Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 306 Chapter 303 Big Lure

After the operation, Ge Gongdao's condition was much worse than Zhuang Xuteng's. The originally thick body hair had been shaved cleanly, and there were stitching marks everywhere on the skin. The whole person looked like pieces of meat that had been pieced together again. Due to the fast suturing speed, some places looked uneven, and blood and body fluids were still slowly flowing out. Zhuang Xuteng needed to constantly wipe off the liquid and then spray on hemostatic gel, as if this could hang Brother Dao's life.

"His body has entered an overly sensitive stress response state. No medicine can be injected now." When Dr. Jian Hei appeared, he hid behind others for the first time and only dared to show half of his face to Zhuang Xuteng. "His life is worry-free, but he needs to lie still and rest. The biggest fear now is rejection reaction. He needs to be closely observed in the next ten days to half a month. Don't give him any medicine, even if he is in pain .Be sure to leave room for anti-rejection medications.”

"Why are you hiding so far away? Brother Dao asked me not to embarrass you, so you can come over." Zhuang Xuteng had a calm smile on his face, and his expression was so friendly that it was so friendly. Seeing this, Dr. Jian Hei didn't even dare to go there. He quickly slipped away under the protection of hospital security guards on the pretext that he wanted to consider the follow-up treatment and maintenance plan.

As expected, Ge Gongdao had a medical accident as planned and had to be bedridden, but Zhuang Xuteng felt that this was a fake show. The wounds on Brother Dao's body didn't lie, his tired and painful expression didn't lie, and the abnormal-looking heart rate chart didn't lie either. Zhuang Xuteng felt distressed, helpless, and a little at a loss, especially whether he should inform Lucy. In the end, he found that the only thing he could do was to take out his weapons and prepare for battle to avoid more and worse situations.

About two hours later, Ge Gongdao woke up. He was woken up by pain. Listening to a strong man, he kept saying "ouch" when he opened his eyes, and cursed the incompetent doctor with all his remaining strength. At this time, he was still a little confused. When he saw that Zhuang Xuteng was fully armed and ready to find a doctor for him, Ge Gongdao immediately woke up and hurriedly called his good partner.

"No! I'm just complaining and complaining. Still can't I give you painkillers?"

"They said you would still wet the bed and the injected medicine would be excreted. On the one hand, they are afraid that if they give you too little, you will pee and it will be useless. On the other hand, they are afraid that if they give you too much, you will not pee and you will die." Zhuang Xuteng lowered his voice and asked. :"real or fake?"

"I've become like this, how can I still be fake?" Ge Gongdao squinted his eyes and looked at Zhuang Xuteng. His eyelids were swollen like lotus roots, compressing his field of vision and making him look weak. "Is there any treatment plan at the hospital?"

"I have stopped taking internal medicines and injections, and only prescribed some nutritional supplements for you. What I am most worried about now is whether you will expand the scope of detoxification and urinate the nutrients you drank."

"I can control my body functions a little bit when I'm awake, but it's so uncomfortable!" Ge Gongdao thought for a while and said, "Naike, go and do a few things for me. The first is to bring some mice. You need to be awake to use dormant martial arts. The second is to call Lucy, just say it was me and ask her to bring what I want. Third, you can think of some way, safe and exciting, so that I can A jolted spirit wakes up.”

"I'll take care of the first two right now, and I've already thought about the last one." Zhuang Xuteng opened the drawer, took out a bottle of alcohol from it, and said, "Use this to disinfect your wounds, and you will definitely wake up."

"It's really cruel..." Ge Gongdao narrowed his eyes and nodded. He knew he couldn't sleep, and his top priority was to shut down the detoxification function of his werewolf blood, or at least get it under control. If anti-extrusion drugs could not be used in time, so many implants would kill him.

I went back to get a guinea pig, and the dormant martial arts became the main basis for the recovery of Ge Gongdao. Under the "care" of Dr. Jian Hei, Brother Dao fainted seven times and entered the operating room three times. Each time he came out looking more haggard than before. If Lucy hadn't assured Zhuang Xuteng that "everything is under control," he might have bombed the hospital.

Judging from various performances, the current situation should be within the plan. This is the only reason why Zhuang Xuteng can still suppress the fire. It's just that Ge Gongdao's performance was too real, or in other words, it was real, which made Zhuang Xuteng very worried. He was most afraid of Ge Gongdao's fake show, so he asked Lucy to add this part of the show, using real damage to lure the enemy into taking the bait. You must know that the injuries are not deceptive, and there is no need for medicine. Implant surgery may turn into a life-threatening death at any time, and some rejection reactions do not even give people a chance to deal with it.

