Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 354 Chapter 351 You are dead

The two came under the overpass and hid themselves in the bridge hole. At this time, Zhuang Xuteng took out his phone and dialed Lucy's number.

Saving the PCPD was an unexpected incident, and Zhuang Xuteng had to find a way to avoid getting into trouble. Most middlemen, including Lucy, have an aftercare team to clean up the aftermath. Zhuang Xuteng needed Lucy to send those professionals to get rid of the armored ferret lying in the nest.

"There is also a radio and some work equipment in the car. I still want these. The rest can be taken back if it's not troublesome. If it doesn't work well, just destroy them all." Zhuang Xuteng listened to the call, then nodded and said: "Yes, I will pay for this. Please be professional and don't make any mistakes."

Mike Lebedev stood leaning on the wall, taking a deep breath to adjust his mood, while listening carefully to Zhuang Xuteng's call. He waited for the call to end and then asked: "Are you a mercenary?"

"I don't want you to know who I am, because that would be very troublesome for you and me." Zhuang Xuteng said to Mike: "The person who wants to kill you knows your positioning signal. It comes from your walkie-talkie and borrows the PCPD's rescue call. System. You may or may not believe this, but I don’t think you can live long anyway.”

Mike frowned, feeling heavy, and nodded slowly. "You are right, the person who came to kill me is very determined. Poor Zog, he is still so young..." Mike sighed and said: "If such a killer comes again, I will have no ability to resist at all. If If I don’t die at his hands, he might go to my house, and more people will suffer.”

"Do you know who wants to kill you?"

Mike shook his head and said: "I am just an ordinary PCPD. All the cases I have solved can stand the test. The evidence, motives, details of the case... uh... I am a little dizzy, I am too stressed."

"Understandable." Zhuang Xuteng nodded. He looked at Mike with some sympathy, knowing very well that he could save him this time, but not the rest of his life. The hunt for Mike was obviously a team effort, which meant there wasn't just one killer in the black suit. After failing to fake a car accident, the killer still dared to continue his actions blatantly, as if he was not afraid of exposure at all. Since they are not afraid, there is no way to scare them away. If they want to survive, they can only rely on their fighting power.

But Mike didn't have that kind of self-protection ability at all.

After some self-adjustment, Mike said: "I am worthy of my job. If those guys I arrested and sent to prison want to retaliate against me, then let them do it! I will exchange one life for..."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head. "You just think you have calmed down, but in fact you are still in a bad state. The time you have left is limited. No matter how frustrated or angry you are, you will not waste time on negative emotions. Think carefully about what you are going to do. At least you have more opportunities than your partner to explain the aftermath."

After hearing this, Detective Mike really calmed down. He thought about the whole thing carefully, and with his years of experience as a police detective, he quickly discovered the suspicion.

"It's not a case I've handled, it's not a case I'm currently handling. The reason why those killers came to me is probably for a case I haven't handled yet." Mike said to Zhuang Xuteng: "My partner took it by mistake. A file, it was a closed disappearance case. Ever since he took the file by mistake, more and more strange things started to happen."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded. His nod was not about whether Mike found the right answer, but because Mike avoided the wrong answer. The killer's decision to kill Mike had nothing to do with the man named Zhuang Xuteng, nor did it have anything to do with the mercenary Naike.

"I can save you once, but I can't save you forever. Your time is precious, and it's your business how to use it. I won't bother you anymore." Zhuang Xuteng said, "No matter what you decide to do, remember that I saved you." For once, please don’t cause any trouble for me. Next, the hunt for you may come soon, maybe in a few days, no one can say for sure. In short, cherish your time, I’m leaving.”

"Wait!" Mike stopped Zhuang Xuteng and said, "I have to thank you, and then I'll bother you with one more thing."

"I won't be your bodyguard. You can give up on this." Zhuang Xuteng patted his chest and said: "I can kill the killer first this time. I have used my luck. I am a superstitious person and will not Agree to such a dangerous request at this time."

"I take care of my own life. I just want you to get me to the top of the bridge." Mike pointed to the top of his head and said, "It's too high, I can't climb up, and it takes too much time to go around in a circle. You I also said that my time is precious.”

