Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 183 Chapter 181 It’s better to steal than to rob

The explosion and collapse of Peicheng TV station made the whole city immersed in sadness. Although this sadness is far less than the daily pain of not having enough to eat, not wearing warm clothes, being bullied by gangs, and being exploited by companies, although the commercial value of this sadness has never been No one mentioned it, even though pain and happiness can be used to anesthetize people's hearts... Despite many things, it is still the most important emotion in Peicheng at the moment.

Many entertainment activities were temporarily suspended because of it, which did not include gambling, prostitution, nightclubs and other gang-run projects, but certainly included various projects in Peicheng Film and Television City. Movies and TV shows that were supposed to be filmed here had to be suspended, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the TV colleagues, and this accusation would destroy those people's career prospects.

If it weren't for his career future, Zhuang Xuteng wouldn't want to come here.

In a bar with an empty exterior and no water pipes inside, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao sat quietly. They pretended to be extras who came here to look for work. After being dragged in to do cleaning work for a long time, they stayed here with nothing to do but 20 euro bills in their pockets. They sat under the long bar, their heads resting on the empty wine cabinets, and their legs stretched out in a relaxed posture. And diagonally across from the bar - they could see it directly from the glass window - the building with "Bank" written on the outside and inside actually the office of "Thunder Picture Company" was their target this time.

"They don't get off work for another hour, and this is not a good job, Brother Dao." Zhuang Xuteng took out the titanium alloy flask, took a sip of Legion juice, and handed it to Brother Dao.

Ge Gongdao waved his hand to indicate that he was not thirsty. "You have said it many times, and I know you think this is not a good job. It's just..." Brother Dao stretched his waist and said, "There is no way it could be a good job."

"This company insured its own real estate project. The TV station collapsed and destroyed their house. According to the contract, they should pay compensation. Aiye Insurance just wants to default on the bill. There is no other explanation. If this happens to us, we can get it The compensation contract has been stolen, can you be happy?"

"It's hard for me to answer this question, because I don't have that much money to buy insurance, let alone real estate." Brother Dao shrugged and said, "A 50 million euro insurance policy... you would invest so much in your own things." Big amount of insurance?”

Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and shook his head: "I will find ways to buy implants to strengthen myself, so that I can feel safe."

"Indeed, you are someone who would do that. I might buy myself a big truck that I can use as my home, and drive it to see other places in the world." Brother Dao shook his head and said, "Look, it's still normal on the other side. What does it mean to go to work?"

"The loss of the real estate project has not bankrupted them for the time being, nor has it affected their daily operations. If the entertainment industry had not been suspended due to the city's mourning, they would still have three projects to film."

"You think a lot..." Brother Dao chuckled and said, "What I want to say is: they are operating normally, don't they want to hire some excellent security guards?"

Zhuang Xuteng frowned, raised his hand and patted his cheek, and said: "Just thinking about the moral aspect has reduced my professionalism. I should concentrate on the current task and think of these earlier..."

Brother Dao smiled and said: "It's normal for you to have these thoughts. As time goes by, you will gradually understand the truth: except the poor, no one deserves to be pitied, including ourselves."

"Will being a mercenary cause such serious mental illness?" Zhuang Xuteng smiled and disagreed.

"Absolutely." Brother Dao shrugged his shoulders and responded with a smile. He then pointed to the building opposite the window and said, "Should we wait until dark as originally planned?"

"The original plan was like that, but after we came in, I observed the operation here and thought that it would be easy to steal after dark, but it would be difficult to leave. There are too many cameras here, and leaving in the middle of the night would be too conspicuous. So I thought they had just gotten off work. Let’s just do it and go out with the people who left later, like we just finished working overtime.”

"Then still use a mosaic hood?"

"Yes, this part remains unchanged." Zhuang Xuteng touched his pocket and said: "This disposable gadget for opening the safe costs 3,000 euros each. If you can, save it. I am thinking about the feasibility of direct robbery."

"From stealing to robbing? That's a big gap for you. I should let you continue to think about moral issues instead of how to commit crimes."

"So we are committing a crime!"

"To be precise, we are working for criminals. Just like the gang leader asked you to make him a poisonous cake and gave you money..."

"Brother Dao, it's too far off topic. Let me focus on thinking about how to act." Zhuang Xuteng put his hands on his chin and thought about it quietly. About half an hour later, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly said: "Brother Dao, let's take action!"

"What? Action? How to act?"

"Let's grab it openly." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Let's go directly to that person and ask for the contract. Tell him the facts and reason, and he will give it to us."

"Then...then what do I need to do?"

"You do whatever I ask you to do. I'll talk to that person." Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his face, then stood up and stretched his muscles. "First of all, change your clothes. No need to pretend to be a staff member, just go in with a full set of tactical equipment."

