Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 351 Chapter 348 Tracking and Hunting

Zhuang Xuteng immediately became alert when he suddenly heard his name from someone else's mouth. He held the stair fire door with his hand to control its noise, slowly opened it, and then slipped in quietly. There is a corner from the stairs to the corridor where the sound came from, and there is a small room with a garbage well in the middle of the road. Zhuang Xuteng avoided the sunlight coming in from the corridor window and quickly hid in the small room.

Who is checking me? Why check me? Zhuang Xuteng could only look for clues from the other party's words. They mentioned the murderer and the witnesses. Combined with the fact that they came to this old address to visit the surrounding neighbors, Zhuang Xuteng quickly thought of the night when he met the Lich Master and Ge Gongdao.

Before that, he was an honest worker who had never caused any trouble or been involved in any trouble. After that, his life changed a lot, and all that was left of him was his "honest duties." He remembered that day very well and knew that important characters died that night in an explosion caused by the Lich Master. After that, the PCPD dealt with it in the usual lying way. Are they still looking for the real culprit?

Zhuang Xuteng leaned against the corner to hide his figure, and saw the two people standing at the elevator door through the reflection of the glass in the corridor window. They were a middle-aged man with gray hair and a young guy with curly black hair. The two men were wearing casual clothes, but they only changed their tops, and their pants and shoes were exactly the same. Zhuang Xuteng took a closer look and basically determined the identity of the two people through their pants and shoes: PCPD.

It is indeed within the PCPD's responsibility to investigate the case, but it has been a long time since the incident, so why are they still investigating it? Zhuang Xuteng was a little unsure whether the PCPD was neglecting its duties or performing its duties. You could say it neglected its duties. It was indeed investigating the case and was not here to make trouble. Moreover, its investigation direction was correct. You say it is doing its job well, how long has it been, and how did you find yourself? He was arrested and taken to the detention center on the night of the incident. A record was recorded and a series of investigations were completed. By the way, there were things like veritaserum at that time, and people from the company also supervised the interrogation. Does the PCPD want to overturn these interrogation results?

Zhuang Xuteng really couldn't figure out why the PCPD would do this. The person who died was a person from the company, and the company also intervened in the investigation. It is obvious that the company is more anxious than the PCPD. The PCPD has publicly announced the circumstances of the case, claiming that the perpetrators have been tried and that it is no longer under pressure to solve the case. So what is the motivation of the two PCPDs who are now coming to the apartment?

The elevator came, and the two people frowned and looked inside, then squeezed in reluctantly. Zhuang Xuteng immediately turned around and entered the stairwell, jumping directly down the zigzag staircase. He used martial arts to precisely control his body posture for cushioning, and charged downstairs at a speed close to a straight fall.

He reached the first floor faster than the elevator, then leaned against the wall, hiding in the shadows and waiting. He then continued to follow the two men, watching them go around the side of the apartment and get into their patrol car. When the two of them were changing clothes in the car, Zhuang Xuteng drove his car over and bit their tail again at an intersection far away.

At the same time, he called Lucy's phone and told her that two PCPDs were investigating him. Lucy also found it strange. She said that she had made arrangements for the previous "Zhuang Xuteng" to become a quasi-missing person who went out to work.

"Are you going to do some counter-tracking? Okay, I'll transfer you directly to the intelligence officer Meteor." Lucy said on the phone: "Nightingale and Yanqiao are not as good as Meteor in their investigative capabilities if they are not prepared in advance."

"I thought so too, so I'll call you first." Now that Zhuang Xuteng thought of the original case, he also reminded Lucy to pay attention to Ge Gongdao. That day, the two of them were arrested together.

"I will inquire about the situation through PCPD channels, but I will give priority to your tracking. Be careful, this matter is a bit weird."

It was indeed a bit weird. If it wasn't weird, Zhuang Xuteng wouldn't have to pay attention to it. The encrypted communication line was immediately transferred to Meteor, but before Zhuang Xuteng could speak, Meteor's sobs came from the phone.

"You finally remembered me..."