Whenever this matter is brought up, Ge Gongdao will explain it with one sentence: "Ji people have their own destiny, wait for the situation to change." Zhuang Xuteng was not satisfied with this answer, and he showed obvious anxiety. This anxiety was related to the fact that he had just lost his brother. The pain and sorrow at that time came to attack him again at this time. In his heart, he was very afraid of losing Ge Gongdao again. Even if he didn't think in this direction, this potential awareness did affect his mental state.

Ge Gongdao was moved by Zhuang Xuteng's emotional performance, but also a little worried. In Ge Gongdao's mind, Zhuang Xuteng should become a calm, smart, adaptable leader in the future who can command many mercenaries. This requires him to be able to control his emotions under any circumstances and always maintain rational thinking. Now Zhuang Xuteng is obviously emotional, which is not good, it may become a weakness. Ge Gongdao intended to ask Zhuang Xuteng to correct this problem, but the root of the problem was himself. As long as his injury was not good, he could not mention it. Oh, wait, I can only wait for Lucy to act quickly.

While the two were in the hospital, many things happened outside. All kinds of rumors and rumors are mixed in the massive amount of information, shuttled back and forth in the information network. Several intelligence officers tried their best to mobilize the eyes and ears of the Blood Bat Gang and the casino group bit by bit, exerting a subtle influence on their hearts.

Finally, the news that Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng were undergoing implant surgery reached the casino group and Viper, and both parties had different reactions. The casino group withheld this information, thinking that the matter had nothing to do with the investigation. If you know it, you will know it, and that's it. Viper sensed risks and opportunities at the same time. While using people from the Blood Bat Gang to investigate, he went to the casino group to verify the information.

Two more people came to the tattoo and plastic surgery hospital to perform implant surgeries. They were from the Blood Bat Gang, and they also performed the cheapest and most repeatable cosmetic implant surgeries. The two people said that they also wanted to take this opportunity to recuperate their health and insisted on being hospitalized. In order not to offend the gang, the two people stayed there, and they soon "found out" the news that Ge Gongdao had been undergoing treatment.

Through the channels of "nurse" and some "patients", Viper learned of the current tragic situation of Gogong Road, and all of this was what Lucy wanted Viper to know. She gave Viper a very reasonable story, allowing Viper to see a rare opportunity. Now there is only one difficulty facing Viper: the tattoo and plastic surgery hospital.

This implant hospital is the treasure of mercenaries and gangs, and the company acquiesces in its operation. The interests of all parties here are intertwined. If the Blood Bat Gang wants to take action here, then the Blood Bat Gang should not think about getting medical services here in the future. At the same time, it will also lead to a joint counterattack from multiple parties, which will outweigh the gains and losses. It is impossible for the Blood Bat Gang to create this level of conflict for Viper's personal vendetta. They are about loyalty, but loyalty is purely for profit.

The casino group has not yet established a foothold in Peicheng, and the thief has not been found, and they don't want to cause trouble now. The person in charge of the Peicheng operation, Tes, also clearly warned Viper, asking him to focus on finding thieves and stolen goods. The group is not a subordinate that can be used and commanded by him. This approach of staying out is very smart, but every smart worker is afraid of a stupid boss, and this is often taken advantage of.

Viper took advantage of this, bypassing Tice and selling information to higher-ups in the casino group. He falsely accused Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao of suddenly having money to purchase implants. This abnormal behavior is likely to be related to the train theft case. He fabricated the story while handing over a large amount of specious evidence to the casino group. None of this evidence can prove that Gogongdao is the person involved in the theft of the treasure train. It is just to portray him as "very much like a relevant person".

"By not investigating this matter, Tais may miss the final opportunity to recover the stolen goods."

The casino group has indeed been under a lot of pressure recently. A large amount of news - guess who made these news - shows that the trust that maintains the business chain of the casino group is slowly crumbling, and the cash flow is also showing signs of instability. The combination of the two is deadly. Casino groups have become desperate to make some achievements to prove themselves, so they tend to act rather than defend, and tend to get results quickly rather than slowly investigate the truth.

Tice immediately felt the pressure from his superiors, who explicitly hinted that he should learn more from Viper, who was "actively investigating", and asked him to get results as soon as possible. At the same time, Viper also started his action. Through the channels of the Blood Bat Gang, he personally paid for a group of small gang members to undergo cosmetic or armor-type implant surgeries, filling the hospital with many hideous-looking guys in a short period of time.

