Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 361 Chapter 358 Those who wish take the bait

The Cemetery Gang's training base is a trap, a trap for mercenaries, middlemen, and intelligence officers.

Sometimes Zhuang Xuteng had the idea that if he paid mercenaries to do confrontational tasks, he should be his sparring partner. He needs opponents to improve his martial arts skills, and also wants to see how other mercenaries act and learn something from them. He thought that it would not cost a lot of money to do this, and the effect would definitely be very good, so he told Ge Gong about it, and he scolded him bloody.

"You are completely adding chaos to the mercenary industry! Don't regard other people's efforts as a stepping stone for your own progress. If you want a challenge, then take over the job of assassinating the top executives of the company. It will definitely improve you, and it is even possible to be promoted. It’s gone to heaven!”

The thought dropped, but it didn't go away. The Cemetery Gang not only came up with the idea with Zhuang Xuteng, but also put it into practice.

The so-called training base of the old house - it is indeed a training base, but it is not the kind of base that is always running and produces batches of talents. Instead, it is activated occasionally at specific times, using mercenaries as training equipment to cultivate people who can defend themselves. A place for intelligence spying and anti-intrusion talents.

Meteor conducted information spying again. She was vigilant and re-observed the entire spying process with the attitude of "this is a trap" and finally discovered the problem. "There is definitely something wrong with the information we got before. The person who set up this trap is very smart and must know the working habits of intelligence spies very well. The information from those surveillance cameras cannot be used. If you follow that to guide your actions, you will be on the wrong side of the gun. . This is how the seven people failed before."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and then began to think deeply. After a while, he asked: "Does the person who set the trap need to work twenty-four hours a day? Is all the information provided by these cameras false?"

Meteor thought for a while, shook his head slowly, and said: "No matter what kind of equipment is used, it is impossible to deceive people by continuously providing changing images, especially when working continuously for such a long time. Let me give you an example. If I am in the information network When setting a trap to trap other intelligence snoops, when you don’t know how long it will take to succeed, you can only choose static and lack of change information as bait.”

"In this way, with the more than a hundred cameras indoors, no one can continuously provide accurate and continuously changing images. Some of them can be used and some cannot be used." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Those look like fixed cameras. Yes, it’s most likely a trap. Let’s eliminate these first.”

Looking at the dozens of surveillance images on the screen, she felt a little dizzy. "I can't see it. Let's do it this way. You tell me which ones to turn off, and I'll do it."

Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng cooperated with Meteor and started another round of analysis of the surveillance footage. This time they completely gave up on those still, clear, and seemingly easy-to-locate images, and focused on those difficult surveillance images. The two of them worked until midnight and finally made a new map.

"Based on thirty-seven dynamic pictures, there is no contradiction in this picture." Zhuang Xuteng tapped the picture with his fingers and said, "That's it! I think this picture can be used. There is another job next, that is …”

There was no reply, but a steady sound of snoring could be heard next to him. When he turned around, he saw that Meteor had fallen asleep. That's right, it's midnight, and you have been working for a long time. Falling asleep is a normal physiological reaction. Zhuang Xuteng didn't dare to move her for fear of waking her up, so he just found a thin quilt to cover her. At this moment, Meteor turned over slightly, hugged his arm, and rubbed his face on the arm.

"Uh... you're pretending to be asleep, right?" Zhuang Xuteng tapped Meteor's forehead with his finger and said, "Don't be a scumbag and sleep well. I'll be here with you before you wake up and won't leave. I'll continue to look at the monitoring information. , try to find out their trap."

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Meteor opened his eyes and spoke to Zhuang Xuteng in a waxy voice.

"If I find a infiltration route, I plan to go in at night so that I can rest during the day." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Now that you are awake, go and pull out all the surveillance pictures, including indoor ones."

"Oh..." Meteor yawned and did as Zhuang Xuteng said. When she came back, she chose to lie next to Zhuang Xuteng, using his thigh as a pillow. She asked Zhuang Xuteng not to move, which was regarded as fulfilling her wish.

"Okay..." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed Meteor's hair as if he were pampering his sister.