Zhuang Xuteng was confused. What's wrong with Meteor? I don't seem to have provoked her, right? Under normal circumstances, the intelligence officer needs to hide well, and no qualified mercenary should disturb her. It is reasonable and orderly for Zhuang Xuteng not to take the initiative to contact her. Besides, Zhuang Xuteng has never refused Meteor's legitimate request, as long as she puts it forward.

"What happened?" Zhuang Xuteng asked quickly. Although he was anxious to investigate the PCPD matter, he was more concerned about the status of his friends around him.

"It's okay!" Meteor was embarrassed to say that she already knew what Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana were doing upstairs. This sour feeling could only be digested by herself. If she said it, it would most likely cause a chain reaction. "I said you could come to visit us, but you haven't come even once!"

"If you are bored or have a headache and need me to come over, then call me and I will be there." Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly. He felt that it was unprofessional for Meteor to mention this matter at this time. "Meteor, now I..."

"I know you are investigating two PCPDs who are investigating you. Do you have any identifying information? Name, badge number, etc.?"

Hey, Meteor immediately entered the state? Zhuang Xuteng was slightly surprised, but immediately interpreted this as a favor that she owed Meteor for letting Meteor do the work. It was reasonable for her to take the opportunity to get some favors from Zhuang Xuteng.

"We have their license plate numbers," Zhuang Xuteng kept on the phone while driving to follow: "Thank you for your help on this matter. I know you can definitely be relied on at critical moments."

"No need to flatter me, just remember me no matter what happens. I'm not satisfied with your team hiring two frontline intelligence officers. Why don't you want me? I'm better than both of them combined!"

"Uh... are you optional?" Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment. Was this why she was angry just now? "Can Sister Lucy let you go? Or have you overcome your phobia now and can you go outside for activities?"

"I'm not afraid of empty spaces or crowds of people when I'm with you."

That is the result of the absorption of resentful spirits. Without that, you would still be trembling with fear. Zhuang Xuteng rolled his eyes and could only complain in his heart. Using vengeance spells to absorb other people's negative emotions may seem like a treatment on the surface, but it will actually weaken that person's emotional ability. Over time, it may gradually turn the person into an emotionless zombie.

"I can't always take you with me when performing tasks. Your current position can not only display your own strength, but also protect yourself better, so..."

"No need to say it. What you said makes sense. I'm just complaining because I'm not willing to give in." Meteor sighed softly. Her unwillingness and complaints were not because she couldn't join Zhuang Xuteng's team. "I found it. There are two detectives. They are not high-ranking. The older one is a deputy detective. He can investigate cases independently, but he can only investigate cases independently. The younger one has only joined PCPD for two and a half years and just graduated from the traffic police department. I transferred here without much detective experience. These two people... don't seem to be a threat."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then asked: "Was the deputy detective responsible for the 623 bombing two years ago?"

"I'll run a search, please wait a moment. After all, it was almost three years ago, so the search will take a while. In addition, I'll try to take over their car communications and eavesdrop on what the two people are saying."

"Can you still do this?" Zhuang Xuteng felt amazing.

"Yes. The car radios are on when the PCPD is on duty, but they are in answering mode by default. You can pick up the phone and press the button to speak. Except for some special models, the vast majority of car radios are always listening, but they are not sent to It's just on the public channel. Most PCPD don't know this. Well, they don't know either, they...wait, what is this?"

There was suddenly no sound from Meteor's side. Zhuang Xuteng was anxious but could only wait. After a while, Meteor said: "I discovered something suspicious: the cars of those two people are being followed."

"Are you being followed by me?" Zhuang Xuteng immediately slowed down the car and opened a distance to reduce the risk of being discovered.

"It's not you. Their car radio uses a secret frequency to continuously send their location information, or it is done through PCPD's own communication channel. Look around, are you following them?"

"I didn't find it." Zhuang Xuteng had been paying close attention to the surrounding situation before, and now he quickly confirmed it again. "Still not found. I will distance myself slightly. Is their location information accurate?"

"I'm not sure. The address information is not the street and number." Meteor thought for a while and said, "Nike, did you know that there is an emergency rescue positioning signal transmitter on the PCPD patrol walkie-talkie?"

"I know." Zhuang Xuteng also made some money selling walkie-talkies.