"It's totally fine. I can throw you up, and you can hold on to the railing and climb up. Even if your bones hurt, you have to hold on. If you fall, I can't save your life."

Zhuang Xuteng stretched out his hands to clamp Mike's armpits, then let the implant accumulate power and activate the high jump function. He could jump up there by himself, but not with another person. Therefore, Zhuang Xuteng could only push Mike up halfway, at the expense of himself falling down, and let him go up instead.

Mike gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his ribs and armpits. He had no cushioning implants, so tension was his only cushion. Zhuang Xuteng pushed him against the railing. He quickly hugged him with both hands and threw one leg up as fast as possible. After he rolled over and rolled to the ground, he could take a few breaths.

The highway was already a mess, but Mike, as the only person wearing a police uniform at the scene, had no intention of taking care of it at all. He staggered to the deformed police car, yelled at those who gathered nearby to watch the fun, and then climbed on the hood. Affected by the impact, the door was severely deformed and could no longer be opened. Moreover, there was his partner's body in the driving position, and he didn't have the strength to move it now.

Kick after kick, Mike broke the front glass, climbed in and took out the portfolio. The bag was stained with blood and body tissue, and he reached out to wipe it away with a cold face. Before opening the bag, he climbed in again, took out his mobile phone from the deformed drawer in the passenger seat, dialed a number, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Dear..." For a moment he wanted to cry, but he held it back and said in as calm a voice as possible: "There is something I want you to know, I love you..."

There is a traffic jam on one side of the highway, horns are blaring constantly, traffic is slow on the other side, and the engines of vehicles are blaring. It is not a problem at all to say that the noise here is noisy. In the midst of this continuous noise, someone behind the railing in the opposite lane clearly heard Mike's voice and listened to him telling his wife about his funeral.

After Zhuang Xuteng threw Mike up, he walked through the bridge hole to the other side, charged up again and jumped up. After that, he hid and secretly observed the development of the situation. His primary observation target was not Mike, but his own armored ferret. He needed to know when Lucy's people would come and whether his belongings had been taken away.

As for the body of the killer in the black suit, there is no need to worry, it is already deep in the fire. Thermite works really well, the thing either ashes or melts and no features are left. Of course, if the assassination was organized, then whoever sent the killer must know his identity. What Zhuang Xuteng wanted to conceal was not the identity of the deceased, but the manner of his death. Mystery is always a talisman for mercenaries. Only in this way can they retain their trump cards.

As Mike sat on the hood, flipping through the files, traffic slowly resumed. Rows of vehicles weaved around debris, burning bodies and overturned trucks, carefully and as quickly as possible leaving this place of right and wrong. Zhuang Xuteng had been hiding opposite to observe the situation. He noticed that Mike was reading files while on the phone, wiping away tears several times during the process. He called at least four people. The last call lasted the longest, lasting fifteen minutes, with no sign of ending.

For this call, Mike made a call to a leader in the PCPD that he could trust. He wanted to ask if there was any way to save his life just in case.

Zhuang Xuteng understood his thinking very well, but he was not optimistic about his future. He believed that the probability of Mike escaping this disaster was almost zero. Therefore, he never showed up, hiding aside and waiting for the finisher to come over.

Twenty minutes later, Lucy called. The first is to ask if he is still nearby, and the second is to tell him that the closing team is approaching the scene. If he does not have transportation, he can come back with him. "Anyway, you have already paid for this ride." Lucy gave a very good reason and immediately convinced Zhuang Xuteng.

So he followed the "road service tow truck" back, with the dying armored ferret behind him. These professionals responsible for "handling the aftermath" have a variety of complete sets of equipment such as towing, firefighting, first aid, troubleshooting and construction, emergency repair and disaster relief, etc. They can act in the above various identities and are absolutely professional enough. In fact, they are workers in these industries and are now just making extra money.

According to regulations, Zhuang Xuteng's accident car had to be towed to the evidence storage center. They were delayed for two minutes on the way and could find a car of the same model from the used car lot to replace it. Another wave of people took over Zhuang Xuteng and continued on the road with the armored ferret, rushing to another repair yard. According to these people, the main purpose of changing the location for repair and storage was to make it more difficult to trace, lest someone look for it based on the driving route and accidentally discover the real armored ferret.

