Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 302 Chapter 299 Whole Body Implantation

According to Lucy's arrangement, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao hurriedly left the music restaurant, got into the armored vehicle and station wagon respectively, and left Peicheng at lightning speed.

Many heads were watching through the glass windows, and someone among them would definitely send this news out. While they were staring at Zhuang Xuteng, Lucy was also staring at them from the observation window of the office on the second floor. This woman is thinking about the plan for the next film, which includes tidying up the environment downstairs and cleaning out these potential dangers, so as to better heighten the tension after the medical accident on Gogong Road.

Turning his attention to the two people leaving Peicheng, they were going to perform a fake mission, which could be said to be relaxing and enjoyable. Although Lucy warned them in advance to be careful of the Blood Bat Gang and the Casino Group, it turned out that the response speed of the two was not that fast. Even if they got the news, they could only watch them come back from outside the city after completing their mission. .

Next, the two went to the black market, making phone calls and looking for people to buy things from. Their contact person was a fat woman nicknamed Platform Scale. She had a chubby body and always had a smile on her face. Zhuang Xuteng thought she was humorous and cute, while Ge Gongdao saw more connotations:

"She is very strong. She has definitely trained her body before. I have seen some athletes or fighters gain weight after reducing their exercise intensity, and she is very much the same situation. But her foundation is still there. Pay attention to the muscles in her neck. ?"

Zhuang Xuteng is a very polite person. He doesn't have the habit of staring at girls' necks. At most, he just collects clues from his memories afterwards. At that time, his focus was on implants, especially whether the platform could obtain more types or higher quality implants.

"It's not possible now, young man, you can wait." Tai scale smiled and said to Zhuang Xuteng; "Currently, implants on the black market can only rely on luck. In the future, with the opening of the medical market, there will be more channels for installing implants." If there are more, our channels for obtaining implants will also increase."

Zhuang Xuteng was not satisfied and said: "Medical implants are not suitable for us."

"Medical implants have become cheaper, and the cost of replacing combat implants has been reduced. Until now, there are still some veterans alive in the corporate war. They could only rely on combat implants with greater side effects and higher maintenance costs. Money is needed to replace recuperative medical implants. Since they have accumulated a lot of side effects, after their death, those excellent combat implants can no longer be used. If they are replaced with medical implants that can extend their lives before they age and become exhausted. body, then you can get a good quality combat implant."

Oh, that was the original idea. Although it is still a black market business, replacement in this way is much stronger and better than killing people to get the goods.

The two people didn't need to stay in the black market for too long. They also had to rush to the hospital. This time the implants came from "an erroneous source". They would definitely not be able to go to Peicheng Second Hospital to enjoy the services there. They would have to go to the tattoo and plastic surgery hospital again to see Dr. Jianhei.

He had just finished an operation, and fatigue made him look a little decadent. The unkempt doctor slumped in his chair, his leather shoes covered with shoe covers thrown aside, and his bare feet dangling on the floor. A half-burned cigar leaned crookedly on the ashtray, and the tea had long since gone cold in the glass. Doctor Jian Hei smiled when he saw Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao, raised his hand to say hello, and said, "Are you here to take care of my business again? Won't you give me some time to rest?"

"I won't delay your rest. We are not in a hurry." Zhuang Xuteng emphasized the pronunciation of "very" while taking out a cigar wrapped in an aluminum tube from his pocket. "You need this to have a good rest, and this is good stuff that's completely grown and hand-rolled."

"These days, they are all cultivated in greenhouses, just like the protein worms that can be harvested in less than two months. The so-called cigars will probably never see the sun in their lifetime." Jian Hei said he didn't care, but There is no such intention in hand. He took the cigar with both hands, carefully opened the lid, then opened the inner moisturizing and heat-insulating packaging, and pulled out a long, dark and shiny cigar.

Put it under your nose and inhale vigorously, letting the aroma of the cigar permeate every pore of your body. His eyeballs were bright and his eyelids were raised high, but when he saw Zhuang Xuteng, he continued to speak harshly: "It's not bad, but it's still a pretty good level. It was still grown in a greenhouse and has been exposed to the sun for two days at most. "

"Indeed, you can smell it even after being exposed to the sun for two days." Gogongdao said with a smile: "Can you also tell the difference between wood chips, matches and cigars lit with whale oil lighters?"

