Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 298 Chapter 295 Shameless

Several green and light golden light groups flickered at Morgana's fingertips, leaving elegant light strips in the air as her nimble fingers moved. Morgana swung her hands forward and turned them over, showing her palms, and then two groups of colorful light dust flew out, and they quickly flew towards the two people who were running away.

"Help!" As soon as the fleeing woman shouted, her face was covered in light. Those constantly changing colors penetrated into her eyes, and she immediately felt dizzy. She tripped over her right foot with her left foot and fell to the ground. The man who was escaping was in a similar situation. The light made it difficult for him to see. He stepped into a pit with a missing road brick and knelt down directly facing Zhuang Xuteng.

This is...too simple. Judging from the postures in which the two fell, they looked like ordinary people. They had no training in martial arts or fighting. Although the surrounding street lights were very dim and useless, after the back door of the White Beast armored vehicle was opened, the lights from the vehicle poured out, finally illuminating the surroundings. Under the light, the two people who escaped had fair skin and clean faces. They had neither tattoos nor piercings. They looked like ordinary people. Zhuang Xuteng frowned, becoming more wary of the PCPD behind him.

"Run! Why are you running!" The pursuers behind him panted, and rushed forward and pounced on them, directly pressing the two of them to the ground. The two people below were struggling desperately, and the PCPD on top was pressing them down with his knees, cutting their hands back, and then took out the handcuffs.

"What did the two of them commit?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "Is there any reward for helping the PCPD catch the bad guys?"

"Two thieves are not wanted criminals, how can they get a reward? Hahaha." One of the PCPDs stood up with a smile. He did not pull up the person on the ground, but continued to step on his hands that were being cut behind his back with his feet, keeping them firmly on the ground. "What are you two doing here? This is not a parking lot. Drive away!"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, then pointed at the person on the ground and said, "He looks in pain, and his arm is about to be broken. Hiss, it feels too uncomfortable. How about pulling him up first?"

"Why are you meddling in your own business here? Let's go, let's go!" Another PCPD stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pushed Morgana. Zhuang Xuteng grabbed Morgana's waist, pulled her back, and dodged the palm.

Seeing this, the people on the ground quickly asked Zhuang Xuteng for help. "They extort money from us, they are not good people! We are not thieves, we only..."

"Shut up!" A black leather shoe kicked the man in the mouth, interrupting his cry for help with blood and broken teeth.

Zhuang Xuteng took a deep breath, and Morgana also adjusted her breathing...

About two minutes later, two more people were lying on the ground. Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana took action together. One had super-calculated martial arts, and the other was particularly familiar with PCPD's technical moves, and gained an important first move. The two PCPDs were also holding their hands behind their backs, their wrists were tied with one-way ropes, and their weapons had been removed. Morgana dug in their breast pockets, found two small notebooks with pens between them, and skillfully turned to the last part.

"There is no case record, only some... you collected a lot of money? Come on, let me look for it." Morgana spread her hands and was about to rummage through the two people's belongings in a standard PCPD body search, when Zhuang Xuteng said Pulled.

"Stop touching it, I'll do it." Zhuang Xuteng rummaged around and found a roll of euros in their bag that was supposed to contain simple demolition tools. "Hey, roll it up with a rubber band, gang style! Are you all collecting protection money?"

A PCPD with a bruised nose and face turned sideways, stared at Morgana with squinting eyes, and said viciously: "You two... mark it down for me..."

Zhuang Xuteng knelt down, put on the calm, serious and thoughtful expression he had just learned, then stretched out his finger and waved it in front of the man's eyes, and said: "I am most afraid of being remembered. If you are willing to forget me, Then you can live well. Otherwise..." He shrugged and said, "Lie down on the ground and listen to the sound of the water in the Pei River. You don't want to only hear that sound for the rest of your life, right?"

The implication is that if you have a good memory, you should go to the water to feed the fish.

The expressions of the two PCPDs were still ferocious, but they kept their mouths shut. Zhuang Xuteng

"These two guys are not good people. Look at these things." Morgana pointed to the records in the book and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "Look, here is the house number, here is the date, and here is the amount of money. They are here Working for a gang..."