For such professionalism, meticulousness and thoughtfulness, Zhuang Xuteng immediately gave him a thumbs up and decided to reward him with an increase in payment. Now that he met such professional people, he took the opportunity to ask them what kind of car he should choose next.

"The Weasel is good, but you have to be able to buy a real one. Take the car at the back, for example. It looks fine on the outside, but it's just a look-alike car. It's cheap inside. There are a lot of scammers in the automobile industry now. See Newcomers must be tricked when they come here, and they are called to pay tuition. The atmosphere is so bad."

"For a car covered with iron and leather, the stronger it is, the better, so don't pursue anything else; for a car covered with leather, the faster, the better, and there is no need to pursue anything else. If you still want to choose a car, you can wait and see what's new. Of the gasoline-powered locomotives out there, I think that one is pretty good. If you still use steam-electric power, the Weasel is already pretty good, but the key is to buy a real one."

Zhuang Xuteng wrote down this sentence. A week later he went to the place where he bought the car and punched the man in the stomach. With his current strength, he could completely beat people into useless things, but it would not be visible on the surface, and he also explained this to the salesperson at the time. When he fully expressed his attitude, he finally graduated from the "newbie stage" and could get a real armored ferret - and got it at a pretty cheap price.

If you want to save even more, you can give them your old car. Considering the risk of leakage, he did not save the money. So, a month after the highway crash, he already had four cars in his garage: two armored ferrets, one good and one bad, a gasoline engine motorcycle produced by Dingxin Mochuang, and a car dug out from the rubble. , a white beast armored vehicle that was rebuilt and reborn from the ashes.

To be honest, armored vehicles are still safe to use and comfortable to drive. However, the white beast is only used in important missions that are well prepared. Zhuang Xuteng usually uses either an armored ferret or a motorcycle, which is more convenient.

We’ll talk about what happens next, but let’s talk about Officer Mike’s follow-up first. Zhuang Xuteng returned to Peicheng to find Lucy. At this time, the investigation of the two PCPDs was basically completed, and the information was also summarized in Lucy. Coupled with the news brought back by Zhuang Xuteng, the whole story of this matter finally became clear.

"This Mike Lebedev is very interesting. He is a master at settling old scores. He is a legendary person in the PCPD. He is also nicknamed the Gravedigger Master like you." Lucy said: "If When he handles new cases, he is at the level of an ordinary police detective, and may not be as good in terms of case detection rate; but he has a keen sense of smell for some old cases and can often come up with a different result. After 18 years in the industry, He reviewed old cases 77 times, and solved them 75 times. Two so-called unsolved old cases, one was that the murderer died before being brought to justice, and there was no need to continue investigating; the other was the case of the 623 bombing."

Zhuang Xuteng understood. Because Mike has the "Gravedigger Master", a crime-solving ability that is almost magical, when he got the wrong case file, the real murderer behind the case felt nervous and decided to kill him. "Sister Lucy, as long as his attack is not connected to the 623 case. Especially since he is investigating me, I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, this Mike has already explained the situation to the PCPD. He said that he was targeted after investigating a case. That case was not the 623 bombing case - it was the result of phone tapping." Lucy said: "Your suspicion is gone. Mike will definitely not pursue 623 anymore."

"Well, he's going to die, and he will definitely not investigate the case again. What a pity. If his level of solving crimes is that high, he is really a talent."

"Talent? That case detection rate has no practical value, because he is the one who inexplicably uncovers old cases, instead of giving him an old case and he can solve it! All uncontrollable abilities are equivalent to being unusable! Let's just say this time, he started inexplicably I investigated the 623 case and offended you, and then accidentally took another case and caused a life. Judging from the current situation, the other case is also very problematic, and it is bigger than the 623 case. This is It’s not about ability, it’s simply a curse!”

"That's right." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "Oh, it's quite a pity. I'm still very curious about what happened on June 23. After his death, I guess others won't dig out the truth. "

"When did he die?"

"He's dead!" Zhuang Xuteng spread his hands and said, "Does he have the money to hire a bodyguard like me to protect him every day?"

"He has found a good relationship, left the PCPD during the day, and joined the riot squad at night." Lucy said with a smile: "You are really right, he really has a bodyguard of your level protecting him every day."

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