Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 204 Chapter 202 Three and a Half Flashes

Drink a beer, light a cigar, and wait for the implanted kidney to complete its detoxification work. Zhuang Xuteng used such a ceremony to bid farewell to the past - as for what exactly he said goodbye to, he himself couldn't tell clearly. It was always hazy and vague, but now we say goodbye in a confused way, it can be regarded as a good match.

There are some things that you don’t have to think about if you don’t understand them, and there are some things that you must understand, and that is the enemy. The only company that can mass-produce purple-skinned people is the company. Although I don’t know which company it is, it is inseparable from the four major groups. The purple-skinned man's fighting ability completely overwhelms ordinary people. Without his help, a person with rich combat experience like Doyle would be killed by the purple-skinned man. This is already telling.

Purple men can completely replace soldiers in corporate warfare, not to mention PCPD or riot squads. So far, there is no news of the Purple Man entering the army or conducting experiments, so it cannot be developed by the army. Only companies that treat trade secrets as golden rules all day long will use purple men to control criminal groups.

"The company is selling drugs..." Zhuang Xuteng thought about this problem and always felt that something was not right. Are the benefits of drug trafficking attractive to companies? Is it necessary to use a purple man?

Behind every gang is a company, and it's an open secret among mercenaries. For example, the Blood Bat Gang in Peicheng, its main financial backer is the Scarlet Group. It never harasses the employees and properties of the Scarlet Group, and will take the initiative to resolve some "trouble" encountered by the Scarlet Group.

The four major conglomerates never come forward directly. They use complex ownership structures, hand companies, agents and various profit channels to cover up their connections with gangs. This kind of thing has been going on for many years and has long been stable. Gangs carry out criminal activities, including drug trafficking, and companies must know and be able to manage them.

On the surface, the company resolutely resists drugs, publicizes its harm, especially the harm to people's minds, and claims that "its continued harm will seriously affect the company's major business of acquiring talents and earning profits." This reason seems to be very valid, and because they always appear in the news to reward brave police officers, many people will be blinded and ignore the connection between gangs and companies.

This publicity is beneficial to the company, so its employees are not directly involved in gang operations. Did gangs stop engaging in criminal activities at that time? of course not! Blue Savage is a new type of drug, but weren’t all kinds of drugs previously sold in Peicheng through gang channels?

"It worked very well before, why are we sending the purple men now?"

Zhuang Xuteng imagined several possibilities. First, he ruled out that the gang was disobedient and needed to be suppressed by force. Generally, this kind of thing can be done by the PCPD or the riot squad. The company secretly provides information and puts some pressure on the police through the news media, and this matter is done. Considering the cost, since we have already provided sponsorship to PCPD, why should we spend extra money?

The purple-skinned man also has costs. It is covered with shadow implants all over its body. Isn't that money? Zhuang Xuteng thought about it and could only come to one conclusion: Spirit Leaf products, or specifically the current Blue Savage, are very important to the company.

"It's still a drug. It harms people and makes money at the same time. What's the difference?"

Zhuang Xuteng couldn't understand, but he felt that Morgana might be able to find the reason. She has a chemical analysis laboratory and church channels. Whether from science or theology, she can be closer to the truth than Zhuang Xuteng. Well, this matter started because of her, and it eventually happened to her.

At the same time, Zhuang Xuteng felt that he still needed to get some information from Lucy. The most critical point was: did the purple-skinned man appear elsewhere and take care of things other than the blue savage? If not, it can prove the importance of the Blue Savage to the company from the side.

Having determined that the company attaches great importance to Lan Yeren, is it important to one company or to all companies? Judging from the behavioral patterns of Peicheng gangs, they often fight for territory, but wars between drug traffickers rarely occur. You must know that behind different gangs are different companies. If others have more money, you have less money. This area where the battle should be fought has been very quiet, which shows that the company has established a tacit understanding, divided up the good interests, and only wants to maintain stability.

If Blue Savage belonged to one of these companies, judging from its momentum of sweeping other similar products, either a fight would have started long ago, or a new tacit understanding would have been formed long ago. This information is important, because as long as it is a market where bulls compete, you can try to stir up the situation and make them fight. If they are already in a group, who can shake the interests of the company?

"It can't be just for money, there must be something more important than money." Zhuang Xuteng thought of this, but there was no evidence to support it yet. "Morgana must be reminded to be more careful. With her current level, she is no match for the purple-skinned man on her own."

If Morgana can't beat her, can she definitely beat her? Putting aside the complications of shooting at each other and throwing grenades, in terms of one-on-one close combat, Zhuang Xuteng is currently slightly worse than the purple-skinned man. He needs to add a Dao brother to achieve a stable victory. However, Zhuang Xuteng has found the gap and a way to eliminate it, that is: the four flashes of the Shadow Eye.

"It should be must be possible!" Zhuang Xuteng stood up, put ten euros of drink money under the beer glass, signaled to the bartender and hurriedly got in the car. He wanted to complete the reconnaissance of target location No. 4 as soon as possible, call Morgana and Lucy, and then go try the Shadow Eye·Four Flashes.

