Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 296 Chapter 293 Dead Face

After briefly recalling the strange things that happened during this period, Zhuang Xuteng quickly identified the "suspect". Before leaving, Boss Qian of Baiqi Grocery Store said that he would give him a gift, and said that only Zhuang Xuteng could store it. The small book encapsulated in red metal turned into sand in his hands, but the contents inside were retained and penetrated into his brain, and then he came to this stone pillar hall.

The Stone Pillar Hall is a place where knowledge is preserved. It is between reality and reality, with one foot in Zhuang Xuteng's mind and the other in the ruins behind the Wall of Sighs in the Shadow Realm. Currently, only those permitted by Zhuang Xuteng and Master Lich can come in, and only those approved by them can view the records on the stone pillars.

"This must be the forbidden knowledge left by Boss Qian." Zhuang Xuteng said to Master Lich: "I am very sure that he is full of anger about the failure of his investment business and having to leave this world, and he must be holding back the idea of ​​revenge. White Flag Grocery Store It seems that this is not allowed... It seems that he must think that the knowledge on this pillar will allow me to achieve my goal of revenge for him."

Master Lich touched the invisible stone pillar again, obviously very interested in the records on it. "A businessman who spans the world must be well-informed, and the things he leaves behind must be very powerful. Unfortunately, only you can see it, and I can't see it at all. This...this shows that the Stone Pillar Hall is not just mine. Yes, you have your share too."

"Just like you taught me spells, I will also teach you the things on this pillar - in fact, I dare not say that I 'taught' you, I should just read it to you. I definitely need your experience and teachings Only in this way can I better understand what's inside. However...these words keep changing and are not stable, so my understanding may not be enough."

"If you feel dazzled, it's not the time to learn. This is the characteristic of the Stone Pillar Hall. You don't have to worry, you can see as much as you can, and you will get used to it slowly, just like the process of learning necromancy. "

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and stroked the pillar like Master Lich, and said: "Currently I only see various texts, and it seems that they are most likely articles. I can only see one or two paragraphs at a time. I You can write them down, understand them, and put them back together like a puzzle. Perhaps this is the most appropriate way to learn.”

The Lich Master shook his head and said: "Other pillars are not like this, but you can try it. What I mean is: you can't learn spells, spells, magic circles and other things in a hurry, but pure articles will not cause danger. , you can learn whatever you want. But you must remain vigilant: if you find that this thing is not a pure article, for example, it may be some kind of encrypted spell, carrying inexplicable power, then you have to stop, stabilize, and be more careful. That’s all.”

"Yes, I remember." Zhuang Xuteng breathed a sigh of relief. It was not because he discovered the unexpected surprise that Boss Qian left for him, but after searching for and rebuilding his body, he now had what Master Lich wanted. Only if this mutual need continues to exist can Zhuang Xuteng feel a little relieved about the relationship between the two. "Hey, you just said that I also have a share in this hall. What does that mean?"

Master Lich waved his hand and pointed at the stone pillars scattered throughout the hall and said: "This hall is equivalent to my brain. My personality and ideas form my current image, and my knowledge and experience change into pillars. This is my world, It is completely under my control. You are special and can come in and out at any time, as if you have the key to the door. But considering that I am now living in your body, your ability to pass freely is understandable. "

"I always thought that after I regained my body and left you, you would no longer be able to enter this hall, but this invisible pillar changed everything." Master Lich said: "Although you can't understand it yet, the meaning on this pillar The thing is your knowledge, and the ownership of the pillar is also yours. Just because of this pillar, you can always come here, and I can't turn you away. There is only one thing I can't figure out now: if we are separated, how will you Come in?"

Zhuang Xuteng spread his hands and said: "I don't even know how we can separate, let alone other things. I can't teleport anyway, and I can't do what Hill Lee or Truth Booker did. Uh, I I have an ominous premonition, maybe I shouldn’t mention it..."

"Tell me, what could be more ominous than me being blown to pieces?"

"Maybe we can't be separated, that's why there is such a pillar? Maybe because of this pillar, we can't be separated?" Zhuang Xuteng said carefully: "It's mainly because Boss Qian talks about fate all day long. , as if you can predict the future.”