"It's very likely, but we can't be completely sure." Zhuang Xuteng focused on the Eye of Shadow and found the duty recorder on the PCPD. "Look, it's closed. It seems that the two of them have something going on in their minds. They didn't dare to open it when they were being arrested."

"What do you think we should do?" Morgana tilted her head and looked at Naike with crooked eyes.

"It's very simple, let them go." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the two handcuffed people, then smashed the two duty recorders on the ground, found the storage device from the wreckage, broke it in front of everyone and threw it towards Peihe. He and Morgana found the handcuff keys and released the two.

"Thank you, thank you so much, you saved us." The two people bowed quickly.

"Let's go quickly and forget about us and what happened today. It's good for everyone." Zhuang Xuteng then pulled the two PCPDs up from the ground, let them lean back to back, and then thrust a pair of scissors into one of them's hands.

"Use this to cut the ties of one of them, and then you can get out of trouble." Zhuang Xuteng patted one of them on the cheek and said, "The same thing I want to say to you: It's best to forget about us. I have already remembered it. I’ve got your names and numbers, so don’t let me look for you again, do you understand?”

After saying harsh words, you should run away quickly. Zhuang Xuteng and Morgana jumped into the armored vehicle and quickly disappeared into the night. In the rearview mirror, the two PCPDs had cut the straps on their wrists, climbed up carefully, and checked each other's injuries. They did not cast a fierce or resentful look at the armored vehicle. It seemed that there would be no problems in the follow-up.

"It's hard to explain that the two of them came back with such injuries." Zhuang Xuteng asked while driving: "Morgana, do you have a high chance of meeting them again?"

"I'm not in this area, and my rank is higher than theirs. They don't dare to trouble me." Morgana pulled the seat belt, buckled it with a click, and said, "Don't worry about me. If they want to move I, someone will stop them."

"It sounds like you are very powerful in the PCPD."

"Don't be ridiculous, I have no power. The so-called power is actually those guys in the gray area, just like the two people I saw today. Although they are also from the PCPD, they only have jobs, not professional ethics."

"Are these people going to give you trouble?"

"The PCPD always needs someone to do serious work, and my goal has never been to clean up the interior, but to clean up the blue crystal and drug dealers, so there is no conflict with them. Even if there is a conflict, they avoid me. Nike, you are the only mercenary Will there be a conflict? Will you be killed?"

"I haven't encountered anything like this so far. I guess it's similar to your situation at PCPD: I think it should happen, I hope I won't encounter it, and if I do encounter it, I'll deal with it head-on." Zhuang Xuteng raised and bent his arm, showing Biceps brachii said: "If you can be reasonable, then be reasonable. If you can't be reasonable, then let's have a fight!"

"That's right. Reason first, and if that doesn't work, let's have a fight. No one is afraid of whom!"

"By the way, is the colored light dust you just released a kind of magic? Shadow follower magic?"

"No, that's the witch's dazzling curse. I said I'm a witch, and I'm quite talented in this area." Morgana raised her right hand, her nails constantly changing with bright lights. "Most of the previous witch curses can no longer be used, and the few that can be used occasionally have very poor effects. I combined the curses with the shadow spells to make them work again. The effect is not as good as the original curse, and it can barely Release it.”

"A real witch's dazzling curse can make everyone in a square dizzy and unable to move. In this era, only shadow followers spells or shadow followers can achieve that effect, and witch curses are definitely useless. This is my hobby, right? ! The power of these curses is milder than shock bombs, and they have no side effects, so they are very good to use."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and then said: "Having useful skills is always a good thing, but this unique ability may expose your identity, so you better pay attention. Morgana, where should we go next?"

"It's already very late, I have to go to work tomorrow, take me back!" Morgana was obviously a little disappointed when she said goodbye, but this was not a reason for her to stay outside.

"Please allow me to be naughty and drive slower on the road." Zhuang Xuteng indeed slowed down the car and said, "I have a very naughty question that I want to ask, but you have to promise not to get angry before I tell you."

"I feel a little bit of danger." Morgana covered her mouth and smiled, looking out the window. She probably guessed that Zhuang Xuteng would say something embarrassing, and the shame in her heart made her say: "I don't allow you to ask like that. You'd better send me a message!"