"PCPD vehicles also have a positioning function. It is connected to the vehicle radio, and that is the one that works now. But this time, the feature code of the positioning message sent by the device is different from the normal one. The surrounding PCPD will not receive this distress positioning, only Only those who know the signature code in advance can track it with a special positioning device."

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "If you want to do something like this, can you use the information network?"

"No, you have to tamper with the equipment, so it's very likely that this matter was done by someone inside the PCPD." Meteor immediately understood what Zhuang Xuteng wanted to know, and she said, "It's very troublesome to make modifications. The best chance to do it is to take advantage of it. When the vehicle was under warranty. I just checked and their car was repaired yesterday because it crashed with another PCPD car at the entrance and exit of the parking lot the day before."

"Huh..." Zhuang Xuteng had already smelled a huge conspiracy.

"I connected, and I can hear them talking, but the background noise is a bit loud, so it may not be completely accurate." Meteor frowned and said, "They... they seem to want to go to Gray Worm City, the seventh alliance town."

"Are you sure?" Zhuang Xuteng heard the basically certain answer and knew that the first two PCPDs were most likely going to find his parents. He asked Meteor to wait a moment, and then called his parents to give him a brief explanation.

When he told his family that he was looking for food for a group of mercenaries, he had already arranged his identity information. He was just afraid that his parents would forget about it and accidentally let it slip. Once a mercenary officially enters the industry, the middleman—especially a responsible middleman like Lucy—will conceal the information and allow the mercenary's original identity to "work" elsewhere. As "Zhuang Xuteng", he joined the freight fleet and did odd jobs on merchant ships on Peihe and other rivers.

If you insist on checking, you will definitely be able to find the news that "Zhuang Xuteng" was on the ship, because Lucy did send a real person under that name to board the ship, work for a few days, and then get off the ship and disappear after paying the reward. Generally, clues will be lost when tracing here. If you insist on tracing down, there is a high probability that you will come into contact with the intelligence alert network of the middleman and attract attention. The true information about the mercenary is not only the responsibility of his middleman, but also a secret that the industry needs to jointly maintain.

In addition to "traveling far away by boat", there are dozens of other possibilities, which I will not list here.

Zhuang Xuteng's parents will definitely cooperate in answering questions, but they are also worried that Zhuang Xuteng will get into trouble.

"I'm not sure yet." Zhuang Xuteng told the truth. His parents knew him so well that if he lied, they might be caught immediately. "The things I'm doing now are all to avoid trouble first, and wait until I figure out what the PCPD wants to do. If the purpose is good, then I can cooperate with them, but I'm afraid that the PCPD sometimes doesn't do things right."

"Well, you do have to be careful." Dad agreed.

"I want to continue to investigate, so I won't say much more. Don't worry blindly. If something happens, I will definitely take Zhuang Feifei away for protection first, and at the same time let you escape quickly, don't you agree?"

"Yes, you should do that. Okay, pay attention to your own safety, and we will deal with it as you say."

Zhuang Xuteng hung up the phone, but before he could dial Meteor's number again, he saw a black truck coming from behind in the reflector. Its speed was somewhat fast, but what alerted Zhuang Xuteng was its driving style. On the closed road on the expressway out of the city, the truck changed its position left and right, constantly passing the vehicles blocking the road in front.

It cares more about driving progress than (possible) cargo safety. While dialing the phone, Zhuang Xuteng secretly glanced at the truck's driving route. When it approached, he slightly changed its direction and made a move to block the road. He didn't really block the road, he just flickered, enough to scare people. Under normal circumstances, trucks would honk their horns to express anger and brake to slow down to ensure safety. But the truck immediately gave way, almost without losing speed, and relied on its driving skills to bypass Zhuang Xuteng and continue forward.

Zhuang Xuteng's car swayed, then returned to its normal state from a brief state of pressing the line, and then continued to hold the steering wheel in one hand and the phone in the other. He was acting out a "legitimate" reason for driving dangerously, to the truck driver who might be watching in his rearview mirror. At the same time, he peeked into the truck's rearview mirror.

The truck uses single-transparent glass, both on the front and sides of the cab. Zhuang Xuteng remained calm, he already had a premonition that something was going to happen.

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