Zhuang Xuteng thought that this topic would touch the sensitive nerves of Master Lich, causing him to have violent mood swings, and even slap him out of the stone pillar hall. Unexpectedly, Master Lich just shook his head slightly, his voice remained steady and calm, and said: "I thought it was something. I'm not worried about this at all. The worst case scenario you think is that we are always inseparable, and I will hate this. This state means that you don’t understand my experience and past.”

The Lich Master pointed Zhuang Xuteng's shoulder with his finger and said: "There was a spell accident. I was pressed under a mountain, and my arms were cut off directly from the shoulders, which made me completely unable to cast spells. Because it was a secret research Spell, no one knew my situation. I was pressed under the mountain for four hundred and thirty-seven years, six months and fourteen days, until a heavy rain caused a landslide, and I arched out like a maggot. .”

Zhuang Xuteng blinked. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be trapped under a mountain for more than four hundred years.

"I have enough patience and experience in this area. I can feel that you are afraid of me, but that is not necessary. I need your body and you also need you to serve me. If you fail to give it while you are alive, If I find a suitable resurrected body, then after you die, I will use your body. In fact, there is no problem. Even if you are blown to pieces, as long as you still have a skull with more than 57% integrity, or a section with By holding onto the arm bones of my hand, I can continue to move.”

Zhuang Xuteng swallowed. Although after death, everything is over, and this body is donated to the Lich Master. He doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, but the ending of only half of the head or an arm sounds too miserable. "So... the lowest limit you can accept is: I won't be blown to pieces?"

"Absolutely. You'd better not be blown to pieces in the past two years and let me recover more mana. In another two years, even if you are blown to pieces, I should have enough strength to find the next bender. But I haven't sensed anyone approaching your qualities for the time being." The Lich Master patted Zhuang Xuteng with his bone palm and said, "Don't be suspicious and frightened all day long. I have already thought about all your endings and what I am going to do. Strain has already finished plotting against you, so I won’t continue plotting against you.”

"I... thank you! I suddenly thought of the natural biology book I read before. There was a kind of hermit crab in it. I am probably the kind of shell that was inhabited." Zhuang Xuteng looked up at the sky, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said: " For the first time, my position in life is so real..."

"Stop telling jokes, I'm so amused by you." Master Lich said, "You're pretty good. Just because you're not as good as me doesn't mean you're a broken shell! Although I'm indeed much better than you at your age, I'm already It’s a magic academy…”

"Let's go, goodbye, let's talk later!" Zhuang Xuteng raised two middle fingers towards Master Lich, and then left from the Stone Pillar Hall.

The Lich Master hummed twice and commented, "Interesting boy." It then placed its hand on the invisible 74th stone pillar, hoping to feel a difference. "Oh, it's still absolutely smooth and absolutely invisible... Boss Qian has put so much effort into making such a magical thing. It must be amazing. Other worlds... What are other worlds like? At least they are better than this god-forsaken world. ?”

"General knowledge is just that, magic may not be impossible, but this is different." Master Lich once again recalled Zhuang Xuteng's movements and expressions, and said: "He will not lie to me. The content on the pillar is absolutely pure. Article. Assuming that Boss Qian’s purpose is to take revenge on the world abandoned by God, then the article itself has no power. The experience, knowledge and skills contained in the article are fundamental. But what kind of ideas can be favored by him? By a person who has traveled many times Do people in the world take it seriously?”

"Currently, it seems that spreading such thoughts is taboo, but why does this taboo exist? What are its standards?" Master Lich returned to the throne and fell into thinking for a long time. "What are the taboos on cross-world behavior? If I can figure this out, it might help me figure out the relationship between my hometown and the God-Forsaken Land, and why the destruction and disaster happened."

The Lich Master gradually fell silent, and it would never forget the day when its hometown was destroyed and catastrophic. At that time, he was already one of the most powerful mages on the planet, and he could even remove the "one" modification. It is researching the technology of returning undead to living creatures, including using spells to create a virtual world and revitalizing the undead...