"I still don't understand a little bit, but it feels quite fun." Brother Dao stood up and punched and kicked a few times in a three-dodge state to warm up his body. The two people left the "bar" and headed straight towards the "bank".

After opening the door, Zhuang Xuteng smiled at the beautiful woman at the door and said first, "We have made an appointment. I know where it is. Just go up by yourself. You look so beautiful today, keep up the good work!"

The two people didn't slow down at all and walked straight past the front desk, leaving the front desk with a confused expression. She received three important messages: "I have an appointment, I know the location without any guidance, and I'm very beautiful." Her thread was filled up all of a sudden, and she didn't know which one to deal with first. As a result, she watched Zhuang Xuteng and the others swaggering in and stepping out. Go up the steps to the second floor.

The layout of the building and the location of the office are not confidential information. People come and go, and who knows? Zhuang Xuteng smiled all the way and said hello to people from time to time. A few nods and knowing smiles made him seem friendly and familiar. Everyone who sees him will probably have the same thought: This person looks so familiar. When did you last see him?

Lucy's vision is unmistakable. Zhuang Xuteng's appearance and temperament are very suitable for sneaking in disguise. He has great relatability and the ability to be forgotten.

After knocking twice on the general manager's door, Zhuang Xuteng grabbed the door handle, smashed the lock with a strong force, pushed the door open and walked in. The general manager of Baolei Film and Television Company is a chubby middle-aged man with short, curly hair. His name is Baobo X. Dick, and there is a word in the middle of his name that is easily blocked. These are not important. Zhuang Xuteng only regards him as the mission target, which can reduce his psychological burden.

"Keep smiling, we are robbing." Zhuang Xuteng kept smiling and motioned for Ge Gongdao to stand at the door, then pulled up a chair and sat down. "You have a coffee machine on the first floor. We want two cups of sweet coffee with double the sugar and milk. Let's bring it up now."

Zhuang Xuteng said while holding a gun on his left glove. He put his hands on his legs and aimed across the table at Mr. Dick. "You will have plenty of time to think about who we are or how to get revenge on us in the future, but now your focus should be on how to get that sufficient time - the simplest and most direct way is to do as we say."

"What do you want?" Dick frowned, put his hands on the table, tensed his shoulders, and gritted his teeth.

"First, two cups of coffee. If you don't agree, I'll give you a shot. There's no guarantee that it can avoid vital points. The ghost energy bullet will turn on its own. You know this, right?" Zhuang Xuteng glanced at the phone on his desk and said : "The front desk internal number is 123, your office is 233, don't press the wrong number."

"You know very well!" Dick picked up the phone and asked his secretary to bring two cups of coffee.

It says so on the recruitment flyer! There are three phone numbers left in total. The first few are the same, but the last numbers are different. They are most likely the company's serial numbers. Then, the buttons on the phone in front of Dick were the most worn at the two numbers 23, but the first few identical digits of the company's phone number were intact. Zhuang Xuteng could confirm that there was an internal line system here.

When the coffee was delivered, Zhuang Xuteng smiled and expressed his gratitude. At the same time, he opened his shadow eyes and observed Mr. Dick and the surrounding furnishings. After the secretary who was twisting his butt left, Zhuang Xuteng put down his coffee and said: "We are here for an insurance policy. You bought it from Aiye Insurance Company, about the real estate project at No. In the obvious safe on the wall behind you, or in the hidden safe behind the landscape in the other corner. I want to save you some trouble, so can you bring it to me?"

"How much did the insurance company pay you? I'll pay three times."

"Three times zero is still zero." Zhuang Xuteng said with a smile: "This is not a matter of money, but favors, and favors are priceless. I have no other choice, and you should stop insulting me with money. Don't worry, I know you It’s also a good intention, I understand it, let’s be more professional and talk about the matter at hand.”

"The insurance policy's compensation amount is 50 million euros, a lot of money."

"Well, I heard that, so much money makes me very excited, but it won't let me take action. Have you ever heard of asking for money rather than life? I hope you don't make that mistake." Zhuang Xuteng has always been calm, not He said calmly: "Two safes will not hold only one document. If you give it to me, I will leave. If you don't give it to me, the guy at the door is here to carry the safe, and he will Take both safes with you. I will open them slowly. Assuming the documents are not in these two safes, it’s okay. I will come back to you."

Zhuang Xuteng put the 3,000-euro gadget that could blow up the safe on the table and said, "This is an explosive device, used to... bang! I really don't know if he is strong enough to pull out the safe from the wall. We still have to fight." I bet fifty euros. If he fails, I’ll use this thing.”

"So it's a simple matter, either you lose an insurance policy or you lose more."

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