Site No. 4 itself is still unremarkable. Apart from being very close to the smoking rest area, there is nothing suspicious about it. Zhuang Xuteng called Morgana, who said, "On mission, we'll talk about it later." So he asked Lucy about the purple-skinned people. Lucy said that it was the first time she had heard of such a thing, and she could only reply to him after asking around.

"If you come back when everything is fine over there, there will be something you need to do soon. Huh? You want two days of rest? Okay, no problem, we agreed for two days, and I will arrange it for Brother Dao. "

Lucy mentioned by the way the reason why she wanted him to go back, which was nothing more than the fact that there was progress in framing the Gardener Organization to the gangs, and the location of the foreign middlemen and mercenaries in Peicheng was also known, so they could work together. Although this time it is not a middleman war, the scale will only be larger.

The PCPD did not believe the answers given by the middlemen at all, but they were willing to cooperate and compile a convincing result for the investigation of the Gardener Organization. They don't want to be the middlemen's thugs at all. They only agree to beat the drum and build momentum, and then collect the credit after the mercenaries complete the operation.

But what will happen then depends on the methods of all parties.

Zhuang Xuteng doesn't need to worry about Lucy, he only needs to worry about whether his fighting ability can continue to improve. He returned home as quickly as possible, first rubbed the meat bag that he had rushed to him with enthusiasm, replaced it with new food and water, briefly tidied up the room, and then began to think about the Eye of Shadow: Four Flashes.

Master Famine Stranger's four flashes are based on touch, which requires strong nerve induction on the surface of the skin to support it. It does not mean that it can be performed with touch. There is a key to quantitative accumulation leading to qualitative change.

Zhuang Xuteng's Shadow Eye does have omnidirectional perception capabilities, but the signal it can provide is too fuzzy and weak, inferior to hearing. If hearing is not enough to support four flashes, then the Eyes of Shadow cannot meet the needs of four flashes from the "quantitative" level. But Zhuang Xuteng also has another ability, and that is his powerful graphic memory. He only needs to take a few glances and the surrounding environment will be imprinted in his mind. Even if he closes his eyes, he can still restore the scene with his memory and move freely in it.

If we combine the "dynamic changes" captured by the Shadow Eyes with the "static basis" formed by memory, will the amount of information be enough? If that's not enough, can we add enhanced hearing aids and use all the senses except touch, smell and taste to meet the requirements of the four flashes?

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, then tried it statically, and found that he couldn't feel it at all. Master is right, this thing can only be understood from constant battles, or experienced during battles. Brother Dao is still on a mission, and Zhuang Xuteng wants to practice now, so he can only ask Roubao.

Tie the TV remote control to the meat bag with tape, and it will have a weak video signal. Zhuang Xuteng then blindfolded himself and played with the cat stick and meat buns, using its irregular movements to train his perception.

He had previously measured that the suddenness of the snow leopard's movements required two flashes to stabilize the response, so when he was able to keep the cat teaser while blindfolded, he knew that relying on the information provided by the Shadow Eye, he could also maintain the two flashes. . It wasn't too difficult and he did it in about half a day.

Next, in addition to blindfolding his eyes, Zhuang Xuteng also had to plug his ears, plug his nostrils, and put on thick winter clothes to cover his skin, leaving only the graphic memory of the house and the eyes of the shadow as much as possible. Three hours later, he was able to juggle meat buns perfectly again.

Two flashes are not enough, three or even four flashes are necessary. Zhuang Xuteng continued to practice. When Roubao got tired, he used boxing balls, spring ropes, and pendulums. In short, he made the scene as complex as possible and the movements as varied as possible.

The master has said that the sign of the Four Flashes is the ability to feel the continuous changes in power. The first three flashes can only determine the explosion point, explosion direction and explosion speed. After that, they are all predicted based on the initial conditions. Every time the opponent makes a change, it will be recalculated with shorter time and faster reaction.

Above four flashes, calculations are required to be running all the time, which requires continuous feeling and continuous reaction. In the beginning, only the amount of information provided by touch can satisfy the requirement of "continuance". Only after seven flashes does the brain become proficient enough to allow hearing and vision to keep up with the requirements.

Zhuang Xuteng made a stew - the eyes of the shadow are the main course, hearing, vision and memory are the side dishes, and the touch of the skin is the condiment. With such an almost messy thing, he actually touched the threshold of four flashes.

Even with his eyes closed, he can create a trajectory of shadow energy in his brain. It's unclear whether it's clear or not, but the response is fast enough. He closed his eyes, blocked his ears, stopped amplifying his hearing, and hit the boxing ball with all his strength. He was able to continue to follow up without making any mistakes, until the shadow follower attached to the other side of the boxing ball was shattered by him.

This is almost like a quadruple flash, but it only works against shadow followers. Zhuang Xuteng felt that he couldn't be happy too early and had to give Ge Gongdao a try.

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