After working all night, Zhuang Xuteng finally figured out the enemy's tactics. They are very weird. The camera information they release is either true or false. It is generally divided into three levels. The simplest level is for those stupid thieves with lower levels. It is believed that intruders on this level will choose to enter from the east side of the mansion and then fall into the trap of the lower-level guards. The middle floor is prepared for mercenaries. They first deceive the intelligence officers and provide them with static pictures that are easy to analyze. After analyzing this information, it will be concluded that the west and north sides of the mansion are the weak links in the defense. If you start from this By cooperating with the two places, they can quickly control the key points of the mansion, including the monitoring room, weapons depot, and suppress the three most important key passages for personnel exchanges.

Anyone who chooses to enter from here will suffer the same fate as the seven people who were captured before.

The third floor was analyzed by Zhuang Xuteng. He filtered out the available images according to his own ideas. After comparison, he found that the south side of the building is the access channel for personnel, and this is the only available sneak channel. He took this conclusion and added the previous two floors, "East, West, North and South" together. He couldn't help but doubt this coincidence.

In a place where a trap is intentionally designed for people to crawl in, why must there be a passage? Zhuang Xuteng put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If it were him, he would treat all directions equally, at least there would be traps, and then focus on defense. This layer and that layer set up before will only be used as a means to screen enemies so that those who stay behind in the trap can rest. The entire training base is working hard, and all actions are aimed at one goal: to capture all the mercenaries who come here.

"It's unlikely to work if you enter from the south... It's also difficult to land directly from above, and there's even no intelligence support." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his brows. He couldn't find a more reliable infiltration plan. However, if one solution doesn't work, you can always try another one. He won't keep trying to get ahead of others on this path of infiltration.

"Can we blast in from the front, suppress the mansion, and then steal the people out?"

Judging from the current monitoring, there are nearly 200 people in the training base. The Cemetery Gang is a big gang. The speed and intensity of reinforcements are unknown. It is too difficult to attack by force. There are only four people in their team, so a strong attack is impossible and can only be eliminated. So is there any way for them to enter this mansion?

There really is a way, Zhuang Xuteng has already thought of it. Since this house is a trap, it has a fixed pattern: letting people enter the trap. Traps are different from fortresses in that all traps want prey to come in, while fortresses keep enemies out. Therefore, if someone can sacrifice themselves, enter the trap, and then blow up the trap, the chaos caused will be enough to destroy the Cemetery Gang's system and create room for subsequent actions.

Gradually, Zhuang Xuteng came up with a plan. He needed a complete body and enough explosives. The first step of the operation is to send the body into a trap. They will implement the plan along the route of the "stupid thief", which is to sneak in from the east side of the mansion. Wait until the corpse carrying the bomb enters the trap and detonate it to see how the Cemetery Gang will respond next.

However, Zhuang Xuteng didn't want to expose his ability to manipulate corpses. He needed to find a way to conceal the actual plan of action. After Meteor woke up, he contacted Lucy and told her the results of the whole night's research.

"Since you were bombed last time, the management of explosives has become much stricter. It's hard to find them on the market. I have to use the inventory." Lucy thought for a while, and asked Zhuang Xuteng to meet at the music restaurant first, and everyone discussed it together. If it's really hard to take action, just decline. After Zhuang Xuteng was on the road, Lucy quickly called Meteor to ask about her situation, especially whether Zhuang Xuteng had bullied her.

Lucy felt conflicted at her daughter's answer. On the one hand, she was very pleased that her girl was not bullied and that Zhuang Xuteng was as disciplined as she thought. On the other hand, she feels that her daughter is very good, Naike, you have no eyesight, why don't you know how to be charming? Fortunately, Lucy knew about Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana, otherwise she would really doubt Zhuang Xuteng's sexual orientation. Alas, this kind of thing cannot be forced, and she doesn't know how it will develop in the future or how it will end. At the moment, she can only turn a blind eye and just ask her daughter not to be too excited.