While putting pressure on the hospital, he also provided the hospital with ideas for solving the problem. Under his instigation, the hospital tended to discharge Ge Gongdao and Zhuang Xuteng early. The reasons they gave were very sufficient: the current and next stage of the hospital's environment is obviously not suitable for mercenaries to recuperate here. The only problem at present is whether the two people are suitable for discharge. The key to this matter still lies with Dr. Jianhei.

"Naike is recovering well and can be discharged from the hospital, but this Ge Gongdao..." Dr. Jian Hei also has his own superior, and the only one who can really make him obey the arrangements is the dean, and he only needs to be responsible to the dean. That’s it. "Gogong Dao is still at risk of rejection, and he has a very good relationship with Naike. If there is a problem with Ge Gongdao, Naike will definitely blame us."

"That Ge Gongdao has entered the dangerous stage of rejection, right? How is he doing now?" the dean asked.

"It's been four days, and everything seems to be normal so far. However, rejection reactions often come very suddenly. It may be fine one day, but it may take a turn for the worse the next day." Jian Hei noticed that the dean had a convinced look on his face. , and immediately said: "But I have a solution, which can get the best of both worlds."

"Oh, tell me."

"It's true that gangs have come together for beauty treatments recently. It's also a good thing to let them go back and recuperate in peace. Leave an emergency channel for Ge Gongdao and promise that if he has any physical problems, he can be treated with the highest priority no matter what. He doesn't have it anyway. If you don't use the medicine, you can only eat, drink, and observe here, occupying a bed for nothing, and sleeping less comfortably than at home."

"Priority channel? What's so difficult about this? Alas, I don't want to embarrass that mercenary. It's just because business has been so good recently." The dean thought for a while and said, "If you can convince them, then I'll trouble you. .”

Dr. Jian Hei then found them and told them what had happened. Zhuang Xuteng knew what was going on. He stared straight at Dr. Jianhei, forcing him to say these words: "This can be regarded as an explanation to Lucy."

"No, I don't care who you have an explanation with. I just want you to have an explanation with Brother Dao."

Jian Hei smiled, nodded Zhuang Xuteng with his finger, and then took out an iron box from his pocket. "Take it, take six tablets now, and then four tablets at the same time every day. This is what I prepared. You can't find it on the counter. This will make it difficult for you to urinate for the next ten days. It will be uncomfortable, but it won't It can effectively suppress your bloodline ability. Just take Naike's anti-rejection medicine, since he is already past the danger period anyway."

Ge Gongdao smiled and nodded and said, "Doctor, my brother cares about me. Please forgive me if I offend you."

"I'm not angry, so there's nothing I need to forgive you for. I just envy you. Okay, there are so many people in the hospital recently, and the crowd will make your ears irritated. You should pack up and leave quickly. Don't stay any longer. I think you can leave. The sooner the better. In addition, after leaving this gate, you must pay attention to safety and don't come back soon."

Dr. Jian Hei left the medicine and left, and ten minutes later, Zhuang Xuteng pushed Ge Gongdao in a wheelchair and left from the main entrance. They acted very quickly, not only faster than Dr. Jian Hei reported the matter to the director, but also faster than the reaction of the gangsters who stayed in the hospital. Even the nurse who was staring at the entrance and exit thought that they were just going out for some air and would be back soon. They never thought that the two of them were actually discharged from the hospital.

After leaving the hospital gate, life or death depends on you. Zhuang Xuteng mustered up all his energy, looked in all directions and listened in all directions, and moved as fast as the wind. The driving assistance implant suit entered working mode, and his walking speed was just like running before, and running was like sprinting with all his strength before. Ge Gongdao added that the wheelchair had almost no weight in his hands. He could push the "heavy objects" quickly and even make the metal wheels of the wheelchair create a series of sparks on the ground.

Check the armored vehicle to see if there are no explosives, then lift Gorgondo onto the vehicle. Zhuang Xuteng was surprised by his arm strength. He didn't expect to be able to do so easily. But it makes sense to think about it. This set of implants is issued to special pilots in the military. They are no less likely to lift heavy objects than logistics personnel, and they often do not have exoskeleton assistance. Compared with various metal equipment, Ge Gongdao's mortal body is much lighter.

"Go to Doyle." Ge Gongdao said to Zhuang Xuteng after getting into the armored vehicle: "We are not going home, we will live directly at the operations base. In order to catch the viper, it is not worth revealing the address. Just give him the location of the operations base. It’s enough to hook him.”

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked, "Why didn't I know about this detail? You and Lucy had already discussed it?"

"Yes, that's part of the plan."

"Why did you hide it from me?"

"Let's see how you behave when you are being kept secret." Ge Gongdao sighed and said, "You can do better."

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