Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 235 Chapter 232 Locating Bane

Bain was hiding in the "valley" formed by the containers, with the XAST1 box next to him. Since he contacted the "friends" of the Blood Bat Gang about the transaction, he came to the transaction location and stayed there. The location he chose was not something Zhuang Xuteng could find just by looking at it from the roof. Only when he went to the ground and searched carefully could he find the half-collapsed container, and the missing part was supported by other surrounding containers, forming a shelter. Place.

Here he hid, rested to regain his strength, and thought to calm himself. He judged XAST1 to be a very valuable item, especially to the Blood Bat Gang. He believed that the Blood Bat Gang was willing to pay a large price to buy him back, and he also made tricks in the box to ensure that the Blood Bat Gang could not do anything to him.

A figure just passed by at such a fast speed that Bain couldn't see it clearly. He regarded the figures as gangsters from the Blood Bat Gang, guessing that they were setting up sentries to clear out danger for important gang figures who were present today. His location is very hidden. For the guy who was moving at high speed just now, the shadows here will flash past, making it difficult to attract his attention. Bane thought he was well hidden and that he would make a grand and mysterious appearance soon.

If you only rely on sight, hearing and smell, Bain's shelter is indeed difficult to find, but Zhuang Xuteng also has the Eye of Shadow. Just as he was rushing to the observation point, the supercomputer super cache·Four Flashes gave him a strong and short-lived shadow energy signal, as if there was a "dong" knock on his skull. Zhuang Xuteng immediately became alert, immediately adjusted his body posture and direction of movement, drew an arc and climbed onto the stack of containers. Relying on the "touch force" skill of super-calculated martial arts, he wandered between the containers like a gecko, circling back to the location where the strong signal had just been. During this period, he could still have his hands free to tap the signal for Ge Gongdao.

Metal objects can attenuate shadow energy signals, with lead having the best effect. If the container door is closed and there are so many containers on the dock, the signal of the XAST1 object can be completely blocked. However, Bain needed to observe the external situation, so he left an open channel, which allowed Zhuang Xuteng to discover the leaked signal.

Zhuang Xuteng sneaked over carefully, his movements as light as a cat. After learning the "touch force" technique, he was able to accurately distribute the weight of his body evenly, move his center of gravity coherently and smoothly, and greatly reduce the noise caused by collision and friction. In addition to his hands and feet, he also lowered his knees so that when he lifted one leg, the other leg still had two supporting points: the toes and knees. This posture of his comes from the meat bag, which is what the snow leopard does when it lowers its body and sneaks around. However, he uses his forelimbs, while Zhuang Xuteng uses his hind legs.

There is no essential difference between the front legs and the back legs in terms of physics. Zhuang Xuteng held his breath and approached patiently, successfully getting around to the back of the shelter where Bain was. He noticed the trip wire traps on the ground, as well as a few empty jars and broken glass seemingly placed randomly, but they were actually used as warnings - but these could not affect him. To avoid trip wires, choose to step on or press other obstacles to move forward. Zhuang Xuteng can also ensure that they receive even force and will not deform, shift or break.

He saw Bane, with his back to him and the XAST1 box at his hand. Zhuang Xuteng leaned over, put his index and middle fingers together, and pressed them between Bain's neck and the back of his head, which is where the brainstem is.

"Don't move if you don't want to die." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Are you Bain?"

Bain's skin was sweating, his right hand was moving slowly, and the muscles of his arm affected his shoulders, causing changes in the skin of his neck. Zhuang Xuteng felt this. "Stop your right hand and stop rubbing your left foot. Before you push forward, I will smash your brainstem. This is the last warning. Except for speaking, any other action means your death."

"Kill me, and the box will explode. I installed a safety device." Bain said, "You Bloodbats can help you pay, so don't even think about it for free."

"Listen, I'm not from the Blood Bat Gang." Zhuang Xuteng said: "You replaced the mercenaries to accept the commissioned task and took away extra things. Now you have been targeted, which is extremely detrimental to you. I have been tasked to take The thing returns to its original owner, and your best choice is to give up this hot thing and save your own life."

"Mercenary kills without blinking an eye, you..."

"I'm not a professional killer. I just need to complete the commission safely." Zhuang Xuteng pressed his fingers a little harder and said at the same time: "Beck and Becky are not dead. They have food, drink and a place to sleep. If you are honest, I will also let you go. The fact that you pretended to be a mercenary to disrupt the industry is not up to me. I can pretend that I don’t know what you look like.”