"Yes, it's very simple, but only when it's just lit, before the smoke from the fireworks has dissipated." Jian Hei carefully cut the cigar, placed it on tin foil, took out a wooden box from the drawer, opened it and took it out A flat and wide wooden stick, and a thick magnifying glass. He turned on the spotlight, used a magnifying glass to focus the light energy, and carefully ignited the wooden strips. He then lit the cigar with a wooden stick and let himself be immersed in smoke.

Jian Hei enjoys it, but he will not neglect his friends just to enjoy it. After he was a little satisfied, he put down the cigar and sighed slowly in the lingering smoke.

"Huh... I have the illusion of a complete life. I don't know if this hobby is good or bad, but it does refresh my mind. Thank you, especially Nike Scarecrow. Okay, I'm refreshed. Come and find me. I am only here for the implant, and it must be related to the box behind you."

"Yes, we want to install implants." Zhuang Xuteng said: "There are two sets of implants in the two boxes, one for each of us. I will install them first, and then I will install them for Brother Dao after I complete the postoperative recovery. It is still the same as before. Requirements: to be safe and confidential.”

"What good thing is it?" Doctor Jianhei opened the box and was obviously stunned for a moment, then put on a smile. "Oh, that's good. The driving assistance set is a military-only version. It looks like they have just been maintained and are in good condition. I haven't seen such high-quality implants in many years."

"Can you arrange surgery?" Ge Gongdao asked.

"That must be possible." Dr. Jian Hei said: "This is a bit cumbersome to install. The operation may last for more than ten hours. It is definitely a big job. I have to recuperate first. You can stay here first and do a preliminary physical examination. Do, especially blood toxin tests.”

"It seems that the blood toxin test was not done last time." Zhuang Xuteng said.

"This time is more complicated. The anesthesia must be done well, otherwise if you wake up in the middle, you may be hurt to death. If you have some implants that filter anesthetics, you must turn them off first. Also, I have to ask: You don't need to Blue Savage, right?”

"No, we won't touch it."

"That's good, keep going, but you can't skip the inspection."

"Why are you suddenly emphasizing this matter?" Zhuang Xuteng, who is always keen on drug-related issues, asked, "Are the number of users of Blue Savage increasing?"

"Yes. There is a new variant on the market called Blue Savage No. 3. It is more effective and addictive faster, but the side effects are much reduced. Many people who cannot find spiritual comfort have begun to use this thing. It will even leave a precipitate in the blood. That thing will affect the effect of anesthesia and make long-term surgery extremely difficult."

"Blue Savage No. 3? I said that thing is very popular on the market. It replaces the previous Blue Savage at the same speed as Blue Savage replaces other drugs - sweeping." Ge Gongdao waved his hand and made a sweeping gesture. . "But I didn't know it had those features."

"You are not from that circle. No one recommends it to you. It's normal for you not to know." Dr. Jian Hei shook his head and said: "There are all kinds of people here, and I will also meet guys who are high. Yes. As a last resort, we had to use blue savages to numb their pain. Even though no anesthesia was used, they could clearly watch their thighs being cut off and still laugh."

Just imagine, that image is horrifying. Zhuang Xuteng clenched his fists hard, controlled his emotions, and then said: "Doctor, Blue Savage No. 3 is very addictive, can it be quit?"

"I don't think it's possible. In terms of medicinal properties, nothing can replace the feeling brought by the Blue Savage. A person must first be able to endure the extreme pain caused by a huge loss before it is possible to exclude the concept of the Blue Savage from the brain. Then we can talk about quitting - the above is the plan given by the medical book."

Dr. Jian Hei sighed and said: "Personally, I think that is all nonsense! I have seen some people who are so confused that they don't know who they are, lose their ability to speak, and can't even drink or eat. You can also remember to use blue savages. People on the street call these people stupid suckers. If these people have no relatives, then they will be killed and their organs taken. If these people still have medical insurance, then They will be sent to me, treated a little, kept as a vegetative state, and then suck the blood from their insurance premiums. Hey, why am I telling you this? Did I get a headache from smoking a cigar?"