After listening to the intelligence analysis brought by Zhuang Xuteng, everyone in the action team scratched their heads, feeling that this matter had become very difficult. Especially the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque. They are frontline intelligence officers. If they spy on the surveillance system of the mansion, they will definitely be tricked. The two of them are very afraid of this kind of trap specifically targeting intelligence officers. From the function of the implant to the technical level of the two people, they do not support them in discovering, resisting or counteracting this kind of trap.

Ge Gongdao sighed and said: "Since it is a trap, those seven people... are probably in danger. Even if they are still alive, we can rescue them, and it is unlikely that those people's bodies and spirits will recover."

"At least we have to go in and see if those seven people are still alive." Zhuang Xuteng felt that Ge Gongdao might want to back down, so he said: "The Cemetery Gang's training base is aimed at our mercenaries. People who come out of here will be difficult to deal with in the future. An opponent. Especially an intelligence officer who can lay information traps. Can we still be on guard against him?"

Lucy nodded and said, "If this trapper is the target, I am willing to increase investment and increase the reward for this operation."

Ge Gongdao covered his smiling mouth, winked at Zhuang Xuteng, and then said seriously to Lucy: "In that case... I have an idea. Use a helicopter to carry explosives over there, drop them directly, and blow him up. "

"Do you think my inventory here can be compared with the army?" Lucy waved her hands and said, "No, this method looks very satisfying, but the placement is uncontrollable and the consequences are uncontrollable. Even from another angle, how does the PCPD fool us? Judging from the conclusion of the case, the explosion inside the building can be covered up by pipeline problems or human operation problems. How to solve a hole in the roof? And if you look at that roof, it may not be easy to explode."

Ge Gongdao thought about it carefully and nodded: "With a sloping roof, explosives are likely to roll down the slope. Should we let Naike deliver the explosives himself?"

"Can you find a zombie?" Zhuang Xuteng squinted his eyes and said, "Find a bastard with a zombie physique, control him and send him in..."

Lucy waved her hands and said: "I want to do this too, but finding such a person is not much easier than destroying the Cemetery Gang. And your idea... is a bit too ruthless. Even if I hire a few people to do this dangerous thing Where’s the job?”

"Those who go in to deliver bombs will basically not survive. It makes no difference whether you spend money or not. Oh... and pensions, I forgot about this." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said: "How about this, I know where to find volunteers, and as long as you pay, leave it to me!”

"Where did you find it?" Lucy said, "I'm not asking for your business secrets. The main thing is that if this matter gets out, it will damage your reputation and indirectly affect my interests."

"On my last mission, I met some people who were waiting to die in pain. If they could leave some money to the people they care about, they would be willing to do it."

Lucy sighed and said: "Those people in the clinic? I understand what you mean. You kid..."

"Which clinic? Who is it?" Ge Gongdao asked.

"Patients with long-term Lanci syndrome, whose implant side effects are too great, and who have no money for treatment, can only lie in the clinic and suffer, using safety blue while waiting to die." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said: "Last mission , I met those people, and there was nothing I could do about it. I did take advantage of their vulnerability, and there’s no excuse for that.”

Ge Gongdao shook his head, reached out and patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder, and said: "If there is no better way, just do this. I agree."

Nightingale and Yanque also nodded and said: "We agree too. You didn't force them, you just gave them a choice. But you have to keep it secret and don't let them know the plan. The Cemetery Gang also has a blue savage business, and I'm afraid that someone will Will betray us in order to get the blue savages."

"I'll pay attention." Zhuang Xuteng nodded. He thought to himself: He didn't really go to the Hope Clinic to find the death squads. This was just a cover-up. The person carrying a bomb during the infiltration operation would be a dead body. Zhuang Xuteng knew the people at the crematorium and knew that there were many corpses there that could not be cremated because no one was willing to pay for them. Even if they were cremated, no one would accept the ashes. It has long been the case. Abandoned corpses over the years. He pays for the freezer and gives some bribes, and the body can be taken out, and eventually the body will turn to ashes in the flames, so there is no moral issue here.

Zhuang Xuteng was going to give half of the pension provided by Lucy to the Hope Clinic, which was considered a reward for using their name, so that he could continue to use it in the future. The remaining half will definitely go into your own pocket. This is the reward you should get for completing this matter. He is a mercenary, and mercenaries are there to do business.

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