment, the Cemetery Gang officially launched an attack on the PCPD. In an instant, dozens of ghost energy bombs flew towards Captain Kent, and the others were also attacked in various ways. Zhuang Xuteng pulled Morgana away and covered her with his body to ensure that she was unharmed. He didn't want to worry about Kent, and he really didn't have any extra energy now. Whether that guy could survive or not depended on luck.

Kent actually had bad luck, but he made the best choice for himself. The guy hid under his deputy's legs, causing the ghost energy bombs to turn towards the deputy who was tracking him, directly shattering the young man's upper body. Kent was poured blood all over his face, but he finally sent out a signal for help, giving the riot squad a reason to show up.

Fire sprayed toward the PCPD, and some improvised explosives also drew dangerous arcs in the air. The PCPD immediately began to rescue themselves and fight back. They relied on relatively sturdy vehicles as bunkers, used shadow guns to shoot threatening Cemetery Gang members, and were busy throwing explosives back. At this time, the mercenaries in the rear also received the news, until the riot control team had received the news and was on the way, so they stopped attacking the PCPD. Considering that the PCPD needs to be alive so that the riot squad can be restrained and not start killing indiscriminately as soon as they arrive, the mercenaries must allocate part of their energy to "rescue" the PCPD in addition to attacking the Cemetery Gang. At least these human shields cannot be destroyed.

Thus, a melee began in which no one knew who was beating him or helping him. Let alone others, even Zhuang Xuteng, who may have the best observation, reaction and information gathering skills in the audience, could not explain what happened. He had no idea what the purpose of these ghostly energy bombs flying past him was. What deep thoughts do you want to express? All he knew was to protect Morgana and not cause trouble for everyone. As for what happened on the scene, he could only summarize two sentences: everyone was attacking the Cemetery Gang, so it suffered the most beatings; the PCPD was caught in the middle and was the most confused group of people.

Just when the PCPD was considering whether to form a circle of cars forming a blockade and hide in the middle, the roar of heavy helicopters became more and more obvious from far to near. It was an armed helicopter of the riot control unit, which also carried heavily armed fire suppression and assault units. When this sound rang out, the Cemetery Gang knew that they had to start evacuating, otherwise even the Nine Elders would not be able to bear being beaten by the riot squad.

As a result, the senior cadres of the Cemetery Gang came out and cleared the escape route. Some low-level gangsters went in to fill up the fighting strength inside, and also gave the PCPD some justified "credit". Kent, who survived, did not think about revenge for his deputy, and even "actively forgot" about the sudden attack just now, and kept issuing orders to control the PCPD and prevent them from fighting with the Cemetery Gang again. If he had to find a reason, it would make sense to say that he was worried about the PCPD being harmed by the elders of Seven Heads, Eight Heads or Nine Heads. It's just that the riot squad is coming soon, but he doesn't even have the courage to show off his heroic fighting skills?

Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana looked at Kent with the same contempt, and then shook their heads together. After Morgana goes back, she will definitely use her own power to tell that guy to get out. With a boss like this, something will happen sooner or later. Morgana, who once had a grenade thrown by her boss, has long since lost her chance. As for Zhuang Xuteng, he didn't care about Kent, but looked at the senior elders of the Cemetery Gang.

‘Do you want to surprise them with the bone spear technique? ’

The most powerful bone spear technique can definitely penetrate the armored skin on the market. If it hits a vital point, it will definitely be fatal. Zhuang Xuteng leaned against the corner and observed secretly, looking for possible opportunities to fire. But the mercenaries and the Cemetery Gang were shooting from a distance, and everyone was very alert, so there was no chance of a sneak attack.

He had gathered enough mana, but he really couldn't find the angle and timing, so he had no choice but to let the guys from the Cemetery Gang leave. Not long after those people left, the helicopter of the riot control unit flew overhead. The mercenaries hurriedly hid one by one, and then took the time to escape. As for Zhuang Xuteng, he was wearing PCPD clothes and standing with the PCPD. As long as he followed Morgana's actions and raised his hands to indicate that he was a friendly force, he didn't have to worry too much about his safety.

The helicopter first quickly arrived at the scene, then quickly turned around when it reached the opposite side, and then opened fire on the building where the Cemetery Gang and the mercenaries were located. They use the onboard shadow weapon to convert the shadow energy into thicker and more severe direct-fire ghost energy bombs, and fire them at any suspicious corners and those who do not surrender.

At the same time, the assault troops jumped down from a height of more than ten meters, rushed directly to the center of the battlefield, formed a circular formation, protected with large shields, threatened with shadows and guns, and began to shout for everyone to surrender. There were two helicopters responsible for suppressing fire, and three planes landed. A total of three groups of thirty people descended. These people formed a Z-shaped formation and protected each other. They would only say the words to persuade them to surrender once, and anyone who did not comply immediately would experience immediate firepower.

The scene was quite bloody, and there were also cases where people were beaten to death even if they surrendered. The riot squad doesn't care how many people die, they only care about whether they control the situation and suppress the riot. After the outside of the building calmed down, one group of people stayed here to establish a defense line and organized the PCPD to detain the criminals. The other two groups began to attack the building, preparing to escort all the people inside.

Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana were called over by the riot squad and handcuffed the Cemetery Gang guys.

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