Dr. Jian Hei stood up, holding a cigar in his mouth, and asked the staff to take the two of them to the hospital for examination, while he wanted to seize the time to sleep. Although two people take turns performing the surgery, the examination can be done together. Therefore, the two people checked the heart, lungs, blood, nervous system, motor system, etc., and opened a single ward.

"I'm going to buy some food, drink, and magazines. You can only rely on me to take care of you during the operation." Ge Gongdao checked the ward and made sure there was no monitoring equipment before saying: "The location here is okay. There are only two passages on the left and right. It's easier to defend. I'm going to see if I can occupy the next door so that I can have an extra hiding spot."

Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly and said, "Like Lucy?"

"Yes, just like Lucy."

The physical examination results of the two people came out six hours later. They both met the basic requirements for surgery, but still needed some simple adjustments. They first need to empty their stomachs, which means drinking a safe laxative. Some medicines that can improve the body's surgical resilience must also be taken in advance. Along with nutritional supplements, Zhuang Xuteng needs to eat handfuls and drink cans.

"There are still a few things that need to be prepared in advance." Dr. Jian Hei had slept for six hours and seemed much more energetic. He came over with Zhuang Xuteng's medical records and said: "Your neck injection implant must be emptied. The medicine inside is good for combat, but not good for surgery. This means that those medicines will be wasted. You start from the second Was the operation performed in the hospital?”

"How do you know?" Zhuang Xuteng was stunned.

"Hospital surgeries leave signatures, which they won't tell you. Also, corporate implant surgeries leave trackers, and military implants have IFF devices. So the next question is: Do you want Keep IFF?”

"It's meaningless if you don't keep it." Ge Gongdao waved his hand and said: "I heard that soldiers of the constitutional government are unwilling to keep this device, saying that carrying it will increase the possibility of being accidentally killed by friendly forces."

"There is such a statement, but there is no direct evidence to confirm it. OK, I will remove it for you." Dr. Jian Hei recorded it in the medical record, and then asked: "Naike, you have installed a toxin filtering kidney. Surgery. Previously you needed to turn it off, otherwise it would filter out the anesthetic drugs we use. We also have a way to force it off, but that will cost you an extra thousand euros, which is a bit unnecessary."

"I will remember this, thank you for saving me money." Zhuang Xuteng nodded.

"You save money here, but you can earn it back elsewhere." Dr. Jian Hei touched his chin and said: "You have to undergo a whole-body surgery this time, which is a lot of trouble, so why don't you consider installing some other implants? I recommend armor. skin……"

"No, I don't do skin implants, nor do I do neuroenhancement. If possible, I have an idea." Zhuang Xuteng said: "Is there an implant that can prevent me from inhaling drugs like Blue Savage?" ?”

"Uh... This is confusing me. Give me time to think about it." Dr. Jian Hei frowned and thought. After a while, he said: "First of all, you need to install a smell-enhancing implant, medical grade, to help you distinguish Taste, and then strengthen the olfactory warning of the blue crystals. Then your neck injection needs to be changed, and there are two special injections: nerve paralysis and excessive metabolism."

"Nerve paralysis can block all your feelings. There is no happiness or pain. Of course, the body is also numb. Only in this way, the blue wild man will not leave a significant impression on your nervous system. Excessive metabolism is very painful, and it is very painful for you under normal circumstances. Your kidney function will be permanently damaged, but it can indeed excrete various drugs. Fortunately, you have a toxin-filtering kidney attachment, which can withstand the pressure and save your kidneys."

"When processing toxins, your body will be in a state of paralysis, and your brain will not be much better. It will be difficult to issue correct commands to the implant. Therefore, you need a medical assistance module to monitor the body's status and issue correct commands." Command. This thing can cooperate with your driving assistance suit, and the latter provides energy and information channels. However, this thing has hidden dangers."

Dr. Jian Hei said: "Because it can control the implant in your body, some powerful remote controllers can use it to control you, such as activating your forced detoxification to paralyze you. It is best to keep this medical module turned off. Only turn it on when you think you need it. In this case, you must think about the stakes in advance of being controlled by others and being unable to respond to medical treatment in time. If you choose one of them, you cannot have both benefits. "

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