"So, I still want to thank you?"

"Your life is in my hands, do you still care about suffering a loss in terms of etiquette?" Zhuang Xuteng scanned Bain with the Eyes of Shadow, trying to find the thing that said "the box will explode as soon as he dies." He found several skin implants and several imaging slave signals, but couldn't tell which one was the key.

"The Blood Bat Gang is willing to pay 800,000 euros to buy the box. If you nod and let me go, you can take half of it." Bain said: "The commission to recover the items can't make so much money, right? It's enough to make up for your losses. , and you can earn another sum of money. By the way, you can sell the whereabouts of the box to its original owner, and this information can also earn you another sum of money."

"Not interested at all." Zhuang Xuteng gathered the energy from the shadow to his fingertips, ready to go, and said at the same time: "Last chance: deactivate the so-called bomb, hand over the box, you still have a chance to leave safely."

"There is a living human head in the box. It is an important figure in the Blood Bat Gang. They will definitely buy it back and install an implant in his body. The things inside are very fragile. The Blood Bat Gang does not dare to make mistakes. They No matter how many people come, I can still complete the deal. In the same way, you can't kill me because..."

Zhuang Xuteng sighed, then raised his left hand and slashed hard, hitting the back of Bain's neck hard. There was a pop, something broke, and Bain's body went limp, falling down like mud. Zhuang Xuteng grabbed his clothes to prevent him from kowtowing and landing hard, and then rang the container like a bell.

"I...what's wrong..." Bain said tremblingly.

"The neck bone is broken, the nerves are compressed, and the nerves are temporarily paralyzed. I have a good grasp of my strength. If I send you to the hospital early, you can still be cured. But if it takes too long, you will definitely be paralyzed for life, and you will be unable to move below the neck. I can’t control my bowels either. Oh, don’t get too excited. Don’t dislike yourself when you smell the stench of urine and feces later.”

"how dare you……"

"Yes, how dare you waste your opportunity." Zhuang Xuteng pulled out a piece of cloth, tied Bain's mouth, and then began to fumble around his body, taking out the shadow slaves one by one. When he turned to his chest, Zhuang Xuteng noticed that there were fresh wounds on the skin there, and a wire was connected to a metal box the size of a finger.

"Pacemaker? Oh, if your heart stops beating, it will send out a signal to activate the explosive?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "Of course there is another possibility. As long as your heart beats, it will send out a signal not to explode. , so as soon as you die, the bomb will detonate. Judging from your confident look, I guess it is the latter type."

"Woo... ow..." Bain was speechless and could only cry.

"Just wait for my partner to come and take you and this box away together." Zhuang Xuteng patted Bain's face and said, "I'll give you another choice: Either I hand you and the box to the owner and let him go. Worry about how to defuse the bomb, or you can seize the last chance and defuse the bomb for me, and I'll just take the box over. Now I'll unblock your mouth, your choice."

The cloth was loosened enough for Bane to speak. Under the current circumstances, he finally softened and said: "The signal will stop when the heart stops beating. The bomb is inside the box, taped to it. Just open the box, remove it and throw it away. Send me to the hospital, send me to the hospital." Hospital……"

"Are you done? Nothing to add?" Zhuang Xuteng heard the affirmative reply, put the gag strip back on, and then began to inspect the XAST1 cabinet. This is a silver-white metal box, 50 centimeters square, neither too small nor too big. Based on the feel, Zhuang Xuteng can be sure that this is a completely sealed box, at least it was designed and manufactured to be fully enclosed. Therefore, any problem that does not qualify as "fully closed" must be related to Bain.

His idea is simple: since a continuous signal can ensure that the bomb does not explode, and the bomb is inside a metal box, in order to ensure that the bomb can receive the signal, there should be a receiving device inside and outside the box. Following this idea, Zhuang Xuteng groped along the sealing line of the box and found a thin metal wire connected to a thumbtack-shaped object. The metal wire is held down by the mouth of the box and connected to the inside.

This is probably the signal receiver and connecting cable. Zhuang Xuteng put his finger on it, and then moved it away. He was not sure whether he could accurately control the shadow energy that only absorbed the bomb series. After thinking briefly for a moment, he opened the box with the gentlest movements, only a slit less than the thickness of a coin was revealed, and then he poked the wraith servant in.