"Okay." Zhuang Xuteng smiled evilly, and Morgana kept staring out the window, not looking at him.

When she got home, Morgana received a text message, the content of which was just one sentence: What is the best way to pursue you?

"It's so bad..." Morgana quickly wrote a nearly 100-word reply, but felt embarrassed and deleted it all after some hesitation. In the end, she just replied with a ":D" emoji.

"Hmph, I have to make you confused!" Morgana hid her victorious smile and put on a cold and serious expression, looking like she had "everything under control". But a moment later, she hurriedly took out her phone to read Zhuang Xuteng's reply, which revealed something, and the reply she got was only a thumbs up.

It seems that nothing has been said, it seems that everything has been said, but if you really want to ask what has been said, everything has been left unsaid. Zhuang Xuteng thought that he should not be in a hurry, and it was best to attack Morgana bit by bit. Currently, he feels that Morgana is a good target, so he needs to continue to understand her. Zhuang Xuteng believes that the most critical point is not Morgana, but himself. He needed to convince himself in a very calm state that he could tell her his true name and identity and let her in.

Likewise, he also needs to get into Morgana's life. It is difficult for a mercenary and a PCPD to become lifelong partners. Only two real people who support and care for each other can.

Zhuang Xuteng couldn't tell whether he should think this way or whether he was thinking too much, but he couldn't learn from Ge Gongdao, right? Brother Dao suddenly fell in love with Prince and then moved in together. This kind of stormy style cannot be learned. At the same time, we cannot be too hasty about this matter. The professional characteristics of the two people determine that they are always walking on the edge of danger. They wait too long. If they die waiting, their life will be wasted.

Happy time is precious because it is short. If you want to achieve long-term happiness, there is still a lot of work to be done. Zhuang Xuteng returned to work and learned information control from "Mr. Fraud" - his teacher made it very clear that he would not tell him his real name or show him his true appearance, and the two of them would not have a close relationship, as long as they had a code name That’s it. Zhuang Xuteng thought of the swindler and called him "Mr. Scam". The man was not angry either.

Zhuang Xuteng confidently showed an unpredictable expression, and he immediately saw the origin. "There's nothing wrong with this expression. You put it on very well and it looks natural. The key to keeping your expression is to maintain it, especially when you hear unexpected news. Your father beat your mother to death..."

Under the control of the resentful spirit, Zhuang Xuteng's expression did not change at all. At the same time, several thoughts went through his mind, first he was shocked, then he suddenly realized, then he was worried about his previous expression, and then he was worried about his previous worries. If it were normal, he would slightly dilate his pupils, slowly close his eyes, frown after opening them, and finally sigh.

"Eh? Not bad, his expression has stabilized. That's good!" Mr. Zha gave Zhuang Xuteng a thumbs up to praise him for the first time, but he did so just to observe his reaction. "Nothing changed when you heard the praise? How did you do that?"

"I didn't do anything and have no idea what you're talking about."

"Well, as long as you control your expression and your brain is fast enough, it will be difficult to be deceived." Mr. Zha said: "You continue to maintain it, I will observe you, look for possible flaws, and explain to you how to observe the other party. Microexpressions."

"I have a question." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Just don't react like me, okay?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's good or not. What you want to ask is whether it's natural to do this. Let me tell you, it's not natural, but it's useful. It's like you're wearing a mask, which is equivalent to saying clearly, 'I don't want you to see my emotions.' Although this It's a little timid, but it doesn't prevent it from being effective. It's enough for defense to do this. The particularly natural and controlled expression you mentioned belongs to the most difficult part of offense: providing false information."

Zhuang Xuteng understood, and he continued to train hard. In addition to expression control and observation, how to dig out the information in the other party's speech and how to control and guide the direction of the topic are all things Zhuang Xuteng needs to learn.

The plan against Viper is in progress, and the current work is focused on a few intelligence officers. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao are on standby. He took advantage of this period of time to study hard, trying to master a little more and gain a little more confidence before taking formal action.

Soon, it was time for him to take action. The intelligence officers have completed the preliminary investigation and setup, and it's time for Bait No. 1 to appear.

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