His research direction is very unique, or maverick. Because in that special era, all spellcasters except him basically regarded gods as their research objects. Especially after seeing the gods get rid of the constraints of rules and the group sublimating into an eternal transcendent consciousness, everyone believed that they had found the ultimate goal of magic research. And because he already enjoys a nearly infinite life as a lich and can continue to extend his infinity through the transfer of consciousness, he lacks interest in "transcendent life". In the research direction that the world was concerned about, he "selfishly" only started to help others review the research results, and did not invest even half of his energy.

That day was the important day when he completed the design of the "Iterative World" spell, and he was in a great mood. This super ritual spell with up to 45 layers should be able to help him create a temporary living world, thereby becoming an energy supply source to provide support for transforming the dead into living creatures. There are both the infinite life and various resistance capabilities of the undead, and the rich emotions and accompanying imagination of living creatures. The Lich Master believes that the combination of the two is the ultimate pursuit of a spellcaster, and he...

"Finally we can start experimenting." The Lich Master imagined the scene where his spell was formed, overdrawing the joy of the future. This would also help control emotional fluctuations. At this moment, he suddenly felt uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong, and it was a big problem.

He put down what he was holding and walked out of the laboratory. His students, his students' students, and his children who knew how many generations later saluted him. Normally, he would feel passion, admiration, trust and closeness, but that day, he only felt palpitations.

It was a sunny day outside, cloudless. This kind of weather is most suitable for an outing to feel the fragrance of flowers, the chirping of birds and the gurgling water. The Lich Master doesn't like that kind of activity. He always scares the birds away and keeps the fish away. But this time, it was not him that caused the birds to fly away, but a black cloud from the end of the world.

"No!" Master Lich raised his hands, activated the protective circle around his residence with his own feeling, and directly raised it to its strongest state. Just when everyone looked at the protective barriers raised around them and looked at each other in confusion, it suddenly became dark.

The Cataclysm of Destruction swept across the world at nearly the speed of light. Not only the planet where the Lich Master was located, but also their sun went out in thirty minutes. The Lich Master watched helplessly as his hometown turned into a place shrouded in darkness, and boundless silence occupied everything.

His barrier was crumbling, shrinking under the intense pressure. The Lich Master struggled to support himself while studying how to deal with it. He noticed that necromancy was less affected and the protective effect was the most obvious. After he lost two-fifths of the protective area, he finally completed the transformation of the barrier and stabilized it.

Little do you know that this is just the beginning of its nightmare...

I don’t want to suffer any more - Master Lich sighed and pulled away from the memories. It gently taps the shoulders on both sides, where there are not only the old wounds of being crushed by the mountain, but also the tremendous pressure to maintain the feeling of barrier. These profound memories will never turn into stone pillars. They will only condense and form his body together with his obsession with magic and those more unforgettable emotions. Its body is covered with scars, and all the joy and happiness it once had has become fertilizer for pain, and the pain makes it still alive today.

"Zhuang Xuteng, don't let me down..." Master Lich murmured: "I really hope I can fight side by side with you in the future and realize my ideals."

The Lich Master's statement could not reach Zhuang Xuteng's ears, and the isolation between the two of them had become increasingly tight. Zhuang Xuteng felt that this was good, especially since the Lich Master couldn't spy on him, which allowed him to regain his right to privacy.

It's not that Zhuang Xuteng had any conspiracy against the Lich Master, he was just shy and didn't want the Lich Master to see the content of his dinner date with Morgana. The two of them had not seen each other for a while, and they both thought that they should get together. Even if they did get together, they would just have a meal, chat, or at most take a walk or drive, and there was nothing more "substantial" (Gogong Taoist language) progress. The two of them have a tacit understanding. As long as the other person is not in a hurry, they are not in a hurry and enjoy the moment with concentration.

"I recently thought of a trick to control my expression." Zhuang Xuteng pulled Morgana and asked her to try her skills from the perspective of PCPD. "You are a detective now, so you should be able to tell lies, right?"

"I'm not skilled yet, but I can give it a try." Morgana relied on her previous credits and the convenience of being able to go to any department she wanted, so she was transferred from the patrol officer to the criminal investigation department and became a captain detective. "I'm going to give you a question. You have to say the weather forecast verbally, and at the same time you have to scold me in your heart - don't let me see it. Hey, why are you putting on such a dead face?"

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