The Lich Master's super cache martial arts allowed Zhuang Xuteng to connect his own senses with the Wraith Servant, forming a skin-like effect to increase his tactile perception in disguise.

When the servant of the resentful spirit enters, the effect is similar to extending his hand. Zhuang Xuteng can extend his "touching power" ability. Although it is far inferior to touching it with real hands, under the influence of super computer and four flashes, it is at least more sensitive than ordinary people's touch.

"Thin wires, cylindrical metal pipes, and's really stuck with tape. It's too crude." Zhuang Xuteng complained in his heart. He was already roughly sure that Bain chose to save himself at the last moment and finally told the truth. Then, he groped around from the bomb tape in case there were other traps. As he groped, he felt a human face.

A human head, really a human head. Zhuang Xuteng was surprised. Is the current technology so advanced that a person's head can be separated from the body and still survive? Phew...what research is the company conducting? If it is possible to change heads, then as long as there is no problem with the brain, can we continue to change bodies and survive? But think about it on the other hand, if the whole person except the head is a shadow slave, then the side effects will be terrible? Although the body can be replaced and problems are not a problem, how to solve the mental side effects?

Hey, I’m not studying this, why should I worry about the company? Zhuang Xuteng slowly opened the box without touching the second suspicious item. He prepares to remove the tape from the bomb and throw it away entirely so that the box can be returned to its owner and Bane is rushed to the hospital. But just after opening the box, he froze, his eyes staring straight into it, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

The human head had the face of an otter.

For the first time in his life, Zhuang Xuteng couldn't believe his graphic memory. He forced himself to close his eyes, think about it carefully, and then open it again. The head in front of him still had the face of an otter, the only difference was that the head was shaved, the eyes were closed, the face was ashen, and the whole head was smaller.

At this time, Zhuang Xuteng felt that his mouth was dry and his ears were buzzing, which then turned into a sharp scream. He opened his mouth wide, equalizing the pressure in his ears to eliminate the tinnitus, and tried to control his emotions, slowly letting his reason regain the initiative. At this time, he could move his hands, slowly tear off the bomb, and throw it to Bain - during the whole process, his eyes never left the otter's head.

He should be dead. There is only one head left, and they are dead. But in the sight of the Eye of Shadow, the entire energy of the Shadow Servant in the box was continuously input into his head and concentrated into his brain, and this energy would fluctuate in intensity as it passed through the brain, as if there was still thinking there.

Zhuang Xuteng sat on the ground, patted his head with both hands, and told himself that he must cheer up at this time. He was finally able to look away from his head, and then he saw other equipment inside the box. Based on the buttons on it, the box keeps the head "alive" and allows him to communicate. The human head can hear sounds and his thoughts can be projected onto the display screen. With the addition of external devices, it can restore vision and even speak.

How did the otter become the human head in the box? Zhuang Xuteng's fingers were in the air, resting on the "Start Communication" button, and he hesitated for a while before pressing it. At this time, a powerful shadow energy was generated from inside the box and poured into the head like a torrent. The otter's face was trembling, his expression was ferocious and twisted, and his eyelids were beating, but he just couldn't open them.

A line of words appeared on the screen: What's going on?

After these two words, there is a three-minute countdown.

"Otter, how did you become like this? Are you still alive?"

Zhuang Xuteng approached the microphone, his voice trembled involuntarily, and he managed to say these words. Immediately afterwards, the answer appeared on the screen: "I don't know. And, I don't know."

"Otter, I am..." Zhuang Xuteng wanted to say Naike, but he hesitated. This is the company's equipment. There may be recording instruments inside, and every word he speaks may leave traces. Even if you don't hand it over, who can guarantee that what you say now will not be transmitted?

Keeping the otter's head... it wouldn't save him, so what's the point? The current conversation has a three-minute countdown. What is the countdown for the entire box and the otter's head? If Zhuang Xuteng had a way to find a body for the otter and bring him back to life, he might try it, but in this situation, he had very few options.

"What do you need?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Death, certain death. (Ignore this answer, it is not instructive. For specific explanation, please refer to the 77th test summary of XA00 project.)"

Project XA00, the box is called XAST1, isn’t this ST an otter? The more Zhuang Xuteng thought about it, the more chilled he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt at a loss. At this moment, Ge Gongdao’s plain language call came from the earphone:

"Support! The fight is about to begin!"

I had something to do while driving out of the city today, so I didn’t write much, sorry...

/me slipped away quickly.

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